Okay, you can just search Domination in the Find Person section of the HUD and see how stupid PVP is. It is BIS premades vs low IL randoms. This seems to be the norm. Why is this allowed to continue? And, why do premades continue to queue when they know this is what they will find? They think they are pros cuz they can win an unfair fight? It is time to end this absurdity.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
I will make sure to show my support with my wallet whenever these changes are announced publically
TONS of the actual "PVP" community all said "NO COMPANIONS" they ignored this because several PVE players were saying "I think we should allow companions, I invested in mine and it is part of my build blah blah blah" but none of them understood how BROKEN they are for PVP... So what happened? Massive lag, and companions contribute to increased lag in SH Siege as well as gear imbalance....
So thats the problem... They tried this, ignored the feedback, listened to the wrong players etc. etc.
What they NEED to do, is get some of the best of the NW PVP guilds together. Maybe even host a "tournament" or something... The winners of this tournament - or the top few guilds - are invited to the "alpha" testing of the PVP changes...
That is the problem. I am not bashing the DEVs but they frankly dont understand the issues of PVP... its been blasted all over the forums yes... but so have many other things from good intentioned players who just dont know what they dont know. So you have people asking for stupid stuff (like allowing companions for PVP etc.) and the DEVs have no way of filtering this out. so they usually ignore ALL the players....
Actually, now that I type this, they SHOULD bring back the NCL with the next module. Run the NCL for 2 months, take the top ~25 from each class and invite them to a special area in the forums and special access to the new PVP changes under NDA, let them give feedback and I would wager you will see a LARGE degree of consensus. The average player base DOESNT KNOW WHAT THEY DONT KNOW. I cannot under state this. What 1 guy thinks would be good for PVP - when he ques up 2x a week - he just doesnt understand and i dont blame him.
Unless your on the "other side of the fence" and you have all the gear, you understand all the items/specs/bonuses/bugs etc... you WONT understand what is broken in PVP.
This is why DEVs have such a hard time implimenting good PVP changes and why the forums havnt been the best place to get feedback.
So TLDR: @nitocris83 , the BEST thing you guys can do: Run NCL with the release of the next module. All the code is there, so it shouldnt be hard. The rewards? Top X spots from each class will be invited to a special sub-forum and special Alpha server access in which to test "PVP CHanges" and give feedback.
This not only will MASSIVELY boost PVP morale, it will bring players BACK to the game to do this (so they can help) and it ALSO does ALL YOUR WORK FOR YOU in that you can consult the BEST PVP players in the game.... People think "BIS players just want to PUG stomp" - NO! They dont... They want FAIR and EVEN playing field. If you want PVP to be viable and even worth time... dont waste YOUR time guys, let US do it all for you......
Include your player-base! You have millions of people who have been playing games longer than most of you have been out of school, please listen to us!
Don't balance the pve portion of the game around pvp changes, balance the que (either by ilvl or other methods), don't allow changing of gear once in the battle (to prevent que-faking), etc. Just some of the changes needed, we do appreciate the update and look forward to more communication!
Fearless Wolves - GM
Slorik - GWF
Eevil'N - CW
Sybyl - GF
Star Trek Online
Sorvik Corsair : KDF Reman Engineer
S'karn Corsair : KDF Gorn Intelligence
1) We need more maps, with different interactions than just "stand on this point and fight anyone who comes here." The complexity and scale and reward system should not be so convoluted that the map is avoided altogether (Stronghold Seige).
A 1 v 1 Arena--Make it Queueable at all levels. Everyone loves a gladiator battle. Make it naked. The Arena strips out all mount and boon bonuses, current gear and artifacts, and when the player enters, must choose from limited items that are randomly selected. As the gladiator wins duels, the player unlocks more equipment and queues other gladiators, with other challenges (like lava pits), catapults that knock players in the heat of battle, etc.
A 3 v 3 Capture the Flag--Take a dungeon map, and have each team queue at each end. Have the flag that the Team must defend randomly spawn somewhere on one half of the dungeon. To win, you must take the flag. You could even have MC items such as traps and devices that can make this little map...customizeable per fight (a frost bomb) that triggers on anyone going through a certain tunnel, freezing for 10sec....etc).
More 5 v 5 maps--have one with points that are on platforms that you must jump to, like a Skyhold Pirates map, and where you can loot a treasure for more rewards (glory, stuff)... Have a map where points and treasure are protected by hidden barriers (like the programming used in Dread Ring or WoD), and randomly spawn in different places for each queue (like moving the golf hole).
2) Redo the PvP Campaign Progress, Boons, and Rewards. Any cursory glance at them should make one realize how laughable they are. Also, include ALL the PvP maps with their own achievements in campaign progress AND ranking. Make the achievements more interesting than kill this, kill double...kill triple. Kill near dude. Kill far dude. Kill in a time period. Kill npc stuff. Kill the killed. Kill while half hurt. I mean...come on! Oh wait...resurrect the killed. No wait. Its bugged. Forget that. Just kill. And the rewards...I mean...really, I get to earn more black ice? Or, I can get some rings that are absolutely worthless. Or a black ice belt? No way!
3) Since you have redone TIL, you might be able to create a Queue system with a readjusted PVP ranking that combines TIL + ranking to make the queue system more even. This may still not take into account Tenacity, but it would avoid having 5 new players who just hit 70 and want to go into PvP with their guild mates go in and get absolutely wiped out in a few seconds by those Pros who have labored hard to get every single ounce of buff and build to maximum killing efficiency. And the newbs get demoralized. And the Pros are bored. And the community limps along.
4) I will not talk about Tenacity. I know why it was added, and why separate gear is necessary to even out some classes. Although, I don't think the stat has worked to the advantage of those classes for whom it was designed. Looking at tenacity again or a PvP stat for classes might be a good thing...
5) Make the loadout so that duo sets of enchantments, etc. are not needed to run PvP. It burns up gold to swap a loadout, and then remove a single set of enchantments. The current loadout programming will not hinder the top end PvPers who might have multiple sets, but it hinders PvErs and intro players from investing in more loadouts. There must be a way to do this without exploiting it by reduplicating enchants and selling...
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
That's all great news, but I am a little troubled by the specific language... "...in a more reoccurring fashion."
I really, REALLY hope this doesn't mean that it comes and goes like a 2x Seals event or something! This needs to be a permanent, persistent addition to the game, not some occasional event! Even an hourly-type event would be bull-pucky. If this is a wording mistake, changing "reoccurring" to "persistent" would be good. If that was intentional wordsmithing to imply an on-again off-again implementation, I am still disappoint...
Omg finally
or drains in pvp that were reduced after much complaint or the ring of invisibility that was adjusted for pvp /pve
all these were suggested before they went live we were ignored then months or years later they are changed basically the devs admitting we (pvp community were right) or they (devs ) were wrong ... that said item/ power was unbalanced for pvp
or the ring of natural order that was so buggy in conception and broken that thankfully it did not even make it to live
shadow clad armor broken .... or companion broken and allowed in regular domination
map stlil bugged after years and player getting behind nodes or into spawn camps
leaderboard /elo bugged etc
Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
There's absolutely NO FUN in that for either team, and despite the superior team winning, their VICTORY doesn't even have GLORY involved.
After all what glory is their in beating up players with far lower gear scores that don't even have other options or opportunities to challenge or alternative methods to earn or catch up to the superior team based on the difference of each teams gear score?
I as many have stated they'd like to see a little more balance of teams placed in PvP challenges be in 3v3, 5v5, or 10v10 along with announcing both team combined gear score at the start of the match, not to mention at different gear score thresholds allowing a lower gear score team alternative ways to score... Depending how drastic the difference is... at least that would let all players know the challenge they are up against and depending how much advantage one team has it could provide additional opportunities to turn it around.
Still for that to work a players team win or loss record should not count for or against him in the standings... other than just simply being a Statistic to Report. What should matter to influencing their standings is solely how many points they acquire within each match regardless if they are on the winning or loosing team.
Oh that and solo que option.