Don't get me wrong i do like several features of the new update.
I like the bag sorting option because i can be quite OCD, i definitely like the "identify all" and converting items into one tidy refining currency but a lot of these changes are just grinding my gears.
-We can now take all (or most) refining items and turn them into RP which saves a lot of bag space. But if you saved a lot of diamonds and invested in Runic bags then its a bit of an insult.
-diamonds only from random queues? Really? This only makes the grind for diamonds harder and more tedious when im constantly paired with minimum requirement randoms who dont understand the mechanics yet.
-the refinement changes scream cash grab. I haven't had a coal ward out of a coffer in well over a year and now i need more of them than before. A 1% chance to upgrade weapon and armor enchants is (and always has been) ridiculous.
I do appreciate that refinement has become easier (at least in my opinion). I like needing less points for ranks so your items go further. But i hate this feeling that we are being made to grind and spend just to get to where we were before the update took effect.
> 10 ultimate marks of potency 3 ultimate refining stones for weapons enchantment. That's 8mil for both armour an weapon , bit pricey if you ask me. judging from the pc forums these ultimate refining stones are a might take over a year to max out a toon . Definitely looks like a cash grab
To be honest i'm not even sure where to get several of these new items, but i imagine they are readily available in the zen store for sure.
The game has never encouraged me to run multiple toons so i only have 2. My only option is to either save up coffers from the vault of piety for a mass opening, or just buy the wards i need. The auction house prices are heavily inflated so im really not sure how to improve my toons at this point.
> The game has never encouraged me to run multiple toons so i only have 2. My only option is to either save up coffers from the vault of piety for a mass opening, or just buy the wards i need. The auction house prices are heavily inflated so im really not sure how to improve my toons at this point.
The ultimate marks of potency can be found the the wonders bazar at 100k if VIP 12 . The ultimate refining stones only drop out of t9 an the new lock box, the drop rates are terrible judging by the pc forums. So it's not like you can straight up buy them unless your opening tons of lock boxes, an even in the lockbox I'm sure they aren't easy to land
> So in effect i need to be paying for vip and opening lockboxes to have any real way of maxing out enchantments?
By the looks of things idk if VIP 12 will even help you max your toon except for the 20% discount on marks
I love the refinement feeding system mini-game (I saw it called that somewhere), I probably spent two hours last night playing this instead of dungeons lol.
Overall I like the new refining system, although it does not feel less expensive, it really feels more expensive. One thing is missing, or at least I could not find it. I did not see a way to tell how many over points were applied to an item, such as a r7 that I put 1 million points in last x2 RP but did not upgrade. Does that display somewhere?
Random Queues - I did not try that last night but everyone that I know who did were sent to either FBI or MSP and in most cases the players dumped out of the instance. Those two really need to be separate, they are hard enough that most people don't want to be in there for hours with randoms, or make the IL requirement to enter realistic, probably 13K on FBI and 14K on MSP...
Updated quest for SH siege, very nice touch, we actually had some fun last night doing something that was not the RP mini-game.
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
> The inventory management changes are nice, I am still getting used to the new bag view, sort all bags was a little upside down for me. I would like the option to either sort all but the first bag, or sort all should, IMO, have the consumables at the top, things that you need to grab most often. I also wish there was maybe a view medium icons, the small icons are just too small.
> I love the refinement feeding system mini-game (I saw it called that somewhere), I probably spent two hours last night playing this instead of dungeons lol.
> Overall I like the new refining system, although it does not feel less expensive, it really feels more expensive. One thing is missing, or at least I could not find it. I did not see a way to tell how many over points were applied to an item, such as a r7 that I put 1 million points in last x2 RP but did not upgrade. Does that display somewhere?
> Random Queues - I did not try that last night but everyone that I know who did were sent to either FBI or MSP and in most cases the players dumped out of the instance. Those two really need to be separate, they are hard enough that most people don't want to be in there for hours with randoms, or make the IL requirement to enter realistic, probably 13K on FBI and 14K on MSP...
> Updated quest for SH siege, very nice touch, we actually had some fun last night doing something that was not the RP mini-game.
From my experience with the random queues i usually get throne of the dwarven gods if its a skirmish (im 10, 800il). Throne can be annoying enough on the best of days with randoms killing hulks or not understanding which direction to make them charge. Now i keep getting paired with 1st timers.
I absolutely agree that under the new system they should rework the requirements for entry in each random queue. I wouldn't even mind if it made me no longer eligible for entry in some cases, at least when i reach the requirement i get paired with experienced players.
For the foreseeable future, it looks like getting your bondings/enchants up to 13 won't be a problem as long as you have the ad to buy the ultimate marks, but 14's will only be feasible for people with a ton of ad or people who can farm TONG all day, which is not your average player.
Regular folk will have to have VIP and a couple of years worth of patience in order to maximize their chances to reach that particular end game goal. That in itself wouldn't be a problem seeing as how it is rightfully supposed to be difficult as it is indeed an end game goal, however we have the nerf issue wrapping in with it. Rank 14s are the only way to get back to where we were prior to the bondings/enchantments nerf.
Bondings have 30 sec downtime , they will never be where they were not even at 14
What I have heard - and let us emphasize that I say "heard" because that for sure doesn't mean that this statement is true - is that rank 14 bondings are relatively *close* to what we had before. Somehow it all still works out. Now, that being said, I don't know how many people have achieved three rank 14 bondings on PC or what else factors in with that whole idea. It could be people saying that to make themselves feel better.
I understand they were over powered in the devs' eyes, and I have no issue at all with them wanting to do what they think is best for the game, but maaaaaan........ it hurt way more than I expected. Makes me wonder how I will ever get back up to where I need to be in order to actively feel close to end game again.
Locked out of the Random Epic Dungeons because I haven't finished River District, something that is not easy for an non DPS character. Going to have to see if a guildmate will be willing to pull me through it so I can join them in the Random Epics. Then going to have to do it again when they add more required dungeons to the list with the next mod.
> The new inventory system is a disaster. If anyone hasn't used the "sort all bags" function, don't! Going to have to resort all 7 bags to have something that makes sense.
> Locked out of the Random Epic Dungeons because I haven't finished River District, something that is not easy for an non DPS character. Going to have to see if a guildmate will be willing to pull me through it so I can join them in the Random Epics. Then going to have to do it again when they add more required dungeons to the list with the next mod.
I like the PRINCIPLE of sorting all bags at once but i have also noticed the stupidity of it, despite sorting all bags i've had to go through it all and move all my refinement items into the same place
As for random queues: Dungeon > GWD, the poor 1k ilvl guy could barely keep up with me walking, the boss got one shotted, meh. Epic Dungeon > Shores, really (thought that was a skirmish)? Skirmish > Throne, luckily everyone knew what they were doing, so it was a cake walk. Heroic whatever > TONG, we were to Orcus in about 6 minutes, then the wrong character grabbed the right key and everyone dropped the instance, which was a shame. But the language barrier was a problem, they had a french client (judging by the help message). I did requeue, but with the gwf the wait was too long so I bailed. The experience was a mixed bag. The queues I didn't really care about were easy, the one I wanted dumped in to the hardest content after a long wait and it failed. I'll probably just level a few alts to 70, put random gear on them, and do easy daily random stuff for the AD bonus.
I really don't care about getting enchants to 14 either. The only 12s I had before this were bondings anyway. I do like the new RP system, but I wish they would just make all RP go into an account wide pool. All the character bound RP does is force me to move enchants to refine them. If I feel like running content on my gwf, the I should easily be able to upgrade things on my DC.
The new skirmish is underwhelming, as are its rewards. The only reason to run it is for totems.
Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
I logged on last night to get my key and then turned my xbox off. My inventory is a mess, the random queues feel hectic, salvage runs are difficult, I have no idea where to start when it comes to getting some of my power back..... just makes it not exactly fun to play. Hopefully a few days away will help me make a clearer plan of action.
> I play a GWF, so even with my drop due to bondings (and my dismey when I saw that my armor pen was below the cap now. What? Really? I passed that milestone forever ago.) I am actually considering myself pretty lucky. I play with a guy who had the bonding AND a class nerf hit him. He's gone from our most powerful player to his toon being completely broken. I didn't even know what to say to him. It was terrible. He has three legendary companions and a legendary mount on that toon, so it isn't as simple as scrapping his character and starting over with a new class. Those things can't be moved.
> I logged on last night to get my key and then turned my xbox off. My inventory is a mess, the random queues feel hectic, salvage runs are difficult, I have no idea where to start when it comes to getting some of my power back..... just makes it not exactly fun to play. Hopefully a few days away will help me make a clearer plan of action.
I feel somewhat lucky as well, i main a trikster rogue and im just short of 11k IL and far from done upgrading my toon. The changes haven't really hit hard since i have so far to go, but players like the one you mentioned are really going to have a bad time.
If i get rubbish selections then i'm forced to manually queue for whatever i feel will give the best results....but for no AD.
And are "random" queues even random? Or are they just placing us into incomplete groups to fill the numbers?
> I main a cleric and find myself going back and trying to complete River District so I can unlock Master Spellplague. Use to be able to do Epic Dungeons to get AD, not anymore. All these mods are made for high DPS toons, so if you are a support character, you either have to get help or take hours to complete content just to be able to qualify for the content to get the AD.
The random epic dungeon queue selection is messed up anyway. By the looks of it they have put all tiers into the same category. They should have random epic dungeon T1, then another queue for T2 and then T3. But with these changes i'm not even sure there's any point queueing for epic dungeons at all.
the Ultimate refinement reqs are, as noted already, for the very high end only. So if you previously had 12s across the board then I understand frustration at needing to develope them to a higher level that actually delivers lower return than the 12s did pre Mod 12b (Bondings... I'm giving YOU a hard stare...)
But for lower to mid tier players it is now much easier to get 7s and 8s up to 10 or 11 compared to before.
There are several things about the update I really don't like but the refinement costs aren't one of them. (But yeah Ultimate Refining Stones look like becoming a bottle neck only accessible by the wealthy)
1) Running an Epic Dungeon, regular dungeon, and a skirmish is about 30-45 minutes, and I fill my daily AD with extra salvage. You CAN private queue the random dungeon. The only difference is that I can't just do 5 DPS T2 Dungeons. Mild annoyance that I need to find Healer/Tank, but doable.
I disagree with FBI and MSP dungeons in with the others as the time required is a big gap, but that is the case across the board. My Random Skirmish 2 days ago was Dread Legion and took 3 mintues and 31 seconds. Yesterday's was Prophecy of took 11:12. This couples with the difference in a 6 minute Valindra or a 40 minute MSP could really be irritating. Time balance should be a thing. I sometimes have 15-20 min for a dungeon, but don't want to get stuck in an MSP that would take longer.
Also, I have alt characters that are severely handicapped in the diamond department. FBI/MSP requires 11k Gear Score and everfrost resist. Its a LOT more for newer players who will be MONTHS before they can queue for the daily AD. Once again, I will just prove Gear Score menas nothing by stocking my toons with worthless gear to meet a minimum and hope they don't get FBI/MSVA....
I have carried most groups through on my SW, but haven't had issues when my DC runs on completing anything. The only issue I had was when it queued an FBI. One guy quit, however, and the run disbanded about 6 minutes in. If I would have voted at the beginning to abandon, it would have been an even more mild annoyance.
2) I like the new changes to inventory. Specifically I like that I am getting my refinement out now. After about 20 minutes of resorting on 2 toons, I have my first bag with only scrolls in it, and it keeps my drops I pick up. I can refine, in bulk and clear inventory faster than ever. A little sorting and I'm good. I moved my spare enchants to my bank and reorganized my bags....and now I can mass identify, refine, and then sell random junk for gold in about 60 seconds....much easier then before. I can also take ALL loot for refinement, which is stocking up fast.
3) My bonding Nerf took about 8% Armor Pen and 7% Critical strike from my character. I swapped Brutals off of my toon and onto my companion, and took the companion's radiants and gave them back to my toon. I am now back at 100% Crit easy. I was over on armor pen before, so now I'm right where I should be. Overall, its a rebalance game like it always has been. The upcoming Bazaar sale will get me Bonding 13's, so it will only be a matter of time before I'm back and hitting somewhat harder.
I lost about 1200 power, but honestly I don't feel too much of the nerf. The biggest nerf as an SW is the OBC. The initial strike hits for a lot on PoP, but I still think OBC will give me a TON of damage. Going to test that and varying enchants for more/less damage output.
4) Artifact refinement is harder, but faster and cheaper. Honestly, I will save a TON on pres wards, feeders, and other things. The refinement I make a day off of just playing the game should allow me to mythic artifacts relatively quickly. I see we lost some things, but we gained a lot more and I like it more.
I get it. Change is bad... I don't like everything (I'm looking at FBI/MSP in random queues), but overall the changes are doable for established players. I do worry about newer players not being able to queue for anything but Basic dungeons for diamonds. I'm annoyed as a 15.5 SW flying through Cloak Tower because I don't feel like I should be there...But most of the changes I can get behind.
Terrible? I disagree. Could use some work? probably. Doable in a week or two of tweaking? Definitely.
T1, T2 and T3 epic dungeons all grouped together with a completely unreasonable minimum item level. A min item level group is not completing castle never in less than an hour in many cases.
Having to have every epic dungeon unlocked to be able to access any of them at all. Why should i grind every ling and drawn out campaign just to play content that i previously had access too? All for 4k RAD?
If you are that concerned, Private queue. Get a group of players you know can do it, and run those dungeons. If you get FBI/MSP, agree to vote it down immediately. Everyone in the group can do it once every 4 hours. Unless you ALL get seriously bad RNG, you won't get FBI/MSP 6x in a row and can get something simple for the AD.
The minimum IL for CN is 8400. The minimum IL for Random queue is 11k. If 5 toons of 11k IL or higher can't run a CN in decent time, then there's a problem with their builds. Even ONE end game toon can carry all but FBI/MSP content. Again, the vote to abandon is an easy way out. Maybe you lose 5 minutes of time max....
Again, if you're worried about the group comp sucking, get 5 guildies/allies together you know can do it.
Things have changed. Better or worse is too early to call. I'm not saying everything you say is wrong nor that I agree with every update. I will say too many people are discrediting the system before they've done it. A few simple changes in the routine and it will help everyone get used to the way it is.
I do have one question. According to the way I understand it, AD is only gained via dungeons if you do a random queue. Last night I checked my RP pretty frequently on the "riches" screen, and twice I noticed I had 3.000 rough AD waiting to be refined. Both of those times were right after salvage runs done in a regular, non-random queue. Did they make a change to the system to where you now earn 3k AD for non-random dungeon runs and didn't tell us? I have no explanation as to where that AD came from otherwise.
That being said (since I shared my reluctance yesterday) I did in fact play last night (guild peer pressure) and I'm glad I did. Some of the culture shock wore off, and I could see a lot of positives. In particular, the random queue wasn't bad at all. I even got one of my alts in on the action, and she is pretty much useless but managed to not hinder the skirmish she popped into.
As someone who is only doing leveling and skirmish queues, it went really fast and I earned a decent amount of AD. I had no complaints. Everyone worked well together. The other queues aren't anything I'm worried about. They will be a nice addition to my ad gain when I do have everything unlocked eventually, but they are just that. A bonus. They aren't really needed for us to keep up with the same AD gain we had before.
Other good points:
- I earned a large amount of RP fairly quickly and took one of my bondings to 13, so it doesn't appear as if getting anything to that point will be difficult or time consuming. I may take everything to 13 and not worry about 14.
- A guild mate took all three of his bondings to 13 and he said he doesn't notice much of a power loss at all now.
Things that are still bad, even after getting used to the new changes:
- Bag UI is awful. Aw-fuuuul.
- When you sell something, the contents of your bag automatically slide forward a spot. That is super confusing and I almost sold some salvage last night because of it. Not a fan.
- I had to explain the new dungeon reinforcements option twice last night in right under three hours of play time. People are getting their tails handed to them because reinforcements are not automatic anymore. They have no idea why other players aren't popping into the dungeons, much less where the request reinforcements option is on the menu. I understand it is so people can leave broken or failed parties without a penalty, but a lot of xbox players are in the dark about it.