i saw a guy name Don Affilie in pvp he has so much control the whole game he kept me in a corner i couldn't move at all and he was barely doing any damage to me, i also had an elven on, i had to defeat my self a couple times so i can go back out and get points but again he controlled me in a corner how is that possible? keep in mind i play a cw as well but nothing compare to his my item lv is 13k, does anyone have his exact built that he uses? plz help
you need to use maestrom of chaos daily (while canceling it ) to break his cc chain and get closer to him for the kill ..also your cc resist due to low deflect is probably also a contributor
if they are cced and still on the node hey at least there is still a body on the node ..lol new meta dead before you can get to the node by extreme burst / debuff/ buff