Would you be willing to drop the Voninblod requirement entirely from the SKT token? Alternate way of phrasing that question: does the token increase Voninblod farming rate for the recipient?
The token doesn't increase your farming rate, but it does decrease your Voninblod costs on various campaign tasks, with the same "save 5x what you paid" logic as the other currencies. So you should still be coming out well ahead.
Ok, this might be a bit awkward, but let me try to explain.
I think the AD costs need to be there. It's not so much about this particular set of tasks, but about the game as a whole. Here’s the thing: any player can generate AD. That AD just gets added to the total amount of AD in the game. If there are more ways to generate AD than to consume it, more and more AD accumulates in the game.
Note I said “consume”, not just “spend”. A lot of the time, AD is used to buy stuff from the auction house or to buy Zen on the Exchange. Which is great, but it doesn’t destroy that AD (except for a small amount from the AH cut), it just moves it around. So it’s really important that there are as many ways to remove AD from the economy as there are to create it.
Right now, there aren’t a ton of big ways to get AD out of the system. The biggest (not counting the AH cut, which although small does add up) is probably the Wondrous Bazaar.
So....I'm all for AD-sinks, but can you have a chat with the team focused on the enchantment updates?
Basically all of the AD that players used to spend on duplicate R7-R9 enchantments is being shifted into needing 19 more Marks and Superior Marks of Potency to go from R10 to R12 on weapon/armor enchantments.
Duplicate enchants are AD that stays in the economy (minus 10% AH fees), but a very large percentage of Marks of Potency enter the economy via the Wondrous Bazaar. I have tried to start a dialogue in that thread about how significant of an AD Sink that is -- not in a bad way, just in a "Hey, you guys know that's a really massive AD sink, right?" way -- but have not gotten a response.
Adding 2 AD-sinks in one mod may be overkill, or may be really healthy for the economy. It's hard to analyze from my position.
You know the difference between you and some other devs? You are straight and upfront, you're not only talking how wonderfull everything will be but give us explanations and background informations.
Know this? ~
-- The caveat is that we’re only candid with other industry people. Because gamer culture is so toxic that being candid in public is dangerous.
— Charles Randall --
He is absolutely wrong, you're doing a very good job. Stay the way you are.
You know the difference between you and some other devs? You are straight and upfront, you're not only talking how wonderfull everything will be but give us explanations and background informations.
Know this? ~
-- The caveat is that we’re only candid with other industry people. Because gamer culture is so toxic that being candid in public is dangerous.
— Charles Randall --
He is absolutely wrong, you're doing a very good job. Stay the way you are.
Actually, I think Charles was more right than wrong. Perhaps not in this specific case, but as a community, gamers are a very toxic bunch, unable to see outside their little point of view and unable to control the thoughts that come from having anonymity. For every post that is well written and respectful, there are 2000 that are not. having sort of worked in a similar position, I can tell you - death threats are not uncommon. I can only imagine what devs in big companies like PW/Cryptic get. But thats off topic.
I appreciate the explanation. The entire patronage system is targeting people more on the "whale" side of things, and seems appropriate. If you want to talk about the 100k for armor reinforce kits, give me a call
Actually, I think Charles was more right than wrong. Perhaps not in this specific case, but as a community, gamers are a very toxic bunch, unable to see outside their little point of view and unable to control the thoughts that come from having anonymity. For every post that is well written and respectful, there are 2000 that are not.
Having 1 or 2 respectful people due to a dev being straight is better than having 0 cause they're hiding everything, don't you think?^^ I would prefer a little light in the dark instead of only seeing darkness.
BTT: I do like the system and i'm okay with AD costs. You'll benefit, no matter what. So why not paying a little fee for using the freeway.
AD Costs don't bother me, and an AD sink makes sense. I just absolutely detest going into some of those campaigns I have walked into SOMI so many times and turned around and just walked back out. Saying NOPE, not going to happen
Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold" Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP
I think we would all agree that there are toxic players, in this game or in any other They are mostly twelve year olds (or older but with the same mentality) that get a kick out of acting like little hamsters online They think killing hulks in Thrones, being the last one in the circle to start a run and trolling zone chat is funny We all learn how to deal with them or avoid them, and hopefully the dev group can sort the wheat from the chaff and learn who to listen to and who to tune out... That's my main problem with that Charles Randall thing... He doesn't seem to understand that reality exists and that everyone has to learn how to deal with it proactively in order to be effective and not go crazy After a really long time working technology jobs that were public facing and also internal (Dev support and QA) I know the temptation to become cynical... and I also know how important it is to build mechanisms to avoid that temptation Thumbs up @rgutscheradev
If I understand it correctly and the Secrets of Ostoria costs for boons are cut in half, this new system will be a massive benefit to me. The time it takes to grind out the last 2 boons currently is soul crushing. I may look into some of the other campaigns but for SKT, this will be great.
50k AD seems like a lot, but you need to weigh that into the time savings. Chances are, for a long campaign like 4/5 or 10, you can easily throw that time saved into earning AD and come out ahead.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
I've got two toons that are just missing the last boon of SKT, and for a 50% reduction on Secrets and a decent discount on Voninblood on *just that boon* I'd happily pay 50K each from my toon that *has* the last boon.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
The trick for me is gonna be getting that last boon even for the first time....
Cool, glad to see we are getting more (logical) AD sinks in the game. Between umops and patron tokens (and maybe some future additions), we might finally see Zen prices drop below 500 AD (emoji test)
Ok, this might be a bit awkward, but let me try to explain.
I think the AD costs need to be there. It's not so much about this particular set of tasks, but about the game as a whole. Here’s the thing: any player can generate AD. That AD just gets added to the total amount of AD in the game. If there are more ways to generate AD than to consume it, more and more AD accumulates in the game.
Actually, to consume AD steadily there is a need for AD vanity items (like costumes or dyes) and AD consumables (buff potions, or something elese).
The trouble with current system is to reach BiS there are some costs in AD that have to be spent on wondorous bazzar (marks of potency). I have seen estimation, that it will take 4 years for person to upgrade all enchants from current BiS to new BiS if the person will cap RAD every day and use only converted RAD. The problem is that real players (non-bots) do not cap every day on all alts (this will burn down players with more than 2 alts). So it will even take more than it.
To make reasonable progression in the game like 1-2 years to BiS, someone other has to earn AD and put in the system. And these someone else are alt and players that cannot progress at all because their AD go to players that do progress. Or there are bots. The current system creates very high motivation of real-money AD sellers to exists. Player see that they cannot progress at reasonable rate, and they naturally think that the some real money will speed their progress. I have seen rate 1M/$10 on zone chats. This is 22.7 days of RAD refinement, so for small money they will get almost month progress. The people that play the game are not strong-willed ones by default, but that offer creates temptation for them because they do not see how they could reasonably progress otherwise. But this causes game played by bots and real pay to win, I do not like such situation.
Is it possible to balance RAD and character progress? Like making all enchants BiS via wondorous bazzar and ward costs (assuming 250ad/zen) for just 1-2 years of RAD refinement and move AD think to some time limited consumables. The game will be much more enjoyable, if they player will understand that their efforts will allow them to make powerful character in reasonable time.
@rgutscheradev regarding the Cloaked Ascendancy patronage token: I see you upped the evidence of evil costs(the currency that has a use after all the one time tasks are completed) and lowered the Secrets of the many starred costs(the currency that has no use after all the one time tasks are completed) Please reconsider this.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
I think the calculation used for determining those new values is fair and tweaking the numbers based on which currencies do and don't have other uses would be a waste of time. It's ok for there to be a number of competing uses for any currency.
That said, there is value in making sure that all campaign currencies have something fairly simple they can be used on when the campaign is complete (an argument for designing campaigns with fewer types of currency). Adding something to the Travelling Merchant that costs only Secrets of the Many-Starred would be an appealing way to address that, imo. (Also a way of burning off excess Arcane Focus.)
I am glad you are speeding things up for Alts. Because after this goes live all my toons will be Alts. But that is fine. I want be able to do even MC any more, lol so atls is all I shall need for what little I will be allowed to do.
The trouble with current system is to reach BiS there are some costs in AD that have to be spent on wondorous bazzar (marks of potency). I have seen estimation, that it will take 4 years for person to upgrade all enchants from current BiS to new BiS if the person will cap RAD every day and use only converted RAD. The problem is that real players (non-bots) do not cap every day on all alts (this will burn down players with more than 2 alts). So it will even take more than it.
The whole BiS concept is a bit silly. You can play Neverwinter effectively without BiS gear. Maybe you have to lay off the peace pipe and have a bit more skill. I realize many people like to play MMO's while under the influence. This was huge issue when I played WoW and my guild was taking down the Lich King and many other fights. One person deciding to light up meant we spent hours failing. Complex encounters are supposed to be difficult. Some people in NWN want it to be too easy.
And when I have seen people say 4 o 5 years to get BiS, they have always misunderstood the numbers and created a complete fabrication.
TBH, I have not crunched the numbers, because I really do not care. And there are too many variables anyway. You can get MoP, GMoP and SMoP with daily in Dread Ring, You get Pres Ward and Coal Ward from invocation bags. Special events give you a chance to get needed stuff for free. AD is not difficult to obtain. And limiting your AD to only daily AD from RQ is not even close to accurate, unless you do not know how to work the economy.
I mainly play my main character. I have 8 characters total. One of each class. I get so much gear and seals from dungeons and guild stuff, that all my characters have a basic set of armor for level 70. Most is iLevel 420 or higher. I simply did what I would do normally...ran some content. And normal drops provided nice upgrades. Initially, these upgrades went to my main. Then I passed them down. It is easy to get decent level 70 gear from just playing the game. And if you do not have alts, then you can salvage/sell it.
This game is very easy for an upgrade path. If you focus on having fun, enjoying your group mates, then it is easy. If you focus on it as if it is a grind, then it will not be fun. It is your choice how you want to view it.
The whole BiS concept is a bit silly. You can play Neverwinter effectively without BiS gear. Maybe you have to lay off the peace pipe and have a bit more skill. I realize many people like to play MMO's while under the influence. This was huge issue when I played WoW and my guild was taking down the Lich King and many other fights. One person deciding to light up meant we spent hours failing. Complex encounters are supposed to be difficult. Some people in NWN want it to be too easy.
And when I have seen people say 4 o 5 years to get BiS, they have always misunderstood the numbers and created a complete fabrication.
BiS changes constantly. The current BiS allows to play with resonable effort current most complex dungeons.
TBH, I have not crunched the numbers, because I really do not care. And there are too many variables anyway. You can get MoP, GMoP and SMoP with daily in Dread Ring, You get Pres Ward and Coal Ward from invocation bags. Special events give you a chance to get needed stuff for free. AD is not difficult to obtain. And limiting your AD to only daily AD from RQ is not even close to accurate, unless you do not know how to work the economy.
I have never seen coal ward from invocation bags. It drops from chests bought for invoke currency, and the rate is quite low like 1-3 per year of invocations for single character for almost every day invokes. Preservation wards fall more often like 15-20 per year per character. So unless there is army of unused invoke-refine alts, nothing will happed.
The oringinal calcualtion included only irreversble AD sinks in form of marks of potency. While marks of potency are availalbe from other sources, the source are quite scare, and do affect economy significantly. Price on AH is stick to VIP price + 10% +5-10% income. If there were other major souces, the price for marks would have been corrected long ago.
The problem is that all these AD for AD sinks need ot enter economy. And the only way for it to enter economy is to be refined from RAD. There is absolutely no other ways in the game. There are two problems:
RAD could be refined on invoke-refine alts, but I'm sure that it is not intended, and it is very likely that critptic will strike on such alts at some point. Like ban-wave on those with leadership army in the past. It was also perfectly legal activity, that was banned at some point. However, I'm sure that most of current AD refinemet are done by bots, because alt management is time consuming, but bots do not have this problems. Also buying salvage refining it will earn small income sensible only for bots at current prices. And AD sellers are quite active recently.
Then there is a problem earning RAD. Except for weekly quests that provide less than one day of AD, all other RAD sourcs are bound to dungeons in one way or another.
AH and ZAX do not change situation, because they just move money among players (and bots). I guess economy corrections are trying to address whole economy AD, but it damages legit player, but bots will adapt again.
I mainly play my main character. I have 8 characters total. One of each class. I get so much gear and seals from dungeons and guild stuff, that all my characters have a basic set of armor for level 70. Most is iLevel 420 or higher. I simply did what I would do normally...ran some content. And normal drops provided nice upgrades. Initially, these upgrades went to my main. Then I passed them down. It is easy to get decent level 70 gear from just playing the game. And if you do not have alts, then you can salvage/sell it.
This game is very easy for an upgrade path. If you focus on having fun, enjoying your group mates, then it is easy. If you focus on it as if it is a grind, then it will not be fun. It is your choice how you want to view it.
Now, the AD income from running selected content suitable for character is halved. The first eToS run that gave bonus seals, normal seals, AD bonus, and typically one piece of salvage will give only salvage and normal seals. There will no AD bonus and bonus seals. This will cut AD income more than twice. And my 12k characters will still not able to do SKT dungeon and skimishes and msp, due to suboptimal stats cheap weapon/armor enchants optons and no bonding companions (that still considered requirements for that content and people are kicked out if w/o them).
So I'll be qualified only for random leveling, and not even for random skimish (because of msvg). But random leveling, there is no real reason to for lv 70 to enter them: no meaningful loot, no meaningful seals, no challenge, only some AD. For epic dungeons, I'll possibly will do etos anyway, but it will just give 1/3 or result for the same time. Epic RQ is beyond me currently, and when ToNG will be moved to random epic in some later mod, it will be even further from me.
I'm not sure about the other currencies. I tend to have just enough currency to finish a campaign when I stop and some of them I'm not even sure how to go about getting more of the currency or it will take days of effort to get the currency.
I really want to use this system, but at the moment it doesn't seem to be particularly friendly to me once I get the 50k AD.
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
> @obsidiancran3 said: > I'm ok with the 50k AD. > > I'm not sure about the other currencies. I tend to have just enough currency to finish a campaign when I stop and some of them I'm not even sure how to go about getting more of the currency or it will take days of effort to get the currency. > > I really want to use this system, but at the moment it doesn't seem to be particularly friendly to me once I get the 50k AD.
Thats why it should be one or the other... dont have the campaign currency? Fine, pay 50k ad, here's your token... have the currency? Fine, here's your token... the ad sink still exists. For a few that happen to have extra currency, relatively free tokens. Those that dont, no needless grind other than ad. This way, once those that have the extra currency buy the tokens and run out of currency will spend ad. It is much easier to get 50k ad than farming campaign zones for currency. The grnd to buy a token plus the ad costs makes it not worth it imo. I would rather play the content on the alt.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Is there any particular reason Avernus (Mod 19) being over two years old and Sharandar (Mod 20) over a year old, neither of which are the latest two mods yet there are still no SoP (Signets of Patronage) for either?…
On another note, can’t think of any positive reason(s) as to why campaign structure was changed from that of Chult/Ravenloft where campaign boons are immediately available to be worked towards on other characters from the beginning WITHOUT having to go through multiple tasks/spending hundreds of currency first…
The new campaign structure (Mod 20 and forward): 1.) The weekly haul cannot be increased. 2.) There are no double campaign currency events. 3.) Genie’s gifts do not provide currency for them. 4.) Don’t have SoP even if they are not the latest two Mods (as it had been before). 5.) Some of the rewards are claimable ONCE on an account then replaced with something menial (like 5g) even though it takes the same amount of effort to get to that point on another character(s)(even worse without there being a shortcut(s)).
The AD cost for SoP (50k) is quite unbecoming being that ALL characters on an account are forced to share a daily 100k RAD refining cap (50k is HALF of what can be refined daily). With the mention of signets being an AD sink, why should players (especially those with well beyond 2 characters) be inclined to sink 50k of their AD for EACH signet when they already have multiple characters to fund that are all limited to refining a total of 100k RAD/day AND spend gated time getting the currency as well? Saving a “bit” of time on progression whilst also costing time and AD is quite a steep cost for faster progression on additional characters. The thing about SoP is for them to be effective and appealing they essentially have to make more sense than simply doing the campaign(s) over the default timeframe without them, especially since for the most part additional characters are progressed through campaigns simply for boons…
How about one or more of the following:
1.) Reduce the AD/currency cost of SoP overall (a considerable amount of the time that is supposed to be saved progressing another character is spent collecting the currency for the SoP…). 2.) Reduce the currency cost of SoP. 3.) Reduce the 50k AD cost with each SoP of the same type purchased (for example 50k > 40k > 30k > “ “ “. 4.) Reduce the AD cost of SoP to like 10k each. 5.) Remove the AD cost from SoP. 6.) Introduce an account wide SoP with a higher AD/currency cost where once purchased, ALL characters on an account can claim/use it.
ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.
“There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY
Basically all of the AD that players used to spend on duplicate R7-R9 enchantments is being shifted into needing 19 more Marks and Superior Marks of Potency to go from R10 to R12 on weapon/armor enchantments.
Duplicate enchants are AD that stays in the economy (minus 10% AH fees), but a very large percentage of Marks of Potency enter the economy via the Wondrous Bazaar. I have tried to start a dialogue in that thread about how significant of an AD Sink that is -- not in a bad way, just in a "Hey, you guys know that's a really massive AD sink, right?" way -- but have not gotten a response.
Adding 2 AD-sinks in one mod may be overkill, or may be really healthy for the economy. It's hard to analyze from my position.
Know this? ~
-- The caveat is that we’re only candid with other industry people. Because gamer culture is so toxic that being candid in public is dangerous.
— Charles Randall --
He is absolutely wrong, you're doing a very good job. Stay the way you are.
I appreciate the explanation. The entire patronage system is targeting people more on the "whale" side of things, and seems appropriate. If you want to talk about the 100k for armor reinforce kits, give me a call
I would prefer a little light in the dark instead of only seeing darkness.
I do like the system and i'm okay with AD costs. You'll benefit, no matter what. So why not paying a little fee for using the freeway.
Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP
They are mostly twelve year olds (or older but with the same mentality) that get a kick out of acting like little hamsters online
They think killing hulks in Thrones, being the last one in the circle to start a run and trolling zone chat is funny
We all learn how to deal with them or avoid them, and hopefully the dev group can sort the wheat from the chaff and learn who to listen to and who to tune out...
That's my main problem with that Charles Randall thing... He doesn't seem to understand that reality exists and that everyone has to learn how to deal with it proactively in order to be effective and not go crazy
After a really long time working technology jobs that were public facing and also internal (Dev support and QA) I know the temptation to become cynical... and I also know how important it is to build mechanisms to avoid that temptation
Thumbs up @rgutscheradev
50k AD seems like a lot, but you need to weigh that into the time savings. Chances are, for a long campaign like 4/5 or 10, you can easily throw that time saved into earning AD and come out ahead.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
This might help explain this in simpler terms for anyone still wondering what in the world rgutscheradev just said.
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
The trouble with current system is to reach BiS there are some costs in AD that have to be spent on wondorous bazzar (marks of potency). I have seen estimation, that it will take 4 years for person to upgrade all enchants from current BiS to new BiS if the person will cap RAD every day and use only converted RAD. The problem is that real players (non-bots) do not cap every day on all alts (this will burn down players with more than 2 alts). So it will even take more than it.
To make reasonable progression in the game like 1-2 years to BiS, someone other has to earn AD and put in the system. And these someone else are alt and players that cannot progress at all because their AD go to players that do progress. Or there are bots. The current system creates very high motivation of real-money AD sellers to exists. Player see that they cannot progress at reasonable rate, and they naturally think that the some real money will speed their progress. I have seen rate 1M/$10 on zone chats. This is 22.7 days of RAD refinement, so for small money they will get almost month progress. The people that play the game are not strong-willed ones by default, but that offer creates temptation for them because they do not see how they could reasonably progress otherwise. But this causes game played by bots and real pay to win, I do not like such situation.
Is it possible to balance RAD and character progress? Like making all enchants BiS via wondorous bazzar and ward costs (assuming 250ad/zen) for just 1-2 years of RAD refinement and move AD think to some time limited consumables. The game will be much more enjoyable, if they player will understand that their efforts will allow them to make powerful character in reasonable time.
regarding the Cloaked Ascendancy patronage token:
I see you upped the evidence of evil costs(the currency that has a use after all the one time tasks are completed)
and lowered the Secrets of the many starred costs(the currency that has no use after all the one time tasks are completed) Please reconsider this.
That said, there is value in making sure that all campaign currencies have something fairly simple they can be used on when the campaign is complete (an argument for designing campaigns with fewer types of currency). Adding something to the Travelling Merchant that costs only Secrets of the Many-Starred would be an appealing way to address that, imo. (Also a way of burning off excess Arcane Focus.)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
And when I have seen people say 4 o 5 years to get BiS, they have always misunderstood the numbers and created a complete fabrication.
TBH, I have not crunched the numbers, because I really do not care. And there are too many variables anyway. You can get MoP, GMoP and SMoP with daily in Dread Ring, You get Pres Ward and Coal Ward from invocation bags. Special events give you a chance to get needed stuff for free. AD is not difficult to obtain. And limiting your AD to only daily AD from RQ is not even close to accurate, unless you do not know how to work the economy.
I mainly play my main character. I have 8 characters total. One of each class. I get so much gear and seals from dungeons and guild stuff, that all my characters have a basic set of armor for level 70. Most is iLevel 420 or higher. I simply did what I would do normally...ran some content. And normal drops provided nice upgrades. Initially, these upgrades went to my main. Then I passed them down. It is easy to get decent level 70 gear from just playing the game. And if you do not have alts, then you can salvage/sell it.
This game is very easy for an upgrade path. If you focus on having fun, enjoying your group mates, then it is easy. If you focus on it as if it is a grind, then it will not be fun. It is your choice how you want to view it.
The oringinal calcualtion included only irreversble AD sinks in form of marks of potency. While marks of potency are availalbe from other sources, the source are quite scare, and do affect economy significantly. Price on AH is stick to VIP price + 10% +5-10% income. If there were other major souces, the price for marks would have been corrected long ago.
The problem is that all these AD for AD sinks need ot enter economy. And the only way for it to enter economy is to be refined from RAD. There is absolutely no other ways in the game. There are two problems:
- RAD could be refined on invoke-refine alts, but I'm sure that it is not intended, and it is very likely that critptic will strike on such alts at some point. Like ban-wave on those with leadership army in the past. It was also perfectly legal activity, that was banned at some point. However, I'm sure that most of current AD refinemet are done by bots, because alt management is time consuming, but bots do not have this problems. Also buying salvage refining it will earn small income sensible only for bots at current prices. And AD sellers are quite active recently.
- Then there is a problem earning RAD. Except for weekly quests that provide less than one day of AD, all other RAD sourcs are bound to dungeons in one way or another.
- AH and ZAX do not change situation, because they just move money among players (and bots). I guess economy corrections are trying to address whole economy AD, but it damages legit player, but bots will adapt again.
Now, the AD income from running selected content suitable for character is halved. The first eToS run that gave bonus seals, normal seals, AD bonus, and typically one piece of salvage will give only salvage and normal seals. There will no AD bonus and bonus seals. This will cut AD income more than twice. And my 12k characters will still not able to do SKT dungeon and skimishes and msp, due to suboptimal stats cheap weapon/armor enchants optons and no bonding companions (that still considered requirements for that content and people are kicked out if w/o them).So I'll be qualified only for random leveling, and not even for random skimish (because of msvg). But random leveling, there is no real reason to for lv 70 to enter them: no meaningful loot, no meaningful seals, no challenge, only some AD. For epic dungeons, I'll possibly will do etos anyway, but it will just give 1/3 or result for the same time. Epic RQ is beyond me currently, and when ToNG will be moved to random epic in some later mod, it will be even further from me.
I'm not sure about the other currencies. I tend to have just enough currency to finish a campaign when I stop and some of them I'm not even sure how to go about getting more of the currency or it will take days of effort to get the currency.
I really want to use this system, but at the moment it doesn't seem to be particularly friendly to me once I get the 50k AD.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
> I'm ok with the 50k AD.
> I'm not sure about the other currencies. I tend to have just enough currency to finish a campaign when I stop and some of them I'm not even sure how to go about getting more of the currency or it will take days of effort to get the currency.
> I really want to use this system, but at the moment it doesn't seem to be particularly friendly to me once I get the 50k AD.
Thats why it should be one or the other... dont have the campaign currency? Fine, pay 50k ad, here's your token... have the currency? Fine, here's your token... the ad sink still exists. For a few that happen to have extra currency, relatively free tokens. Those that dont, no needless grind other than ad. This way, once those that have the extra currency buy the tokens and run out of currency will spend ad. It is much easier to get 50k ad than farming campaign zones for currency. The grnd to buy a token plus the ad costs makes it not worth it imo. I would rather play the content on the alt.
[The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
On another note, can’t think of any positive reason(s) as to why campaign structure was changed from that of Chult/Ravenloft where campaign boons are immediately available to be worked towards on other characters from the beginning WITHOUT having to go through multiple tasks/spending hundreds of currency first…
The new campaign structure (Mod 20 and forward):
1.) The weekly haul cannot be increased.
2.) There are no double campaign currency events.
3.) Genie’s gifts do not provide currency for them.
4.) Don’t have SoP even if they are not the latest two Mods (as it had been before).
5.) Some of the rewards are claimable ONCE on an account then replaced with something menial (like 5g) even though it takes the same amount of effort to get to that point on another character(s)(even worse without there being a shortcut(s)).
The AD cost for SoP (50k) is quite unbecoming being that ALL characters on an account are forced to share a daily 100k RAD refining cap (50k is HALF of what can be refined daily). With the mention of signets being an AD sink, why should players (especially those with well beyond 2 characters) be inclined to sink 50k of their AD for EACH signet when they already have multiple characters to fund that are all limited to refining a total of 100k RAD/day AND spend gated time getting the currency as well? Saving a “bit” of time on progression whilst also costing time and AD is quite a steep cost for faster progression on additional characters. The thing about SoP is for them to be effective and appealing they essentially have to make more sense than simply doing the campaign(s) over the default timeframe without them, especially since for the most part additional characters are progressed through campaigns simply for boons…
How about one or more of the following:
1.) Reduce the AD/currency cost of SoP overall (a considerable amount of the time that is supposed to be saved progressing another character is spent collecting the currency for the SoP…).
2.) Reduce the currency cost of SoP.
3.) Reduce the 50k AD cost with each SoP of the same type purchased (for example 50k > 40k > 30k > “ “ “.
4.) Reduce the AD cost of SoP to like 10k each.
5.) Remove the AD cost from SoP.
6.) Introduce an account wide SoP with a higher AD/currency cost where once purchased, ALL characters on an account can claim/use it.
“There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
"No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY
Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players
Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen