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Tip about Collection feature.

lordseth1985lordseth1985 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 319 Arc User
Ok, it's a long time and this always bothered me: why on nine hells the collection tab is so useless? I mean, this feature is only useful to see each zone/event rewards and equipment stats... besides it, the so called "collection score" have no use. Why not create a store or vendor that can exchange or reward the player? I mean, a store just like the tarmalune one, but instead of tradebars the goods cost some "collection score" or points? Surely many collectors will be happy, and thus other players will have some motivation to get as many points/score and exchange it for the desired item.

Also, making those itens BoA or BoE will prevent their selling on AH.
Avestruz.Q.T.Seduz - Rogue, natural born assassin.


  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User

    When the system was added, they outright said the points weren't good for anything other than personal scorekeeping (achievements on PC are the same; there are points but they don't matter). Not necessarily that they'd never be used for anything, but I think you'd need to keep in mind that anything that might be implemented would have to be cosmetic bragging rights just to show off your big collection score, not anything useful or powerful.

    Various changes to collection organization has resulted in changes to player point totals, references to all kinds of outdated gear were removed, but there are companions in there that it's effectively impossible to obtain (only 5 Sgt. Knox ever made, for example). Items are missing. If a mount gets added to the collection after you've equipped it, you can't get the entry. Various artifacts and artifact equipment don't give backwards credit for lower ranks if you get one already at a higher rank.
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