In a no doubt calculated and brilliantly thought-out move, the last Summer Feast event for the Summer Festival ended at exactly the same time as the festival. I know, I was waiting at the priestess to hand in my Summer Celebration task once the event clock wound down. And was unable to as there was zero chance, the event ended but no results and straight to Protector's Enclave.
Why was this the case? Why start the Summer Feast event if NO-ONE could claim it? There was a gap of 4 minutes between the previous event and the Summer Feast starting, does it not seem reasonable to have cut that to three minutes to allow the Summer Feast to count for something and allow people to collect the task? This was sloppy and poor scheduling. The same happened at daily resets, the event tasks finished a minute or so after reset.
Ten minutes gametime wasted today and I would not have tried to complete in my gametime available if I'd known this. So ten minutes plus the time for the other 2 events counting towards task completion, let's be generous and say another 15 minutes. So, 25 minutes wasted of my available limited gametime - yes I'm sore about that as a dungeon run could have been done easily.
Suggestion - please look at the timings of events and ensure that they do not: a) exceed daily reset but finish at least 1 minutes before and b) finish at least one minute before the entire event does.
then why holding on when it is so close to closing the festival?
The point is this would have been totally and completely possible - but for poor timing and organisation on Cryptics part. Why even have that last event if there was no way of finishing it? People wasted time and effort on that event thinking they would have time to hand it it - they didn't.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia