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Something Needs to be done with the lag in tomb.

Lag sometimes gets to a point where it makes me want to quit running it and go play something else and I fear it is going to be even worse once 2x enchants kicks in. Seriously, I usually play at 150-180 ping on neverwinter and in other games where I sometimes play in NA servers playing with 150 ping the game is still playable but the HAMSTER lag in tomb feels like it's 2000 ping.


  • baronstragenbaronstragen Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    One of the reasons I don't run T9 often. Lag is the difference between life and death in that place, and if you have lag on Ras Ni, you're in big trouble.
    Varric the Cursed Dwarven cursed to be Tiefling CW
    Original Serenity Mostly Retired DC
    Tokarek Bearded Dwarven OP Tankadin
    JuiceHead Goofy Human GWF
    Member of H3llzWarriors and Limitless.
  • spidey#3367 spidey Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    Thats so damn right, what wicked says:
    So many days where i wanted to farm T9 ( 5 -6 runs at the evening), but i made only 1 bc the lags are to much to handle it ( for the whole group). And if we got the chest bug at endboss ( we got it again, thx for this Cryptic!) its time to log off and dont play this game for this day. Its so anoying, but what makes me really angry is the fact that PW gives a Hamster about all the claims. I didnt see any answer like " we are aware about this issue...bla bla bla...".
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    Lag is a hidden difficulty metric - more lag = more difficulty of completion ;)

    Seriously though, it is frustrating.
    I aim to misbehave
  • clericalistclericalist Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 595 Arc User
    I have the same problem, so also a no go for me. I am curious what is the cause of the lag, is it sheer number of instances (I assume that many are farming it) that are straining the servers?
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    Generally, the performance in the game is pretty bad. CPU optimization is terrible, and the servers seem janky as the wrinkly undercarriage.
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  • wickedduck22#9795 wickedduck22 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    @etelgrin I wish... even when I relog the lag is still bad.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,521 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    relog did help me. My GWF was moving in a 'jerky' mode. When he ran, he zip forward, stop, zip forward, stop, ... When he faced the last boss, that zip made him off the board (when he ran away from the hand) and died. Then, somehow re-spawned in the first camp fire. The team leader got rid of me and took me back. In the process, I moved to PE and then back to the last camp fire. After that, the lag was gone.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • wickedduck22#9795 wickedduck22 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    @plasticbat I'm not talking about the rubber band bug that is caused by abilities from yuan ti(not always). Relog does help on that.
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    I'm continuing to report back to the team the issues with lag. Does this happen during specific times of day/day of the week, when certain powers are being used, etc? Identifying any commonalities helps get a clearer picture of each lag situation (since they can vary wildly in cause).
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    Well, make a server load log or something if you aren't already. It has happened quite a few times that I stop hitting the last boss, the boss teleports to the edge of the platform, I try going towards him but keep rubberbanding backwards, and then, after the rubberbanding stops I sprint off at the speed of light into the abyss below the platform.
  • wickedduck22#9795 wickedduck22 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    @nitocris83 it seems to be more intense on the weekends but it also happens during the weekdays so I suppose it has to do with how many people do it?
  • greyjay1greyjay1 Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    For me the lags usually start between 19:00-20:00 (Germany, 10-11 am pst).
    Playing on the weekends lags.
    When I have the time to run 1-2 tong between 14:00-16:00 (Germany, 5-7 am pst) then it almost never lags.

    Playing on the Preview-server (Mimic) almost never lags, even if I have lags on the live-server (Dragon) at the same time.
  • edited December 2017
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  • therealprotextherealprotex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 526 Arc User
    greyjay1 said:

    For me the lags usually start between 19:00-20:00 (Germany, 10-11 am pst).
    Playing on the weekends lags.
    When I have the time to run 1-2 tong between 14:00-16:00 (Germany, 5-7 am pst) then it almost never lags.

    Playing on the Preview-server (Mimic) almost never lags, even if I have lags on the live-server (Dragon) at the same time.

    We german/european players (depending on where we live and what ISP we use) have the additional obstacle called "Cogentco". Make a pathping/tracert to the Cryptic gameservers and you will have package loss at the Cogentco servers (mostly the one in Boston). It is especially bad at the early evening times in Germany as you already noticed. It gets much better after 22:30-23:00.
  • spidey#3367 spidey Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited December 2017

    @nitocris83 it seems to be more intense on the weekends but it also happens during the weekdays so I suppose it has to do with how many people do it?

    It happens allways in germany beetween 8 pm and 10 pm ( so the best playtime for working ppl). If you check tracert at this time we got the problem like therealprotex wrote. Its mostly the time when our US friends gong to come on and run t9 too.
    In my case i dont make t9 anymore during the week. I only make t9 at the weekend beetween 1 pm and 7 pm. So i have a chance to get a non laggy t9.
    Post edited by spidey#3367 on
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    For me, in UTC +2 time, at 19:00-22:00 I have intense lag.
  • muminekm#3459 muminekm Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    Same - living in GMT+1 and I have intense lag in Tong around 20-23.
  • firefly#7004 firefly Member Posts: 5 Arc User

    Identifying any commonalities helps get a clearer picture of each lag situation (since they can vary wildly in cause).


    to help here i have done some technical research and have identified "one problem" you got with the EU access (don't know if it is a problem in the US to cause I do not have access to a PC there).

    You got a widely known (many games experience the same problem) Problem with the carrier telia.
    To Proof what i say i have added a tracert.
    As you can see in the tracert (you can start it in cmd with "tracert www.arcgames.com" the ping comes from the telia links, before telia the routing will be fast and after telia it will be fast too but in telia there will be a long routing time.
    But after that, the main Problem with the Carrier Telia is the packet loss, the majority of my measured packet loss is on the telia routers.
    If the "ingame lag" is high on my side, the telia routing will have more ms and more packet loss (no other part of the routing will have that issues, only telia goes up in this values)
    This problem is the same thing that others see in their scannings too (below the tracert i wrote some entries from other games in other forums)

    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms homenet router [ppp.ppp.ppp.ppp] 2 18 ms 18 ms 19 ms provider gateway ppp.ppp.ppp.ppp 3 23 ms 25 ms 24 ms hh-ea8-i.HH.DE.NET.DTAG.DE [] 4 22 ms 23 ms 23 ms hh-ea8-i.HH.DE.NET.DTAG.DE [] 5 22 ms 22 ms 22 ms 6 179 ms 183 ms 177 ms hbg-bb4-link.telia.net [] 7 178 ms 176 ms 230 ms ldn-bb2-link.telia.net [] 8 178 ms 179 ms 109 ms ash-bb4-link.telia.net [] 9 179 ms 178 ms 180 ms nyk-bb4-link.telia.net [] 10 175 ms 181 ms 179 ms sjo-b21-link.telia.net [] 11 177 ms 181 ms 177 ms internap-ic-140172-sjo-b21.c.telia.net [] 12 181 ms 183 ms 182 ms border6.pc1-bbnet1.sje.pnap.net [] 13 176 ms 183 ms 182 ms edge2.sje004-border6.sje.pnap.net [] 14 177 ms 179 ms 177 ms edge1.sje004-edge2.sje004.pnap.net [] 15 181 ms 175 ms 175 ms</code> Some forum entries from other games to follow: Telia Problem in GW: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/2405/telia-and-lag-issues Telia Problem in WOT: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/313855-telia-lag-and-packet-loss/ Telia Problem in WOW: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/2504844663 Regards, FireFly
  • thyuberdudethyuberdude Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    @nitocris83 it happens moreso during peak hours but certain classes with lightning enchant make it worse. HR and CW being the biggest lag makers on trash mobs. Relogging helps me to a degree though so there's that. I don't experience lag issues in other dungeons on trash with CWs/HRs spamming AoEs with lightning.
    Draco Metallum GF - Tank stuff till dead
    Draco Metallum GWF - Hit stuff till dead
    Draco Metallum CW - Debuff stuff till dead
    Draco Metallum DC - Buff stuff till dead
  • ultimatefgt123ultimatefgt123 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 96 Arc User

    I'm continuing to report back to the team the issues with lag. Does this happen during specific times of day/day of the week, when certain powers are being used, etc? Identifying any commonalities helps get a clearer picture of each lag situation (since they can vary wildly in cause).

    Everytime, All of the time. I haven't had a TONG run where I haven't had to relog to reduce lag at some point during the run. Have run it enough times to get full primal gear (inc rings) on 4 characters.

    I am a GF who mainly runs ITF, Enforced Threat/Knights Challenge, and Commanders Strike. There is something about CS that definitely makes it worse, I mentioned CS causing some kind of lag in the bugtober thread, maybe it is ET/CS interaction with many adds- trying to apply the bonus damage to many adds that are marked causes the issue? idk.

    Doesn't help with specificity, but is an indicator of how terrible that instance is for lag.
  • therealprotextherealprotex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 526 Arc User

    @nitocris83 it happens moreso during peak hours but certain classes with lightning enchant make it worse. HR and CW being the biggest lag makers on trash mobs. Relogging helps me to a degree though so there's that. I don't experience lag issues in other dungeons on trash with CWs/HRs spamming AoEs with lightning.

    If these powers (DC's Astral Shield being added often to that fairytale, too) or enchantments truely causes server side lags, everyone at least in that instance would notice the lag. But since that is not the case, the reason is more likely either your computer and/or the routing.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    I'm coming in from across the Atlantic as well, and yes, I do have lag issues in ToNG quite frequently - maybe in around one-third of the runs. Relogging will usually reduce the problem.

    I have done 130 ToNG runs in total (one advantage of being a 17K IL DC is that it's never hard to get a group), and I usually play at some point between 17:00 and midnight, UTC.

    My network connection is pretty good - a gigabit fiber-optic connection straight into my house. I practically never experience any lag whatsoever in any other area (Yea, I did have lag when Stronghold Marauders were first introduced or when the servers were under a DDoS attack, but that's it.) No lag in Tiamat, SH DF or anywhere else - just ToNG.

    It is 100% clear to me that whatever the issue is, it is specific to ToNG.

    The primary symptom I experience is jerky movement and unresponsiveness to keystrokes. Instead of running at a constant speed, I run, stop, run, stop. Note that this may happen outside combat, so it seems unlikely it is related to the use of specific powers.

    As for the keystrokes, I may experience a noticeable delay between activating an encounter power and, well, actually getting the effect.

    This is annoying, but not game-breaking....not quite.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • therealprotextherealprotex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 526 Arc User
    As a general rule:
    If EVERYONE in the instance is experiencing the same kind of lag as you (low ping, bad responsiveness, rubberbanding, ...) then it is very likely that the problem is the game server (or a server in the route next to it).

    If NOT everyone is experiencing the same kind of lag as you - even if four have the lags and only one does not! - then it is very likely that the problem is your computer, your ISP and/or the routing. (And as everyone and their mother seem to have the BiS ISP and BiS PC, it is most likely the routing.)
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  • zomak#4611 zomak Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    > @nitocris83 said:
    > I'm continuing to report back to the team the issues with lag. Does this happen during specific times of day/day of the week, when certain powers are being used, etc? Identifying any commonalities helps get a clearer picture of each lag situation (since they can vary wildly in cause).

    Not ToNG specific but I have noticed that those big fires on pillars inside the chult temples cause lag for me. Once they lag me up moving away from them makes it much better but it does not go away completely until I exit the game and then log back on. I believe ToNG has these same fires in some places if I remember my 1 unsuccessful attempt correctly.

    It seems like this is due to whatever graphics effects they use being particularly demanding of computer resources and/or not fully releasing those resources when done with them. I'm on an older computer for increased resources demands hit me harder. I cleaned my CPU cooling fan out and limited my FPS to 30 and this had greatly improved my personal situation but I still get lag buildup that gets worse the longer I play(in any area) and this buildup is fixed by exiting and restarting the game client, thus I would say at least one lag causing issue is a software aging problem such as a memory leak or an infinite loop somewhere in the code of either neverwinter itself or some piece of software it uses/relies on that is restarted with neverwinter.
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