It would be really cool if we could give alliances a unique name, so that a alliance does not have to carry their Helm's guild name. In my opinion a alliance is about the community and not who sits at the top. I am rather surprised this option does not exist.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
I also don't see why it would have been significantly more complicated to add a text field for the helm to type in a name rather than porting over the helm guild's name for players to display. They'd have had to build it into the UI (and changing UI after the fact is a fairly big job), but aside from that, it would just be pointing to one text string instead of another.
With the contentiousness involved when a helm guild leader is contacted about the misbehavior of an alliance member wearing their guild tag, and the fact that the game is buggy as hell when deciding to display your alliance flag without indication, it's a QoL change they really ought to find room in the budget to do.
Meanwhile, Unrepentant has changed their name for the time they will occupy the helm slot, and while this would be voluntary for any guild that takes Tuxedo T's helm position later, it's not a bad idea.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I am saying they didn't anticipate that want in the sense of the interface having already been built before they showed it to us, and data input for alliance name was not included. I am basing that on never having seen anything on my guild or alliance UI that indicates you should be able to type in a name for the alliance, that it just automatically points to whatever the helm is currently called. If there was a separate text field for the alliance name to point at, this would seem simple, but that text field has to exist first. If there is a broken text field that I don't see due to being in a gauntlet, then I apologize for misunderstanding. Or if it looks like leadership of The Holy Crusaders should be able to type where it says "The Holy Crusaders" but cannot.
Naming alliances was a weird thing to not recognize would be wanted, but Alliances was mostly introduced as "here's a thing we're giving you soon, let us know if anything is grievously broken" rather than there being an extended effort towards feedback collection. It was a large update, but not a full module. (And initially went live with big bad bugs anyway, not just lacking in QoL features.)
I still have no recollection of a dev promising to fix naming your alliance or even acknowledging "huh, you guys want to name them too??" though if someone can find such a post I'd be glad to join in calling them out on following through.
Ed: I am not disputing that they've been told we wanted to name our alliances from the get-go, only that once they've built a UI a specific way, it takes an enormous amount of force to get them to change it.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
If it weren't possible for individual players to display the alliance name (intentional or not), the issue would be more abstract. We could still call our alliance whatever we want privately because nobody would never be publicly misrepresented. So therein lies the path to fixing a problem by removing or disabling something, which we know is always an option.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia