Here is a table of mobs I have tested so far in the new zone:
Things to note:
TRex DR is weird he has 2 phases, 1 where he is at 175% DR, which is very hard to pierce. The second phase he is vulnerable and takes greatly increased damage. I am not sure yet how vulnerable he is. It is a real pain to test this because he spawns very rarely and often another player will kill him first
Some mobs have red shields and have massively increased dr, this mechanic will also need further testing to determine how it works.
I have probably missed some mobs, they are very densely packed and its hard to see every mob type, but more than 60% DR is definitely a thing.
All in all, my 1 complaint about mod 12 so far is the ambush mechanic is SUPER irritating, otherwise I actually quite enjoy the new zone and I think this is a positive change to the game.
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
How much DR did you run with?
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Thanks Mate!
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Those mobs with the values 80% on the sheet have additional mechanics that take them temporarily above 80%, their actual DR is not 80%, it is lower and they are above it for a brief period of time. The image is not clear (and I apologize for that) since it does say 80% DR, when it actually means that at minimum for those mobs 80% damage was mitigated when that shielding mechanic was active. The tyrannosaur actually has, during the period it is resilient, 175% DR, but since it cannot mitigate player damage beyond 20% effectiveness, unless you actually stack extreme amounts of RI on preview to check that value, it will simply display as 20% effectiveness. I have not checked if you can go beyond the trex's DR, or shielded enemies as of yet. My guess is they work with a similar mechanic though. At the end of the day, there is likely no point to stacking enough RI to counter the temporary DR mechanic though.
The highest permanent mob DR I have found so far in mod 12 is 75%, I have not found a monster with more than 75% permanent DR as of yet, but I also have not checked every monster (or even a single monster in the new dungeon as it is not on preview), so please do not quote me saying that you need 75% RI in mod 12, as it could be more.
At the beginning his DR is 124%. If you have between 0 and 44% resistance ignored, you hit him with 20% effectiveness, then you finally start increasing the damage; with 124% resistance ignored you reach 100% effectiveness.
I am not sure how you break the shield. My guess is that your chance progressively increases as you damage him. Usually you break it between 90% and 80% hp. During this phase, he is knocked down and you hit him with increased effectiveness for 10 seconds. When he gets up he has 124% DR, but you can break the shield again.
During the vulnerability phase:
- with 0 resistance ignored, you hit him with 196% effectiveness
- every 1% resistance ignored adds 2,578947% effectiveness
- with 24% resistance ignored you reach the cap, that is 257,8947% effectiveness
Note: you obtain 2,578947 dividing 196 by 76.
Other than that the ordinary Arm Pen levels of 75% or 80% is ok.
But for the rest of the mob values that have 175-180DR I think a shield or temp Hit Points would work better than having the DR going up and down temporarily.
I don't really have an issue with using these temporary DR boosts as a new type of combat mechanic. It's akin to various invulnerability mechanics that bosses have, but a little different. The key is you have to figure out how to make the enemy drop their shield. Existing invulnerability mechanics usually do that through some external interaction (red wolf in eGWD, tears in Nostura / mSP) and this new "boost DR" mechanic allows for a new twist: "do enough damage through high DR to stagger and then the bad guy drops his shield and loses the DR".
I also like that it appears that they are making it pretty convenient to swap over from power to ArPen SH boons, and for a majority of end-game players that should allow them to for the most part deal with the new zone without having to completely rebuild around it (at least for now, until we get more content like that).
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I suppose you have mounts with ArPen too that can help. According to Sharp's heavily caveated and hedged preliminary findings, it appears that the new base DR for new mobs in the zone (not the dugeon) gets bumped to 75% up from 60%. Anything higher is really a new "boost DR" mechanic where there's some way to pierce their armor back down via combat mechanics. That's 15% meaning 1,500 ArPen stat points, which you could get by switching to one of the epic ArPen mount passives. Or a piece of gear / enchant on a bonding companion.
I'd say they always have to operate from the position that equipment on your character will be capable of providing adequate resistance ignored, even if that does require choosing gear that's doesn't have so much sexy power/crit/recovery. Switching one mount bonus to another assumes you have an array of epic mounts to be able to do so... and they should fully realize for how many players the Siegebreaker Griffon is their first epic.
Likewise bonding companion gear providing armor pen. PC players who've been able to keep their old Loyal Avenger items in use are at a significant advantage over console players, though at least armor pen does roll on IG items.
And of course there's no accounting for clueless players who apparently interact with nobody and aren't interested in doing any research. I inspected a CW yesterday who was running in Dread Ring with several ardent coin elixir buffs, res sickness (this combination is why I checked him out), and a big fat 775 armor penetration. If they're going to add more sources of freebie artifacts, they should consider slapping armor pen on them as a dump stat not wanted by players who carefully plan their entire layout, instead of regen and deflection. Make it a QoL improvement in a greater sense than the sheer existence of something to fill empty artifact slots.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Think of it this way, if I were to fight a dino in RL, I would trip the HAMSTER as it would be very hard for him to get back up.
If that is the intent, then more power to the devs.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I would love it if Icy Terrain would cause the T-Rex to slide uncontrollably waving his puny little arms trying hopelessly to maintain balance. I understand why this would not work as there would be too many GWFs caught under the collapse causing too many negative posts from said GWFs.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia