EDIT: Update: NW.80.20170322a.5Sword Coast Chronicle now properly shows Campaigns again.
Patch Notes: NW.80.20170322a.4As compared to:
NW.80.20170322a.3Note: Fixes in NW.75.20170306d.8 are also included in this build, but are not in the notes below.
Note: Non-feature changes made before NW.80.20170322a.2 went to Preview are still not included in the patch notes. Apologies for the delay on this, I'll keep working on 'em behind the scenes when I get a chance.
Release NotesHeadline FeaturesLoadouts
- Loadout slots can no longer be purchased below level 30, which is required to unlock the Loadouts feature.
- Players in Mantol-Derith can now properly change loadouts.
- The "Apply Item to All Loadouts" and "Replace Loadout" buttons now work properly.
- When attempting to double-click or drag-and-drop to sell items used in Loadouts, a warning will now properly appear.
Shroud of Souls Storyline
- A title is now granted upon completing this storyline.
- An initial audio pass has been made to various areas in this storyline.
- Cultist Caves: This instance now has additional respawn locations.
- Drinking Buddy: This achievement now only requires a single drink.
- Drinking can once again apply the "Tanked" status.
- Dryad Thornbows no longer run back to their original location after jumping backward to fire.
- Dukathis can no longer be affected by Crowd Control.
- Dukathis, Kaross, and Telimon now despawn their summoned creatures when defeated.
- Kavatos now properly walks out of the center of the portal in the initial cutscene.
- Morlanth no longer interrupts her own life drain attempts.
- Morlanth no longer life drains a player immediately after changing phases.
- Morlanth now has additional health - and it scales with the number of players in the instance.
- Morlanth's Shroud: This item's tooltip has been updated.
- Soul Puppets no longer count as Undead for the sake of effects that only apply to undead creatures.
- Thayan Red Wizard NPCs used in this storyline no longer wear ornamentation on their head aside from tattoos.
- Various text changes have been made throughout the content, mainly to typos, minor inconsistencies, and lore inaccuracies.
Stronghold Great Hall
- Furniture items are no longer incorrectly Bind on Pickup.
- Wooden beams no longer clip through some of the furniture and decoration.
- Known issue: "Scenes of the Sword Coast" is still affected by this issue
Stronghold Siege
- Characters who do not participate in Stronghold Siege now properly do not gain Influence rewards.
- Placing supplies into an empty loot cache no longer causes enemies to stop spawning.
- The rewards displayed in the Vote window now properly shows the value that will be granted, rather than always being 10.
- There is now a landmark in the Stronghold showing where to start the Siege event.
Stronghold Temporary Structures
- An "untranslated" string no longer appears in the Advanced Details for these plots.
- Prices on the Mysterious Merchant are no longer incorrectly just 5 Guild Marks for everything.
- Several unfinished items have been removed from some of these stores.
- Temporary structures now properly have descriptions.
- The pricing has been improved on many of the temporary structures.
- Known issue: The Goldsmith's prices are incorrectly 9k metal/stone, 6k wood/food. This may change to 9k metal/stone, 6k wood/labor.
Sword Coast Chronicle
- "Campaign Locked" style messages are no longer red, as in cases of multiple unlock criteria, the highlighted message would sometimes not be applicable to the player.
- Example: "You must be level 70" would appear in red to a level 70 player, though later text correctly explained the other unlock criteria.
- If a player leaves the Campaign window open and selects a different campaign, the parchment area on the left side of the Campaign Detail window now clears correctly.
- Sharandar campaign completion now properly caps at 100%, even if players had either completed repeatable tasks before their maximum repeats were lowered,
or unlocked Reverse Malabog's Castle and revealed a significant number of map tiles.
- "Sort by Name" now properly prioritizes name over Campaign or Deed category.
- "Sort by Progress" has been removed, as it has proven a little too difficult to implement.
- The background behind "Out of Character" text is now a little darker to provide better readability.
- The "Something to claim" icon now properly overrides the "Campaign completed" icon.
- There is now only one instance of the PvP campaign and Tyranny of Dragons campaign available at a given time.
- Or there would be, if Terramak didn't miss a dependency when making this build. This will be fixed in next week's Preview build. Sorry!
Content and EnvironmentRiver District
- A Weekly Ritual: This quest can now only be accepted if the player has unlocked at least one wizard's portal.
- Many various issues with River District introduced in this module have been resolved.
- These were mainly fixes made during The Cloaked Ascendancy's time on the Preview and live shards, but somehow had been reverted.
Combat and PowersBoons
- The Treasure Hunter boon from Strongholds now properly gives you 2x Masterwork resources at rank 6, increased from rank 2.
User InterfaceCharacter Sheet
- Players may no longer swap gear while in combat. (This was in last week's build.)
- The User Interface now properly shows a clear error message when attempting to swap gear while in combat.
- Insignias no longer act as Enchants for the sake of tooltips.
- Terramak did remember the dependencies for this one, at least.
- Correct construction times once again properly display in the Stronghold UI.
I definitely did not realize this wasn't supposed to unlock right away. Yuck.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Ah, well....
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228278/skt-content-for-the-non-elite-video-links-provided
AND about the " smaller guilds" if they dont rush to make buildings or they dont have the man power doesnt mean should exist bugs so they can have the same benefits as the guilds after hard work made their buildings higher and call it " unfair for smaller guild".
The price to unlock Tier III Artificing is wrong. It is 30 lacquered ebony, but should be 30 dark lacquer to be consistent with all the other professions.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Guilds who've been doing without because they have ONE boon plot available and built something that would be beneficial 100% of the time to all their members, and thinking they might ultimately be able to catch up... yeah, hamster those guys.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Companion gear is essential to playing endgame content so not being able to obtain it leaves players in the position of being forced to run a relatively long skirmish with little chance of getting the items they need to run more difficult content. A lot of us are fine because we have loyal companion gear but this is going to become a bottleneck for player progression for newer players.
But the "no one is runnig" is a bit weird, may be that way on preview, but the queue for that skirmish in live server takes like 50 sec to pop...
Anyway in the future it may become empty, since it looks like a fleece farm right now...
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
I like that skirmish, is really fun but it will be empty in no time because the prize usually is the daily skirmish raw ad and one green or blue salvage...
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
As for the Crit Recovery ones, there's technically the Crit/Recovery rings like Krig, but not for anything else.