Since I created my GF back in Mod 3 I have always played SM Tactician. I have used various at-wills but for parties the other powers were pretty much the same. Obviously I utilised Steel Defence and Fighter's Recovery but with the change to SD in Mod 10 I decided to use the free respec and went IV for the first time. I read somewhere on this sub-forum that IV was the way to go for tank GFs now. What exactly are the selling points for IV? What makes it better now than SM if at all? My feats are still pretty much the same as before but I do feel tankier. I did eToS as SM Tactician before the respec and it was harder than before Mod 10 but I have very little problems as IV doing the same dungeon. The IV powers don't seem to suggest that I'd be tankier than SM.
Oh and on a slightly unrelated note, although it does pertain to Mod 10: With the DR cap now at 80% am I safe to stack Defense if I don't have any guild boons specifically the Defense one? I wasn't close to that before Mod 10 although I have replaced my Azures for Radiants in defensive slots. My Defense rating was around 12k without Bondings or Ring of Rising Defense. I think that equated to something like 45% DR.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
IV shouldn't make You tankier, though, in mod 10 it has better utility.
I also DID RESPEC'D for IV in mod 10.
Ferocius Reation would help you to survive big HEs and powerful AoE strikes dealing 99.9% of everfrost damage.
Steel Defense wouldn't.
That's the thing...
PvE wise you feel tanker as you swapped out Azure's for radiants so you have that extra buffer and feels safer.
Personally I can't live without steel grace movement speed crit and deflect yes please. Wms is also very nice from sm.