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Module 13 "Speculations" is a (Player generated idea)

isaintify1isaintify1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 414 Arc User
edited October 2017 in General Discussion (PC)
As of the recent livestream module 12b they mentioned module 13 is a player generated idea! Quick put on our theory hats! The time stamp in the video "twitch" is around 41:10

So I have been wondering about Module 13 for a few days now thinking of what it could be. Module 12 was announced in secret in secret dialogue of kabals dungeon. The very start of Kabals there is a couple of adventurers that have been seen since module 10, are talking about what places they should look for treasures. They mention a few different places they should go for treasure, and one of the places they mentioned they should go is "chult". I saw this and I was like how did I NOT see this! But right after chult they mentioned "Waterdeep" as a place they should go. Possible hint, maybe so what I am hoping for is for a group of people to look into Waterdeep as a possible module.

One of the other possible hints is lord Neverember ties to Waterdeep, and the resentment he feels towards the now new lord of Waterdeep. Also the fact that he is poor and he might possibly have a hidden cache of priceless artifacts in Waterdeep. He might want them retrieved so he can further get money for reconstruction of NeverWinter. For people who do not know what Waterdeep is here a description of what it is from the forgotten realms wiki. "Waterdeep, also known as the City of Splendors or the Crown of the North,[6] was the most important and influential city in the North and perhaps in all Faerûn."

If anyone has some information on Module 13 ideas and maybe Waterdeep possibility as well post it here! When I can log in (maintence at this minute) I am gonna look for some things to maybe support this. Also yes I know my English is not great I am sorry.

Also if you wanna come up with your own idea of how a Module 13 would go go ahead and story-tell! :smile:
Post edited by isaintify1 on


  • chemjeffchemjeff Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    It's gonna be more Chult, more jungles, more dinos, more hunting, more fishing.

    Mod 14 will be level cap increase. Revolution in Neverwinter! Lord Neverember is deposed! Illithid influence suspected! We get level cap increase and new dungeon, Nightmare Mode Epic Dread Vault
  • edited October 2017
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  • isaintify1isaintify1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 414 Arc User
    @chemjeff I would love to be able to do more hunts because its a lot of fun, and a larger map for players to explore would be fantastic. Dread Vault returning would be a lot of fun, because that dungeon was full of a lot of difficulty years ago. Also the level cap will be increased, as they did say they are going to be. However we do not know when that will be. Also revolution in Neverwinter could be related to Waterdeep and the linage of the Nasher. Which Neverember dislikes both.
  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    Yes, 13 and 13b should be more Chult, with 14 being whatever the next module release that WoTC does for the main game, unless of course it is something that would not be easy to incorporate into the game, ie Ravenloft.
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  • jano#8078 jano Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    Isnt the entrance to Undermountain in a Wayerdeep tavern?. Having seemingly endless levels of dungeons getting progressively harder the deeper you went would be pretty amazing!
  • isaintify1isaintify1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 414 Arc User
    jano#8078 said:

    Isnt the entrance to Undermountain in a Wayerdeep tavern?. Having seemingly endless levels of dungeons getting progressively harder the deeper you went would be pretty amazing!

    Yeah people been asking for this module type for a while now. I saw it the last time I made a similar post.
  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    So there's a that adventurer's party inside Kabals Lair in River District, they talk about the bad experience in the cold before, and about being hot at least in the caldera, then one of them say

    Fine then where we going now ? Chult ? Waterdeep ?

    They nailed the fisrt one i think Waterdeep is comming...
    maybe to help Neverember to regains his status or maybe to help uncover some dark stuff about him...
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    Yea, I wouldn't mind that IOU being worth something.

    Anyhow, it has pretty much been confirmed that Mod 13 will continue in Chult and conclude the story line that started in Mod 12.

    They have said that mod 13 will add a new dungeon of similar difficulty as ToNG,

    The big question as far as I am concerned has to do with the new class. They did say that originally a new class had been planned for mod 12, but had to be delayed (it seems because some developers were reassigned to work on the MTG game). The question then is whether Mid 13 will bring this long-awaited class or if it will be delayed even longer.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    I don't think Waterdeep is going to be featured in Neverwinter. Be aware that current mods in NWO are binded with D&D adventure modules, and current one is Tomb of Annihillation.

    My guess is we will explore more Chult. You can see that we have whole Chult map and only Port Nyanzaru and Soshenstar River region availible.

    I think we will get City of Omu next mod and propably new dungeon will be Fane of the Night Serpent. I would guess that mod13 will be tied to Yuan-Ti and their mission to summon dark god Dendar the Night Serpent.

    My second guess is that we can have also Mezro, ruined capital of Chult.

    Tomb of Annihillation adventure module is also about frost giants from Sea of Moving Ice chasing Artus Cimber into Chult because he has The Ring Of Winter. Artus is trying to find his wife in ruins of Mezro, which can tie us with me 2nd guess (Mezro campaign area).

    Or maybe Wizards of the Coast will provide new adventure module in upcoming months and we will get a new storyline.

    For me, I would love us to go to Ravenloft. Before SKT there was a module "Curse of Strahd" placed in Ravenloft and main goal was to defeat Strahd von Zarovich, the evil vampire count. I would go crazy if we would be able to have a Castle Ravenloft dungeon.
  • aftershafteraftershafter Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    I'm waiting to see if they don't just introduce epic modes of all of the lower tier dungeons with corresponding loot. There's tons of high end advancement potential with relatively little work on their end if they just introduce a higher level version of Valindra's tower with a higher level version of Zulkir's Dreadnought at the end... Repeat with Malabog, Kessel's, etc. Boom - tons of new content, not much work, great possibility for advancement, along with tons of angry fans... Then again, when aren't there angry fans?
  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User

    I don't think Waterdeep is going to be featured in Neverwinter. Be aware that current mods in NWO are binded with D&D adventure modules, and current one is Tomb of Annihillation.

    My guess is we will explore more Chult. You can see that we have whole Chult map and only Port Nyanzaru and Soshenstar River region availible.

    I think we will get City of Omu next mod and propably new dungeon will be Fane of the Night Serpent. I would guess that mod13 will be tied to Yuan-Ti and their mission to summon dark god Dendar the Night Serpent.

    My second guess is that we can have also Mezro, ruined capital of Chult.

    Tomb of Annihillation adventure module is also about frost giants from Sea of Moving Ice chasing Artus Cimber into Chult because he has The Ring Of Winter. Artus is trying to find his wife in ruins of Mezro, which can tie us with me 2nd guess (Mezro campaign area).

    Or maybe Wizards of the Coast will provide new adventure module in upcoming months and we will get a new storyline.

    For me, I would love us to go to Ravenloft. Before SKT there was a module "Curse of Strahd" placed in Ravenloft and main goal was to defeat Strahd von Zarovich, the evil vampire count. I would go crazy if we would be able to have a Castle Ravenloft dungeon.

    That makes sense, but sense and neverwinter online dor work well together...

    Help me here there's a module binded to River District (that wasnt aviable here i need to know to search the original in english then), if was not the may use a flow like one "neverwinter mod" followed by another binded to the D&D mod...

    And about only one place in Chult map, we still have only one in underdark, but the Druid class would really fit Chult and theres a lot more of story here to cover...

    btw the Ravenloft module you mention was "Curse of Stradh" storiline ?? i would love to get a storyline with ravenloft element, maybe a necromancer (pet user) class that would be nice

    so many options XD
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User
    Unless there is a mandatory tie-in to the PnP I expect a return to the Elemental Eye storyline.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • bitt3rnightmar3bitt3rnightmar3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 788 Arc User
    Well~ There are several loose ends I have noticed in the storyline. Spoilers maybe?

    1. Did Makos's alignment change? He seems a bit.. different. Necromancy usually isn't something that becomes 'cool' without some shift since he's mostly been a good guy.
    2. We still haven't solved the death curse thing. That needs to be a plot point soon.
    3. Where is Vizran Devir and what *is* the harbinger of the Elemental Eye?
    4. What is coming to Neverwinter that Gyrion thought only unleashing the far-realm could save it?
    5. What about the hidden lore in Mantol Derith hinting about other Demon Princes?

    If I have to predict another dungeon I'm going to lean toward Dread Vault (With maybe something like bringing some of the old bosses back Via elder brain magic like what happened orignially)
    Relmyna - AC/DC Righteous + Haste| Nadine - CW MoF (working on it)|Buffy - GF SM Tact| Hrist - Justice Tankadin|Healadin (Wannabe Tank)| Lena -MI Sabo TR (Farmer) | Jeska - GWF SM Destroyer (Farmer) | Maggie - HR PF Trapper (Wannabe DPS)
    I'll never retrace my steps.

    Some of my best friends are Imaginary.

  • wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User

    Actually, mod 11 was also based on D&D rulebook. But this was a 4th edition Neverwinter Campaign Guide which this game is based on. In 4th edition there's a whole story about River District, altough it doesn't feature Kabal, Gyrion and Nostura, the whole political storyline was featured in this rulebook. I highly recommend it even if you're not a D&D player. It provides a great insight in Neverwinter area and is really well written!

    Keep in mind that Underdark module had some quests in Menzoberranzan (or was it Maze Engine?). And yes, Ravenloft module was "Curse of Strahd".

    I really think that Chult will still be the main plot. Especially since with ToA adventure module there are lots of popular NPC's there. Even Valindra is there, in Heart of Ubtao searching for the Soulmonger.

    Basically Soulmonger is Acererak's soul-stealing device that is feeding Atropal. Atropal is a dead god fetus. Maybe he'll be a boss in a dungeon?

    I really would like to see Fane of the Night Serpent as dungeon, but I think that TONG already has some Yuan-Ti inside, therefore new dungeon won't feature snake people.
  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User

    Well~ There are several loose ends I have noticed in the storyline. Spoilers maybe?

    1. Did Makos's alignment change? He seems a bit.. different. Necromancy usually isn't something that becomes 'cool' without some shift since he's mostly been a good guy.
    2. We still haven't solved the death curse thing. That needs to be a plot point soon.
    3. Where is Vizran Devir and what *is* the harbinger of the Elemental Eye?
    4. What is coming to Neverwinter that Gyrion thought only unleashing the far-realm could save it?
    5. What about the hidden lore in Mantol Derith hinting about other Demon Princes?

    If I have to predict another dungeon I'm going to lean toward Dread Vault (With maybe something like bringing some of the old bosses back Via elder brain magic like what happened orignially)
    Some of my own spoiler-y ideas/answers:

    1. I don't think that's Makos at all actually. I think it is Valindra. IIRC, Makos's eyes glow red, this "Makos" had glowing blue eyes like Val when we last see him. Also, there is a large Thayan presence in Chult, who's leading them? (In the hardback adventure, it's Valindra, but she's keeping a low profile and is a possible (temporary) ally.) I think she lured us there for mutual benefit, because she knows first hand what we can do, but I think Makos is still dead and Valindra will become a problem again.

    2. Often, resolving the main plotlines of published modules are left to be resolved in the table-top adventure. In ToD we killed the big bad, but in Underdark we only killed about half the demonlords involved. In EE and SKT, we never really solved the overall situations at all, just put out brushfires. In Mod 13, we might get to finish it (but the conclusion was suppose to be in the ToNG), or it may be assumed it got resolved in ToNG, but now there are other problems in Chult.

    For points 3-4, I think they are talking about the same thing. My guess is Tharizdun or The Elder Elemental Eye (which have been tied together as the same thing in recent editions of D&D). He was a popular super-baddie throughout 4th edition, I've been waiting for his 5th edition re-introduction.

    5. We already took on Demogorgon, Orcus, and Baphomet, but there were several other like Zuggtmoy, Jubilex, Fraz-Urbl-whatever, and Grazzt (who was mucking about around Hillsfar, iirc). I assume those are just gonna be left hanging.
  • ukunaka#3833 ukunaka Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    jano#8078 said:

    Isnt the entrance to Undermountain in a Wayerdeep tavern?. Having seemingly endless levels of dungeons getting progressively harder the deeper you went would be pretty amazing!

    there is multiple entrances to undermountain in waterdeep taverns, the yawning portal, the blue mermaid, the knight n shadow (formerly known as the sea knight before it collapsed) the blushing nymph feast hall and 2 entrances in the castle. there is also a sub-ward called downshadow that exists on the uppermost layer of undermountain that is home to many outcasts, criminals and adventurers planning to enter the lower levels... and those are just the entrances we know about ^^
    Isis Sahoni - • The Black Blades • Alliance leader • Helm Guild
    Knight of Eilistraee - Darksong Knights Leader
    T'rissia Veladorn - The Sword Dancers of Eilistraee Leader
    Iraedril Mel'lyl - Church of Eilistraee Leader
    Siara of Chult - • Mergandevinasander Leader / •
    Baevyrae Ss'blis•The Bregan D'aerthe Leader
    Ty'ali Kalkana • The Black Blades of Shadow Co-leader
    Xun'tana H'tithet - Sword Dancer of Elistraee
    Xiara Shadowdancer •TBD•
    Chaoxing of Shoulung
  • flambridgeflambridge Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 191 Arc User


    I really think that Chult will still be the main plot. Especially since with ToA adventure module there are lots of popular NPC's there. Even Valindra is there, in Heart of Ubtao searching for the Soulmonger.

    Basically Soulmonger is Acererak's soul-stealing device that is feeding Atropal. Atropal is a dead god fetus. Maybe he'll be a boss in a dungeon?

    Valindra are in Chult?
    But she's phylactery not placed in somewhare of Thay?
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User

    Valindra are in Chult?
    But she's phylactery not placed in somewhare of Thay?

    Phylactery protects the soul. Its placement generally doesn't limit the body's location when you're dealing with the likes of Valindra.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User

    5. What about the hidden lore in Mantol Derith hinting about other Demon Princes?

    Keep in mind the only demon lord in play at that time was Demogorgon. Since then, they dropped in Orcus (twice) and Baphomet. So we got "other" demon lords.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • majorcharvenakmajorcharvenak Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    Irrespective of which storyline Cryptic pulls from Wizards of the Coast, I would like to see the Devs return the lost dungeons in Mod 13. They can upgrade them to put them on par at least with mSPC if not ToNG.

    House Miliskeera in exile (NW)
    Sereska Miliskeera, Lvl 70 OP - Devotion (Just.)/Protection (Just.)
    Shizlee Miliskeera, Lvl 70 DC - Divine Oracle (Right.)/Anoited Champion (Faith.)
    Finithey Miliskeera, Lvl 70 HR - Stormwarden (Combat)/Pathfinder (Trapper)
    Maya Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 CW - Spellstorm
    Irae Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 TR - Master Inflitrator

    Member - Houseclan t'Charvon (STO)
    Shiarrael e'Tal'Aura t'Charvon, LvL 60, Rom Sci
    S'aana ir'Virinat t'Charvon, Lvl 60, Rom Eng
    T'Lyra, LvL 60, Fed, Vul Sci
    Ta'el, Lvl 60, Rom Tac
  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    Yes, I would like to see the old dungeons back too. And a new class, please.
  • mysteriasdrassamysteriasdrassa Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    Evereska :D
    Or, since we got that whole new sub-map, more underdark campaigns
  • mysteriasdrassamysteriasdrassa Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    Also yes, some of the old dungeons that have not yet returned... like the one that finished out Eben Downs, I forget it's name but it was awesome
  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    Throne of Idris was the dungeon in Ebon Downs, and the lead designer already said in the stream they had during the downtime last Tuesday that we wont be getting a new class in Mod13, and probably wont be getting a new class until they are a bit closer to "class balance" with the current classes we have now. I would suspect after they get tr and sw to where they want them, maybe we will get a new class.
  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    I want to go back to Evernight!!!
  • isaintify1isaintify1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 414 Arc User
    They mentioned in the maintenance stream of 12B that module 13 is a "player generated idea". So Mod13 won't be waterdeep or any other lore mentioned currently in-game. So what I am guessing is a idea from players within the forums. What are peoples thoughts on this... by the way it was mentioned around 41:10 in the steam.
  • majorcharvenakmajorcharvenak Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    Lost dungeons, Myth Drannor, the Underdark, and Sigil, in that order please? :smile: For goodness sake, we have +13K - 16K demigods looking for a challenge? Send their butts to the Outer planes and let them fight in the Blood War. PvP too. They want a challenging game, let em have it out in the Abyss or the Nine Hells! >:) My two cents.

    House Miliskeera in exile (NW)
    Sereska Miliskeera, Lvl 70 OP - Devotion (Just.)/Protection (Just.)
    Shizlee Miliskeera, Lvl 70 DC - Divine Oracle (Right.)/Anoited Champion (Faith.)
    Finithey Miliskeera, Lvl 70 HR - Stormwarden (Combat)/Pathfinder (Trapper)
    Maya Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 CW - Spellstorm
    Irae Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 TR - Master Inflitrator

    Member - Houseclan t'Charvon (STO)
    Shiarrael e'Tal'Aura t'Charvon, LvL 60, Rom Sci
    S'aana ir'Virinat t'Charvon, Lvl 60, Rom Eng
    T'Lyra, LvL 60, Fed, Vul Sci
    Ta'el, Lvl 60, Rom Tac
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