YEah anyone who says you don't learn to play your class to at least a basic level of competency between 1 and 70 hasn't leveled a fresh never before played class in a long time. It doesn't teach you much advanced stuff outside of completely broken classes like GWF where playing well with a good build is the only way not to fail hard in the 60-70 zones, but it teaches you enough that you can do the basics right.
Paingiver is not an acurratte or Useful measure of your actual sustained damage output, (i.e DPS), in various ways it lies. For a true idea use ACT. Link below:
Oh boy, some people here just fail to understand the concept. I went to school to learn to read and write, then I went to college and university to become a doctor. Would you really want your doctor to just buy his degree?
Haha nice analogy but definitely misplaced. Being pugged with a "fake" lvl 70 for a random dungeon and being treated by a "fake" doctor are two vastly different things. Lets not make a mountain out of a molehill. People can already buy campaign completion, purchasing a lvl 70 boost is the next logical step. As for the argument that such a person would not know how to play - well, a new player leveling to 70 is not really learning much either. All he does is blast thru an extremely easy pve content which creates false expectations. A new player actually learns how to play his character and starts its gear and build development precisely after hitting lvl 70.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
It is important to note you have to have 1 level 70 character before you can buy a level 70 this way. So most of these people would not be very inexperienced
There are more than BIS players in this game RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ???? FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited August 2016
I fail to see why anyone would do this still, regardless of debated topics or not, 1-70 is a few hours of gameplay..
MAYBE maybe if they do a new class.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,453Arc User
Oh boy, some people here just fail to understand the concept. I went to school to learn to read and write, then I went to college and university to become a doctor. Would you really want your doctor to just buy his degree?
You don't want your doctor to buy his degree. You want to get the money from the individual who thinks after he bought the degree and he will automatically become a doctor. The 2nd portion will not be materialized for him but you got his money already.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
Oh boy, some people here just fail to understand the concept. I went to school to learn to read and write, then I went to college and university to become a doctor. Would you really want your doctor to just buy his degree?
Wow, such hyperbole. There's a huge difference between knowing a bit about end-game mechanics in Neverwinter and knowing the difference between, say, a hemorrhagic fever and a bloody nose..... I'm OK with someone playing a paid-for lvl 70 toon who doesn't really know how to play the game running their first DD with me, I'm not OK with someone who doesn't know anything about anatomy cutting me open with a scalpel. There's really just no comparison there.
Conceptually, I have no problem at all with the idea of people buying a pre-spec'd lvl 70 toon. That said, I feel sorry for anyone who is so addicted and/or so impatient that they'd actually spend their money on this.
60-70 is better now, but still a lot of grind. But starting right at the grind, ya.... Guess I am just weird.
I'd still describe 60-70 as an utterly terrible experiance. Unless this is way cheaper than i'm expecting i'd never use it even to level a class i know how to play, but i can totally see the appeal in skipping that godawful piece of content that is the elemental evil campaign.
Paingiver is not an acurratte or Useful measure of your actual sustained damage output, (i.e DPS), in various ways it lies. For a true idea use ACT. Link below:
60-70 is better now, but still a lot of grind. But starting right at the grind, ya.... Guess I am just weird.
I'd still describe 60-70 as an utterly terrible experiance. Unless this is way cheaper than i'm expecting i'd never use it even to level a class i know how to play, but i can totally see the appeal in skipping that godawful piece of content that is the elemental evil campaign.
Yeah EE is boring especially the 2nd,3rd,4th times but skip it for what ? To hurry and get to the next grind ? It's not like it gets so much more exciting when you finish EE. Yay get to run the same DDs ive been running forever ! It's really who I play with that makes the game at this point.
I am Curious as too what kind of campaign progress These "fresh" 70's will have.
with the way you get those special tokens for finishing questing zones / some campaigns start pre-70, Will they have some progress in this, or will they be expected too run all the low level zones anyway too get those bonuses. Personally I feel it should come with at least some progress in dragon campaign and elemental evil campaign, and possibly some campaign currency packs / genies gifts.
Oh boy, some people here just fail to understand the concept. I went to school to learn to read and write, then I went to college and university to become a doctor. Would you really want your doctor to just buy his degree?
Oh, certainly, when playing this game requires the identical intellectual investment attached to becoming a doctor, I'll share your concern. For a doctor, you don't really understand analogies very well.
This not a bad idea but there should be some conditions before being able to buy a lvl 70 char. like it gets unlocked after levelling 2 chars to lvl 70 and having reached 2.5k on both.
There is way to many classes and paths availabein the game and levelling 10 chars to lvl 70 is too time consuming, just for the sake of testing a new class. i will definitly buy it to try the classes that i haven't played at end game yet.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
MAYBE maybe if they do a new class.
Conceptually, I have no problem at all with the idea of people buying a pre-spec'd lvl 70 toon. That said, I feel sorry for anyone who is so addicted and/or so impatient that they'd actually spend their money on this.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
I'd still describe 60-70 as an utterly terrible experiance. Unless this is way cheaper than i'm expecting i'd never use it even to level a class i know how to play, but i can totally see the appeal in skipping that godawful piece of content that is the elemental evil campaign.
Yay get to run the same DDs ive been running forever !
It's really who I play with that makes the game at this point.
with the way you get those special tokens for finishing questing zones / some campaigns start pre-70, Will they have some progress in this, or will they be expected too run all the low level zones anyway too get those bonuses.
Personally I feel it should come with at least some progress in dragon campaign and elemental evil campaign, and possibly some campaign currency packs / genies gifts.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
There is way to many classes and paths availabein the game and levelling 10 chars to lvl 70 is too time consuming, just for the sake of testing a new class. i will definitly buy it to try the classes that i haven't played at end game yet.