I see we lost some things, but we gained a lot more and I like it more.
I get it. Change is bad... I don't like everything (I'm looking at FBI/MSP in random queues), but overall the changes are doable for established players. I do worry about newer players not being able to queue for anything but Basic dungeons for diamonds. I'm annoyed as a 15.5 SW flying through Cloak Tower because I don't feel like I should be there...But most of the changes I can get behind.
Terrible? I disagree. Could use some work? probably. Doable in a week or two of tweaking? Definitely.
Quoting this simply because this pretty much sums up how I feel after giving it a bit more of a chance.
> @johnnyreklaw#1518 said: > I honestly can't get behind many (if any) of the changes. Queueing for random dungeons that you may not be able to complete with the group composition you get, all for less diamonds and no promise of salvage. > > 1) Any of the dungeons (even FBI & MSP) can be done with the standard group composition and Item Level. Yes, if you queue MSP with all barely-11k toons, it will take a while. I was running FBI/MSP at minimum Private queue on my SW with little issues. I wasn't top DPS in the room, but I contributed and got through it. The chances of getting a queue with ALL minimum level characters is VERY low considering the player base. > > If you are that concerned, Private queue. Get a group of players you know can do it, and run those dungeons. If you get FBI/MSP, agree to vote it down immediately. Everyone in the group can do it once every 4 hours. Unless you ALL get seriously bad RNG, you won't get FBI/MSP 6x in a row and can get something simple for the AD. > T1, T2 and T3 epic dungeons all grouped together with a completely unreasonable minimum item level. A min item level group is not completing castle never in less than an hour in many cases. > > Having to have every epic dungeon unlocked to be able to access any of them at all. Why should i grind every ling and drawn out campaign just to play content that i previously had access too? All for 4k RAD? > > The minimum IL for CN is 8400. The minimum IL for Random queue is 11k. If 5 toons of 11k IL or higher can't run a CN in decent time, then there's a problem with their builds. Even ONE end game toon can carry all but FBI/MSP content. Again, the vote to abandon is an easy way out. Maybe you lose 5 minutes of time max.... > > Again, if you're worried about the group comp sucking, get 5 guildies/allies together you know can do it. > > Things have changed. Better or worse is too early to call. I'm not saying everything you say is wrong nor that I agree with every update. I will say too many people are discrediting the system before they've done it. A few simple changes in the routine and it will help everyone get used to the way it is.
Yes i can make my own group but you miss my point. I sacrifice my AD bonus if i play that way.
Step 1: Get a standard dungeon queue group Step 2: Get in the same queue Step 3: Keep the Queue Public, and hit random Epic Dungeon QUeue.
AD bonus is given as long as you public queue. It doesn't matter how many members join in the public queue. Just don't "Private" queue. The queue keeps you all together as long as all 5 accept the dungeon. You will get your daily AD.
> @johnnyreklaw#1518 said: > Step 1: Get a standard dungeon queue group > Step 2: Get in the same queue > Step 3: Keep the Queue Public, and hit random Epic Dungeon QUeue. > > AD bonus is given as long as you public queue. It doesn't matter how many members join in the public queue. Just don't "Private" queue. The queue keeps you all together as long as all 5 accept the dungeon. You will get your daily AD.
Let me explain exactly what i mean cos i feel we are miscommunicating. If i specifically want to play ETOS for both diamonds and salvage. I can put together a group but if we select ETOS specifically we get no diamonds, if we random que we have limited chance of the RNG selecting the dungeon we want. If we get the wrong dungeon we can quit but then the whole group receives a leaving penalty. The only option we have in that scenario is to play thr content that we are TOLD to play, not the content we WANTED to play.
But this is ONE dungeon for about 7k AD. After that, the daily bonus is less than 1000, and salvage is the better option for anything additional. Is it truly game disrupting to run ONE dungeon randomly?
There is a vote to abandon option where NO ONE receives a leaver penalty. If you queue up for MSP, agree to vote down the dungeon....3 minutes lost at most. While you can only initiate the vote once in 4 hours, it would take a Stupid amount of bad luck for you to get FBI/MSP 6 times in a row where no one had the option remaining to initiate the vote.
Your argument is that you can't play the dungeons you want....but you can. Quite literally, for your Daily AD bonus, they are asking for you to run ONE whole dungeon randomly. Skirmishes can be done with any lineup randomly as can the campaign dungeons and most players can get to these as long as they have physically gone to Dread Ring and Sharandar. A lot of the community never ran these for the bonus AD before, so why is it such a big deal now?
Salvage runs are viable for alts to get AD. If you want a melt-group ETOS, go for it. Yes, 1 dungeon a day is being asked for your bonus AD, but beyond that you can queue for whatever you want with the same rewards (yes, I include seals. It seems from my experience I get seals in other runs, I just don't get the BONUS seals at the end that random gives).
If it is truly game breaking, then don't do the epic, but do the skirmish and campaign dungeon. Bad luck getting Prophecy and Spellplague (the longest skirmish and campaign dungeon in my experience) would only lose you about 25 minutes, then do salvage as you want.
They are NOT saying you can't run dungeons. They didn't change the loot role at the end chest for salvage if you were random over private. Bloodstained shirt, Lifesilk Spinnaret, and other drops still happen....its literally 7K AD for one random queue you're arguing about. Across alts, this still isn't a big deal if you group with friends. Take turns running your power-toons through and carrying the lower ones. If they can't (due to IL or Everfrost) run the epic, then do the regular dungeon and skirmish....and send them salvage.
Personally, I don't see this as a large, game altering issue. I have 5 toons + a Storage toon. Only 2 are eligible for Epic dungeons. The others get about 15 minutes of play a day (regular dungeon and Skirmish). Luck on the skirmish and you're talking 5-8 minutes for 1/2 their AD Cap. The rest is made up from salvage from the skirmishes and a little bit of Salvage from the main 2 toons I run. Even the storage toon has met AD limit the past few days.
I may still be missing something, but I am not seeing the big deal as it is ONE dungeon.
Then it only means that we disagree on our opinion of these changes. Wether one dungeon or not i would like to have my choice rather than it being imposed on me. I agree with you that it isn't game breaking but i would rather have fun playing a dungeon i enjoy than pull my hair out trying to complete epic cragmire
The difference, then, seems to be in our understanding of difficulty. With my SW in the runs, I carry most any group through any T2 content. Pre-update I could run any T2 dungeon with 5 dps,keep the group healed and act as a tank. Haven't tried since, but I'd imagine not too much has changed in that regard.
Struggling in Cragmire seems an issue with under-prepared characters as all of them should be 11k minimum. Cragmire is 8k if I remember correctly, so everyone has 3000 IL of equipment. If players are struggling through Cragmire, then that seems the larger issue. If players have 3k worth of equipment/gear/enchants but are not taking down a T2 dungeon, then their build, equipment, or stat balance is wonky. That dungeon should be easier for 11k toons as it is meant for lower-geared players.
Yes, an 11k won't "Carry" everyone, but unless sub-11k are in the run, everyone should be able to handle it with relative ease. It is one of the side-effects of making FBI/MSP requirements...players have to be better geared then most of the dungeons require.
I thought that one of the intentions of Random Queues was to make acquisition of Daily bonus RAD quicker. How they kept going on about one dungeon is faster than two, etc. Well, all the good advice about minimum IL groups of standard 3/1/1 being perfectly capable of running FBI, and if you don't like it, get a group together and something about four hour abandon whatevers, isn't making my daily dungeon runs any quicker than the double solo Cloak Tower run I was doing last week in under quarter of an hour and then on to salvage runs in whatever the hell content I felt like playing for the sheer enjoyment of the game.
Aside from the time involved I HAMSTER hate FBI. I wish Leonardo di Caprio and his mates from Inception could come and enter my dreams and make all memory of Storm Kings Thunder vanish from my mind.
You see, that's a part of the game some people seem to have forgotten about. The fact that there are gamers who want to play the content they enjoy and not just treat it as some sort of exercise in filling a spreadsheet with bigger numbers.
"If we get the wrong dungeon we can quit but then the whole group receives a leaving penalty."
Only the first leaver gets the penalty. Anyone after that can just go. Someone with another character takes the penalty, switches characters and rejoins for another try. Later, they will have to do something on the first character for 30 mins to clear the penalty.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
> @mordekai#1901 said: > I thought that one of the intentions of Random Queues was to make acquisition of Daily bonus RAD quicker. > How they kept going on about one dungeon is faster than two, etc. > Well, all the good advice about minimum IL groups of standard 3/1/1 being perfectly capable of running FBI, and if you don't like it, get a group together and something about four hour abandon whatevers, isn't making my daily dungeon runs any quicker than the double solo Cloak Tower run I was doing last week in under quarter of an hour and then on to salvage runs in whatever the hell content I felt like playing for the sheer enjoyment of the game. > > Aside from the time involved I <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> hate FBI. I wish Leonardo di Caprio and his mates from Inception could come and enter my dreams and make all memory of Storm Kings Thunder vanish from my mind. > > You see, that's a part of the game some people seem to have forgotten about. The fact that there are gamers who want to play the content they enjoy and not just treat it as some sort of exercise in filling a spreadsheet with bigger numbers.
Exactly this, i don't begrudge having random queues in the game whatsoever. If done right it could keep the game fresh and actually kind of exciting wondering what you will get. What i object too is ANY portion of my play time being dictated to me. I paid for the game and it's my time, i should be able to spend it how i wish and not suffer as a result.
If they kept dungeon rewards the same and had randoms as a side option then believe me i would have no complaint.
The biggest issue, other than FBI being god awful, is the time factor. I don't always have time to take a risk that five 11-12k Puggies can run it (it "might" take a while.......). I don't always have time to run through some four hour rotation in order to hopefully land the dungeon I want to do with a premade group.
Quite often I only have time to play for an hour or so. I want to jump into the game, run the stuff I want to, grab some currrency and get on with the real world. This convenience was available last week. Now its not. Now its about running the content I'm given, or binning it, waiting on the naughty step and keep trying till I get what I want.
Doing HAMSTER you hate that someone else told you to do in order to earn what you need exists for me on the real world. Its called WORK.
I play games to get away from that sense of being told what to do, in order to have fun.
Exactly this, i don't begrudge having random queues in the game whatsoever. If done right it could keep the game fresh and actually kind of exciting wondering what you will get. What i object too is ANY portion of my play time being dictated to me. I paid for the game and it's my time, i should be able to spend it how i wish and not suffer as a result.
If they kept dungeon rewards the same and had randoms as a side option then believe me i would have no complaint.
1) This is a free game. If you paid for it you voluntarily did so and paid for in-game currency only.
2) The rewards are the same. Seals, Loot drops, etc. have not been changed. They did change the daily dungeon requirements, but are not dictating you have to do this. It is just one of several options to hitting 36k Rough AD per day.
I guess this is what I don't get about everyone throwing a tantrum other then the fact that its different then before. Run ONE dungeon for 7k rough AD. Get FBI/MSP? They gave you an out with the "Vote to Abandon" feature. Don't like randoms? Make a public queue full of friends you know can handle it. Don't like the Epic Dungeons Random Queue period? Run 2 ETOS, 4 SHORES, or go do 2 Campaign area weeklies for equivalent AD. There are choices.
Still mad about Daily AD? They give more for a sub-70 dungeon AND skirmishes then they ever have. Those 2 will give you what 2 daily dungeons used to give you. Run the old salvage runs later.
It is different....but you're earning more AD. If you don't like one way of making AD, find another. There are plenty of choices.
> @johnnyreklaw#1518 said: > Exactly this, i don't begrudge having random queues in the game whatsoever. If done right it could keep the game fresh and actually kind of exciting wondering what you will get. What i object too is ANY portion of my play time being dictated to me. I paid for the game and it's my time, i should be able to spend it how i wish and not suffer as a result. > > If they kept dungeon rewards the same and had randoms as a side option then believe me i would have no complaint. > > 1) This is a free game. If you paid for it you voluntarily did so and paid for in-game currency only. > > 2) The rewards are the same. Seals, Loot drops, etc. have not been changed. They did change the daily dungeon requirements, but are not dictating you have to do this. It is just one of several options to hitting 36k Rough AD per day. > > I guess this is what I don't get about everyone throwing a tantrum other then the fact that its different then before. Run ONE dungeon for 7k rough AD. Get FBI/MSP? They gave you an out with the "Vote to Abandon" feature. Don't like randoms? Make a public queue full of friends you know can handle it. Don't like the Epic Dungeons Random Queue period? Run 2 ETOS, 4 SHORES, or go do 2 Campaign area weeklies for equivalent AD. There are choices. > > Still mad about Daily AD? They give more for a sub-70 dungeon AND skirmishes then they ever have. Those 2 will give you what 2 daily dungeons used to give you. Run the old salvage runs later. > > It is different....but you're earning more AD. If you don't like one way of making AD, find another. There are plenty of choices.
Really no need to be patronizing about this, nobody is tantruming. We are active players on this game who feel like our enjoyment factor is disappearing. If you don't agree then that's fine, but please do not belittle my opinion. You are obviously a fan of the changes, i get that, but the overwhelming majority of the remaining player base appear to be against them. The old way was fine, this is just about populating the dead dungeons that nobody has any intetest in playing because they are a chore.
Forgive me if that seemed patronizing, as that was not my intent.
I understand that people feel the enjoyment is changing, but I'm asking the question of "Why?" I'm not a fan of everything. Certainly FBI/MSP shouldn't be in the queue, but I'm offering solutions. The concern I have is I saw players leave the game within 30 minutes of seeing the update and not giving ANYTHING a try. So few people are trying the content before abandoning the ship over what, to me, appears to be a minor leak.
My goal is to offer solutions to the issues players have. I'm looking at the arguments presented, and offering a way around that isn't time consuming or difficult. People are upset at change (as they always will be), but I am trying to show there are ways around your complaints.
From where I sit, it appears people are upset that they can't run 2 quick dungeons and get their rough AD. Lets take, for example, an ETOS farm. A standard ETOS for the groups I run with is 7-9 minutes. Lets take a fast group who does 7 minutes and runs 2x. Previously this was around 15kAD plus a minimum of 8k salvage (more for other drops) for 23k. Everything else was 4k for about 10 minutes....more if RNG gave you drops from other bosses.
They currently offer ~7k Rough AD for Skirmish, dungeon, and epic dungeon. This doesn't include other random queues that are options also. The Skirmish and Dungeon (averaging 15ish minutes) is 14k AD. IF you get a longer Skirmish, you are getting at least 1 piece of salvage if not 2 if you open both chests. If you get Master of the Hunt or Dread Legion, you are done in under 8 minutes and can replace the rest of the time with ETOS or Shores salvage runs.
This seems easier and less time consuming then running hours of ETOS. My alts can easily hit 14k rough AD without epic dungeons, whereas before I needed a Carry group or needed hours of salvage runs to get AD. I can get a toon full salvage in about 30 minutes, where previously it was about an hour with full salvage.
I guess my point is this: The math works in the favor of the players. The daily dungeons are giving more rough AD bonus for your time. The more level 70 alts, the more you can do. Instead of just salvaging on an alt or hoping for carry groups, you can do a quick skirmish/low-dungeon and only need a small amount of salvage to finish them. A few daily invocations will give you bonus rough AD to boost that total
So I ask "Why" is this a problem? I keep seeing that they are "Forcing" people to play content, but they aren't. If you would rather ETOS, then go do ETOS! The epic dungeon random queue has people up in arms over what equates to 7k Astral diamonds. I don't see how 7k Astral Diamonds has everyone so upset. If it is a time issue, run 2 ETOS with melt groups and ignore the Epic Random Dungeon.
If I'm missing something, let me know. Otherwise, I'm just trying to show this isn't as horrible as people are making it out to be.
1. Given the amount of time I get to play in any one session, I now have to prioritise doing what I'm told, over what I want in order to continue to earn RAD at almost the same rate as before. 2. If what I am told to do doesn't fit in with my available time... tough HAMSTER. 3. Running one random leveling dungeon with a PUG is taking longer than 2 solo leveling dungeons used to. I REFUSE to be a selfish HAMSTER to low level players. THAT right there spoils my enjoyment... when I'm spoiling OTHER players'. Tell me what to play... OK you have me by the balls. Tell me HOW to play, and you'll get a short sharp reply involving sex and travel 4. The most positive thing I'm picking up from Random Queues across the three platforms remains, "It's not AS BAD as everyone keeps saying."
There are many things that needed fixing in the game. In the same way that it is unlikely that a sledge hammer will be useful in fixing a broken mug, Random Queues have improved FAR less than they have made worse. In several cases it has created problems that never needed to exist.
Please, explain why this system is, overall, better than what we had.
In summary, in answer to the question of how the enjoyment has changed... I now get fewer (OK... not a huge reduction, but a reduction) bonus RAD on most of my toons, taking longer in almost every instance to get them, and more than half the time by doing content I don't want to do but don't have the time to HAMSTER about waiting to change in the hope of getting what I want.
I honestly think the key to making random queues tolerable is to split out FBI/MSP from the epic selection, T1/T2 should not really be mixed in with the T3 dungeons, it is just too big of a gap. That simple change has many benefits and think solves most of the concerns. I hope it is considered.
Hey, wait till a year or so down the line when TONG and the upcoming new 12k dungeons get dropped in with the Epic Random queue. That happens as soon as the first 13k dungeon lands...
It does make me wonder what kind of mess will be left behind as more dungeons are added. If new additions are locked to compaigns then we will constantly fluctuate between being elligible for queues and not elligible
To everyone their own I guess. Having played this over the past few days, I can easily hit RaD caps with the new system. After this conversation yesterday, I ran a lot of this content. I have 5 toons. 1 SW that is 15.5, a 14 DC, and a TR, GWF, and CW that are fresh, no boon 70 toons.
Ran all 3 options on the 2 toons I could. The SW ran Cloak Tower, Throne, And CN. I had to salvage one purple item, and banked the rest. This took around 30 min.
Ran Egwd, master of Hunt, and karrundax. This took 20ish minutes salvaging a blue item only.
Seals gave me a lot of salvage. Ran a skirmish and dungeon on the other 3 in 45 minutes. Had about 25k on each, and salvage from seals covered them with salvage to spare.
Basically in under 2 hours (with toon hopping) I received 5 toons full of AD for the day.
This used to be marathon salvage runs or begging to find carry groups on the alts. I guess I just don’t see how this is worse, especially as I had more time for stuff I wanted to do...
To everyone their own I guess. Having played this over the past few days, I can easily hit RaD caps with the new system. After this conversation yesterday, I ran a lot of this content. I have 5 toons. 1 SW that is 15.5, a 14 DC, and a TR, GWF, and CW that are fresh, no boon 70 toons.
Ran all 3 options on the 2 toons I could. The SW ran Cloak Tower, Throne, And CN. I had to salvage one purple item, and banked the rest. This took around 30 min.
Ran Egwd, master of Hunt, and karrundax. This took 20ish minutes salvaging a blue item only.
Seals gave me a lot of salvage. Ran a skirmish and dungeon on the other 3 in 45 minutes. Had about 25k on each, and salvage from seals covered them with salvage to spare.
Basically in under 2 hours (with toon hopping) I received 5 toons full of AD for the day.
This used to be marathon salvage runs or begging to find carry groups on the alts. I guess I just don’t see how this is worse, especially as I had more time for stuff I wanted to do...
Which is fine if bonus RAD is the main aim. If you have the time to run the longest content every time you sit down and join the random queue, and don't care what dungeon you end up in... great. But if you have time constraints, you used to be able to earn you bonus RAD by choosing what content you know you can run quickly, or if you hate a dungeon or skirmish or trial you could choose to not run that content.
If the resultant numbers are the thing you consider a win, then I get that you don't see how its worse, but trust me... for a lot of people it really is.
I've run the full set on 8 toons every day since this mess landed, and yes... I've had a few characters who have seen faster runs overall on a single days effort, but the majority have taken longer, and have regularly involved either running content I despise, or have required me to take my punishment for not liking it and having to sit on the "no queues for you" naughty step for choosing to quit.
I am already sick to the back teeth of 11k+ characters landing in MOTH or DL because they provide no challenge and no salvage, I'm bored with my highest level characters getting either T1s or FBI. My three main characters have not yet landed one "random" T2 dungeon between them. Of the five FBI runs I've stuck with and not quit on entry, none have succeeded.
Believe me when i say that i can see some of the arguments in favor of these changes from a pure AD standpoint. I started a fresh CW yesterday and just unlocked the cloak tower dungeon, i selected random dungeon queue (since cloak tower was the only option i had anyway) and the run got me 6k diamonds where, under the previous system, i would have received a mere 300. If the financial gain is the only factor then i can see the benefits for sure.
I just see far more cons than pros in the long run. I regularly get master of the hunt for my skirmish run and honestly its just boring 1 hitting everything with no salvage at the end. A lot of this content needed to seperated more thoroughly.
Master of the hunt and prophecy of madness should hardly be in the same queue, if i qualify for prophecy then im never touching MOTH again. I barely even understand how regular demogorgon and master asva are in the same queue and you are required to unlocked all of them just to play any at all.
I'm just going to accept I'm not going to understand the complaint and move on. You want your fast, hand-selected dungeons for your RAD, but you don't want boring and easy. You say you used to solo dungeons but you struggled in CN and don't want to do pre-70 dungeons (not sure if you solo'd T2 or cloak tower). You mention you have time constraints, but you have time for 8 toons to go through this process. Most confusingly, you complain about a system, but don't listen to potential other options....especially considering the small amount of AD affected. I stand by the fact that 2 ETOS runs (of about 6-8 minutes max) would easily substitute your one epic dungeon that seems the largest item of contention.
If you'd told me pre-update I could get all 5 of my toons their salvage in 1hr 35 minutes, I'd have laughed. The previous system only capped me for dungeons at around 16k. The rest I needed Salvage. I'm now breaking 28-30k after about the same amount of time, and generally earned enough salvage to at least finish that toon. I even had enough to fully salvage on my storage toon and have left-overs.
This is an MMO. It is going to be a grind. The grind changed. I personally find the grind easier. I can get AD on my alt toons as long as they are 70 and I have taken them to Dread Ring and Sharandar (for skirmishes). I'm not longer waiting for "carry" groups to mooch off of, and I'm earning more AD then before. As someone who only gets weekends and ~3 hours a day, I appreciate a change that gives me time to get AD and still use my evening for other productive measures. I used to NOT get RaD every day, but now its plausible.
So I leave this thread with this: For the reasons above, this update made MY grind easier, and I appreciate it for the most part. I do wish FBI/MSP were not in the Epic queue, but otherwise I like the changes to RAD and queues.
I'm just going to accept I'm not going to understand the complaint and move on. You want your fast, hand-selected dungeons for your RAD, but you don't want boring and easy. You say you used to solo dungeons but you struggled in CN and don't want to do pre-70 dungeons (not sure if you solo'd T2 or cloak tower). You mention you have time constraints, but you have time for 8 toons to go through this process. Most confusingly, you complain about a system, but don't listen to potential other options....especially considering the small amount of AD affected. I stand by the fact that 2 ETOS runs (of about 6-8 minutes max) would easily substitute your one epic dungeon that seems the largest item of contention.
If you'd told me pre-update I could get all 5 of my toons their salvage in 1hr 35 minutes, I'd have laughed. The previous system only capped me for dungeons at around 16k. The rest I needed Salvage. I'm now breaking 28-30k after about the same amount of time, and generally earned enough salvage to at least finish that toon. I even had enough to fully salvage on my storage toon and have left-overs.
This is an MMO. It is going to be a grind. The grind changed. I personally find the grind easier. I can get AD on my alt toons as long as they are 70 and I have taken them to Dread Ring and Sharandar (for skirmishes). I'm not longer waiting for "carry" groups to mooch off of, and I'm earning more AD then before. As someone who only gets weekends and ~3 hours a day, I appreciate a change that gives me time to get AD and still use my evening for other productive measures. I used to NOT get RaD every day, but now its plausible.
So I leave this thread with this: For the reasons above, this update made MY grind easier, and I appreciate it for the most part. I do wish FBI/MSP were not in the Epic queue, but otherwise I like the changes to RAD and queues.
There's a big difference between "fast" and "available time" What I frequently don't have time for is PUG dungeons that take considerably longer than an hour. Understand the difference between "fast" and "not taking more than an hour" and you'll be on the way to getting it.
You are talking about one aspect of "the grind". Pre RQ I usually maxed RAD refinement on 8 toons. Now I still regularly max RAD refinement on 8 toons. Previously I chose how... now I'm told. Easier, or harder... it means I am now doing the grind with content I haven't chosen, and in many cases can't stand, to play.
As I have mentioned, if RAD is the thing that drives you that's fine, but for those of us who would rather take ten minutes longer to run an Underdark skirmish, because a) there's more challenge to gain Gold, and b) has better salvage potential, a super fast zerg through MOTH or DL is on the road to becoming as mind numbing as bloody Fishing and running 10k alts through leveling dungeons that frequently take longer than two solo cloak towers.
I've not even started on how my sub 11k 8.4k+ toons now have to run sub L70 dungeons for RAD rather than A T1 or T2 depending on keys/what they are capable of contributing to, further eating into my enjoyment.
I'm in a L6 guild that I run for new players, so the potential for me to ramp my character pool up to 11k+ across the board is minimal. It's ridiculous that a guild boon for PVP grants 500 IL for players to use to access PVE content. Because of the way the new cleric quests were quickly cobbled together to offset the fact the devs hadn't realised the negative impact the initial proposal for RQs would have on Dungeoneers Shards, the option to group up on a weekend and run the Cleric quest dungeons has now been replaced with, "You HAVE to run random queues daily for those shards... RUN RANDOM QUEUES!!!!" And people who don't have the time to do that every day are now unable to contribute as much as before. And yes... I know many people can do more, but smaller guilds with lower level, newer players are impacted adversely by this.
There are lots of "small groups" of people for whom this change is worse, and the argument that "well... I save a few minutes a day" from some players doesn't offset that sufficiently for this to be a positive change.
Absolutely.. the game is an MMO, and grind comes as part of the package. And grinding content can be boring. But for some players, clearly not all, the grind has to be more enjoyable than interminable.
And as to the devs suggestion that their random allocation reduces"burnout"... sorry, but I'm a grown up. I can make those sort of decisions on my own. And even IF I were at risk of burnng out as part of that decision making I'd rather burn out playing content I chose than getting fed up of playing stuff I don't want to.
And the response to that is, "you don't have to do anything... you can still play whatever you want yo jut won't earn the rewards." But that's the issue... Before this "improvement" you could earn the rewards from playing what you want. Now the option is pot luck for rewards, or the content you want for no bonus RAD. When player choice is removed from a ROLE PLAYING game I fail to see how that choice is an improvement.
I tried constantly to make this same point (not as well written) but it still stands. My time for playing is my own, i should be able to choose every minute of it.
The random Q is an absolute shitshow. It's somehow worse than I imagined when I first heard about it.
Also, fix our bag display. Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to have a PC interface on console?
The bag fix looks like its coming in as a priority on the earliest available update. Some of it works really well, but the scrolling and jumping about between bags is a pain.
My experience so far is that it's had a negative impact on guild cohesion.
Previously, on my pally or DC I would grab 4 random guildies (whoever was up for it) and run 2 dungeons and 2 skirmishes (usually elol, etos & shores) taking about 25 mins (depending on the other players). We had a lot of guildies forming groups this way.
Now, with the strong chance of getting MSP, I can't throw it open to random volunteers. We have to follow the public queue rule of 1 tank, 1 healer and 3 dps, all 5 have to qualify for all dungeons and they have to be capable of completing MSP (which is a bigger challenge than FBI imo).
As such, forming 'open call' guild groups has now dropped significantly. This means we can no longer carry newer members, helping them to earn AD and feel more involved and players are moving more to queuing solo for skirmishes and 3 man dungeons and relying on running alts to make up the difference in AD.
The queue system as it stands is therefore harming the community aspect of the game. This may of course change as players adapt, but so far they are adapting the wrong way.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
I think the biggest impact is on sub 11k L70s who could previously run 2 T1/2 dungeons for their daily Bonus RAD and Salvage.
Now to get the same total daily RAD they have to run one leveling dungeon for the bonus RAD, but still have to run the two T1/2 for the same amount of salvage. In the same way that anyone who used to run Underdark/IG skirmishes for bonus RAD and salvage now have a fair chance of having to run an additional Skirmish if they land MOTH or DL as their "random" for the day.
How is forcing people to play an extra leveling dungeon on top of the T1s and T2s better? How is their experience enhanced by this change? I've repeatedly asked for dev feedback on this point on other threads but have been met with stony silence.
So, I'm asking you guys who think this change is better...would you mind explaining how this situation fits into the "its an improvement" way of thinking.
Apart from me and one other guy, all the L70s in my guild fit into this demographic, so please don't say that its only a small number of people or that its easy to get to 11k. Because for people in small guilds who don't have access to guild boons offering thousands of IL, its not that easy. Particularly if they are not the sort of player whose life is organised around playing the game.
Mid level casual players are deeply affected by Random Queues and are the people the game should be trying to hold on to, not ignoring.
Yesterday another issue became apparent in the games own progression system with dungeon unlocks. When playing my new control wizard i got to the point of unlocking the cloak tower, since it was my only available dungeon i had no problem joining a random dungeon queue and getting my diamonds.
Now i've just gotten to the point of unlocking cragmire crypt and things begin to get complicated. As more dungeons are added to the pool it becomes far less likely of getting the one you want. AD rewards are just as important (if not more) for low level characters yet i have to pull the lever on the dungeon slot machine.
Having only 2 dungeons right now the problem isn't out of hand, but when i start getting 3, 4 and 5 i reach a point of considering sacrificing my AD bonus just to get quests completed.
> I honestly can't get behind many (if any) of the changes. Queueing for random dungeons that you may not be able to complete with the group composition you get, all for less diamonds and no promise of salvage.
> 1) Any of the dungeons (even FBI & MSP) can be done with the standard group composition and Item Level. Yes, if you queue MSP with all barely-11k toons, it will take a while. I was running FBI/MSP at minimum Private queue on my SW with little issues. I wasn't top DPS in the room, but I contributed and got through it. The chances of getting a queue with ALL minimum level characters is VERY low considering the player base.
> If you are that concerned, Private queue. Get a group of players you know can do it, and run those dungeons. If you get FBI/MSP, agree to vote it down immediately. Everyone in the group can do it once every 4 hours. Unless you ALL get seriously bad RNG, you won't get FBI/MSP 6x in a row and can get something simple for the AD.
> T1, T2 and T3 epic dungeons all grouped together with a completely unreasonable minimum item level. A min item level group is not completing castle never in less than an hour in many cases.
> Having to have every epic dungeon unlocked to be able to access any of them at all. Why should i grind every ling and drawn out campaign just to play content that i previously had access too? All for 4k RAD?
> The minimum IL for CN is 8400. The minimum IL for Random queue is 11k. If 5 toons of 11k IL or higher can't run a CN in decent time, then there's a problem with their builds. Even ONE end game toon can carry all but FBI/MSP content. Again, the vote to abandon is an easy way out. Maybe you lose 5 minutes of time max....
> Again, if you're worried about the group comp sucking, get 5 guildies/allies together you know can do it.
> Things have changed. Better or worse is too early to call. I'm not saying everything you say is wrong nor that I agree with every update. I will say too many people are discrediting the system before they've done it. A few simple changes in the routine and it will help everyone get used to the way it is.
Yes i can make my own group but you miss my point. I sacrifice my AD bonus if i play that way.
Step 2: Get in the same queue
Step 3: Keep the Queue Public, and hit random Epic Dungeon QUeue.
AD bonus is given as long as you public queue. It doesn't matter how many members join in the public queue. Just don't "Private" queue. The queue keeps you all together as long as all 5 accept the dungeon. You will get your daily AD.
> Step 1: Get a standard dungeon queue group
> Step 2: Get in the same queue
> Step 3: Keep the Queue Public, and hit random Epic Dungeon QUeue.
> AD bonus is given as long as you public queue. It doesn't matter how many members join in the public queue. Just don't "Private" queue. The queue keeps you all together as long as all 5 accept the dungeon. You will get your daily AD.
Let me explain exactly what i mean cos i feel we are miscommunicating. If i specifically want to play ETOS for both diamonds and salvage. I can put together a group but if we select ETOS specifically we get no diamonds, if we random que we have limited chance of the RNG selecting the dungeon we want. If we get the wrong dungeon we can quit but then the whole group receives a leaving penalty. The only option we have in that scenario is to play thr content that we are TOLD to play, not the content we WANTED to play.
There is a vote to abandon option where NO ONE receives a leaver penalty. If you queue up for MSP, agree to vote down the dungeon....3 minutes lost at most. While you can only initiate the vote once in 4 hours, it would take a Stupid amount of bad luck for you to get FBI/MSP 6 times in a row where no one had the option remaining to initiate the vote.
Your argument is that you can't play the dungeons you want....but you can. Quite literally, for your Daily AD bonus, they are asking for you to run ONE whole dungeon randomly. Skirmishes can be done with any lineup randomly as can the campaign dungeons and most players can get to these as long as they have physically gone to Dread Ring and Sharandar. A lot of the community never ran these for the bonus AD before, so why is it such a big deal now?
Salvage runs are viable for alts to get AD. If you want a melt-group ETOS, go for it. Yes, 1 dungeon a day is being asked for your bonus AD, but beyond that you can queue for whatever you want with the same rewards (yes, I include seals. It seems from my experience I get seals in other runs, I just don't get the BONUS seals at the end that random gives).
If it is truly game breaking, then don't do the epic, but do the skirmish and campaign dungeon. Bad luck getting Prophecy and Spellplague (the longest skirmish and campaign dungeon in my experience) would only lose you about 25 minutes, then do salvage as you want.
They are NOT saying you can't run dungeons. They didn't change the loot role at the end chest for salvage if you were random over private. Bloodstained shirt, Lifesilk Spinnaret, and other drops still happen....its literally 7K AD for one random queue you're arguing about. Across alts, this still isn't a big deal if you group with friends. Take turns running your power-toons through and carrying the lower ones. If they can't (due to IL or Everfrost) run the epic, then do the regular dungeon and skirmish....and send them salvage.
Personally, I don't see this as a large, game altering issue. I have 5 toons + a Storage toon. Only 2 are eligible for Epic dungeons. The others get about 15 minutes of play a day (regular dungeon and Skirmish). Luck on the skirmish and you're talking 5-8 minutes for 1/2 their AD Cap. The rest is made up from salvage from the skirmishes and a little bit of Salvage from the main 2 toons I run. Even the storage toon has met AD limit the past few days.
I may still be missing something, but I am not seeing the big deal as it is ONE dungeon.
Struggling in Cragmire seems an issue with under-prepared characters as all of them should be 11k minimum. Cragmire is 8k if I remember correctly, so everyone has 3000 IL of equipment. If players are struggling through Cragmire, then that seems the larger issue. If players have 3k worth of equipment/gear/enchants but are not taking down a T2 dungeon, then their build, equipment, or stat balance is wonky. That dungeon should be easier for 11k toons as it is meant for lower-geared players.
Yes, an 11k won't "Carry" everyone, but unless sub-11k are in the run, everyone should be able to handle it with relative ease. It is one of the side-effects of making FBI/MSP requirements...players have to be better geared then most of the dungeons require.
How they kept going on about one dungeon is faster than two, etc.
Well, all the good advice about minimum IL groups of standard 3/1/1 being perfectly capable of running FBI, and if you don't like it, get a group together and something about four hour abandon whatevers, isn't making my daily dungeon runs any quicker than the double solo Cloak Tower run I was doing last week in under quarter of an hour and then on to salvage runs in whatever the hell content I felt like playing for the sheer enjoyment of the game.
Aside from the time involved I HAMSTER hate FBI. I wish Leonardo di Caprio and his mates from Inception could come and enter my dreams and make all memory of Storm Kings Thunder vanish from my mind.
You see, that's a part of the game some people seem to have forgotten about. The fact that there are gamers who want to play the content they enjoy and not just treat it as some sort of exercise in filling a spreadsheet with bigger numbers.
Only the first leaver gets the penalty. Anyone after that can just go. Someone with another character takes the penalty, switches characters and rejoins for another try. Later, they will have to do something on the first character for 30 mins to clear the penalty.
> I thought that one of the intentions of Random Queues was to make acquisition of Daily bonus RAD quicker.
> How they kept going on about one dungeon is faster than two, etc.
> Well, all the good advice about minimum IL groups of standard 3/1/1 being perfectly capable of running FBI, and if you don't like it, get a group together and something about four hour abandon whatevers, isn't making my daily dungeon runs any quicker than the double solo Cloak Tower run I was doing last week in under quarter of an hour and then on to salvage runs in whatever the hell content I felt like playing for the sheer enjoyment of the game.
> Aside from the time involved I <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> hate FBI. I wish Leonardo di Caprio and his mates from Inception could come and enter my dreams and make all memory of Storm Kings Thunder vanish from my mind.
> You see, that's a part of the game some people seem to have forgotten about. The fact that there are gamers who want to play the content they enjoy and not just treat it as some sort of exercise in filling a spreadsheet with bigger numbers.
Exactly this, i don't begrudge having random queues in the game whatsoever. If done right it could keep the game fresh and actually kind of exciting wondering what you will get. What i object too is ANY portion of my play time being dictated to me. I paid for the game and it's my time, i should be able to spend it how i wish and not suffer as a result.
If they kept dungeon rewards the same and had randoms as a side option then believe me i would have no complaint.
I don't always have time to take a risk that five 11-12k Puggies can run it (it "might" take a while.......). I don't always have time to run through some four hour rotation in order to hopefully land the dungeon I want to do with a premade group.
Quite often I only have time to play for an hour or so. I want to jump into the game, run the stuff I want to, grab some currrency and get on with the real world. This convenience was available last week. Now its not.
Now its about running the content I'm given, or binning it, waiting on the naughty step and keep trying till I get what I want.
Doing HAMSTER you hate that someone else told you to do in order to earn what you need exists for me on the real world.
Its called WORK.
I play games to get away from that sense of being told what to do, in order to have fun.
2) The rewards are the same. Seals, Loot drops, etc. have not been changed. They did change the daily dungeon requirements, but are not dictating you have to do this. It is just one of several options to hitting 36k Rough AD per day.
I guess this is what I don't get about everyone throwing a tantrum other then the fact that its different then before. Run ONE dungeon for 7k rough AD. Get FBI/MSP? They gave you an out with the "Vote to Abandon" feature. Don't like randoms? Make a public queue full of friends you know can handle it. Don't like the Epic Dungeons Random Queue period? Run 2 ETOS, 4 SHORES, or go do 2 Campaign area weeklies for equivalent AD. There are choices.
Still mad about Daily AD? They give more for a sub-70 dungeon AND skirmishes then they ever have. Those 2 will give you what 2 daily dungeons used to give you. Run the old salvage runs later.
It is different....but you're earning more AD. If you don't like one way of making AD, find another. There are plenty of choices.
> Exactly this, i don't begrudge having random queues in the game whatsoever. If done right it could keep the game fresh and actually kind of exciting wondering what you will get. What i object too is ANY portion of my play time being dictated to me. I paid for the game and it's my time, i should be able to spend it how i wish and not suffer as a result.
> If they kept dungeon rewards the same and had randoms as a side option then believe me i would have no complaint.
> 1) This is a free game. If you paid for it you voluntarily did so and paid for in-game currency only.
> 2) The rewards are the same. Seals, Loot drops, etc. have not been changed. They did change the daily dungeon requirements, but are not dictating you have to do this. It is just one of several options to hitting 36k Rough AD per day.
> I guess this is what I don't get about everyone throwing a tantrum other then the fact that its different then before. Run ONE dungeon for 7k rough AD. Get FBI/MSP? They gave you an out with the "Vote to Abandon" feature. Don't like randoms? Make a public queue full of friends you know can handle it. Don't like the Epic Dungeons Random Queue period? Run 2 ETOS, 4 SHORES, or go do 2 Campaign area weeklies for equivalent AD. There are choices.
> Still mad about Daily AD? They give more for a sub-70 dungeon AND skirmishes then they ever have. Those 2 will give you what 2 daily dungeons used to give you. Run the old salvage runs later.
> It is different....but you're earning more AD. If you don't like one way of making AD, find another. There are plenty of choices.
Really no need to be patronizing about this, nobody is tantruming. We are active players on this game who feel like our enjoyment factor is disappearing. If you don't agree then that's fine, but please do not belittle my opinion.
You are obviously a fan of the changes, i get that, but the overwhelming majority of the remaining player base appear to be against them. The old way was fine, this is just about populating the dead dungeons that nobody has any intetest in playing because they are a chore.
I understand that people feel the enjoyment is changing, but I'm asking the question of "Why?" I'm not a fan of everything. Certainly FBI/MSP shouldn't be in the queue, but I'm offering solutions. The concern I have is I saw players leave the game within 30 minutes of seeing the update and not giving ANYTHING a try. So few people are trying the content before abandoning the ship over what, to me, appears to be a minor leak.
My goal is to offer solutions to the issues players have. I'm looking at the arguments presented, and offering a way around that isn't time consuming or difficult. People are upset at change (as they always will be), but I am trying to show there are ways around your complaints.
From where I sit, it appears people are upset that they can't run 2 quick dungeons and get their rough AD. Lets take, for example, an ETOS farm. A standard ETOS for the groups I run with is 7-9 minutes. Lets take a fast group who does 7 minutes and runs 2x. Previously this was around 15kAD plus a minimum of 8k salvage (more for other drops) for 23k. Everything else was 4k for about 10 minutes....more if RNG gave you drops from other bosses.
They currently offer ~7k Rough AD for Skirmish, dungeon, and epic dungeon. This doesn't include other random queues that are options also. The Skirmish and Dungeon (averaging 15ish minutes) is 14k AD. IF you get a longer Skirmish, you are getting at least 1 piece of salvage if not 2 if you open both chests. If you get Master of the Hunt or Dread Legion, you are done in under 8 minutes and can replace the rest of the time with ETOS or Shores salvage runs.
This seems easier and less time consuming then running hours of ETOS. My alts can easily hit 14k rough AD without epic dungeons, whereas before I needed a Carry group or needed hours of salvage runs to get AD. I can get a toon full salvage in about 30 minutes, where previously it was about an hour with full salvage.
I guess my point is this: The math works in the favor of the players. The daily dungeons are giving more rough AD bonus for your time. The more level 70 alts, the more you can do. Instead of just salvaging on an alt or hoping for carry groups, you can do a quick skirmish/low-dungeon and only need a small amount of salvage to finish them. A few daily invocations will give you bonus rough AD to boost that total
So I ask "Why" is this a problem? I keep seeing that they are "Forcing" people to play content, but they aren't. If you would rather ETOS, then go do ETOS! The epic dungeon random queue has people up in arms over what equates to 7k Astral diamonds. I don't see how 7k Astral Diamonds has everyone so upset. If it is a time issue, run 2 ETOS with melt groups and ignore the Epic Random Dungeon.
If I'm missing something, let me know. Otherwise, I'm just trying to show this isn't as horrible as people are making it out to be.
Ok, I'll go first.
1. Given the amount of time I get to play in any one session, I now have to prioritise doing what I'm told, over what I want in order to continue to earn RAD at almost the same rate as before.
2. If what I am told to do doesn't fit in with my available time... tough HAMSTER.
3. Running one random leveling dungeon with a PUG is taking longer than 2 solo leveling dungeons used to. I REFUSE to be a selfish HAMSTER to low level players. THAT right there spoils my enjoyment... when I'm spoiling OTHER players'. Tell me what to play... OK you have me by the balls. Tell me HOW to play, and you'll get a short sharp reply involving sex and travel
4. The most positive thing I'm picking up from Random Queues across the three platforms remains, "It's not AS BAD as everyone keeps saying."
There are many things that needed fixing in the game. In the same way that it is unlikely that a sledge hammer will be useful in fixing a broken mug, Random Queues have improved FAR less than they have made worse. In several cases it has created problems that never needed to exist.
Please, explain why this system is, overall, better than what we had.
In summary, in answer to the question of how the enjoyment has changed...
I now get fewer (OK... not a huge reduction, but a reduction) bonus RAD on most of my toons, taking longer in almost every instance to get them, and more than half the time by doing content I don't want to do but don't have the time to HAMSTER about waiting to change in the hope of getting what I want.
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
Ran all 3 options on the 2 toons I could. The SW ran Cloak Tower, Throne, And CN. I had to salvage one purple item, and banked the rest. This took around 30 min.
Ran Egwd, master of Hunt, and karrundax. This took 20ish minutes salvaging a blue item only.
Seals gave me a lot of salvage. Ran a skirmish and dungeon on the other 3 in 45 minutes. Had about 25k on each, and salvage from seals covered them with salvage to spare.
Basically in under 2 hours (with toon hopping) I received 5 toons full of AD for the day.
This used to be marathon salvage runs or begging to find carry groups on the alts. I guess I just don’t see how this is worse, especially as I had more time for stuff I wanted to do...
If the resultant numbers are the thing you consider a win, then I get that you don't see how its worse, but trust me... for a lot of people it really is.
I've run the full set on 8 toons every day since this mess landed, and yes... I've had a few characters who have seen faster runs overall on a single days effort, but the majority have taken longer, and have regularly involved either running content I despise, or have required me to take my punishment for not liking it and having to sit on the "no queues for you" naughty step for choosing to quit.
I am already sick to the back teeth of 11k+ characters landing in MOTH or DL because they provide no challenge and no salvage, I'm bored with my highest level characters getting either T1s or FBI.
My three main characters have not yet landed one "random" T2 dungeon between them.
Of the five FBI runs I've stuck with and not quit on entry, none have succeeded.
I just see far more cons than pros in the long run. I regularly get master of the hunt for my skirmish run and honestly its just boring 1 hitting everything with no salvage at the end. A lot of this content needed to seperated more thoroughly.
Master of the hunt and prophecy of madness should hardly be in the same queue, if i qualify for prophecy then im never touching MOTH again. I barely even understand how regular demogorgon and master asva are in the same queue and you are required to unlocked all of them just to play any at all.
This is all just nonsense to me
If you'd told me pre-update I could get all 5 of my toons their salvage in 1hr 35 minutes, I'd have laughed. The previous system only capped me for dungeons at around 16k. The rest I needed Salvage. I'm now breaking 28-30k after about the same amount of time, and generally earned enough salvage to at least finish that toon. I even had enough to fully salvage on my storage toon and have left-overs.
This is an MMO. It is going to be a grind. The grind changed. I personally find the grind easier. I can get AD on my alt toons as long as they are 70 and I have taken them to Dread Ring and Sharandar (for skirmishes). I'm not longer waiting for "carry" groups to mooch off of, and I'm earning more AD then before. As someone who only gets weekends and ~3 hours a day, I appreciate a change that gives me time to get AD and still use my evening for other productive measures. I used to NOT get RaD every day, but now its plausible.
So I leave this thread with this: For the reasons above, this update made MY grind easier, and I appreciate it for the most part. I do wish FBI/MSP were not in the Epic queue, but otherwise I like the changes to RAD and queues.
You are talking about one aspect of "the grind". Pre RQ I usually maxed RAD refinement on 8 toons. Now I still regularly max RAD refinement on 8 toons.
Previously I chose how... now I'm told.
Easier, or harder... it means I am now doing the grind with content I haven't chosen, and in many cases can't stand, to play.
As I have mentioned, if RAD is the thing that drives you that's fine, but for those of us who would rather take ten minutes longer to run an Underdark skirmish, because a) there's more challenge to gain Gold, and b) has better salvage potential, a super fast zerg through MOTH or DL is on the road to becoming as mind numbing as bloody Fishing and running 10k alts through leveling dungeons that frequently take longer than two solo cloak towers.
I've not even started on how my sub 11k 8.4k+ toons now have to run sub L70 dungeons for RAD rather than A T1 or T2 depending on keys/what they are capable of contributing to, further eating into my enjoyment.
I'm in a L6 guild that I run for new players, so the potential for me to ramp my character pool up to 11k+ across the board is minimal. It's ridiculous that a guild boon for PVP grants 500 IL for players to use to access PVE content. Because of the way the new cleric quests were quickly cobbled together to offset the fact the devs hadn't realised the negative impact the initial proposal for RQs would have on Dungeoneers Shards, the option to group up on a weekend and run the Cleric quest dungeons has now been replaced with, "You HAVE to run random queues daily for those shards... RUN RANDOM QUEUES!!!!" And people who don't have the time to do that every day are now unable to contribute as much as before. And yes... I know many people can do more, but smaller guilds with lower level, newer players are impacted adversely by this.
There are lots of "small groups" of people for whom this change is worse, and the argument that "well... I save a few minutes a day" from some players doesn't offset that sufficiently for this to be a positive change.
Absolutely.. the game is an MMO, and grind comes as part of the package. And grinding content can be boring. But for some players, clearly not all, the grind has to be more enjoyable than interminable.
And as to the devs suggestion that their random allocation reduces"burnout"... sorry, but I'm a grown up. I can make those sort of decisions on my own. And even IF I were at risk of burnng out as part of that decision making I'd rather burn out playing content I chose than getting fed up of playing stuff I don't want to.
And the response to that is, "you don't have to do anything... you can still play whatever you want yo jut won't earn the rewards."
But that's the issue... Before this "improvement" you could earn the rewards from playing what you want. Now the option is pot luck for rewards, or the content you want for no bonus RAD. When player choice is removed from a ROLE PLAYING game I fail to see how that choice is an improvement.
Also, fix our bag display. Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to have a PC interface on console?
Some of it works really well, but the scrolling and jumping about between bags is a pain.
Previously, on my pally or DC I would grab 4 random guildies (whoever was up for it) and run 2 dungeons and 2 skirmishes (usually elol, etos & shores) taking about 25 mins (depending on the other players). We had a lot of guildies forming groups this way.
Now, with the strong chance of getting MSP, I can't throw it open to random volunteers. We have to follow the public queue rule of 1 tank, 1 healer and 3 dps, all 5 have to qualify for all dungeons and they have to be capable of completing MSP (which is a bigger challenge than FBI imo).
As such, forming 'open call' guild groups has now dropped significantly. This means we can no longer carry newer members, helping them to earn AD and feel more involved and players are moving more to queuing solo for skirmishes and 3 man dungeons and relying on running alts to make up the difference in AD.
The queue system as it stands is therefore harming the community aspect of the game. This may of course change as players adapt, but so far they are adapting the wrong way.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Now to get the same total daily RAD they have to run one leveling dungeon for the bonus RAD, but still have to run the two T1/2 for the same amount of salvage. In the same way that anyone who used to run Underdark/IG skirmishes for bonus RAD and salvage now have a fair chance of having to run an additional Skirmish if they land MOTH or DL as their "random" for the day.
How is forcing people to play an extra leveling dungeon on top of the T1s and T2s better?
How is their experience enhanced by this change?
I've repeatedly asked for dev feedback on this point on other threads but have been met with stony silence.
So, I'm asking you guys who think this change is better...would you mind explaining how this situation fits into the "its an improvement" way of thinking.
Apart from me and one other guy, all the L70s in my guild fit into this demographic, so please don't say that its only a small number of people or that its easy to get to 11k. Because for people in small guilds who don't have access to guild boons offering thousands of IL, its not that easy. Particularly if they are not the sort of player whose life is organised around playing the game.
Mid level casual players are deeply affected by Random Queues and are the people the game should be trying to hold on to, not ignoring.
When playing my new control wizard i got to the point of unlocking the cloak tower, since it was my only available dungeon i had no problem joining a random dungeon queue and getting my diamonds.
Now i've just gotten to the point of unlocking cragmire crypt and things begin to get complicated. As more dungeons are added to the pool it becomes far less likely of getting the one you want. AD rewards are just as important (if not more) for low level characters yet i have to pull the lever on the dungeon slot machine.
Having only 2 dungeons right now the problem isn't out of hand, but when i start getting 3, 4 and 5 i reach a point of considering sacrificing my AD bonus just to get quests completed.