rinat's video is legit.Crusaders did it ,kudos to a good team.
What i keep from this thread:
1.Crusaders done it with a well geared group with a good portion of effort given.Video provided.
2.Others also done it,claim it is easy ,very easy but no video.Not even a screenshot to see party's composition.I want to see if there is a SW there.Sw is a fine class :)I enjoy to see them play
3.Others find it unbeatable
4.One warns that the SW uses a bug to pass through.i suspect which is but i abide to the rules of the forum and i will not indicate anything.
2 and 4 might have a relation to each other,maybe not..who knows?I don't say or indicating anything ,we all know how honourable Nw community is.
@hypervoreian here is a screenshot from a run I recorded, you can expect to see a video of it Looks to me like its a fraction of the lengths of lia's run as well.
rinat's video is legit.Crusaders did it ,kudos to a good team.
What i keep from this thread:
1.Crusaders done it with a well geared group with a good portion of effort given.Video provided.
2.Others also done it,claim it is easy ,very easy but no video.Not even a screenshot to see party's composition.I want to see if there is a SW there.Sw is a fine class :)I enjoy to see them play
3.Others find it unbeatable
4.One warns that the SW uses a bug to pass through.i suspect which is but i abide to the rules of the forum and i will not indicate anything.
2 and 4 might have a relation to each other,maybe not..who knows?I don't say or indicating anything ,we all know how honourable Nw community is.
@hypervoreian here is a screenshot from a run I recorded, you can expect to see a video of it Looks to me like its a fraction of the lengths of lia's run as well.
Missed my "no cheesey sets" note?
Still, can't blame 1 set (the 1 on freedom, dc didn't have 1) for being 3 times faster
rinat's video is legit.Crusaders did it ,kudos to a good team.
What i keep from this thread:
1.Crusaders done it with a well geared group with a good portion of effort given.Video provided.
2.Others also done it,claim it is easy ,very easy but no video.Not even a screenshot to see party's composition.I want to see if there is a SW there.Sw is a fine class :)I enjoy to see them play
3.Others find it unbeatable
4.One warns that the SW uses a bug to pass through.i suspect which is but i abide to the rules of the forum and i will not indicate anything.
2 and 4 might have a relation to each other,maybe not..who knows?I don't say or indicating anything ,we all know how honourable Nw community is.
@hypervoreian here is a screenshot from a run I recorded, you can expect to see a video of it Looks to me like its a fraction of the lengths of lia's run as well.
Missed my "no cheesey sets" note?
Still, can't blame 1 set (the 1 on freedom, dc didn't have 1) for being 3 times faster
Nah it's fine, we wiped on Drufi, had a member disconnect mid-run, talked lots of HAMSTER, wasn't the most efficient run and most def not a dungeon spam we'd usually do, we spent time explaining before each boss, etc. I can run a 30 minute run but I can't do a guide breezing through everything, it was the first for one member and we took it slow, explaining to him and everything. If speed is your standard meter you're doing it wrong. And HV is quite a lot of damage my friend, 30% isn't "nothing".
rinat's video is legit.Crusaders did it ,kudos to a good team.
What i keep from this thread:
1.Crusaders done it with a well geared group with a good portion of effort given.Video provided.
2.Others also done it,claim it is easy ,very easy but no video.Not even a screenshot to see party's composition.I want to see if there is a SW there.Sw is a fine class :)I enjoy to see them play
3.Others find it unbeatable
4.One warns that the SW uses a bug to pass through.i suspect which is but i abide to the rules of the forum and i will not indicate anything.
2 and 4 might have a relation to each other,maybe not..who knows?I don't say or indicating anything ,we all know how honourable Nw community is.
@hypervoreian here is a screenshot from a run I recorded, you can expect to see a video of it Looks to me like its a fraction of the lengths of lia's run as well.
Missed my "no cheesey sets" note?
Still, can't blame 1 set (the 1 on freedom, dc didn't have 1) for being 3 times faster
Nah it's fine, we wiped on Drufi, had a member disconnect mid-run, talked lots of ****, wasn't the most efficient run and most def not a dungeon spam we'd usually do, we spent time explaining before each boss, etc. I can run a 30 minute run but I can't do a guide breezing through everything, it was the first for one member and we took it slow, explaining to him and everything. If speed is your standard meter you're doing it wrong. And HV is quite a lot of damage my friend, 30% isn't "nothing".
Its not 30%, just like pf isn't 9%, just like HP isn't 30% and we have a lot of fun in our runs, its not just about speed. Anyhow, the screenshot wasn't really meant as a jab at you (although I did take a little poke just as a minor bit of trolling ), it was more meant for the specific person in this thread making some baseless accusations.
It really is time for the Pre-Mod 6 sets to get removed. Also the EF damage needs to be increased enough to REQUIRE 28 percent resist to survive, or there is no point in even having the entry requirement.
You've got that all backwards. The requirement should be removed entirely, and everfrost damage itself should be removed entirely and put something that isn't Gimmick Of The Day on gear, instead.
It really is time for the Pre-Mod 6 sets to get removed. Also the EF damage needs to be increased enough to REQUIRE 28 percent resist to survive, or there is no point in even having the entry requirement.
They are not going to do that. It was the same back when Mod 3 was released and Kessells had a resist requirement. People kept on some pieces but for the most part took the resist gear off once they zoned in and they had something better.
rinat's video is legit.Crusaders did it ,kudos to a good team.
What i keep from this thread:
1.Crusaders done it with a well geared group with a good portion of effort given.Video provided.
2.Others also done it,claim it is easy ,very easy but no video.Not even a screenshot to see party's composition.I want to see if there is a SW there.Sw is a fine class :)I enjoy to see them play
3.Others find it unbeatable
4.One warns that the SW uses a bug to pass through.i suspect which is but i abide to the rules of the forum and i will not indicate anything.
2 and 4 might have a relation to each other,maybe not..who knows?I don't say or indicating anything ,we all know how honourable Nw community is.
Not unbeatable, just bugged out of its mind. A team with stable but not BiS damage can't clear the turtle unless they keep trying until the gods of random chance decide to not make it slam constantly for no reason.
The stars are falling, and the old gods silent as death, with the blood sworn to rip you down from the night sky, what cost will pose too high?
rinat's video is legit.Crusaders did it ,kudos to a good team.
What i keep from this thread:
1.Crusaders done it with a well geared group with a good portion of effort given.Video provided.
2.Others also done it,claim it is easy ,very easy but no video.Not even a screenshot to see party's composition.I want to see if there is a SW there.Sw is a fine class :)I enjoy to see them play
3.Others find it unbeatable
4.One warns that the SW uses a bug to pass through.i suspect which is but i abide to the rules of the forum and i will not indicate anything.
2 and 4 might have a relation to each other,maybe not..who knows?I don't say or indicating anything ,we all know how honourable Nw community is.
Not unbeatable, just bugged out of its mind. A team with stable but not BiS damage can't clear the turtle unless they keep trying until the gods of random chance decide to not make it slam constantly for no reason.
Wild Slam is used if the dragon turtle's primary target is outside of the arc of his standard melee attack, Hull Snap and his standard ranged attack Steam Blast. If he can use neither on his primary target when he attempts to do so he will Wild Slam.
This is briefly described in the battle tactics journal entry. Normally I would like everyone to have the opportunity to identify the nature of these mechanics through playing and conversing, however, we have identified an issue wherein he will sometimes use Wild Slam regardless of whether his primary target is within the arc.
We are working on a fix for this issue and are aiming to get it live at our earliest opportunity. In the meantime, you can still dramatically reduce the frequency with which Wild Slam is used by making sure your tank remains within his standard attack arc and no one is pulling threat. If you are noticing a tremendous difference in the amount of slams from attempt to attempt, the primary target switching or moving out of the arc is almost certainly the source.
I'd like to apologize personally for the inconvenience this issue may be causing some groups. With Fangbreaker Island we've built the bosses in an entirely different way than standard bosses in Neverwinter on the back end. The team went through great lengths to identify and fix all of the issues that appeared during internal playtesting and playtesting on the preview shard. This issue was actually among those issues identified during Fangbreaker's time on preview, unfortunately the fix we put out does not seem to have completely eliminated the issue.
It really is time for the Pre-Mod 6 sets to get removed. Also the EF damage needs to be increased enough to REQUIRE 28 percent resist to survive, or there is no point in even having the entry requirement.
I attempted a run yesterday with all of my EF gear on and we couldn't get pat the first boss. The tank couldn't either stay alive or keep the manticore consistently pointed away from us, and the DoT from that ***incredibly*** wide AoE cone did us in every time. I don't know how much EF resist we're supposed to have to mitigate that, but I can tell you that 30% + 31k defense is **not** enough.
That actually brings me to a question for the devs: is EF damage ignoring defense and/or do the enemies have REALLY high armor penetration? My HR has 81% DR without any buffs on and drinking an enhanced superior fortification potion bumps it up another 2.5 %. It doesn't seem like it's doing much if anything in FBI.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
It really is time for the Pre-Mod 6 sets to get removed. Also the EF damage needs to be increased enough to REQUIRE 28 percent resist to survive, or there is no point in even having the entry requirement.
I attempted a run yesterday with all of my EF gear on and we couldn't get pat the first boss. The tank couldn't either stay alive or keep the manticore consistently pointed away from us, and the DoT from that ***incredibly*** wide AoE cone did us in every time. I don't know how much EF resist we're supposed to have to mitigate that, but I can tell you that 30% + 31k defense is **not** enough.
That actually brings me to a question for the devs: is EF damage ignoring defense and/or do the enemies have REALLY high armor penetration? My HR has 81% DR without any buffs on and drinking an enhanced superior fortification potion bumps it up another 2.5 %. It doesn't seem like it's doing much if anything in FBI.
Yes, EF damage is ignoring defense and it is completely intended. As for monster arp, nope. You just need to have a semi competent team to finish it.
I attempted a run yesterday with all of my EF gear on and we couldn't get pat the first boss. The tank couldn't either stay alive or keep the manticore consistently pointed away from us, and the DoT from that ***incredibly*** wide AoE cone did us in every time.I.
Yes the conal attack is dangerous, trick is not to stay to far from boss so one can get out of the attack quicker. Remember that using dodge mechanics(like CW shift) only saves you from the knockback, the poisonous darts still hit you, so you really need to get out of the red zone before the attack is made. With decent healing and good lifesteal you can out heal the dot. So just keep trying.
rinat's video is legit.Crusaders did it ,kudos to a good team.
What i keep from this thread:
1.Crusaders done it with a well geared group with a good portion of effort given.Video provided.
2.Others also done it,claim it is easy ,very easy but no video.Not even a screenshot to see party's composition.I want to see if there is a SW there.Sw is a fine class :)I enjoy to see them play
3.Others find it unbeatable
4.One warns that the SW uses a bug to pass through.i suspect which is but i abide to the rules of the forum and i will not indicate anything.
2 and 4 might have a relation to each other,maybe not..who knows?I don't say or indicating anything ,we all know how honourable Nw community is.
It's not very easy but it's doable. It's just long, and consequently, people get bored, think about something else, and the second after, they're dead. That's where most of the difficulty comes from. If you have played other MMOs you'll find the mechanics very simplistic. Heck, even the beginner's dungeons are more complex mechanics-wise in plenty of MMOs. But that doesn't make the fights easy per se, as every boss has a health pool making it similar to a standard raid boss in a MMO, ie a ~10 minutes fight, when the average attention span is 5 minutes. It took me years of raiding to be able to stay focused throughout an entire run. It's clearly not a given.
Is EF ignoring gf and op shield dmg reduction also?
At least the shield. Try it in some HEs in Bryn Shander. EF special attacks from the bosses...
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
edited September 2016
Hustin, the manticore totally sucks if you're an HR. You get away to use longstrider and then if it uses the cone attack you have no way to get out in time and neither dodge nor Fox will save you from the dot which will melt you. I can outheal it if I can get close and lifesteal on Plant Growth, if not I'm dead. Stay close to the beast and things get better. Yesterday I tanked it from 20% to zero after our tank died and it was easier then trying to use longstrider. By the way Gushing Wound + Careful Attack pull a lot of aggro so if your tank is not keeping aggro tightly you'll face huge problems at the second boss too as it will wild slam all the time if you move out of range and then melt everything. Once again stay close and Fox will help you a lot.
Post edited by gabrieldourden on
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
gabrieldourdenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,212Arc User
And by the way @asterdahl : loot is not enough to convince people to run it. Most groups will need an hour or more and several wipes. The set is not overwhelmingly better than what we have, and the rest of drops is not enough to convince people to run it. Most of my guildies will just grind the boons via the campaign and look for next mod... There should either be a 100% chance of a solid drop or a reasonable chance of a really good one even if bound to account.
Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Hustin, the manticore totally sucks if you're an HR. You get away to use longstrider and then if it uses the cone attack you have no way to get out in time and neither dodge nor Fox will save you from the dot which will melt you. I can outheal it if I can get close and lifesteal on Plant Growth, if not I'm dead. Stay close to the beast and things get better.
By the way Gushing Wound + Careful Attack pull a lot of aggro so if your tank is not keeping aggro tightly you'll face huge problems at the second boss too as it will wild slam all the time if you move out of range and then melt everything. Once again stay close and Fox will help you a lot.
Lovely. And as a Stormwarden archer-build, I don't have Careful Attack. Even worse, as an archer I should be keeping distant and taking advantage of Stillness of the Forest, which the mechanics won't let me do. So it looks like I have to break out my Trapper for Dummies book and play in a way that is far from optimal for an archer.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
rinat's video is legit.Crusaders did it ,kudos to a good team.
What i keep from this thread:
1.Crusaders done it with a well geared group with a good portion of effort given.Video provided.
2.Others also done it,claim it is easy ,very easy but no video.Not even a screenshot to see party's composition.I want to see if there is a SW there.Sw is a fine class :)I enjoy to see them play
3.Others find it unbeatable
4.One warns that the SW uses a bug to pass through.i suspect which is but i abide to the rules of the forum and i will not indicate anything.
2 and 4 might have a relation to each other,maybe not..who knows?I don't say or indicating anything ,we all know how honourable Nw community is.
Not unbeatable, just bugged out of its mind. A team with stable but not BiS damage can't clear the turtle unless they keep trying until the gods of random chance decide to not make it slam constantly for no reason.
Wild Slam is used if the dragon turtle's primary target is outside of the arc of his standard melee attack, Hull Snap and his standard ranged attack Steam Blast. If he can use neither on his primary target when he attempts to do so he will Wild Slam.
This is briefly described in the battle tactics journal entry. Normally I would like everyone to have the opportunity to identify the nature of these mechanics through playing and conversing, however, we have identified an issue wherein he will sometimes use Wild Slam regardless of whether his primary target is within the arc.
We are working on a fix for this issue and are aiming to get it live at our earliest opportunity. In the meantime, you can still dramatically reduce the frequency with which Wild Slam is used by making sure your tank remains within his standard attack arc and no one is pulling threat. If you are noticing a tremendous difference in the amount of slams from attempt to attempt, the primary target switching or moving out of the arc is almost certainly the source.
I'd like to apologize personally for the inconvenience this issue may be causing some groups. With Fangbreaker Island we've built the bosses in an entirely different way than standard bosses in Neverwinter on the back end. The team went through great lengths to identify and fix all of the issues that appeared during internal playtesting and playtesting on the preview shard. This issue was actually among those issues identified during Fangbreaker's time on preview, unfortunately the fix we put out does not seem to have completely eliminated the issue.
Dear asterdahl, you feel like you could also wanna apologize for the fact that FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME a miniboss and LAST boss can be bugged so people are once again farming like crazy with no actual effort the first T3 dungeon of this game? Why this repeated mockery? It is NOT a random bug, dont insult our intelligence, again..
As an added note...this dungeon DOES NOT justify running it. Why should anyone pay to run it for a limited time +5 level armor upgrade so you can run again CN? Dont ANYONE there at Cryptic understands that people want LOOT of VALUE and not these useless bound items? Legendary failure...
GF more Damage than the CW? I do less damage then the DC sometimes. ^^
I am MoF rene, that is a full support group. Basically, MoF rene counts as a 300% party damage multiplier, effectively tripling the damage everyone else does at the cost of gimping your own damage. You can see that from class features though, combustive and swath.
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
This is briefly described in the battle tactics journal entry. Normally I would like everyone to have the opportunity to identify the nature of these mechanics through playing and conversing, however, we have identified an issue wherein he will sometimes use Wild Slam regardless of whether his primary target is within the arc.
We are working on a fix for this issue and are aiming to get it live at our earliest opportunity. In the meantime, you can still dramatically reduce the frequency with which Wild Slam is used by making sure your tank remains within his standard attack arc and no one is pulling threat. If you are noticing a tremendous difference in the amount of slams from attempt to attempt, the primary target switching or moving out of the arc is almost certainly the source.
I'd like to apologize personally for the inconvenience this issue may be causing some groups. With Fangbreaker Island we've built the bosses in an entirely different way than standard bosses in Neverwinter on the back end. The team went through great lengths to identify and fix all of the issues that appeared during internal playtesting and playtesting on the preview shard. This issue was actually among those issues identified during Fangbreaker's time on preview, unfortunately the fix we put out does not seem to have completely eliminated the issue.
That actually brings me to a question for the devs: is EF damage ignoring defense and/or do the enemies have REALLY high armor penetration? My HR has 81% DR without any buffs on and drinking an enhanced superior fortification potion bumps it up another 2.5 %. It doesn't seem like it's doing much if anything in FBI.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
With decent healing and good lifesteal you can out heal the dot. So just keep trying.
The loot is terrible in FBI for this difficulty.
By the way Gushing Wound + Careful Attack pull a lot of aggro so if your tank is not keeping aggro tightly you'll face huge problems at the second boss too as it will wild slam all the time if you move out of range and then melt everything. Once again stay close and Fox will help you a lot.
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
More screenshots.
As an added note...this dungeon DOES NOT justify running it. Why should anyone pay to run it for a limited time +5 level armor upgrade so you can run again CN? Dont ANYONE there at Cryptic understands that people want LOOT of VALUE and not these useless bound items? Legendary failure...
Under 20 minutes.