frustrating that new content for one is such a grind just for the weapon set,and on top of that most what you need to progress comes from fbi or sva. Im 3.3 gwf and cant get a group for either..only want ranged or 4k IL...tried to even pug 3k+ has to get to 4k to join or have chance to progress?spent alot of time to get resist,rep,rp now all i can do is wait in qeue and run old dungeons....very frustrating mod.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
B. the advice about forming groups via guild/alliance chat is probably the best thing to do
C. ignore most of the content and wait for the next mod where hopefully things will be better (you never know...)
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
FBI and SVA are hard. This is what NW considers End Game content, and was designed to be just that. It was designed to give players at the 4k level a challenge. Why this comes as a shock when they basically advertised it this way is confusing to me. It is like complaining that McDonalds only sells food that is bad for you.
Now, that said, every SVA group I've seen has 3k-3.5k people in it as DPS. Somehow they got in the group, and the group does just fine. Somehow these people can get into groups. People complain up down left right and sideways about not being able to get a group....I'm sorry, you guys are doing it wrong.
Here is what I do. I don't spam channels with my pet linked trying to get groups. That just annoys people. You get into SOMI, and you wait till you see "LF1M HDPS MSVA" and you send them a message as politely as you can and as fast as you can. "HDPS Invite Plz Nau K!' No. "Hello, hdps HR here for MSVA. thanks" Better. If you don't get in, move on and wait till the next one. Even with 3.4k gear on, I usually get a group within an hour. Is it instant? No. Its going to take some patience but in the end, you are going for the BIS takes patience.
If you want to complain theres no reason for people to keep running it after they get the marks...I agree. Complaining that you can't get a group...I don't think its a major problem if you try.
In the end, elitism is not cryptic's fault, it's people's fault, usually from people who don't know anything about the game and pretend to be a wise old man who knows everything and actually doesn't.
My main is a 3,990 SW and I decided to make a dps GF for fun since it has been my dream since FBI was launched. I just made my dream come true 2 weeks ago and I do massive dps on my toon even though she still needs 2 FBI pieces and legendary weapon set (they are epic at the moment). The first two times I tried to make a group (yes, I tried because I knew some of these wise-HAMSTER people would act like gods) one dc and one GF said "DPS GF? No thanks" and left the group. All I can say is "their loss", they lost a 22-26min run because they acted like they know everything by claiming that GF can't do high dps, I know 26min isn't optimal but I still miss 2 more offense slots on my companion, all that fbi gear vivified and legendary weapon. When this GF said that, I sent him a 24min FBI run act log, and his answer was just "you need an op, good luck". Maybe he doesn't even know how ACT works. His excuse was that his "dps" gear was better than mine. I don't know if it is since I dont believe he has 12 epic power/crit insignias, brutals rank 12. But meh, he left because my artifacts were legendary (2 days before double RP when I put them on Mythic). Just another HAMSTER-elitist. Now, besides the act logs I got a video. But that was not the reason I made the video, I made the video to show people that dps GF can be done.
I wish the GF saw my video but, meh, I just put him on ignore list (because I don't like to deal with people like that), not worth trying to prove anything for a person like that. One day he will meet me in FBI or MSVA and he will regret his comments.
I'm saying all that about dps GF because people act the same way if you are 3.4k gs for msva. There's a GWF in my guild who is 3.4k gs and there are only 2 gwfs that I SAW outdpsing him, people just don't believe how can he deal that damage using rank 9 azures.
Whenever people need hdps for CN, edemo and I send them a message on my GF they just ignore it, and I have to say again "I'm hdps, trust me" and then I get an invite.
Some people like the dc and the GF I met are just the ones who after running with me will send me a message "omg, really? who did you do that?"
That happens a, why did they judge me as a low dps and then got impressed? Because they DIDN'T KNOW a gf can dps, because they DON'T KNOW everything about the game
People can't believe you can do decent dps with a 3.4k toon because most of 4k toons suck, thus they end not believing a 3.4k could do good. I can lower my SW gear to meet 3.3k gs and still outdps a lot of 4k players. Because I'm awesome? No, because they suck.
In the end, people avoid 3.4 gs toons, a weird class acting as dps, or even a healer SW because they are elitists, they act like they know everything or they just follow the common sense. I know 3 monster TRs who can outdps most gwfs around, but the common sense is that TR sucks, why? Because the majority is terrible, it's like saying all rock musicians are drug addicted or that they don't take showers, why? PREJUDICE. Prejudice and elitism are almost the same thing in my point of view. It's present in human life.
So, to the creator of the topic, yes, I have a hard time getting into groups on my GF because she's a dps, not a tank. You know what I do? I just treat them like they are nothing. If a guy doesn't know everything about something and act like he knows everything about the game, he is just a bad person to stick around with. It's like in the real life. There's always that friend who claims to know everything about politics, soccer, but he actually doesn't...who the hell like those kind of people?
But I still can run FBI and I still will be able to run MSVA. Why? Alliance runs, and friend runs. How did I make those friends? By doing dungeons and showing them I'm good. Some are really nice people, some are just self-seeking people who like to use my dps. What do I do? I help the really nice people and treat the self-seeking the way they treat me, like objects.
My advice is, wait for your alliance, help them getting into msva, fbi. Make some friends. You know that dc that played like a champion on that CN run? Talk to him, add him to friends, maybe he's a nice guy willing to run more stuff with you. Once you gonna see your friendlist has more than 50 people willing to run stuff with you if they are not busy.
I know every person has a different opinion but IN MY opinion the new mod is awesome, Cryptic made a very nice work (I'm not mentioning the boons, the boons are ridiculous). What is making you frustrated is "people", elitist people. If you meet an elitist person, play the humble guy, one day you will meet him in tiamat, edemo, cn or whatever, and he will see your capability, he will be impressed.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
Right on the money. I have no 4k toons, but I outplay most of them. I have a 3.4K OP Tank and a 3.2K DC (My cw is my main but never gets invites to anything not guild-wise and I'm fine with that) I've gotten as far as FBI and basically said to myself, "I'm not grinding that hard to get a bloody new weapon, thanks." So I revisit old content and do a lot of old runs, and I've never turned down a dps/buff GF or a TR. Classes mean nothing, it's the person who plays the toon that is important. @baronstragen if you ever need help.
PS. Love your guild, Kallephi. Nice ppls. You're a great example.
Original Serenity Mostly Retired DC
Tokarek Bearded Dwarven OP Tankadin
JuiceHead Goofy Human GWF
Member of H3llzWarriors and Limitless.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
Which basically means some content will be out of your reach until you have gained a cetain level of progress.
For mSVA, I see a high failure rate if the team contains more than 1-2 dps players below 3.8k IL. So basically the requirement for a successful run is that most of the dps players should be above 3.8k IL.
Seems the general rule for dungeons that you need to be entry level + 500 points IL to contribute well apply to SVA also
And now we'll get the usual mass of low IL players claiming the are SO much better than the average and should be allowed in nonetheless . High IL does not guarantee good dps if badly played/specced. Low IL however guarantees low dps since they miss the necessary stats to do well.
I would suggest Just form own party from guild/alliance/private channels or suggest to guild leaders to organize scheduled raid parties.
We were lucky that there are couple of DC in our guild who willing to carry us regularly even after they have completed to sets for both MSVA/FBI.
Regarding players bad attitude not just from high ilvl toons it often comes from lowbies as well.
Seen this countless times low lvl toon not willing to organize party and blame other organizers for can't get into content due to requirement.
Person who organized party has rights to choose who he/she wants in the party.
I believe not just me , most people will join a party without inspecting/don't mind organizer ilvl,
if others can organize a party with extreme requirement why can't someone organize one themselves with average requirement?
Also as a party organizer point of view
Looking for high ilvl toons due to they don't know the person who is applying.
ilvl indicates the effort and commitment a player spends on a toon, we wont know his/her playing skill lvl and i do agree that a good player can overcome the lack of item lvl.
Don't blame organizers for setting up the requirement, normally these requirement are set base on the organizer's experience on previous fail runs on what they lacking. Everyone want a smooth run as possible no one wants to get wipe repeatedly or wait outside the boss gate
For me, i don't ask for ilvl but i normally looks for specific roles, i always looks for party members from guild/friend list/alliance if cant get enough people only goes private channel finally opens to public, get to know your guild/alliance/party mates try friend them from there you can get some regular runs going on.
@kallephi#0836 I also agree that we cant judge a book by it cover,
But sometimes can't blame some players who maybe having limited playing time... just don't want to take the risk on something extraordinaire.
Anyway for me i will take a DC/GF/OP DPS any-day for dps slot in my party, taken the risk trying new things and seen many great players who make it worked and did great damage. sometimes good things comes to those who willing to try something new.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
Nothing is more mother hamster loving ridicolous, then seeing people link their bonding, their pets, thier new weapons (if you have the new weapons why the hell do you need to go back into it over and over to take someone else spot) their I level, thier mothers maiden name and credit card info.. and lets face it, everyone wants to finish in a timely manner.. but frankly .. whats 7 mins vs 8 or 9.. come on..
the game has completely done everything not right since mod 10.. and this shows it.
Power progression wasnt needed, isnt justified at all.
Grinding is boring and not fun.
Welcome to mod 10 of neverwinter.
Here is a hint on how to get into groups:
1) Expand your friends' list. Yes, before guild or alliance, I go to friends' list. Why do I do this? First, a guild or alliance may not be the end-game, BiS seeking players that you expect or want or who qualify for SVA (or FBI). I had to do this, because my guild generally was ignoring mod 10b/11. So, I had to start making friends outside of guild and alliance. If this is the case, when you get into a group for the first time in nSVA or mSVA, ask politely to add the people in the group to your friends list (assuming you finish). Second, these people will come to know you as a competent player, and you can politely pm them if they have an mSVA group ongoing or if you are starting one. After 5-6 runs with different people, your friends lists should be large enough to create groups. As long as the friends list is not abused with constant spam, its a good way to form groups.
2) Join or CREATE channels for SVA. There are several channels for FBI and SVA. If you disagree with rules of the channel (too high of requirements, etc), make your own and start recruiting a base for it.
3) Be patient in SoMI for announcements for certain requirements and only answer with a pm when you fit the description. Be polite and patient. If someone says, lf1m CW and you are not a CW, don't answer it. If its lf1m dps mSVA, and you qualify, you may get in. One pm is enough. If they don't select you, don't take it to heart. Usually, you may not even be the first pm or what may fit the needs of the group (or the attitude of the selector). Just move on.
4) Since tanks and DCs are necessary for FBI and SVA, be nice to them. As a GF myself, I have a friends list full of tanks and DCs, who I treat with the utmost care. I don't hound them, beg them, urge them, plead with them to run something with me. If they say no, its a no. It's their game, too, to play anyway they want. Maybe, like me, they are just sick to death of SVA and getting asked. Even if they are in your guild or alliance, don't spam them. Nothing is more annoying to me than when someone thinks I exist in game to help them play. I will do what I want to do when I want to do it. Period.
5) When finishing SVA and/or FBI, be kind to your party, even if it is slower than you think it should have been. A little politeness goes a long way to getting into groups again. You may actually get into groups more if you are a lower IL and are a genuinely nice dude, than if you are BiS and cuss everyone out for finishing in 7min instead of your customary 5min. Oh the horror of 2min of game play lost! What will I do!!!! Get a life.
Through SVA and FBI, I have gotten to know several people outside my own guild and alliance with whom I would not otherwise get a chance to play. Some of them are really great people, who like to have fun, and who represent the best the game has to offer in the MMO sense. And, I have a list full of friends who I can just chat up to see how things are going.
Basically, I see them as friends first with whom to play the game if we are both willing RATHER THAN someone who is standing in the way of achieving my own BIS goals right NOW NOW NOW! You get the idea.
Happy gaming all!
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
I was underpowered on some Epic Trial and tried a couple of times to tank for them and failed. I apologised and told tham I had done my best and got thanked for having a go. Honesty and politeness go a long way in an MMO
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Because 4k for MASTER sva isn't enough
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World