go to the Xbox One - Tarmalune Trade House and type in Superior Mark of Potency under the REFINEMENT category. Then you can see that a certain player Mod removed partial gamertag. has currently trashed the market with his nonsense High Bids with mulitple characters of each SMoP starting at 99,999 Astral Diamonds. The count goes beyond the 400 posted item mark!!!
Hence this needs a limit like 5 items posted per character. Same thing happened a few days ago with the rank 12 enchantments market by a certain Mod removed partial gamertags..
Simple reasons why to put a limit are:
1. NOBODY literally NOBODY is bidding on those items and wait for 5 days (duration/expires) with raised AD value when they can get those items right away FASTER and CHEAPER on the same market. 2. Unnecessary trashing of market and to show-off how many items one have. 3. Slows down search function. 4. Forces to use the option search by name/expires in/high bid/buyout (which I never uses since it mixes all items up BS)
Since nobody else opened their mouth I thought I'll do it. Thanks for reading and please take notes and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Mod edit: Removed all-caps from subject title.
Best guild: Guardians of the Fallen (2019-2021)
My past guilds: Guardians of Midgard/HazardousNation/SomewhatSerious/JesusHadSoulforged/ImperialLegion/LadiesofNeverwinter/OutKast
My past alliances: LookGoodPlayGood/Eviscerate/JesusHadSoulforged/Ruthless/TheLegendaryOutlaws
GWF - 4,069 Gear Score (classic) Barbarian - 48,499 Total Item Level RIP Bonding Runestones since "combat/companion changes" update on February 5, 2021
Master of Svardborg (banner) trophy, unlocked January 4, 2020! (Playstation4) / Master of Svardborg (banner) achievement, unlocked August 9, 2017! (XboxOne) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) trophy, unlocked February 5, 2020! (Playstation4) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) achievement, unlocked June 9, 2015! (XboxOne) / Portal Dodger achievement, unlocked July 16, 2017! (XboxOne)
Can you change the sort order to see other sellers? That seems unfair if you cannot.
You can. OP just says that he doesn't wish to do so, for reasons that I don't fully understand.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
I'm leaning toward him not understanding the list can be sorted by price.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
I'm leaning toward him not understanding the list can be sorted by price.
Nope, his number 4 says he knows about it, but it mixes up all the items? Which is the part I don't understand. Type in the name of the item you are looking for, then search by buyout. I have no issues.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
And I've noticed that no matter how you filter it the program automatically lists things by the cheapest per item. I randomly check this to make sure all the time but it has yet to not be the case.
Is it possible that 99k is the cheapest atm? I'll check later - but if he's at the point where he needs smops then he should have a high ranked VIP, in which case it's cheaper to buy them from the vendor for 75k.
To be honest, I never see smops cheaper than 74-75k on the AH so I always buy them from the vendor.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
I'm leaning toward him not understanding the list can be sorted by price.
Nope, his number 4 says he knows about it, but it mixes up all the items? Which is the part I don't understand. Type in the name of the item you are looking for, then search by buyout. I have no issues.
Ah yes I see that - I think that shows his lack of understanding; "which I never uses since it mixes all items up BS" appears to show he knows it's there but doesn't really get it.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
not sure what you mean by it mixes it all up bs. it's easy. type in super. any quality. hit Y key. then click on the little button under your xbox button with the two boxes. it's under it on the left hand side. you'll have default highlighted. click on buyout. then hit Y again. then simply scroll thru. it's all superior mark of potency and it's in order of cheapness per each. right now the cheapest is 66k per each although you have to buy a monster number. the cheapest in smaller quantity is 70k right now.
learn to manipulate the search results. it's your friend. you're never going to find the best deal on default. imo there is no problem as far as what you're worried about. I think there are a lot of other problems with the ah though. I'd like a lot more control of my search results and I'd LOVEEEEEE a bolene search feature.
I am with the OP on this one. I actually finally learned how to get to the filer on AH because of this specific troller on the SMOP's. Once you can get past his, the buy outs are ranging from 68-74k each so his 5 day auctions with only a starting price (and over 400) are defiantly a troll move.
I am fine with having no limit on the number of items you can have with a buy out. I am not in agreement with allowing someone to completely block out the buy outs with so many auction only items with artificially high starting prices.
I am with the OP on this one. I actually finally learned how to get to the filer on AH because of this specific troller on the SMOP's. Once you can get past his, the buy outs are ranging from 68-74k each so his 5 day auctions with only a starting price (and over 400) are defiantly a troll move.
I am fine with having no limit on the number of items you can have with a buy out. I am not in agreement with allowing someone to completely block out the buy outs with so many auction only items with artificially high starting prices.
If you use the search parameters correctly the "artificially high starting prices" will not show up. The system will show the lowest buyout/starting price per item first. Not using the filters provided is either 1) not understanding how the system works; or 2) simply pure laziness.
Sounds more like this. I look up SMOPs a lot, as well as other items, and by default in buyout the lowest cost items come up first. I'm not sure how you can't filter the results to work for you.
There's absolutely no reason you should be seeing high cost SMOPs before cheaper ones.
Placing items for bid only at overly inflated prices is an old trick many AH hustlers use to take advantage of new players not aware of the sort feature on the tradehouse. With the default sort these items appear over their vastly cheaper buyout counterparts. In other words certain individuals use this to their advantage to exploit other players not aware of cheaper buyout prices. OP does not fit into that category obviously but it doesn't make her point any less valid. The default should sort by lowest list price, not whatever it currently does plain and simple.
Sounds more like this. I look up SMOPs a lot, as well as other items, and by default in buyout the lowest cost items come up first. I'm not sure how you can't filter the results to work for you.
There's absolutely no reason you should be seeing high cost SMOPs before cheaper ones.
I just did a search about 15 minutes ago (by the time of this post) for SMOPs. The results showed auction the lowest cost PER ITEM was 66,666 AD PER SMOP.
If the auction house had two listings:
Auction #1: 10 items for 660,000.AD Auction #2: 1 item for 72.000 AD
Which auction has the lowest price item? The math is simple.
Placing items for bid only at overly inflated prices is an old trick many AH hustlers use to take advantage of new players not aware of the sort feature on the tradehouse. With the default sort these items appear over their vastly cheaper buyout counterparts. In other words certain individuals use this to their advantage to exploit other players not aware of cheaper buyout prices. OP does not fit into that category obviously but it doesn't make her point any less valid. The default should sort by lowest list price, not whatever it currently does plain and simple.
Why lowest price first? Why not buyout first? Or, alphabetical? Personally, I think that Expires In should be default. That way the auctions with the least time left are seen first.
It remembering which lookup type you used last would solve the issue - that way everyone gets their personal favorite
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
The sort used to stay at whatever you picked last time (or at least I think it did) and there did not seem to be a way to get back to the default without login out, and it was sticking across alts. The default seems to sort on the lowest buyout price, the empty ones are always first (for me - on Xbox) and they go up in price as Scroll. If I am looking for bulk purchases, they are over the 400 item display and I change the sort to buyout price.
As mentioned about, when we sort by buyout price, it seems to sort by lowest per unit cost so a stack of 10 things for 10,000 would be the after the single item at 999 because the 10 are 1,000 each. This is useful for finding larger quantities of lower cost items but not as useful for really expensive items if there are many posts in groups of 2 or more you many not be able to see the single item one that is truly the lowest cost.
Maybe since there are 15 gazillion players now, the solution would be to expand out the view to a few more than 400 items.
Guild Wars 2 had a terrific auction system for commodity items such as these, very similiar to the ad / zen exchange. Players would either place bid or sell items on a single listing and wait their turn for the item to come up at their price.
I was blown away when I first played Neverwinter during PC open beta and saw the mess that was the Auction House.
I am just happy that I finally found out how to get to that damn filter
Can someone PLEASE tell me how to get to the checkbox that displays alliance title? Still cant find out that one.
> @omegarealities#7219 said: > Placing items for bid only at overly inflated prices is an old trick many AH hustlers use to take advantage of new players not aware of the sort feature on the tradehouse. With the default sort these items appear over their vastly cheaper buyout counterparts. In other words certain individuals use this to their advantage to exploit other players not aware of cheaper buyout prices. OP does not fit into that category obviously but it doesn't make her point any less valid. The default should sort by lowest list price, not whatever it currently does plain and simple. > > Why lowest price first? Why not buyout first? Or, alphabetical? Personally, I think that Expires In should be default. That way the auctions with the least time left are seen first.
Why would you want to see overly priced bid only items expiring in 20 minutes as default? This would only benefit the individuals posting bid only items. What you are saying makes no sense.
By default lowest price items should always be listed first. If you want to sort by buyout or alphebetical there are options for that, but for those unaware of those options this is the best way to be fair. That is unless you enjoy seeing 500 single superior marks for 99k bid only.
> Placing items for bid only at overly inflated prices is an old trick many AH hustlers use to take advantage of new players not aware of the sort feature on the tradehouse. With the default sort these items appear over their vastly cheaper buyout counterparts. In other words certain individuals use this to their advantage to exploit other players not aware of cheaper buyout prices. OP does not fit into that category obviously but it doesn't make her point any less valid. The default should sort by lowest list price, not whatever it currently does plain and simple.
> Why lowest price first? Why not buyout first? Or, alphabetical? Personally, I think that Expires In should be default. That way the auctions with the least time left are seen first.
Why would you want to see overly priced bid only items expiring in 20 minutes as default? This would only benefit the individuals posting bid only items. What you are saying makes no sense.
By default lowest price items should always be listed first. If you want to sort by buyout or alphebetical there are options for that, but for those unaware of those options this is the best way to be fair. That is unless you enjoy seeing 500 single superior marks for 99k bid only.
I've seen all prices of items (both buyout and lowest price) in the "expires in" sort. What you don't seem to understand is the difference between "lowest price per auction" and "lowest price per item". That's because those items arranged by a countdown timer.
You could have 400 auctions for item x at 250 AD, BUT because of the way you want it listed (by auction price) the real deal 5 of item x for 1000 AD (a savings of 50 AD per item) would never be seen.
I think you may still be misunderstanding. You are focused on lowest buyout price. They are talking about lowest price, buyout is not usually it.
The best deals are usually not buyouts, they are items with low starting bids. This is especially true if one is due to expire soon. You can wait, put in a bid and pay less that even the lowest buyout you will find in a buyout listing. Of course this is subject to sniping. But, if you do not need the item immediately, it will save you AD in the long run.
I use both sorts frequently. First I sort by buyout and do a quick scan of prices, then switch to expires in and look for items with low bids. If no low bids/starting bids, I switch back to buyout and purchase the item. If there are low bids and i have time, I'll place a test bid, if someone responds, I move on to another listing to avoid the snipe contest. I'll still put in a bid at least 20% over minimum at 5-6 seconds if I decide to join the snipe party and it is worth that price.
This does not apply to the OP, only recent responses. I didn't really understand the OP and lack of willingness to use sorts.
The problem is even with bidding that the "lowest" auction price might not be the "lowest" best price. One example was a listing for SMOPs. The "lowest" bid price was 6,000,000 AD. But that was for 99 SMOPs. Which makes it the lowest PER item. Because the rest were 70,000+.
Too be honest I have never seen what the OP has described on any list by option.
Auction house is the feature getting the least love from developers, imho. Apart from the recent changes to some item categories and adding class/level-based filtering in mod 7 to separate the old gear from the new gear it got no improvements since its original implementation where lots of improvements would be welcome...
No favorite/saved searches. No reverse sorting (these got broken with Mod 7 iirc). No stats-based filter for enchants and gear. No type-based filter for artifacts (feeders). Locked (bugged) positions. No batch purchasing of cheap items (such as potions). No partial sales of item batches.
P.S. Last but not least, no export to external tools.
The only variant I'd really like to see is an option to search volume. Min/Max. If I don't have to buy 30 or 40 lots to get the 50 "whatevers" I'm after, I'll pay an extra 5 or 10%. And sometimes I just don't have the AD to buy 99, or I only want 20...
Glad to see that some players see and actually understand what I meant by items showing "mixed up" when sorted by "Buyout" and not in order of cheapest or most expensive.
Best guild: Guardians of the Fallen (2019-2021)
My past guilds: Guardians of Midgard/HazardousNation/SomewhatSerious/JesusHadSoulforged/ImperialLegion/LadiesofNeverwinter/OutKast
My past alliances: LookGoodPlayGood/Eviscerate/JesusHadSoulforged/Ruthless/TheLegendaryOutlaws
GWF - 4,069 Gear Score (classic) Barbarian - 48,499 Total Item Level RIP Bonding Runestones since "combat/companion changes" update on February 5, 2021
Master of Svardborg (banner) trophy, unlocked January 4, 2020! (Playstation4) / Master of Svardborg (banner) achievement, unlocked August 9, 2017! (XboxOne) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) trophy, unlocked February 5, 2020! (Playstation4) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) achievement, unlocked June 9, 2015! (XboxOne) / Portal Dodger achievement, unlocked July 16, 2017! (XboxOne)
zephyriahMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,980Arc User
Glad to see that some players see and actually understand what I meant by items showing "mixed up" when sorted by "Buyout" and not in order of cheapest or most expensive.
But, they are in order of cheapest" buyout" price. That is the purpose of that sort. All you have to do is scroll to find the quantity that fits your need and you will still find the cheapest at that quantity. So, no, they are not mixed up.
Glad to see that some players see and actually understand what I meant by items showing "mixed up" when sorted by "Buyout" and not in order of cheapest or most expensive.
But, they are in order of cheapest" buyout" price. That is the purpose of that sort. All you have to do is scroll to find the quantity that fits your need and you will still find the cheapest at that quantity. So, no, they are not mixed up.
That "all you have to do is scroll down to find...." is the BS nonsense here when it comes to sorting things. You shouldn't HAVE TO scroll and find if the filter option would work properly duh!!! Seriously WHAT IS THE POINT of filtering if you still have to look and search afterwards...?
Nevertheless, looks to me the SMoP market looks cleaned up again as well as some others. Not as horrible at the time I started this thread so thanks to anyone who took some steps, appreciate it!
Best guild: Guardians of the Fallen (2019-2021)
My past guilds: Guardians of Midgard/HazardousNation/SomewhatSerious/JesusHadSoulforged/ImperialLegion/LadiesofNeverwinter/OutKast
My past alliances: LookGoodPlayGood/Eviscerate/JesusHadSoulforged/Ruthless/TheLegendaryOutlaws
GWF - 4,069 Gear Score (classic) Barbarian - 48,499 Total Item Level RIP Bonding Runestones since "combat/companion changes" update on February 5, 2021
Master of Svardborg (banner) trophy, unlocked January 4, 2020! (Playstation4) / Master of Svardborg (banner) achievement, unlocked August 9, 2017! (XboxOne) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) trophy, unlocked February 5, 2020! (Playstation4) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) achievement, unlocked June 9, 2015! (XboxOne) / Portal Dodger achievement, unlocked July 16, 2017! (XboxOne)
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
To be honest, I never see smops cheaper than 74-75k on the AH so I always buy them from the vendor.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
learn to manipulate the search results. it's your friend. you're never going to find the best deal on default. imo there is no problem as far as what you're worried about. I think there are a lot of other problems with the ah though. I'd like a lot more control of my search results and I'd LOVEEEEEE a bolene search feature.
I'm a big advocate of someone taking a new look at improving the AH, but the scenario described isn't a problem as far as I can see.
I am fine with having no limit on the number of items you can have with a buy out. I am not in agreement with allowing someone to completely block out the buy outs with so many auction only items with artificially high starting prices.
There's absolutely no reason you should be seeing high cost SMOPs before cheaper ones.
If the auction house had two listings:
Auction #1: 10 items for 660,000.AD
Auction #2: 1 item for 72.000 AD
Which auction has the lowest price item? The math is simple.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
As mentioned about, when we sort by buyout price, it seems to sort by lowest per unit cost so a stack of 10 things for 10,000 would be the after the single item at 999 because the 10 are 1,000 each. This is useful for finding larger quantities of lower cost items but not as useful for really expensive items if there are many posts in groups of 2 or more you many not be able to see the single item one that is truly the lowest cost.
Maybe since there are 15 gazillion players now, the solution would be to expand out the view to a few more than 400 items.
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
I was blown away when I first played Neverwinter during PC open beta and saw the mess that was the Auction House.
I am just happy that I finally found out how to get to that damn filter
Can someone PLEASE tell me how to get to the checkbox that displays alliance title? Still cant find out that one.
> Placing items for bid only at overly inflated prices is an old trick many AH hustlers use to take advantage of new players not aware of the sort feature on the tradehouse. With the default sort these items appear over their vastly cheaper buyout counterparts. In other words certain individuals use this to their advantage to exploit other players not aware of cheaper buyout prices. OP does not fit into that category obviously but it doesn't make her point any less valid. The default should sort by lowest list price, not whatever it currently does plain and simple.
> Why lowest price first? Why not buyout first? Or, alphabetical? Personally, I think that Expires In should be default. That way the auctions with the least time left are seen first.
Why would you want to see overly priced bid only items expiring in 20 minutes as default? This would only benefit the individuals posting bid only items. What you are saying makes no sense.
By default lowest price items should always be listed first. If you want to sort by buyout or alphebetical there are options for that, but for those unaware of those options this is the best way to be fair. That is unless you enjoy seeing 500 single superior marks for 99k bid only.
You could have 400 auctions for item x at 250 AD, BUT because of the way you want it listed (by auction price) the real deal 5 of item x for 1000 AD (a savings of 50 AD per item) would never be seen.
The best deals are usually not buyouts, they are items with low starting bids. This is especially true if one is due to expire soon. You can wait, put in a bid and pay less that even the lowest buyout you will find in a buyout listing. Of course this is subject to sniping. But, if you do not need the item immediately, it will save you AD in the long run.
I use both sorts frequently. First I sort by buyout and do a quick scan of prices, then switch to expires in and look for items with low bids. If no low bids/starting bids, I switch back to buyout and purchase the item. If there are low bids and i have time, I'll place a test bid, if someone responds, I move on to another listing to avoid the snipe contest. I'll still put in a bid at least 20% over minimum at 5-6 seconds if I decide to join the snipe party and it is worth that price.
This does not apply to the OP, only recent responses. I didn't really understand the OP and lack of willingness to use sorts.
Too be honest I have never seen what the OP has described on any list by option.
No favorite/saved searches.
No reverse sorting (these got broken with Mod 7 iirc).
No stats-based filter for enchants and gear.
No type-based filter for artifacts (feeders).
Locked (bugged) positions.
No batch purchasing of cheap items (such as potions).
No partial sales of item batches.
P.S. Last but not least, no export to external tools.
If I don't have to buy 30 or 40 lots to get the 50 "whatevers" I'm after, I'll pay an extra 5 or 10%.
And sometimes I just don't have the AD to buy 99, or I only want 20...
GWF - 4,069 Gear Score (classic)
Barbarian - 48,499 Total Item Level
RIP Bonding Runestones since "combat/companion changes" update on February 5, 2021
Master of Svardborg (banner) trophy, unlocked January 4, 2020! (Playstation4) / Master of Svardborg (banner) achievement, unlocked August 9, 2017! (XboxOne) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) trophy, unlocked February 5, 2020! (Playstation4) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) achievement, unlocked June 9, 2015! (XboxOne) / Portal Dodger achievement, unlocked July 16, 2017! (XboxOne)
Nevertheless, looks to me the SMoP market looks cleaned up again as well as some others. Not as horrible at the time I started this thread so thanks to anyone who took some steps, appreciate it!
GWF - 4,069 Gear Score (classic)
Barbarian - 48,499 Total Item Level
RIP Bonding Runestones since "combat/companion changes" update on February 5, 2021
Master of Svardborg (banner) trophy, unlocked January 4, 2020! (Playstation4) / Master of Svardborg (banner) achievement, unlocked August 9, 2017! (XboxOne) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) trophy, unlocked February 5, 2020! (Playstation4) / Dragon's Bane (Defeat 1000 Dragons) achievement, unlocked June 9, 2015! (XboxOne) / Portal Dodger achievement, unlocked July 16, 2017! (XboxOne)