Got gear with Seals for my GWF... the heck is this? This isn't even restored yet! This isn't for vivified!

It's the same for SW and other classes, too. Voninblod wasn't even mentioned in the patch notes, at all. I hope this is a mistake, otherwise there's no good gear at all to hold over fresh 70's till they get a chance at better stuff. (Disregarding anything at all that requires cash, such as tarmalune. Seals are also far easier to grind for than thousands of AD for the better gear.)
After the patch before this one when you could restore without any voninblod to the first level, I was and I suspect many many others were simply using seal of the protector to make gear and then salvaging for diamonds. No point now so seal of the protector are now pretty useless. Just not worth the hassle to farm all the required other resources to do that anymore.
And also, do not buy relic armor to salvage. Click the second tab and buy the rings. This has a far far better return of AD per seals. 300 seals is 4000 RAD with rings.
If it's a bug, it needs to be fixed asap. If it's an intended change, they need to revert it asap. The seal gear is supposed to be a stepping stone for new 70s to be able to gear up a bit and get into more difficult content. With the current costs, that is no longer how they work.
If the devs are going to insist on only adding end-game content, they need to make it easier to reach (not complete!) for newer players. The seal gear helped with that a bit.