I've been farming devils in the hideaway in stronghold map, they're really easy to kill, drop rank 5s fairly often, and drop vouchers for the coffer.
I can't seem to think of any area better to farm, so if anyone has any thoughts on what they think is an efficient area to farm it, let me know
EDIT: corrected my math
Going by the AD/RP dictated by the current Blueprint value, doing the task 10 times and assuming you get at least Tier 2 every time, you get items worth about 28k. The resources for doing the task 10 times are just as expensive though, maybe even more expensive. At 1800 RP per Blueprint, the value of the produced items would be around 63k, much better.
So, now you can't even really use this event to make some money off the profession tasks anymore, in case that you simply don't buy into the gambling aspect of the Creations of Wonder Packs. But they don't want you to use the event that way. These changes clearly discourage that. They want you to only use the profession tasks to make items for yourself. They just don't show it as directly. Could just as well have made those items Bound to Account this time around.
The only thing you can really get out of this event now is that "high chance" at something good, which means some single digit percentage, so you still need a few dozen Doohickeys to really get something out of it. Of course, making the RP value of the Blueprints makes them even more desirable, so the motivation to get some more Zen is also higher now...
I am currently levelling (lvl 27) and have 2 level 4 wondrous items, and a level 10 leatherworker.
Am I right in thinking that I need to get one of them to level 7 (Doohicky) and hand it in for a reward that 'might' be the mount? (I had assumed that high chance meant significant %).
Is there an easier way for a new player to get a epic speed mount aside from hordes of AD or Zen?
p,.s if you save up buy zen and get a mou nt of the zen store or via a pack from the zen store the rewards are account wide, every character will be able to claim that mount, i think event mounts like this are per character, but don't quote me on that as i've never gotten one.
Then I was like, oh theres no "R".. awwww.
Oh i'd love to have one for this reason, but currently given AH prices and bluprint prices and given drop rates legitimately completing the event via grinding is flat out impossible. Your only option IS to spend AD, and unless you have or can easily get around 300k getting even one doohicky is flat out impossible. It's not a case that the rewards aren't worth it, my pally would love to get the embellished mount, the blacksmith and the forgehammer, but the minimum theoretical 3 doohickeys for that are just waaay out of my price range atm. And they will be for any new player too.