Never budged from my trailblazer weapons since mod10 tbh. Will try the pilgrim zenstore weapons next mod as I'm gonna buy the tiger companion anyway. Depending on the price of the new masterwork weapons I might change to those at a later point in the mod, but if we're talking millions etc. they can whistle.
Quite looking forward to mod13, the changes to long shot will give me more damage, which is nice.
Never budged from my trailblazer weapons since mod10 tbh. Will try the pilgrim zenstore weapons next mod as I'm gonna buy the tiger companion anyway. Depending on the price of the new masterwork weapons I might change to those at a later point in the mod, but if we're talking millions etc. they can whistle.
Quite looking forward to mod13, the changes to long shot will give me more damage, which is nice.
Ha ha how funny, I did the opposite and I skipped the Trailblazer equipment. I think that was the mod where NW became Euro Fishing Competition or something, so I skipped a lot of it.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Anyways. Think I'm gonna swap my enchants back into pve mode and farm tong till the next mod drops. PvP was fun, but you keep running into the same faces all the time, which makes it less fun.
Getting a bit fed up of PvP at the moment. Most peeple are now pulling out rings and permastuns on me...
I am fighting people and then shortly after I can no longer move or do anything as soon as 1 player hits with me an attack... then its just watching the screen waiting for death completely unable to move or do anything for 20 seconds.
PvP has just become a joke, every single HR I meet is trying to perma-stun to death and it really is pathetic. Then other classes are trying to do the same... It has become like the PvP of old where 80% of the game you can litterally do nothing at all.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Run the Elven and stun them back. Change to trapper and lock them for that match. Now you see why I use the Terror with the occasional rooting. Had a combat and trapper TRY to pin me down, I know what you're feeling.
It is getting nasty with the stuns, more tunes are making my head spin. The pally burning light stun is awesome. I try to run away as soon as I see them inflate. I might have the most kills, I will have to confirm with three other toons. It seems not many peeps are playing solo, have not been in a PreM in nearly two weeks. I wish Siege or GG would pop more.
Edit: Saw a rogue with 4k+ kills, must not have a job.
Gave PvP a week break. I see new toons. I saw a toon with green gear and might have slotted four enchants. Never saw a pally flat-line so fast until last night.
I managed to reach the middle of page 1 awhile back. I might be on page 6 or 7 currently. I am chasing kills. I am sitting around a 1.8 ratio short of 3000 kills by 24. Second most as it seems a guild member has over 6k.
I am running a hybrid Archer with a faster rotation with rooting powers. Helps out a lot so others can give a wallop. Moreover, the longer I can pin toons under StS is definitely a plus. Makes for easy double-triple-quad kills.
Gratz teucer. After about 600 matches I'm pretty much 300 wins 300 losses. 6000 or so kills, 6000 or so assists and about 3000 deaths. At the moment I seem rooted around page 10 just due to kill death etc. If we win a match, I go up a page, lose and I go back down.
The one thing I need now is the one thing I can't buy or grind... decent pug teams to play with.
Still playing straight high power crit arpen pf archer relying on deflect, stealth and mobility for defence.
So it’s 2x glory on PS4 this weekend so I thought I’d give Archery PVP a go. It’s a blast! Once you get the hang of not being a trapper anymore (my main is a trapper sume build) and just range from distance it’s great.
To see a GWF just melt away is great fun, my k/d ratio is getting better every game now
Yeah, afraid our dodge and forest ghost have always been buggy as hell. FG takes multiple presses to fire and dodges well, unless you spam them, they don't really work either.
Well, my excuse is I was racing ( at my local track, had not raced for ten years. There is usually a steady popping Q. I have been able to jump into PreM and solo q it. Last night GG and Siege popped. Arch is great for PvP.
Yeah, solo is dying because the whales are in it and is successfully q-syncing.
I got the Chultan tiger pack and the offhand+keys pack off the Zen store, but you can probably buy the 2 packs off the AH, not sure though. They come at green so hope you have at least 450k rp saved up.
Primal weapons probably better for pve, but I think the pilgrim set with the auto-bonus is decent for archer pvp. Mainly because the heals in PvP are lousy, and won't trigger the primal set, and as archer, if you get hit for enough damage to trigger the bonus... chances are you'll die anyway.
Okay, got the eyestalk wraps, so now, if stamina is full, and I've popped off a disrupptive... 9% base damage. Just killed 30 ppl in one match, we still goddamn lost ofc. I'm cursed.
And now have the manticore mane hat. Not sure how effective it is, but at least it has an lmmediate bonus rather than the Rex head's more gradual build up, which never made much of a difference outside of pve boss fights.
Because it now scales with your stats, it's actually an increase, roughly it does about double the damage it used to according to my act runs in pvp. Still nothing to write home about, but a solid boost all the same, much needed against the amazingly broken TR crowd.
And finally today a gravestriker +4 dropped, completing my new pvp pew-pew archer gear.
Quite looking forward to mod13, the changes to long shot will give me more damage, which is nice.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Thanx for all the interest, and your replies.
One set is setup with Azures and the other Radiants. I tend to use the Trailblazers the most.
The trailblazers I completed in a single weekend.
I am fighting people and then shortly after I can no longer move or do anything as soon as 1 player hits with me an attack... then its just watching the screen waiting for death completely unable to move or do anything for 20 seconds.
PvP has just become a joke, every single HR I meet is trying to perma-stun to death and it really is pathetic. Then other classes are trying to do the same... It has become like the PvP of old where 80% of the game you can litterally do nothing at all.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Take a rest, change your name, come back in a month lol.
Run the Elven and stun them back. Change to trapper and lock them for that match. Now you see why I use the Terror with the occasional rooting. Had a combat and trapper TRY to pin me down, I know what you're feeling.
Edit: Saw a rogue with 4k+ kills, must not have a job.
I managed to reach the middle of page 1 awhile back. I might be on page 6 or 7 currently. I am chasing kills. I am sitting around a 1.8 ratio short of 3000 kills by 24. Second most as it seems a guild member has over 6k.
I am running a hybrid Archer with a faster rotation with rooting powers. Helps out a lot so others can give a wallop. Moreover, the longer I can pin toons under StS is definitely a plus. Makes for easy double-triple-quad kills.
Gratz teucer. After about 600 matches I'm pretty much 300 wins 300 losses. 6000 or so kills, 6000 or so assists and about 3000 deaths. At the moment I seem rooted around page 10 just due to kill death etc. If we win a match, I go up a page, lose and I go back down.
The one thing I need now is the one thing I can't buy or grind... decent pug teams to play with.
Still playing straight high power crit arpen pf archer relying on deflect, stealth and mobility for defence.
To see a GWF just melt away is great fun, my k/d ratio is getting better every game now
I play Drider so don't know, if it were discussed already. But i have video proof.
Watch it. As you see, i shifted GF skill, missed the damage, spent my stamina and get controled:lol And this happens very often with GF, CW and TR.
And about forest ghost - actually stelth don't work with TR and CW, so the only chance to survive is not working.
If someone know where to send my video as bug report - please do it.
Sorry for bad english
You can see some videos of my SW HR pvp here -
Yeah, solo is dying because the whales are in it and is successfully q-syncing.
And so many HRs. 4 in one match about an hour ago. Getting so you can't move for an arrow in the back of the head.
Ended up with the pilgrim weapons at Orange, wow do they kick out a lot more damage. Early days yet, we'll see how it goes.
Not a bad bonus.
Primal weapons probably better for pve, but I think the pilgrim set with the auto-bonus is decent for archer pvp. Mainly because the heals in PvP are lousy, and won't trigger the primal set, and as archer, if you get hit for enough damage to trigger the bonus... chances are you'll die anyway.
Page 2, new record, for me anyway lol.
Atm. I'm using the oppressive action ring, and the enduring boots, both from makos. And chasing the eyestalk wraps. Maybe the manticore mane hat.
And now have the manticore mane hat. Not sure how effective it is, but at least it has an lmmediate bonus rather than the Rex head's more gradual build up, which never made much of a difference outside of pve boss fights.
And finally today a gravestriker +4 dropped, completing my new pvp pew-pew archer gear.
Manticore hat.
Primal chest.
Eyestalk gloves
Enduring boots.
Offensive action.
Goodbye geargrind, hello high k/d ratio.
Figured it out.
Nice update.