Templock pre mod 6 was an insane healer, I loved to play mine, I was fortunate to have had the guidence of Kaelec Symphonys brilliance in building mine back then, and now, you have reignited my interest in a worthy and fun playstyle, thank you @bloodyspamer! I will keep peeping in on your progress, and may be joining the revolution again soon >:) currently time for me is a bit limited, but with a 2x exp forthcoming, I may have a new toy to play with sooner than expected lol
Templock pre mod 6 was an insane healer, I loved to play mine, I was fortunate to have had the guidence of Kaelec Symphonys brilliance in building mine back then, and now, you have reignited my interest in a worthy and fun playstyle, thank you @bloodyspamer! I will keep peeping in on your progress, and may be joining the revolution again soon >:) currently time for me is a bit limited, but with a 2x exp forthcoming, I may have a new toy to play with sooner than expected lol
Actually nothing have been changed in temptation tree at all in this mod 10. Nothing at all, everything is same as where in mod 6. I decide go with temptation warlock, only due PoP rework. Because its buff not only SW but party too. And its have all what need for dungeon runs. Healing, buffing, debuffing and dps.
Its kinda strange that some guys have forgotten that there is not only fury and damnation builds.. And also there are not striker warlocks.. So far its ok with this build.. But in time I will look to change it...
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
PoP + BotVA + Infernal Spheres is a good 'roach SW' setup for HB when solo and/or when ganged up on. You can effectively tank w/ spheres, BotVA's deflect, and PoP's dmgRes buff + enemy dmg debuff combined w/ all the background lifesteal going on. Can add in Tempt's Aura of Despair and/or Darkness and HoB's melee stacking debuff for even more damage reduction from that target. Its pretty funny for face-tanking, though you have to be ready as ever to relocate or refresh PoP as needed.
Tempt technically did get some changes w/ mod10. VE I think was made to work more properly w/ Soul Bonding, and the tree's two Aura options were boosted to a 50ft range. Nothing really major, though. Full Tempt rework is apparently to come in the future. We'll see what the heck the devs want to do w/ the tree.
PoP + BotVA + Infernal Spheres is a good 'roach SW' setup for HB when solo and/or when ganged up on. You can effectively tank w/ spheres, BotVA's deflect, and PoP's dmgRes buff + enemy dmg debuff combined w/ all the background lifesteal going on. Can add in Tempt's Aura of Despair and/or Darkness and HoB's melee stacking debuff for even more damage reduction from that target. Its pretty funny for face-tanking, though you have to be ready as ever to relocate or refresh PoP as needed.
Tempt technically did get some changes w/ mod10. VE I think was made to work more properly w/ Soul Bonding, and the tree's two Aura options were boosted to a 50ft range. Nothing really major, though. Full Tempt rework is apparently to come in the future. We'll see what the heck the devs want to do w/ the tree.
Hmm, HB with BoVA + PoP + Infernal spheres indeed have great defensive stats ratio. However its cool only on paper. Temptation warlock most of time spent inside group of enemies/monsters. So it's naturally that you will receive incoming hits more often. And Infernal sphere got consumed with every incoming hit.. And once all spheres are consumed, it goes to cool down. So most of time it will stay without any benefits.
From testings in preview server when I was working on temptation build, I testing this encounter if fights. Went to Icewind dale, also tested in Well of dragons He's runs. To be fair it was same as I would have 2 encounter slots. Not only most of fight time Spheres where in coll down mode, but also dps output and HP restoration vise it was just bad. Perhaps for non temptation warlocks, who play solo and have mid range gear sets, it can be useful. But for 70 lv warlock, and mostly temptation one, its simply not worth.
Developers just widen warlocks aura effect as you wrote, and this soul bonding. Still its not clear. They fixed it that it would work properly, and it was something about its effect areas range.. So more less we can assume all temptation changes where done just slightly widening its effect areas, without changing any powers or mechanics..
p.s over 3k times viewed. I didn't expect that this thread would be alive this long, at best I though it would be up till it reach ~100 views.
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
PoP + BotVA + Infernal Spheres is a good 'roach SW' setup for HB when solo and/or when ganged up on. You can effectively tank w/ spheres, BotVA's deflect, and PoP's dmgRes buff + enemy dmg debuff combined w/ all the background lifesteal going on. Can add in Tempt's Aura of Despair and/or Darkness and HoB's melee stacking debuff for even more damage reduction from that target. Its pretty funny for face-tanking, though you have to be ready as ever to relocate or refresh PoP as needed.
Tempt technically did get some changes w/ mod10. VE I think was made to work more properly w/ Soul Bonding, and the tree's two Aura options were boosted to a 50ft range. Nothing really major, though. Full Tempt rework is apparently to come in the future. We'll see what the heck the devs want to do w/ the tree.
Hmm, HB with BoVA + PoP + Infernal spheres indeed have great defensive stats ratio. However its cool only on paper. Temptation warlock most of time spent inside group of enemies/monsters. So it's naturally that you will receive incoming hits more often. And Infernal sphere got consumed with every incoming hit.. And once all spheres are consumed, it goes to cool down. So most of time it will stay without any benefits.
It depends what ur trying to get out of the power, though. I find for soloing its rel 50/50 how often Spheres are up- depending really on the fights themselves. They do get wasted on certain ground AoEs though, which is annoying. And yea, they aren't a dps option- more of a flexible, hybrid one. I wouldn't recommend ISpheres for group play, but they can have their uses when solo.
"p.s over 3k times viewed. I didn't expect that this thread would be alive this long, at best I though it would be up till it reach ~100 views. "
Well, the console platforms did get their update, so the continued influx of people viewing early mod10 guides is still in effect Its a good guide, though.
It depends what ur trying to get out of the power, though. I find for soloing its rel 50/50 how often Spheres are up- depending really on the fights themselves. They do get wasted on certain ground AoEs though, which is annoying. And yea, they aren't a dps option- more of a flexible, hybrid one. I wouldn't recommend ISpheres for group play, but they can have their uses when solo.
I think Spheres can be useful for some players.. If you take warlock who is without guild, or still not 70 lv, or in guild who don't have strong or any guild boon. And you fight bosses in epic dungeons. Spheres would provide extra Damage resistance and regeneration which is good in such situation... And in group fight, well as you wrote, its not good.. And temptation warlock is mostly aoe gameplay.. Because more enemies you hit with Bova + pop + DoT based overload enchants = more HP you restore for yourself and allies.
Well, the console platforms did get their update, so the continued influx of people viewing early mod10 guides is still in effect Its a good guide, though.
In my expected ~100 visits I counted console players. From side looking, temptation is good option, because BoVa + PoP do not require to aim. You simply dash to group of enemies, drop PoP>BoVa and you do dps + healing/buffing. And then depend on situation you use Arm of hadar or fiery bolt or other encounter... On top arms of blight at-will is good option while PoP and BoVa is up. And mostly I think its kinda popular that because this build is simple/cheap and not based on high/top end gear/mount/companions. For example I know that some guys complain that Fury build is not good, only because they don't have required companion...
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
Templock with good stats distrubuted properly for the build, has always been an insane healer, regardless of what your playing(minus pvp). Even mod 6 and after. Ss makes for great on demand heals, way better than vampiric embrace, that skill is useless.
And now with the changes to passives, its much much easier to get the required stats to be an effective healer. Out heal everyone bar a healadin, but alot of healdins heals have zero effectiviness meaning, they just over heal so the numbers are scewed..with templock, its all relevant heals because you not giving heals that are not used most of the time.
Templock with good stats distrubuted properly for the build, has always been an insane healer, regardless of what your playing(minus pvp). Even mod 6 and after. Ss makes for great on demand heals, way better than vampiric embrace, that skill is useless.
You should not underestimate warlocks vampiric embrace healing capabilities. At first it looks weak, but if you check it more, you get that this encounter have really high healing rates. Due temptaion SW feat Soul bonding, 100% of dealt damage with vampiric embrace is converted to HP restoration to surounded allies, regardless of your life steal chances. Sounds nothing special, but there cool stuff starts.
You hit enemy with Vampiric embrace and you can trigger life steal effect, so you heal allies by vampiric embrace's 100% of dealt damage to enemy, + healing due life steal mechanic. And don't forget you can boost up this efect in 3 ways. 1) through boosting damage,(power, arp, crit, buffs, etc,) 2) through boosting lifea steal rates. 3) through both way.
So its more less win win scenario to templock when he use vampiric embrace. And if templock is major/single healer in group, this encounter become crucial. Also don't forget, PoP buff vampiric embrace damage, so Hellbringer have upper hand :P
Since warlocks introduction I played with it, and 98% of time where Fury HB. And only in preview server tested other builds.. During mod 6, and even now there is times when guys argue which powers are better for healing. For example if you hit with Killing flame and trigger life steal, its without doubt restore 100% of your HP. That happened to my fury SW lot of times. After all life steal restore Hp based by your damage you done. And high dmg powers can heal a lot. But still I think if you are only one/single healer in group, and party/group is not with high stats, its better use vampiric embrace, rather putting hopes on chance to life steal....
Temptation warlocks cool stuff is that unlike heal DC, SW have larger area of heal, and its heall all who are near him without require to arget specific areas. However, downside if there is no enemies to hit and leech HP, warlock can't heal. Best example is demogorgon phase one. When demogorgon itself is invincible and you can't life steal on him and heal tank.
Also due depending on life steal, which depend on damage you do. You can't heal as good as heal DC in pvp. Dc don't have to worry about such matter, he can stand behind party members and heal them. Which SW must attack enemy, and if it have decent/high damage resistance/tenacity you healing factor drops.
And now with the changes to passives, its much much easier to get the required stats to be an effective healer. Out heal everyone bar a healadin, but alot of healdins heals have zero effectiviness meaning, they just over heal so the numbers are scewed..with templock, its all relevant heals because you not giving heals that are not used most of the time.
Heal paladins(healadins) just like DC's there are not so many dedicated healers, lot of DC's and oP's are heal/dps build. I had heal focused build DC, but notice that healing is not all what need for party. Its require heal, buffs and debuffs. Because if party is well geared, or play well in group, than enough to have simple dc with simple/mid range healing ratio.
As for numbers, I do not participate in this number hunting. I check and look does is inflict any visible effect or not. So guys got epic happy just by increasing dps effectivness by 3% by advanced combat tracker. I don't care if on my screen pop up epic high dps/heal number or not. Also in the end of dungeon score table i check only for fun and don't take seriously about it. Because it do not represent you real healing, dps and tankiness. If one idiot in party rush in group of enemies got most damge, does that make him tank? I think it make him suicider. Also whats more important, keep party alive during fights or try get highest heal scores? I prefer keeping allies alive...
p.s sorry for late respond, I tryed write with phone, but looks like post didn't appear here.
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
I think Spheres can be useful for some players.. If you take warlock who is without guild, or still not 70 lv, or in guild who don't have strong or any guild boon. And you fight bosses in epic dungeons. Spheres would provide extra Damage resistance and regeneration which is good in such situation...
Sphere are HAMSTER in any situation and for anyone --> Weak dps, weak DR and weak heal. It just look really great (don't be deceived).
For survivability better take:
(PoP, just mandatory for HellBringer)
Arms Of Hadar (AoE prone, meaning survivability + good AoE dps) (warning: confusing animation)
BoVA (with darkness feat you don't feel much damage) (warning: goes away if CCed)
Warlock Bargain (continuous self healing + damage sharing + single target good dps) (warning: don't kill yourself with the 15% heath cost)
Low level players without guild boons need a well made build otherwise it's death spam. After that they need LS stats and other stats to delay death while waiting these random LS self heals ( I find it strange that teamates are healed each hit but not yourself ... ). Finally they can go for efficiency, and even more efficiency ...
Heal paladins(healadins) just like DC's there are not so many dedicated healers, lot of DC's and oP's are heal/dps build. I had heal focused build DC, but notice that healing is not all what need for party. Its require heal, buffs and debuffs. Because if party is well geared, or play well in group, than enough to have simple dc with simple/mid range healing ratio.
Exact ! I would add that a spam of heal comming from Healadin or Templock isn't a "good" heal, because it's not the right amount at the right time. Therefore a power like VE even if providing weak amount, make it a "good" heal due to it's tempoary part (I've tested and approved it's effect with "bad" teams during CN and ELOL runs, we won with it). Same for the feat Compounded Soul (this feat provide even more temp HP than VE in a swarm of foes).
p.s over 3k times viewed. I didn't expect that this thread would be alive this long, at best I though it would be up till it reach ~100 views.
I'm not jealous... I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous! NO I AIN'T!
(EDITION: Jealousy explaination: I've posted a similar thread build wich had a wonderfull "4 views" in total. In fact it was a forum problem, my posts weren't visible...)
Post edited by duckntroll on
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
Vorpal it is then, hehe. Hope we get dread for ps4 on Tuesday w/ mod 10
Well, I think Feytouched is more suited to the damage debuff style. You may lose a bit of damage and lifesteal compared to vorpal or dread but you debuff it anyway and it helps against one-shots that can't be healed. I run with a Trans Fey. As @bloodyspamer says, with PoP, BoVA, Feytouched, and a few hits of Hand of Blight you can facetank almost everything except possibly Orcus and FBI giants/bears. With that setup a Glabrezu in CN hits me for approximately 25% of my hp and a fraction of second after I'm full again.
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
Yeah, I don't use it most of time, until I'm in group with better damage dealer
DT best way to exploit is by using kiting tactic. Then u can do most of damage. But sadly, when u try combine Pillar of Power + DT its faill. Enemies surround you, and since DT attack is in line, u will be hitting maybe couple enemies at best. so its not best combo. Better go with BoVa + PoP. Not only u get extra survivability, but also Bova get boost from PoP, the area effect of PoP = BoVa area. I think DT is best to Soulbinder path. Because they are more agile.
You're 100% right. BoVA and PoP work perfectly together and they provide a continuous stream of healing which is the best solution overall. By the way they still works even if you're dazed or stunned (BoVA ends if you get proned tough). I always run with both and change the third power (Arms of Hadar, Warlock's Bargain or Vampiric Embrace as you suggested).
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
I thought this thread is already dead. After all here in warlock forum we have other updated buildes/guides. Also this my build is now kinda outdated. @gabrieldourden Weapon enchantment is actually depends on your gameplay/role and mostly depend capability to get them. You want have higher dps rates, then pick dread, vorpal, or other damage boosting enchantment. want to be more usefull in party as debuffer pick debufing effect having enchantment. All is depend on what u wan to do..
I think only couple stuffs are important in this build. Core of temp warlock are aura of despair, soul bonding, and dark revelry. All other feats are more optional than requirement.
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
Actually nothing have been changed in temptation tree at all in this mod 10. Nothing at all, everything is same as where in mod 6. I decide go with temptation warlock, only due PoP rework. Because its buff not only SW but party too. And its have all what need for dungeon runs. Healing, buffing, debuffing and dps.
Its kinda strange that some guys have forgotten that there is not only fury and damnation builds.. And also there are not striker warlocks..
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
Tempt technically did get some changes w/ mod10. VE I think was made to work more properly w/ Soul Bonding, and the tree's two Aura options were boosted to a 50ft range. Nothing really major, though. Full Tempt rework is apparently to come in the future. We'll see what the heck the devs want to do w/ the tree.
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Temptation warlock most of time spent inside group of enemies/monsters. So it's naturally that you will receive incoming hits more often. And Infernal sphere got consumed with every incoming hit.. And once all spheres are consumed, it goes to cool down. So most of time it will stay without any benefits.
From testings in preview server when I was working on temptation build, I testing this encounter if fights. Went to Icewind dale, also tested in Well of dragons He's runs. To be fair it was same as I would have 2 encounter slots. Not only most of fight time Spheres where in coll down mode, but also dps output and HP restoration vise it was just bad. Perhaps for non temptation warlocks, who play solo and have mid range gear sets, it can be useful. But for 70 lv warlock, and mostly temptation one, its simply not worth.
Developers just widen warlocks aura effect as you wrote, and this soul bonding. Still its not clear. They fixed it that it would work properly, and it was something about its effect areas range.. So more less we can assume all temptation changes where done just slightly widening its effect areas, without changing any powers or mechanics..
p.s over 3k times viewed. I didn't expect that this thread would be alive this long, at best I though it would be up till it reach ~100 views.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
I think Spheres can be useful for some players.. If you take warlock who is without guild, or still not 70 lv, or in guild who don't have strong or any guild boon. And you fight bosses in epic dungeons. Spheres would provide extra Damage resistance and regeneration which is good in such situation...
And in group fight, well as you wrote, its not good.. And temptation warlock is mostly aoe gameplay.. Because more enemies you hit with Bova + pop + DoT based overload enchants = more HP you restore for yourself and allies. In my expected ~100 visits I counted console players.
From side looking, temptation is good option, because BoVa + PoP do not require to aim. You simply dash to group of enemies, drop PoP>BoVa and you do dps + healing/buffing. And then depend on situation you use Arm of hadar or fiery bolt or other encounter...
And mostly I think its kinda popular that because this build is simple/cheap and not based on high/top end gear/mount/companions. For example I know that some guys complain that Fury build is not good, only because they don't have required companion...
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
Due temptaion SW feat Soul bonding, 100% of dealt damage with vampiric embrace is converted to HP restoration to surounded allies, regardless of your life steal chances. Sounds nothing special, but there cool stuff starts.
You hit enemy with Vampiric embrace and you can trigger life steal effect, so you heal allies by vampiric embrace's 100% of dealt damage to enemy, + healing due life steal mechanic.
And don't forget you can boost up this efect in 3 ways.
1) through boosting damage,(power, arp, crit, buffs, etc,)
2) through boosting lifea steal rates.
3) through both way.
So its more less win win scenario to templock when he use vampiric embrace. And if templock is major/single healer in group, this encounter become crucial. Also don't forget, PoP buff vampiric embrace damage, so Hellbringer have upper hand :P
Since warlocks introduction I played with it, and 98% of time where Fury HB. And only in preview server tested other builds..
Temptation warlocks cool stuff is that unlike heal DC, SW have larger area of heal, and its heall all who are near him without require to arget specific areas. However, downside if there is no enemies to hit and leech HP, warlock can't heal. Best example is demogorgon phase one. When demogorgon itself is invincible and you can't life steal on him and heal tank.
Also due depending on life steal, which depend on damage you do. You can't heal as good as heal DC in pvp. Dc don't have to worry about such matter, he can stand behind party members and heal them. Which SW must attack enemy, and if it have decent/high damage resistance/tenacity you healing factor drops.
Heal paladins(healadins) just like DC's there are not so many dedicated healers, lot of DC's and oP's are heal/dps build.
I had heal focused build DC, but notice that healing is not all what need for party. Its require heal, buffs and debuffs. Because if party is well geared, or play well in group, than enough to have simple dc with simple/mid range healing ratio.
As for numbers, I do not participate in this number hunting. I check and look does is inflict any visible effect or not. So guys got epic happy just by increasing dps effectivness by 3% by advanced combat tracker. I don't care if on my screen pop up epic high dps/heal number or not. Also in the end of dungeon score table i check only for fun and don't take seriously about it. Because it do not represent you real healing, dps and tankiness.
If one idiot in party rush in group of enemies got most damge, does that make him tank? I think it make him suicider.
Also whats more important, keep party alive during fights or try get highest heal scores? I prefer keeping allies alive...
p.s sorry for late respond, I tryed write with phone, but looks like post didn't appear here.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
For survivability better take:
Low level players without guild boons need a well made build otherwise it's death spam.
After that they need LS stats and other stats to delay death while waiting these random LS self heals ( I find it strange that teamates are healed each hit but not yourself ... ).
Finally they can go for efficiency, and even more efficiency ...
Exact !
I would add that a spam of heal comming from Healadin or Templock isn't a "good" heal, because it's not the right amount at the right time.
Therefore a power like VE even if providing weak amount, make it a "good" heal due to it's tempoary part (I've tested and approved it's effect with "bad" teams during CN and ELOL runs, we won with it). Same for the feat Compounded Soul (this feat provide even more temp HP than VE in a swarm of foes).
I'm not jealous...
I'm not jealous.
I'm not jealous!
(EDITION: Jealousy explaination: I've posted a similar thread build wich had a wonderfull "4 views" in total. In fact it was a forum problem, my posts weren't visible...)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
I thought this thread is already dead. After all here in warlock forum we have other updated buildes/guides. Also this my build is now kinda outdated.
Weapon enchantment is actually depends on your gameplay/role and mostly depend capability to get them. You want have higher dps rates, then pick dread, vorpal, or other damage boosting enchantment. want to be more usefull in party as debuffer pick debufing effect having enchantment. All is depend on what u wan to do..
I think only couple stuffs are important in this build. Core of temp warlock are aura of despair, soul bonding, and dark revelry.
All other feats are more optional than requirement.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.