There seems to be a power and prestige divide building between those who got Legendary Relic Weapons before the key change, and the rest of the player base. This can be avoided by making the Mod 11 sets equal to the Mod 10.5 one. It is simply unfair to ask those on console, or those on PC who did not get to peek and decline unwanted marks, to commit to grind and lose what could be over 10 million AD when those who could peek spent less than a million AD and are enjoying the weapons now.
@mimicking#6533 This situation is wrong. The Mod 11 DPS set bonus is weaker than the Twisted and SH sets' bonuses.
They should fix SVA then either buff relic weapons or nerf ascendant weapons.
It wasn't just MSVA, it was all the farming that went into restoring the weapons to begin with. Even people who got their weapons fully upgraded before the key change had to restore them first. I didn't get mine done because, probably like a lot of people, I expected to have at least another week before the key change happened.
The people who worked their tail off to get them should be able to take the devs at their word when working towards these weapons. By making the new weapons better than twisted, but not as good as relic, it reaffirms the work that a lot of people have put into it, while not granting a huge disadvantage to those who didn't. Now, I don't PVP, and I main a TR, so I'm not always at the top of the paingiver chart, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say the people who want the relic weapons want to "gimp" the people who don't have them, @defiantone99.
The solution here is to help the devs see that an alteration in how the superior marks are obtained is in order. That could be an increased drop rate, restore the ability to preview the chests, an exchange of some sort, or something else.
To do what you suggest and keep the new weapons as or more powerful than the relic weapons, is unfair to the people who have the relic weapons, and further erodes the confidence some of the most ardent player have in the game. It also wouldn't solve the problem of keeping players playing mod 11, if one of the main goals is made obsolete. I can appreciate your perspective because I am in the same boat. However, I don't think throwing the baby out with the bath water is the answer.
She Looked Lvl 18
Here is my Blog
By putting mount bonuses ,defense orientated ones ,in my mount power slot i have 34500 defense and 41k power.
Even with 15% increase over my power ,I wouldget a 12.93% damage increase this to 10% from relic...
And this is done now,no stat curve made by me ,no gear selected and old artifacts wit no power on it.
I am sure ,someone can max power with artis while keeping defense relevant.
FireSoul/LifeForged does not need a nerf,needs to be gone completely and replaced by a new bonus.
Morphing defense into offensive stat is a way everything to go bad.
GWF DPS is going to be way out of control...not to mention Prot Paladins that can get 90k power through combat...
I am fine with all the other sets,no prob,but FireSoul/Lifeforged is problematic at best.
Look, you have made it perfectly clear in several topics that you like the idea of getting on par with stronger players with far less effort. I can bet there are probably a ton of people who agree with you too, and many of them are probably giddy at the idea of all those people who ran SVA non-stop for weeks on end, getting screwed. Human nature.
That said, deeeep down inside though, under all that hate for the key change (what you call an exploit - oh please), all that hate for those who have what you don't, who worked their butts off for it knowing the key change was coming and for those who are STILL working their butts off after the key change (making the grind a ton worse) KNOW this is wrong.
Nobody who has the orange weapons is trying to "keep the lesser people down". Do people with legendary gear that they worked their butts off for expect to be rewarded? yes sir, and they are right. MMOs are about time versus reward, and those who put in the time should be rewarded, it is that simple. if others want to be rewarded, they can put forth that same effort or wait a while and probably get a catch up.
If you take off your blinders - and I know how easy it is to be jealous of those who have what you don't and assume they are bad people - you'll see that putting people through the effort of repeated FBI runs, repeated SVA runs, with little gained if the needed drop wasn't there....just to see an equal item come through within .5 of a mod and completely invalidate your effort....that is wrong. 2-3 mods from now - sure..there has to be some type of gap closer at some point. Not half a mod later.
All in all, the point you "epic players just want others to suffer' folks don't get is this: Even if it goes live as is, even if the new weapons are on par with the relic ones...these players are still going to be at the forefront of the game. They are still going to be BIS in a week, while others are still figuring things out. Not because they are better than you necessarily, usually they are better resourced (manpower, teams, guilds, gear, etc). They will have the new weapons on their main and 2-3 alts while you are still working towards the offhand or what not.
it's just a slap int he face to players who were lied to, and sets the precedent that if you don't like a mod or a grind, just skip it and you'll be brought back in line in a month or so. Not good for a dying MMO.
She Looked Lvl 18
Here is my Blog
She Looked Lvl 18
Here is my Blog
Seriously, haven't you ever put forth time and effort in to something, just to see an opportunity come along which meant it was all for nothing? Like, I don't know, clear the snow out of your driveway just in time for it to start snowing again? Buy something on sale just to find out the next day they had a buy one get one free sale on the same item?
This has nothing to do with elitist attitudes, kicking people down, etc. It has everything to do with the fact that people worked hard for this items, just to be obsoleted in half a mod. The only people I see happy with this are people who don't want to work for stuff in a game - PERIOD.
I half think you may actually just be trolling at this point. I think I'll assume you are and just move on. Maybe that ignore function is needed here.
You're basically asking for them to set a precedent that shows they can get away with experimenting with progression at the expense of their playerbase.
She Looked Lvl 18
Here is my Blog
AT least with those weapons we get the bonus we want when while we using encounters,
THE somi weapons force to not dodge if you want to have always the 10% outgoing damage.
And i have them legendary ( and if you like some the term: with the chest key bug)
but that means nothing if i need to replace them i will do like everytime i need to get something suits to me.
Seriously, haven't you ever put forth time and effort in to something, just to see an opportunity come along which meant it was all for nothing? Like, I don't know, clear the snow out of your driveway just in time for it to start snowing again? Buy something on sale just to find out the next day they had a buy one get one free sale on the same item?
Now, these particular comparisons are invalid (force majeure) and/or make you sound just as petty as def is trying to pin you down as (negligence on part of the buyer).
I'm not advocating for mod 11 weapons to be stronger (my personal preference would be for the difference to resemble elementals (11) vs twisted (relic)), but even of they are 'on par' it won't make the relic weapons obsolete by any means.
But I guess actually playing Mod 10 makes me a foolish snob.
If you decided to farm that absurd amount of voninblood/ marks's YOUR choice. It was clear that it was too much. You were free to do your choice and farm so much. Leave other players the choice to wait for module 11 and get new sets that can be obtained without cancelling your life or playing the game as if it was a job.
But the devs must find a way to stimulate that 99% of normal players who understood that mod 10-10.5 farming was way out of control, and ignored it.
The game is made and must change to match 99% of the population, not the 1% of lifeless nerds who want to feel like an elite of sort, playing the game like a job.
If you feel that module 10-10.5 absurd farming was ok, or was something you needed to take on to become some kind of elite player, then sorry, may be you need to stop playing a bit, because you're literally wasting your life to get virtual stuff which is not even yours and will eventually be deleted when the game will close, one day.
Be happy you have the weapons that so many chose not to even attempt to obtain.