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Make boons account-wide



  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User

    marnival said:

    The grind here is not that bad.

    In DCUO the main thing you go after is feats; feats give you skill point and skill points give you stats. In that game when I left groups wanted players with over 200 SP and players complained it was hard to get some older feats that would help them get 200+. Getting feats in that game is way more of a grind than this game.

    I took 6 months off and when I came back in under two months I completed 2 characters STK/SOMI without any issues in about 2 months and CoA as well. I also completed Chult on 3 characters during that same time. STK takes about 30 minutes, CoA about 10-20 minutes and Chult 1 day out of the week roughly 1-2 hours and I was done. I did not do the campaign during the weekends as I focused on dungeons, mostly t9.

    The grind is not that bad. I know a few players new took their new character through all of the campaigns in roughly 2-3 months.

    If you want to complete all campaigns up to STK, save up 8500 zen and buy the campaign completion token with a 15% off coupon or wait until the services are on sale.

    I bought 2 of those during the 50% off sale in November for my HR and SW.

    There are options and the grind is not that bad. If you want to talk about a grind, go talk to anyone who played EQ back in the day, that was a grind. This is a joke and not that bad.

    I come from EQ1 back in the day and no game in todays world would make it as it was then. If you as I come from that background we are not a good example for what we consider dueble when it comes to grinding (hell epic weapons took 6 mounth easy not to mention shawl quest that was insane). The downtime between fights was 90 % and when you died you lost exp that could take days to recover yea that was hardcore grinding for sure.

    What you say is true but the other side of the coin is how many more player would you get by making things easer for them to reach the end game without to much grinding compared to those willing to grind/pay.

    Looking on succesful games and given that the wide playerbase do not have time to play every day and most of them only a couple of hours when they do 5-6 month time or 200€+ is most likely not the best way to go.....
    With 15000 zen you get a level 70 character and all boons up to SOMI done. Get those items at 50% off and the price is now 7500. That is not bad considering how much of a grind it is to get to level 70 and get all of those boons.

    I know plenty of players that have paid their through this game. I know others who grind and been unlucky and eventually put $$$ money to improve their character, I'm on the later end of the spectrum. I got annoyed playing for hours on end only to get HAMSTER after HAMSTER after HAMSTER with keys and drops. 50% odds alway seem to fail for me, I had use coal wards on almost all % items.

    You know what happened, I bought stuff and now things just go proce for me with 3% and even 1% on my character. I was a 14.5K DC before I finished her off and now she is creeping up on 17K.

    Players have options; you can pay your way or grind. I did both. I paid my way on 2 character completely. Than my GF, CW and DC I grinded out all but IWD campaign because of the HAMSTER experience I had on my DC and decided never to run that campaign. SOMI and STK I did after I got the CoA weapons on my CW and DC. GF I don't remember if I bought it or completed after I got her the teak weapons, it been a while now.

    The nice thing is if you finish a campaign you can grind out a bit more and get a discount token. I did that on my DC for my CW and it make STK so much better and I completed 2x faster.

    Out of all the campaigns, the worst ones from my experience were all of the ones in IWD zones. All others were a bit of a joke.
    It comes down to what can this game offer compared to other games.
    New games has a higher allure then old games and old games all suffer from players having to farm their way to the new content.

    Now if 1000 players start to play NW and you can make x% stay or x% leave because the grind is to much how do you find that balance.

    If you get players to be longterm costumers the chanse that they will pay more then a few willing to pay x amount to get all boons etc or x players finding the grind tolerable.

    Then you have the old players that want to start alts but rather change to a new game because the grind is to much or the price is to high to pay for it.

    All old games need a new influx of players as old players move one for x reasons and the steeper the price is and the longer the grind takes the fewer stays.h
    If you find it tolerable has very little impact on how the total amount of new players will react.

    If the player base decline (and they are) most likely the existing system is most likely in need of a change.

    Cryptic has the numbers on how many of the new players pay x amount to buy expansion tokens we don´t but from the ones i lured to play this game I am pretty certain that the grind and they money you need to get all the boons, comapanions etc is making an all to high % of them quit.

  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User

    grrouper said:

    There are all ready to much of game that players can skip past and all that causes is people that have no clue how to play there class. Then they wonder why they get kicked from dungeons or can not find party's to run with or why there item level is so low.

    that has always been part of the game. it always will be part of the game. we are talking about passing boons to alts from a toon that has already completed the campaign. if it's an alt odds are the person at least has some idea of what they're supposed to be doing and what is needed to make a successful character. not talking about giving a first time player a complete free pass. (although in the name of keeping newer players I think we should give them a partial free pass past some of the older content) the biggest obstacle to new players is figuring out that they need to upgrade enchants and how their pet works and the mount system. things that are a little hidden. when I started this game the enchant thing was a mystery to me (even with the little quest) and the ah.. it took me ages to figure that out. I had figured out how to play the adx before I had figured out how the ah worked.

    there is already so much overwhelming about this game even more so now than when most of us started playing that if we want to keep an influx of new players something HAS to be done to simplify it. this thread isn't really about that. it's about making it alt friendly so we aren't tied to one toon without months of grind to get another toon up to speed. yes people will have to learn the new alts mechanics but so what. people DO learn. it's what makes the game have legs.

    but it does tie in to newer players. for all of nws numerous and onerous faults do we really want them to go under? because this game is getting long in the tooth quite literally. every mod the entry fee becomes months higher for new players wanting in on newer content and the older content becomes harder to run because most are in the newest content. it's a game of catch up that seems pretty darned impossible to the true new player. at least with alts you likely have a ton of things you can hand me down to make it easier to catch up. the new player has months/years of grind ahead of him...

    I went to pc for awhile thinking I'd have no problem but as a completely new player but without a lot of resources it's nearly impossible. I put some money into my pc toon. 3 or 4 hundred bucks and it got me no where. not even close to bis. (I also couldn't manage the controls very well so double doomed, not sure if that's beside the point or not...) I ended up just coming back to xbox because I wasn't willing to put the kind of grind into that was required (especially since I'm rich on xbox) but if that had been my only option and I didn't have xbox to lean back on it's likely I'd have just moved on to something else that was a newer release. I don't want to be terrible. I don't want to be carried. I want to carry. lol

    that experience makes me a bigger advocate of the newer player than I'd have been otherwise.

    a huge part of the problem is all the new content is aimed at their long established player base and ignoring the long established players who are happy not aiming for bis and newer players. while yes i do think the high end players should get a nod I think they need new content that is relevant and farmable for the lower level toons as well. there should be a N version of all the things they release.
    I think this post summons it all up in a nutshell.

    Well written with a good experience how it works atm, it comes down to either die as a game slowly or adapt...
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    pantha7 said:

    One critical question....! Do i need to sell my house or get a loan to buy the campaign boosts for all my alts ...?

    Maybe 5-10 hours of work and you can get your campaign boons done. Not selling a house. Honestly $100 is not all that much. If you get it a 50% off, it is only $50.

  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    Making boons account-wide would be a very, very bad move.

    It would mean even more people with high-IL alts and no idea of how to play their class. The situation is bad enough right now.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    adinosii said:

    Making boons account-wide would be a very, very bad move.

    It would mean even more people with high-IL alts and no idea of how to play their class. The situation is bad enough right now.

    Kinda miss the disagree button, as it's a convenient way to inflate my ego without actually writing.

    Jokes aside, sure we'd get more people who don't know how to play their class, but currently the game is still way too alt-unfriendly. It's kinda funny, honestly.
  • meiramimeirami Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 423 Arc User
    Before Storm King's Thunder, I wouldn't have cared either way... but after suffering through that slow and tedious campaign, I fully support the idea. No one should suffer SKT even once, let alone multiple times.

    As much as I like the idea, I just don't see an account-unlock happening because it would cut into the sales of campaign completions. Why else would they even design SKT in a way that each time you unlock a new area (four of them), you need to do one of each daily there until you can even progress to Day 2? Why do you need to kill 30 trolls? Why are most of the trolls on the farthest island in SoMI? Why can't anybody in Lonelywood fish, even though they live in a port town?
  • oldtimer#7525 oldtimer Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    adinosii said:

    Making boons account-wide would be a very, very bad move.

    It would mean even more people with high-IL alts and no idea of how to play their class. The situation is bad enough right now.

    I never understood this argument.

    All boons combined are around 1.4k IL ( don't remember exact number ), that will not make any alt even close to high IL. Boons giving IL makes no sense anyway and if removed will also fix the inflation from guild boons and i am certainly not a fan of those.

    An mmo where you can't play more than one character is a bad mmo and having competent alts in NW is pretty much impossible for the average player. Removing the pointless insane grind to get campaign boons won't fix the problem but at this point what is the reasoning behind character gating anything related to campaigns still? I don't think *because baddies* is a valid argument to justify any player unfriendly change or refusal to tweak a horribly designed aspect of the game. Campaigns were already a chore with Icewind Dale and with ToD it was already too much grind, ToD was 9 mods ago.

    I myself would like to play one of each class, grinding for AD for 6 months to get a fresh char into end game-ish gear territory i have no problems with. Grinding dailies for hours for 4 months for boons? No way in hell and no, i will not pay to access buffs from content i've completed 2 years ago. I refuse to grind old boons ever again and i'm not playing a character without boons ( completionist, what can i say ) so that means i'll have to stick to the 3 characters i do have with all boons unlocked which increases my chances of getting fed up at some point from the lack of variance and quiting tenfold.

    Grinding boons more than once is insulting and discouraging especially to newbies. At some point a newbie has to decide between grinding absurd amounts of AD for next enchantment/gear tier or spending hours doing dailies for boons for months just to bump their IL enough to reach the next content threshold. The time/effort required to do either is unreasonable and both need to be addressed, boons are simply way easier and faster to fix with next to no downsides.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,138 Arc User
    Anything that has an effect on how a character is played, how effective they are, should be included in the il. This includes boons that add, oh, stats or other game influencing effects. Which is pretty much all of the boons.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • meiramimeirami Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    I have never understood the "no because baddies get ilvl" argument either. Let's look at my own alts for example:
    - They get 500-590 ilvl from pvp boons even though I haven't pvp'ed in years.
    - My main keeps passing Primal/Hunt gear down the line.
    - Enchants aren't bound and are transferable (to look beefier).
    - Almost everything can be bought in this game, including enchants, artifacts, rp, wards, pets, mounts, hunt lures... with small exceptions like omuan carvings and ampoules.
    - That 1.4k ilvl coming from boons isn't mightier than a credit card. In fact, a credit card also solves that problem.

    In short: I would still be a terrible Guardian Fighter, but I would look good.

    Now because almost everything is purchasable, I cannot agree with those players who believe the real reason why boons shouldn't be account-unlocks is because "baddies get ilvl". Of course they get ilvl, but only so much, and neither does having deep pockets translate to being good at this game like in my example. In fact, giving those boons as account-unlocks would probably make those inexperienced players slightly more effective in group content.

    That's why the only argument against that I can side with is that the game needs money... and since I really like Neverwinter, that part is perfectly fine with me. Also I think that if somebody really gets interested in a new class, they won't mind grinding the campaigns or escalating them with patronage tokens/campaign completions if they truly want to learn and play that class. The only problem is that it takes months and you still need to juggle real life at the same time.

    Finally, grinding campaigns isn't necessarily that educational. I have completed all campaigns on one of each class up until SKT and, while it was a fun experience, I don't feel like it really taught me enough how to effectively build or even play any alt class to their best ability. The skills that are used in solo stuff can often be different from what is needed in groups, and when you have nobody to compare yourself to when solo, there's sometimes no clear indication if you're undergeared, the content is a bit hard, or if you've problems in your build and playstyle.

    Instead of campaigns, what I believe is more useful is doing group content, talking with experienced people, vigorous testing, and trying to stay updated on new information. This is how you get from being a baddie to being okay... not grinding your boons in solitude.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    the thing is, this issue is self-correcting. If you're a bad player, and you're gimping the group, you'll just get booted. that's why we have the kick option. people will give you advice, if you fail to follow (and therefore improve), they'll alt+f4 you so hard your PC will shut down, or something.

    terribly phrased jokes aside, that's how it works. i got invited into cradle on my 12.3k OP to replace someone higher geared because i know how to survive. that higher geared paladin kept falling off and dying, while not using bane or circle or really anything, so he got booted. same applies for every class. if you're a terrible DPS, people will tell you that you need to fix something you're doing wrong (eg GFs never pressing tab, jesus christ this one's annoying), and you should do your best to improve, if you intend to play endgame content. if you don't improve, people won't invite you on that toon into higher tier content, so you'll have to do lower tier content to improve.

    i'm for this. partly because it's muuuuch more alt-friendly, partly because i'm just really, REALLY annoyed by how much time it would require to get all the boons, which were boring the 1st time i did them, let alone the 2nd or even 3rd or 4th.

    and yeah, i may learn how to play solo by grinding boons. solo and group content isn't nearly the same. eg on my GWF i run movement speed feats and reaping strike and stuff for solo, on my GF i use fighter's recovery, on my OP i use SW and smite and stuff, and if i used those powers in group content i'd get kicked literally every time. that's how it works.
  • polarp178polarp178 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    Boons should be account wide. Running multiple toons through the same campaign is not fun at all. By the time they all finish, new Mod coming out in a few days.
  • omegarealities#7219 omegarealities Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    polarp178 said:

    Boons should be account wide. Running multiple toons through the same campaign is not fun at all. By the time they all finish, new Mod coming out in a few days.

    Life is so much fun when you get free boons and item level with no extra effort.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User

    polarp178 said:

    Boons should be account wide. Running multiple toons through the same campaign is not fun at all. By the time they all finish, new Mod coming out in a few days.

    Life is so much fun when you get free boons and item level with no extra effort.
    The phrase is "extra effort", you put in the work before so this is in fact like taking a new driving licens for each new car you buy....

    In the end what gives more money to Cryptic wins if free boons attacts more players to the game that in end pays more money then having fewer people that feels the need to pay for progress in form of boons to new alt.

    I do not have the numbers for it but as this game grow old having things that makes it easer for old players to stick around might not be a bad idéa....
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,138 Arc User
    Getting them without applying the effort to get them is more akin to "double-dipping".
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    Getting them without applying the effort to get them is more akin to "double-dipping".

    Open the campaign up 100% on one character. Than continue farming to buy the token and now the campaign for an alt takes 50% of the time. That is not a bad win for us as players. I used this on my GF for River District and on my CW for STK/SOMI and I will state, that 50% reduction was definitely worth getting.
  • omegarealities#7219 omegarealities Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2018

    greywynd said:

    Getting them without applying the effort to get them is more akin to "double-dipping".

    Open the campaign up 100% on one character. Than continue farming to buy the token and now the campaign for an alt takes 50% of the time. That is not a bad win for us as players. I used this on my GF for River District and on my CW for STK/SOMI and I will state, that 50% reduction was definitely worth getting.
    But the OP wants it for free. They think because they completed it on one character, they are entitled to it on every subsequent character .
    Post edited by omegarealities#7219 on
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,138 Arc User

    Open the campaign up 100% on one character. Than continue farming to buy the token and now the campaign for an alt takes 50% of the time. That is not a bad win for us as players. I used this on my GF for River District and on my CW for STK/SOMI and I will state, that 50% reduction was definitely worth getting.

    I've done it on mine, as well. #7 just finished CA and SKT this week. 2 more to go.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    pantha7 said:

    have i ever told you the definition of insanity...sry..i mean the definition of repeating old campaigns 4-5 years old...

    How about doing that actually gives you more experience in playing the class? I don't know about you, but I am seeing an annoyingly high number of players at level 70, and "end-game" gear who have less than, say 100 hours of playtime on their characters and quite frankly don't know how to play them properly - don't know which powers to use in which circumstances, for example.

    Getting all the boons "for free" would just make this issue even worse - I'm totally opposed to it (and yeah, I have level 70s of every class, and every single boon in every campaign only on my main, so I would actually benefit from it ... but it is just a bad idea).
    Hoping for improvements...
  • omegarealities#7219 omegarealities Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    pantha7 said:

    have i ever told you the definition of insanity...sry..i mean the definition of repeating old campaigns 4-5 years old...

    So what's next?

    People demanding account wide campaign completion just because they completed on one character?

    People demanding account wide BiS equipment just because they have it one character?

    Why work for anything when you can just have it handed to you? People want everything handed to them, just like in real life.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,138 Arc User
    pantha7 said:

    well, yeah ...but we have a little tiny problem here...patronage token needs lots of campaign currency plus 50k ad's ...and that's one big 'No' !

    Then don't do it. Don't want the Signets. Don't want the boons. Don't want the alts. Your problem is solved.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    pantha7 said:

    have i ever told you the definition of insanity...sry..i mean the definition of repeating old campaigns 4-5 years old...
    your answer doesn't solve the problem of grinding and repeating old stuff which are not part of endgame content.

    I've run eToS and other epics probably a few thousand times already. And for what? AD. This game may not be for you if you can't do 30 days or whatever of dailies for each zone's boons.

  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    pantha7 said:

    have i ever told you the definition of insanity...sry..i mean the definition of repeating old campaigns 4-5 years old...
    your answer doesn't solve the problem of grinding and repeating old stuff which are not part of endgame content.

    I've run eToS and other epics probably a few thousand times already. And for what? AD. This game may not be for you if you can't do 30 days or whatever of dailies for each zone's boons.

    Geeeett over yahselves. ppl have already done the zones billions of times. there is no ad in spending hours in a zone for an alt. there is about to be a cap on the amount of ad you can get for running alts. it's not like people cant handle the grind its that there are BETTER thigns to grind than content that is five years old that we are sick of and was never that fun to begin with. boons should be account wide.

    as far as them losing another money source. no one is giving them hard cash for this. maybe they were a year ago but at this point it just needs to translate over for other toons you want to play. maybe they don't need to do the most recent content. (although I personally wouldn't complain) but the first few campaigns should just be universal once completed at this point in time imo
  • tom#6998 tom Member Posts: 952 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    Just farm some ad and buy the boons whats the problem?
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,138 Arc User

    Geeeett over yahselves. ppl have already done the zones billions of times. there is no ad in spending hours in a zone for an alt. there is about to be a cap on the amount of ad you can get for running alts. it's not like people cant handle the grind its that there are BETTER thigns to grind than content that is five years old that we are sick of and was never that fun to begin with. boons should be account wide.

    as far as them losing another money source. no one is giving them hard cash for this. maybe they were a year ago but at this point it just needs to translate over for other toons you want to play. maybe they don't need to do the most recent content. (although I personally wouldn't complain) but the first few campaigns should just be universal once completed at this point in time imo

    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • omegarealities#7219 omegarealities Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User

    pantha7 said:

    have i ever told you the definition of insanity...sry..i mean the definition of repeating old campaigns 4-5 years old...
    your answer doesn't solve the problem of grinding and repeating old stuff which are not part of endgame content.

    I've run eToS and other epics probably a few thousand times already. And for what? AD. This game may not be for you if you can't do 30 days or whatever of dailies for each zone's boons.

    Geeeett over yahselves. ppl have already done the zones billions of times. there is no ad in spending hours in a zone for an alt. there is about to be a cap on the amount of ad you can get for running alts. it's not like people cant handle the grind its that there are BETTER thigns to grind than content that is five years old that we are sick of and was never that fun to begin with. boons should be account wide.

    as far as them losing another money source. no one is giving them hard cash for this. maybe they were a year ago but at this point it just needs to translate over for other toons you want to play. maybe they don't need to do the most recent content. (although I personally wouldn't complain) but the first few campaigns should just be universal once completed at this point in time imo
    Sorry, I disagree. If you want the privileges of the content (the boons), you need to take on the responsibilities of running the content. If you you don't want to play the first campaigns, buy the completion tokens.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    I ran a VT today and a 8K GF out-DPS-ed a 12K GWF and a 13K HR. Makes me said that I cannot trust iLvL anymore. Yea, we need more stuff given away for free.
  • paixnidiaris1#0777 paixnidiaris1 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    I agree, grinding the old campaigns for a million time for boons that you got already in your main is the most boring thing in neverwinter because you waste all your free time to something that is not endgame content...
  • omegarealities#7219 omegarealities Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    pantha7 said:

    So we come to the conclusion that NW is not alt-friendly ...we have to keep using only mains for dungeons that are demanding...gratz...and why an adminstrator of the forum or a dev like Julia aka Nitocris do not reply to the thread for an opinion..

    Alt-friendly means not working for the rewards? Once again there are several options available. But, people rather say, "l don't wanna work for it, I'm entitled to it for free."
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    Boons are not a requirement for anything in this game. It is gravy. You want gravy? Go make it. Heck, even the gravy is already half made with the options that are available. Begging for handouts for something unnecessary usually does not work.
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