Very negatively. Income from salvaged has been reduced a lot for me.
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
During the brief period I was AD farming etos instead of running FBI, I was making more AD/h then elol runs. ATM, I am running FBI and making over 1 mil a day.
The invoke changes mean salvage is worth more than normal. This is especially true if you have multiple characters. On the other hand, salvage values have been reduced, so there's that.
Generally, Cryptic has been trying to balance income with cost, but unfortunately they've done a terrible job of it and, for the average player that can't farm new content and make millions a day, AD income vs expense of stuff is in a terrible place right now.
During the brief period I was AD farming etos instead of running FBI, I was making more AD/h then elol runs. ATM, I am running FBI and making over 1 mil a day.
omg - 1 mil/day
I'm not sure what to say, 1 mil . . . . . . . for real ???
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
Actually, for the reduction in salvage values I seem to be hitting well over the daily refinement cap on my main.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
So, sharpedge, with all that extra AD, you wanna buy me a trans Dread? I'd buy one myself, but I'm about 6 or 7 million AD short at the moment, but seeing as you clearly have more AD than you need......
1 mil a day in fbi is not taking to account the zen you need for the legendary dragon keys. All the good drops are in the specialized chest.
I was counting the excess zen I made over the amount of zen I started with, because I was converting all AD to zen and then comparing the before and after totals.
1 mio a day was more then possible in fbi even i got to these numbers and i can only play in the evening. A goox friend of mine mad about 16 mio in fbi since last friday just to whow u whats possible
and regarding salvage: T1 are worse now T2 way better so income depends on what u are running
1 mil a day in fbi is not taking to account the zen you need for the legendary dragon keys. All the good drops are in the specialized chest.
I was counting the excess zen I made over the amount of zen I started with, because I was converting all AD to zen and then comparing the before and after totals.
oh? Hmm... Is that only at 2x enchant? I mean even at 3 runs per hour that's alot of AD.
"As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
1 mil a day in fbi is not taking to account the zen you need for the legendary dragon keys. All the good drops are in the specialized chest.
I was counting the excess zen I made over the amount of zen I started with, because I was converting all AD to zen and then comparing the before and after totals.
oh? Hmm... Is that only at 2x enchant? I mean even at 3 runs per hour that's alot of AD.
Just a bit of wild speculation here but I would hazard a guess that the large quantities of AD are coming from selling restoration resources rather than the usual salvage and sales from regular drops such as enchants and the like. Have you seen the price of Lanolin lately ?
1m a day? Guess we are running different FBI cause i am yet to get anything worth the key wasted. Maybe back when ER kits were 200k+ but now... Regardless salvage has nothing to do with this. AS for the original question i don't see any difference tbh. Invocation system changes balanced out reduced RAD from salvage. If y can be bothered praying on all the alts every day. Otherwise have to run more t2s/cns less t1s/
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
mod 9 salvage farming with ten dungeon runs on 5 toons, netted average of 120k a day of AD. Mod 10 salvage farming with ten t2 dungeons, and moving salvage to alts only , results in around 150k a day.
Its a increase if you do this.
Sharp made his millions by being a early access to FBI, selling kits, while farming with 1% types of the game, speed running the instance.
Most people, (myself included) will take between 30-40 mins to finish this instance) you would have to have very specific set ups to achieve his speeds and the fastest run also included one of the top dps toons this game has ever seen.
If you dont do specific set ups, its normally double the time it takes him. My first 3 runs , without full buff groups, were all in the 40 something minute range.
Dont think you will be replicating this , even if you take buff groups, good groups will take between 25-30 mins typically. Some of the hardest hitting crusaders are getting this, even with timed CS hits.
There is also a "fast" turtle dispatch, using CS timed gf hits , with specific set ups using the GWF route.
CS is broken and you see results from it.
I just wish once, that these things would be fixed before they are released at the start of new mods, CS , ambush drake, SW stun bosses, unlimited sparks..
Gawd, what do they do in those back offices at times.
In other notes, Im getting a little tired of specific set up groups and I feel its high time they do a general overview of the game, Publicly state what they thing classes are supposed to do, THEN follow through with those classes. IMO having a GF shouldnt result in runs 30-40% faster then having a OP tank.. come on. IF your going to have classes do the same thing, but be SO generally out of line with each other, something is clearly wrong.
Also, like with what just happened in Diablo 3, its high time they curtail massive debuff/buffing, Ive never seen a game with so much dps is from NON dps characters.. they need to drop buffing in half , even after the fixes to the broken things in the game.
They could flat out drop all multipicate buffs and make them additional ones instead. This would of course result in generally making everything take about 2X as long, but they have to do something. They then could normalize hit points pools after making these adjustments.
Normalize buffing, Normalize class balancing. Work with the community and stop giving us warnings for ACTUALLY stating the truth. This is key, until such a time as THEY stop hiding the truth from all of us, nothing will ever change.
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
edited September 2016
Well, I will be more specific since the profit margin in FBI has drastically plummeted since the release. Using the TT supplies + the voninblood from fbi, you could craft EF resist kits once every 2 runs assuming you accepted both chests. The key for the second chest is worth 30k AD each, so 60k AD in total. On day 1, I was doing slightly more than 2 runs an hour, so making 1 kit an hour, each kit was selling for 500k AD. So, just looking at the value of the kits (excluding the other drops you got) it was 500k*0.9-60k = 390k AD. Over all, I was making 500k AD/H on day 1.
Then, on day 2, the price of the kits dropped somewhat, but that was fine, because of the price reduction I had from FBI, I was still making 500k AD/H. For about a week and a half I was pulling 500k AD/H off FBI alone, due to price reductions+more experienced and faster groups. If I had the same level of experience on day 1 as I did on day 5, I could have been pulling close to 800k/h on day 1.
Collectively, for the first 2 weeks, our groups were making more AD than mod 0 CN. As it currently stands, on preview, the TT supply part of the cost of those kits is being removed entirely, so the kits now have no value. The time to make AD in FBI has been missed, that ship has sailed.
They were paying to get in faster, for a short cut, for a service. It's not a rip off. The devs took the initiative to reduce to cost's on something that was peer to peer. before you praise them think about why they did it....
There is nothing wrong with the top % of players making millions off the lower tier players, that benefits both of those players. Taking the ability away only benefits the devs pockets.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Generally, Cryptic has been trying to balance income with cost, but unfortunately they've done a terrible job of it and, for the average player that can't farm new content and make millions a day, AD income vs expense of stuff is in a terrible place right now.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
omg - 1 mil/day
I'm not sure what to say, 1 mil . . . . . . . for real ???
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
A goox friend of mine mad about 16 mio in fbi since last friday just to whow u whats possible
and regarding salvage:
T1 are worse now
T2 way better
so income depends on what u are running
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Mod 10 salvage farming with ten t2 dungeons, and moving salvage to alts only , results in around 150k a day.
Its a increase if you do this.
Sharp made his millions by being a early access to FBI, selling kits, while farming with 1% types of the game, speed running the instance.
Most people, (myself included) will take between 30-40 mins to finish this instance) you would have to have very specific set ups to achieve his speeds and the fastest run also included one of the top dps toons this game has ever seen.
If you dont do specific set ups, its normally double the time it takes him. My first 3 runs , without full buff groups, were all in the 40 something minute range.
Dont think you will be replicating this , even if you take buff groups, good groups will take between 25-30 mins typically. Some of the hardest hitting crusaders are getting this, even with timed CS hits.
There is also a "fast" turtle dispatch, using CS timed gf hits , with specific set ups using the GWF route.
CS is broken and you see results from it.
I just wish once, that these things would be fixed before they are released at the start of new mods, CS , ambush drake, SW stun bosses, unlimited sparks..
Gawd, what do they do in those back offices at times.
In other notes, Im getting a little tired of specific set up groups and I feel its high time they do a general overview of the game, Publicly state what they thing classes are supposed to do, THEN follow through with those classes. IMO having a GF shouldnt result in runs 30-40% faster then having a OP tank.. come on. IF your going to have classes do the same thing, but be SO generally out of line with each other, something is clearly wrong.
Also, like with what just happened in Diablo 3, its high time they curtail massive debuff/buffing, Ive never seen a game with so much dps is from NON dps characters.. they need to drop buffing in half , even after the fixes to the broken things in the game.
They could flat out drop all multipicate buffs and make them additional ones instead. This would of course result in generally making everything take about 2X as long, but they have to do something. They then could normalize hit points pools after making these adjustments.
Normalize buffing,
Normalize class balancing.
Work with the community and stop giving us warnings for ACTUALLY stating the truth. This is key, until such a time as THEY stop hiding the truth from all of us, nothing will ever change.
Then, on day 2, the price of the kits dropped somewhat, but that was fine, because of the price reduction I had from FBI, I was still making 500k AD/H. For about a week and a half I was pulling 500k AD/H off FBI alone, due to price reductions+more experienced and faster groups. If I had the same level of experience on day 1 as I did on day 5, I could have been pulling close to 800k/h on day 1.
Collectively, for the first 2 weeks, our groups were making more AD than mod 0 CN. As it currently stands, on preview, the TT supply part of the cost of those kits is being removed entirely, so the kits now have no value. The time to make AD in FBI has been missed, that ship has sailed.