I seem to recall that the reason the devs changed the mechanics look before you use a key for a chest was that they were going to improve dungeon chest loot so that you would be happy using a key. I've run a lot of TONG and opened both chests and have not gotten anything out of the chests that makes me happy to use a zen store key. Am I missing something or did they sell us a bill of goods? What purpose does this "extra" chest serve if no one wants to bother opening it?
Definitely the +5 ring drops got scaled back early. The only four +5 rings I ever got across four toons were in the first week of the key change. I haven't gotten any since that week. That was the most opportune time to get the +5 ring of your choice.
The problem has always been their drop rates. If i'm paying a premium for a key, I would expect to come out at even over 15 runs. I'm being realistic, I don't expect them to let anyone "profit".
If you are worried about wasting AD and zen buying those keys to open that chest then don't open them anymore. The main value of the second chest is to tempt you into feeling like you are lucky, it will contain extra seals of the brave which is something you might want once in a while but over all it isn't worth it.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
If you recall, we were able to "peek" into the chests and decline it if the loot was HAMSTER. Their rationale for "fixing" it so you have to use up a key, was that they were going to make the loot so good you would "want" to use a key. I'm just saying, the loot isn't even close to being worth the key. Correct, I won't be bothering with keys. I don't believe their design goal as they stated it was achieved. If that really was their goal.
Otherwise, what was the harm in letting folks peek before they use? With the current drop rates, I doubt many folks are using them.
Yeah, it's a fantasy game, and realism isn't what's going on, but if the cost of running the dungeon equals the reward of the dungeon, we are just killing things for the sake of it.... a little dark?
Chest loot should always have value... they just need to fix the economy so they can stop being so stingy with the rewards
The whole thread where they discussed loot centered around "we want to make loot good again". To me it's a complete fail.
Folks have to speed run dungeons, (used to do the peek), repeat over and over because it's all junk. Make the stuff bound to account, give us choices of gear for all classes, chances for coalescent wards (bound to account), whatever, just make it exciting and not the same stupid rings etc. etc. over and over.
also makes no sense.
Surely that big bad boss monster would have something tucked away in his/her large war chest?
I would be happy with a fashion item.
Or a dye.
( or a legendary mount )jk jk
Not sure what his scam is, but clearly his one-time-use keys and his otherwise indestructible/unopenable chests are just step one in his sordid little plan
If my chances of winning the lottery doubled everytime I bought another lottery number, am pretty sure I'd be dictating you this through a cute intern while discussing my misogynsitic tendencies with a very qualified therapist with the highly paid but forgotten about accountant in the background swearing under his/her breath regarding my 0.x% example.
The keys not being used I truely believe was a bug they didn't intend. I remember in the early days arguing with people over it....they were obviously designed to be used. However, this was left in and they said nothing about it, so it just became part of the game. Then they go and "fix" it, making everyone go nuts. I don't like the fix, and I think the old way was fine, especially considering you are talking about thousands of keys or incredible luck to get a super rare drop now.
The current course of the game seems to be: make harder content, and if you can't do that, nerf existing content. Keys being consumed was the start...multiple sets of the same power artifact weapons, and the upcoming bonding nerf. No double AD events, and the removal of double RP. They are desperate now to keep the game going till they can add more content. Even the limit on the Brave seals (which i didnt know about lol) is intended to slow people. Not sure what they will do for 13...as they seem to have hit a wall.
I am not bothered by the key changes at all. What I continue to be bothered about was that we were all retrospectively called chest decline exploiters but that in their wisdom they've chosen not to take action, yet anyway.
The option was there to fix an issue they knew of instead chose to blame the player base.