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make the solo pvp queue permanent!!!!



  • rabbit#3096 rabbit Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2016

    @goodyearbadday I couldn't care less about win/lose & kill/death ratio. As long as I have fun the above aspects doesn't matter to me.

    Dude, we faced another team two times and beat them easily, the 3rd time we faced them I asked if they join for fun or if they need daily win & other pvp quests. It was as assumed the latter one, so we've just let them win, couldn't care less about that.

    Ohh how nice, and so sweet, u guys pitty other team and let them win. Cool story. When I faced same premade 2 times, we lose only match started, they waited us at camp fire and only u jump down u got killed. I offer trade caps, answer was "no trade for u". Yes all clear. I should queue for classic domi, and pray to meet "friendly premade" who will pitty us pugs and let us win for daily victory.

  • icyphishicyphish Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,255 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    enough talk about premades and builds, lets talk about the positive side of solo queue and why it improves the quality of pvp for the majority :)

    Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
  • goodyearbaddaygoodyearbadday Member Posts: 59 Arc User

    True icy, let's talk about the positive sides:

    - You become a more skillful player by using the solo queue. Why? You'll find yourself most of the time solo against multiple enemies ON THE NODE. I appreciate that my team gives me some sparring rounds and watching me from above (pillars, bridge)

    - You gain more experience in PvP because instead of joining 2 games per day you will have to join many more times to ensure your daily win.

    - You learn to clearly differ PvE from PvP gear. You will realize that PvE gear has no Tenacity hence is pretty useless for PvP.

    - You will learn that you need nodes (points) to win the match but mostly no one except you knows about it, weird?

    - You will learn kills:death ratio > win:loss ratio.

    Finally it's the pugs who made me play premades and roll over them because at some point you get sick of the stupidness in solo queue.

    When pray tell is a PUG supposed to learn any of these things? When they get ROFL-stomped as soon as they come down from the campfire? Or maybe in the 0.5 seconds it takes them to get one shot to death as soon as they step on a node.

  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited December 2016

    Don't act like 10/10 matches are premades, please. I am tired of this misleading exaggeration.

    I, myself queue solo from time to time and hardly meet any premades, so do my guildies & friends (the majority of PvP community).

    I posted screenshots (that got deleted) of my match history on my HR showing you that you can indeed meet premades multiple times.
    If you talk about full premades yes, it does not happen THAT frequently but due to low population, when a full premade decides to farm domination, you can very well waste 1 hour or so meeting only them.
    I play soloQ mostly, with multiple toons, and my experience is that, instead, you very well meet premades or half/ partial premades most of the time. Bad luck? May be. But you can't base PvP on "luck". Matchmaking is there to balance teams. If you allow one side to preform their team you can't expect reliable balance. But rather, some players will be more lucky (or favored by matchmaking flaws) and get more "good pug teams", as clonkyo said, while others might waste time trying to get not a win, but even just a match that involves some fight and fun.
    Half premades do not make an exception. If you have 4 experienced and geared PvPers going PvP at the same time, and they can all gang up together, you'll hardly get a balanced match.
    It's, again, logic.

    My 2 cents about PvP solo queue:

    - it creates more balanced matches compared to mixedQ. Most of the players experienced this.
    - it allows all players to have more fun since matches do not insta-end in a no-contest or one-sided slaughter, but rather involve some fight
    - allows less experienced or geared players to enjoy PvP since the TEAMS are more balanced and, as a result, they can at least act as support instead of getting slaughtered instantly
    - point above: players new to PvP get to build some PvP experience in actual fight/ node capping, instead of experiencing an exciting trade caps for 10 minutes after being roflstomped in 1 second
    - makes mixedQ free of the evil low gear pugs that sayajin hates so much, since they all go to soloQ now, allowing him and his premade mates to peacefully form their own PMvsPM matches and coordinate perfectly in the mixedQ. MixedQ becomes, basically, a queue dedicated to the "true PvP circle". Isn't this a win-win situation?
    - makes more people join PvP since you don't spend 10 matches vs premades or half premades of PvP guilds to get 2 dailies done, but you can easily get a win out of 2 matches due to the more balanced teams
    - gives the whole community (and not just the small PvP circle) a chance to have fun in PvP while asking for class balance/ gear gap fix and all the other pretty things that will most likely take months or more to happen
    - it costs absolutely nothing. It's already there, all the devs need to do is make it permanent. So it does not take away manpower from class balance exc...
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    Guys these arguments are making my head spin.

    It's darn hard to see where the debate ends and the personal opinions start.

    In discussions like this I honestly don't think any of you are going to every be able too show "evidence" to support your claims. As stated over and over again all of the "evidence" is personal experience which can neither be proven nor disproved.

    In situations like this, state your peace and leave it. You can only say "is not" and "is too" so many times before it devolves into "You are stupid" and "No, you are." I have never felt this way about threads before but in all seriousness you all would be better off drawing lines and just creating a Forr and Against thread than having these endless circular debates.

  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    Simple truth is, the vast mayority of the few remaining PVP player in this game seem to have no interest in premade vs premade PVP.
    And the sad truth is , that despite the fact that it should be a piece of cake to implement two seperat queues and just try to improve everyones gameexperience , cryptic is too slow or too hamster to just react and go one step forward, lol
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    I do agree, we're discussing opinions and personal experiences. As it's been said, you can't prove if one or the other is the right one. Which is why we "discuss". Which is what we usually do. When the reply, however, is that i should accept someone else's opinion or experience as the "right one" because, quote at hand:

    It's up to you to accept that, maybe, out there are better players than yourself, myself included, and that you're not as good as you may think you are.

    someone self-proclaims himself "a better player", then there's no discussion. We just have different opinions (obviously the right one is that of the "small PvP circle" of superior beings :3 ).
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User

    Simple truth is, the vast mayority of the few remaining PVP player in this game seem to have no interest in premade vs premade PVP.
    And the sad truth is , that despite the fact that it should be a piece of cake to implement two seperat queues and just try to improve everyones gameexperience , cryptic is too slow or too hamster to just react and go one step forward, lol

    I do agree 100%
  • classicque2classicque2 Member Posts: 37 Arc User

    Simple truth is, the vast mayority of the few remaining PVP player in this game seem to have no interest in premade vs premade PVP.
    And the sad truth is , that despite the fact that it should be a piece of cake to implement two seperat queues and just try to improve everyones gameexperience , cryptic is too slow or too hamster to just react and go one step forward, lol

  • sweatapodimassweatapodimas Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited December 2016

    Simple truth is, the vast mayority of the few remaining PVP player in this game seem to have no interest in premade vs premade PVP.
    And the sad truth is , that despite the fact that it should be a piece of cake to implement two seperat queues and just try to improve everyones gameexperience , cryptic is too slow or too hamster to just react and go one step forward, lol

    I wouldn't say a VAST majority, just quite a few within certains guilds *AHEM* that seem to have nothing else to do in life than troll soloQers, PuGS, or whatever...

    +1 on the statemant about Cryptic...COME ON guys let's make this HAMSTER permanent. :smiley:
    "Jazz isn't dead, it just smells funny" - Frank Zappa
  • goodyearbaddaygoodyearbadday Member Posts: 59 Arc User

    Simple truth is, the vast mayority of the few remaining PVP player in this game seem to have no interest in premade vs premade PVP.
    And the sad truth is , that despite the fact that it should be a piece of cake to implement two seperat queues and just try to improve everyones gameexperience , cryptic is too slow or too hamster to just react and go one step forward, lol

    I wouldn't say a VAST majority, just quite a few within certains guilds *AHEM* that seem to have nothing else to do in life than troll soloQers, PuGS, or whatever...

    +1 on the statemant about Cryptic...COME ON guys let's make this HAMSTER permanent. :smiley:
    I want a Sweatapodimas for X-mas!!!

  • grampyrulz#4209 grampyrulz Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Solo Q, amazing PS 4, not event


    Never mind, it is listed as event, oh well, will enjoy it while it lasts.
    Post edited by grampyrulz#4209 on
  • crowdsourced#3904 crowdsourced Member Posts: 218 Arc User
    This was a really bad idea (and in some ways, it still is) but the game's population is declining rapidly that I wouldn't oppose making PVP limited to solo/duo queues.
  • killzone#4968 killzone Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    implementing a solo specific que won't solve anything because someone somewhere would find a way to exploit it, these days that's what this games about......thats what most games are about and then there's people like myself who enjoy playing legit

    at the end of the day there will always be a huge part of the player base who seeks huge advantage over others by any means necessary being paying (either the game maker or 3rd party sites) or exploiting or botting, just take a look on any webpage with neverwinter on it lol and this game i think is a little beyond fixing now unless they pull out all the stops.

    you leave it as it is you have players exploiting solo queue to premade and decimate others, you add premade specific queue's and fix it so that solo queue is actually solo queue then you'll have wintrading (very common in wow) , you put awards in 5vs5 premade queue's then wintrading will take over there completely, you implement 1vs1 2vs2 3v3 and so on the same thing will happen because really MOST don't want a challenge they just want to mash buttons and win to make them feel all powerful...and such is the gaming world.

    i know i know you all want to premade v's premade (not really though) heard it all been called a noob and scrub for refusing to fight people with double or more my gear, for refusing to fight three of them at once lol (happened a few times) , for refusing to fight a maxed out premade time and time again when they capped all points and refuse to let us get even 1!....

    but anyways its unlikely my post will last long so stuff it lol already quit the game only been playing a couple of weeks and glad i didnt invest money.
  • crowdsourced#3904 crowdsourced Member Posts: 218 Arc User
    clonkyo1 said:

    I ask for the very same thing when i'm teamed up with Saberkick...

    I have seen almost every PVP guild kick players to get better ones. Saber just happens to dedicate his life to the game so he's a frequently seen culprit
  • crowdsourced#3904 crowdsourced Member Posts: 218 Arc User
    clonkyo1 said:

    Well, my experience with him is not that precisely... but well, i prefer to get kicked from the team when i'm teamed up with him rather than lose 10 mins of my life.

    Saber just plays way too many games and so he's going to be brought up as an example a lot of times. Like I said, I don't think he's that much better or worse than a lot of the PVP guilds.

    (fyi: figured he'd try and join a PVP guild by now & PVP guilds would accept his past due to the dying population)
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited January 2017

    I have seen almost every PVP guild kick players to get better ones. Saber just happens to dedicate his life to the game so he's a frequently seen culprit

    Right now it also happens often to join a match when it's already 300-20, then you go down and see that your 2k team is against the usual big PvP guild premade and nobody is fighting. Then the choice is to either sit down and waste 10 minutes or ask your team mates to kick you so you can find a match where you can fight and have fun.

    Obviously this is bad for stomping 4.3k players who like to spawncamp, stomp and troll pug teams ;)
    The same players who think that the only important and "smart" thing is to either win or play selfish and go after easy cheap kills playing off node.
    Players who run away from a fight at 4.3k iLvL to avoid getting killed.

    Sad but true.

    These players will always just care about winning a match instead of having fun and fight, so they will always blame their team mates/ kick them to get better ones.

    But reality is that queue system is just one piece of the puzzle. Some players asked for a premade queue and some for a solo queue. But you also need class balance and gear gap issues to be solved.

    PvP needs a complete rework to make it fair.

    Until then, it's the playground of players who think it's smart to just stay off node and kill less geared enemies if your team can't "win", or run away from a fight to avoid getting killed once when there's no other node to contest, or that it's "fun" to spawncamp a losing enemy team,
    You get the idea. Sadly, this is the kind of players that get rewarded in current PvP.

    Post edited by pando83 on
  • crowdsourced#3904 crowdsourced Member Posts: 218 Arc User
    clonkyo1 said:

    2 - I don't think that he will leave Black Lotus... But if he is accepted by other PvP guilds, fine. Most of them are like him to certain degree.

    I'm not so sure about that. He is still one of the best players today but PVP guilds may not forgive his past.
  • forumnamesuxsforumnamesuxs Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 490 Arc User
    I sincerely hope that this feature never gets implemented, as long as the daily PvP AD reward exists.
    Take that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of the equation, and they can implement all the solo qrap they want. I rarely fight in PM anyway, and the few times I did so in recent history, it's been as a guest in inhouse PMvsPM.
    Wolves, big as a horse! I need new pants!

  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    Will soloqueue be implemented in mod 11?
    Only asked, because I thought about doing some PVP again. Otherwise if we stay at PM vs Pug team 4ever it´s wasted and from minor interest for the average solo-player.
  • aneriel1aneriel1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    How is anyone even getting into a PVP match? I have been in queue since my 20's. I was in queue every night all of last week (avg of 4-5 hours a night), and i have yet been able to get into a match. All it does is "waiting on queue" ..or whatever that message says. I am now lvl 50 and still cannot get into a freaking match. Extremely disappointing and it makes me wonder if i'm doing something wrong? All I do is go to Queue and click on Dominion and join queue. This is on Xbox one btw
  • jarnel117jarnel117 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    the game moderators will not respond to anything like this, they don't even respond to in game bug reports. in my opinion making the pvp solo ques permanent is the OBVIOUS thing to do because this will at leased pair up the dedicated pvp teams with other dedicated pvp teams and it will match the pug groups with other pug groups and even though pvp will always be unbalanced on this game this would at least be an attempted on neverwinters part to make some effort towards fixing pvp on this game but as I have said before they cant even sort out bugs so they will be absolutely incapable of fixing the pvp issue on this game
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User
    This is a hot topic and still is... MAKE THE SOLO QUEUE PERMINANT please... I have been asking for so long. I wont go anywhere near PvP until its actually fun again.
    Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only
    Alts :
    Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)

    Member of Q-Snipe
  • trentbail21trentbail21 Member Posts: 433 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    aneriel1 said:

    How is anyone even getting into a PVP match? I have been in queue since my 20's. I was in queue every night all of last week (avg of 4-5 hours a night), and i have yet been able to get into a match. All it does is "waiting on queue" ..or whatever that message says. I am now lvl 50 and still cannot get into a freaking match. Extremely disappointing and it makes me wonder if i'm doing something wrong? All I do is go to Queue and click on Dominion and join queue. This is on Xbox one btw

    No one plays level 50s dom man they all play 60's or 70's =D

    But yes we do need a permanant solo que its nearly impossible to get a good game these days and solo que while frustrating is still alot more fun then fighting two trs, two cws and a gf or combat hr lol.
    Find me in game if you want and send me a domination/ gaunt invite. If you are good and im not busy ill play with you. Im not an elitist ill play with almost anyone.
  • grampyrulz#4209 grampyrulz Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    Haven't pvped for months. The only real balance for it is random teams. Of course balancing gear, class abilities, boons, pots, etc. would be nice, but not enough. Being able to choose your team is an advantage over a team that was not hand-picked. Nothing wrong with team vs. team at all if you get to choose classes and roles they play. Not that you don't have the possibility to do decent against them, it's​ that the balance is off from the start if both sides are not entering the field under the same circumstances.

    I think calling the event domination "solo q" brings about some confusion to players who have done no, to very little PvP. I talked with a few friends and casual contacts within the game, and they wouldn't que for it because they thought it was 1vs1 PvP.
  • starheretic70starheretic70 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    Should PvP Solo queue be made permanent? NO

    the problem will still be the same : high level players will still destroy everything

    cut the level 70 in half and no gear change inside, that's it
    so low gear will go against their kind and have a chance to have a good fight

    I'm almost best in slot on my main and I still see players with green/blue/purple pve gear ... I am not trolling
    Post edited by starheretic70 on
  • joeffrey#2557 joeffrey Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    They should make the PvP solo queue permanent.
    It is true that it will not fix how widely unbalanced the classes are. Or how gear dependent is the power gap between players are. But at least it will alleviate the issue of pickup groups being totally trampled by premades.
    I have played a lot of PvP this weekend because of the solo queue event. Even if there is someone on the opposite team that completely demolish our entire group, there is a fair chance that a similarly equipped player will be on our team to even him/her out causing for a much closer and intense match. Now compare that to being matched 90% of the time with a BIS all meta premades that will just roll your team over and you would have to wait 15 minutes on the campfire for the timer to trickle out. All the time you'll be thinking why PvP is even present on this game.
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