I've already submitted a ticket about this, but I have been advised to raise awareness through the forums, something which I think is apt given the issue and that 2xRP is upon us.
Earlier today I bought a (normal rank) plague fire enchantment from the AH, with the intent of using it and a coal. ward that's been hanging around to upgrade my current weapon enchant. The reason I bought this particular enchant over the others was it displayed it having full RP, saving me the trouble. The only other outward sign at this point was that it displayed as being rank 1 when you moused over it, rather than rank 8, but i didn't notice this at the time. I bought it, and got ready to upgrade it, but immediately upon opening the refine window I noticed some discrepancies.
There was no end product pictured, and the only reagent required to upgrade was a minor mark of potency instead of another plague fire enchant. As well as this, I had to add a peridot to actually make it available to upgrade, despite it saying it had enough RP. (dont know if this is odd, i rarely ever get things bang on the refinement amount) EDIT: And the bar is blank rather than full, didn't even notice that until someone pointed it out, what with everything else......
I decided to spam minor marks as i didn't want to risk my coal ward, and after burning through a stack I had a couple of times where the refinement sound played but nothing occurred, not even the consumption of the mark. I then went on the test server to confirm this with the coal ward, and the same occurred (or rather, didn't occur)
In the end, I am 175K out of pocket, saddled with a suspicious enchant that shouldn't exist, that is at the least glitched, and at worst hacked. I shall not name-and-shame the seller involved (they are included in my ticket), but be on the lookout for enchantments with unusual ranks before you buy. I apologise if I have placed this in the wrong forum, I don't really use the forum much aside from reading the occasional thread. ^_^'
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia