Why not make a difficult dungeon available for all classes..i mean 'all' ..always accentuate that word...cryptic devs don't listen to me...
and of course force geared players to carry lower item level players 11k,12k... to complete the dungeon that is called Tong and farm seals and gear... just like the leveling dungeons which geared players carry leveling players...p;
I suggest you find friends with whom to play, so that you don't have to deal with the public.
[PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
If you want a reasonable fast and smooth run (under 30 minutes and no wipes), you will want an "optimal"group, and that means 2 DCS, OP, a good DPS and one "any". This is somewhat bad news for certain classes - and the status of things is simply that it is hard for a TR, SW or a "non-MoF CW" to join ToNG groups, unless they are really, really good, or simply just start the group and invite their friends. You never see anyone looking for a TR in the "elite" channels, for example.
However, if you are in a good guild, chances are that you can get a guild/allance run, which includes the less popular classes, less-geared or less-experienced players. Sure, it might take a bit longer to finish, but that doesn't really matter so much when you are playing with your friends, right?
At this time, that's the best chance for an IL 12-13K player to get into ToNG.-but then again, if you haven't already finished all the other campaigns and such, you proably shouldn't be trying to get into ToNG anyhow.
14-15 is just fine for ToNG if you know what you are doing - you don't have to be 17-18K to finish it.
It is 'optimal' (time wise) to run with 4 buffers and a GWF or HR but it's not necessary.
As for the item level requirement, well it is supposed to be the hardest T3 in the game and is meant for endgame players...
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Again, I think this game is not for you anymore. Maybe back pre mod 6, but that time has passed. Pre mod 6 and post mod 6 might as well be different games.
I have no problem having 1 dungeon that is restrictive in this way.
But let's be real here, if you know your HAMSTER, you can complete any dungeon with 13k party composed of any classes, as long as you follow basic principles.
It's not like you can only complete it in 16k 2 DC, GF, Pally group. That's only your impression because you see all those players looking in public for those, because runs with those classes are most efficient (if they know their classes and play them well).
[PS4] Alliance - House Stargaryen
GWF and HR are the strongest and hardest hitting DPS in the game. They are taken over any other DPS because of this.
GF and DCs are buffer for the new content and GF can do good damage, not GWF or HR but some GF can out DPS a CW or a SW, so that is why many group now run..
1 OP Tank
2 DC
1 GWF or HR
1 GF
This group makeup is the new meta because it allows for more damage and you have an off tank with an off healer by bringing along a GF and a 2nd DC. This results in two DPS classes being typically left out of content.
You cannot blame the devs for this. It is the community that wants fast runs and enjoy imbalanced groups.
A few ways to resolve this is to remove the ability of private Q which would take out the 2nd tank and 2nd DC and encourage picking up a SW or a CW even if they have to play as buffers over pure DPS.
I feel bad for any classes that are left out. As an HR, I was left out of MSVA in most cases because there was already an HR in the raid and a second wasn't needed. DCs were left out of dang near everything for a while since nobody needed healing. GFs were left out for the same sort of reason as DCs - nobody needs a tank if everything is dead.
I don't think they have the resources to balance the classes these days...so they are just pumping out content without thinking and seeing what happens, hoping for the best.
My opinion, get off the 5 man runs and go to 10 man runs (no, not like the ones we have, true 10 man dungeon crawls). This would allow much more flexibility in the dungeon and in group composition. I'm not sure the game engine can handle this though, as Cryptics idea of a challenge is either: Throw hundreds of MOBs at you (no way the engine could take it), one shot you (no fun), or give the mob billions of HP on a rage timer (see Orcus in T9.....pretty boring).
Pretty much ever MMO with maybe the exception of WoW required players to gear up on lesser content to do the current top tier content...
(I say WoW... because of their habit of trivializing end game gear with each expansion)
Also people need to understand... that those people looking for 15k+ with meta group are "farming" the content... they are not doing dungeon crawls. (Also try forming the group... vs. just spamming LFG channel.... granted.. people are going to expect you to know WTF you are doing (YouTube is your friend)... if you are forming the group)
So best bet... find other people who are committed to crawling the dungeon vs. getting carried through the dungeon... looking for free loot...
Unfortunately.... too many people... want to be carried through dungeons... crying that can't improve their characters until they get the gear...
Well NWO is 90% about enchantments + Legendary Artifact Weapons and 10% armor/ring drops. SO... if you are using Masterwork Armor and MW/River District/ Relic Weapons... and using rank 13 bonding + enchants... then you are about 90% of someone in Primal gear... that 10% definitely makes a difference... but you aren't going to get blown out of the water on Paingiver...
Now if you are someone using Pilgram Gear with Epic Artifacts/Artifact Gear... and using Rank 10s... (I think that would get someone to 13k?) Then you have some grinding to do....
Nothing comes for free... and if it has for you... then count yourself privileged and don't complain.
- Forge (GF)
- Apocalypse - (DC)
- Sadus (OP)
- Fireball (GWF)
- Ixian (CW)
Thank you Loadouts for allowing my toons to be all the things... they ever wanted to be....
I haven't seen better stat distribution than Vivified.
Original Serenity Mostly Retired DC
Tokarek Bearded Dwarven OP Tankadin
JuiceHead Goofy Human GWF
Member of H3llzWarriors and Limitless.
I don wanna meet other players or work for it!!
I expected everyone 2 kiss the ground I walk on for how ub0rhax0r I am!
I have three characters that are in the 12.5-13.2K range. All three can do all content the problem is the community and not the content. Community does not want 1 hour dungeon runs. They do not want a 1-1-3 group where the 3 could have two DPS classes running as a buffer or even 1 of the 3 as a buffer. The community in game wants 2 DC, 1 tank and 1 additional buffer and 1 HDPS (15K+) usually a HR or GWF.
With some cash I can easily get all and I mean all of my characters to 15k. Will it make me a better player. Will my toons be better off at 15K than at 13K?
The answer to this question is if I build my toon wrong than it won't matter if I am 13k or 15K. I have seen some well built 13K toons beat out 16K+ toons of the same class. IL IMO does not equal ability to produce damage.
I ran my CW as a buffer many times now and I have kept up with some 15K GWF as a buffing CW that was using Combustive Action and Swath of Destruction. I'm sorry but at 13k and buffing I should not be keeping up with a 15k GWF on my 13K CW.
How you build is the most important thing in this game and even the best builds due to imbalance can result in some classes (TR, CW, and SW) being skipped over for other classes (GWF, HR) in the latest content.
This game seems to like its FotM class. Right now it is GWF and HR. Real balance would result in no class being OP as a DPS class and all DPS classes would be invited into the latest content as a DPS.
The game needs some indication of your game prowess, since "level 70" means nothing. If they removed item level, which many people want, people would just come up with another way to measure you. "LF4M TONG, must have 2 pieces of Primal" or something like that. Think back to SOMI, when people would state their class, ability spec, companion and bonding level.....yea, that was fun, wasn't it? /sarcasm
The bottom line is, time is valuable and boredom is boring. The game is designed around running the same content repeatedly, over and over and over X1000. No matter who you are, it gets boring, and when you do boring things, you want them done with as quickly as possible. The best indicator you have when inviting unknowns to your party is their IL, and if you know nothing about the person, the higher than IL, the more confident you are that they can do what you need them to do. Don't take it personally that someone won't take your 13.5k DPS over a 16k DPS. Put yourself in their shoes...which would YOU choose? If you said the 13.5, you are lying to yourself (again, talking complete unknown person).
It is a community problem, a balance problem, an individual problem, and a commitment problem, an entitlement problem. Everyone has a piece of the pie.
Trying to get an item ranked up that had a 5% chance to proc and 500 wards later it still did not proc for me. I know other players that can achieving success with 1% on weapon or armor enchantment with only 2 or 3 wards pretty regularly.
Just like I know some players that average a legendary mount every 25-50 keys yet I have not seen any after a few thousand LB?
I ran with a player that was getting fantastic drop out of VT, MC, eToS, etc... One day that player I ran with got a Harper Bard in FBI than we went into VT and he got a Cam. Mage. Both are worth a few million. He sees one of those every week roughly.
LUCK plays a big role and if you are not lucky than you have to PAY to advance your character and I'm simply done putting money into a game where everything is simply a money grab that in 3 months or so will no longer be BiS.
Since I have such bad luck my characters all tend to take time to gear up. Also, I have no been in a guild where a BiS character quits and gives away their enchantments either. I have talked to many players who are close to BiS that were in a guild where a guildie gave them R12 bondings and a few R12 enchantments.
I was committed to rank up my character but with so much bad luck I gave up. The other thing is that this game is so imbalanced that even if I had my characters at max, due to imbalance I still would have some issues getting into content. I mean how many CW have complained they are being passed over for content as DPS or even buffers because of the meta the community prefers.
LUCK and class you play has a big impact on if you can run the latest and greatest content. I have a friend that has a SW that is near 16K but he is often passed over for a 14K GWF or HR. This game needs a serious adjustment across the board.
Whatever the devs plan, hopefully they can fix many of the issues in this game.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
That's part of why I would prefer something closer to a leaderboard or ranking system like Rocket League, League of Legends, Path of Exile or other games, so that you could see record times, or player experience/performance rather than just the quality of their gear.
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
You must have have issues with TRs too? Ah we are not good enough for you? And don't excuse with "Can't target exhalation"!
Shame! Shame! Shame!
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
> Class imbalance or perceived "best" group composition aside...An end game dungeon that contains end game gear is essentially the "reward" for grinding your butt off and making your way through all the previous content. I don't think certain classes should be left out but IL...? Yes! If you're only 12-13k then there are dozens of other things you can and SHOULD grind out before trying to skip your way to the top by beating the end game content. If you can...more power to ya, but it shouldn't be an expectation
> What you are saying is that players who are 13K roughly have not spent enough money on improving their enchantments, buying Legendary mounts, buying gear (if that is an issue), etc...
> I have three characters that are in the 12.5-13.2K range. All three can do all content the problem is the community and not the content. Community does not want 1 hour dungeon runs. They do not want a 1-1-3 group where the 3 could have two DPS classes running as a buffer or eveyf the 3 as a buffer. The community in game wants 2 DC, 1 tank and 1 additional buffer and 1 HDPS (15K+) usually a HR or GWF.
> With some cash I can easily get all and I mean all of my characters to 15k. Will it make me a better player. Will my toons be better off at 15K than at 13K?
> The answer to this question is if I build my toon wrong than it won't matter if I am 13k or 15K. I have seen some well built 13K toons beat out 16K+ toons of the same class. IL IMO does not equal ability to produce damage.
> I ran my CW as a buffer many times now and I have kept up with some 15K GWF as a buffing CW that was using Combustive Action and Swath of Destruction. I'm sorry but at 13k and buffing I should not be keeping up with a 15k GWF on my 13K CW.
> How you build is the most important thing in this game and even the best builds due to imbalance can result in some classes (TR, CW, and SW) being skipped over for other classes (GWF, HR) in the latest content.
> This game seems to like its FotM class. Right now it is GWF and HR. Real balance would result in no class being OP as a DPS class and all DPS classes would be invited into the latest content as a DPS.
I don't think we are actually in disagreement about anything my good man lol! I think I may have been to brief and hence the point was lost so let me try and clarify what I meant
You need one good dps for sure.
You do fine in case you know what key to press and wich buffs to stack. NWO= math , stacking of buffs and debuffs, that´s all.
The problem I got with actual content is:
1. the disbalance between classes. Just look up for the actual classes represented in Tong, easy to see what´s wrong.
2. the community that spams on every channel OPDCOPDCOPDCOPDCOPDC , like being brainwahsed, no way to escape
3. the fact that those classes ( DC and OP), are prefered over others even maxed classes and a big part of them doing a pretty bad job.
The fastest (and easiest) runs were with FOTM groups. I hate to say it, bc my CW is my main and has near to BIS gear, but I prefer running TONG with my DC or my GF.