I found that several commands that are important for filing bug reports in general are broken, and generally speaking are extremely useful for the community as a whole.
Broken Screenshot commands -
The in-game screenshot commands no longer work, and have not worked for almost 6 months now. This is a major issue since I occasionally use this to record information like what the current gear layout is and whatnot. The list of effected commands are below...
- /screenshot - Take a basic in-game screenshot. This is useful in combination with inspection mode to take a screenshot of your character near a monument of some sort.
- /screenshot_ui - take a screenshot with the UI included.
- /screenshot_depth - take a screenshot of the depth buffer - This helps the graphics devs with finding rendering bugs.
- /screenshot_jpg - take a general screenshot in jpg format ( No User Interface )
- /screenshot_ui_jpg - take a screenshot in jpg format with User Interface.
Update: These Commands do work. The issue is that in-game there is no output saying that a screenshot was written successfully, which lead to my confusion about whether or not the command actually worked. For a quick note, Neverwinter Writes Screenshots within the folder specified by
in the registry key of
More Broken Debugging commands:
- /showfps - This is a rudimentary debug command for finding out the frames per second. For most users this can contain things like current FPS, Minimum FPS, Maximum FPS and average FPS for a map.
- /netgraph - in particular the second option ( '/netgraph 2' ) - This seems to always render a bar from the bottom of the screen to the top of my screen, and does not behave nicely as fpsgraph does.
- /showCamPos - This shows the current camera position, this is useful for finding out where environmental bugs are.
- /help - A basic list of in-game commands. Some of the things this does is let users know that /party will switch you to the party channel, /zone will switch you to zone channel and other commands tool
- /killme A rarely used command, but it's a must for when the /stuck command fails.
Other Thoughts: When fixing the screenshot commands, i think it would not hurt to save out in PNG file format seeing as how windows now has native support for this file format.
6/9/2017 - Minor Update about Screenshot commands...
6/8/2017 - Added /Killme command to list of broken commands.
All the screenshot commands work for me (just tried). Also have one bound and use it regularly. You probably should check the write permissions on the screenshot dir.
/showfps was disabled in regular view at mod 6 or so, no one knows why, but you can /showdevui 1 and /showfps 1
and you will see it.
/netgraph works, all 0-3, I can screenshot you it.
I don't remember /help everworking, but you can list via /cmds all
/killme died too long long ago, iirc mod6, you can alias with:
alias killme "gensendmessage Stuck_Defeatme activate"
if you want to set persistant aliases: http://janne.coreside.com/info-links/aliases
But /killme should be really fixed, so is showfps, the devui is convoluted
(I'm not saying what missing shouldn't be fixed, just workarounds meanwhile)
maybe you look into the preview folder by accident ? (just throwing Ideas, because it does work)
Try lunching the game as administrator, also try the commands without filenames, it will auto generate the file with a timestamp, and with a filename you set. To check maybe for a naming issue or charset issues.
Edit: Never mind the screenshots... It turns out they where being stored. The issue was there was no in-game message saying that a file had been written.
/GenAddWindow Hud_Traybox_Allpowers
Had it keybound too.
I used that a lot cause I could switch between encounters quickly before boss fights etc.
It is not working anymore