Here I'll be collecting the changes/nerfs to the Trapper from the Preview Shard Notes. Because it's really hard to read through all the tears and find out what will hurt us the changes are spread out through 20+ pages. So lets kick it off

**None of this on Live yet but these are some of the many changes but only the ones I felt NERF the Trapper**
Feat: Forestbond: When used in conjunction with Thorned Roots, the recharge reduction granted would be doubled. This has been fixed, and Forestbond will now always grant a 5% reduction, regardless of whether you are using Strong Grasping Roots or Thorned Roots. *Anything that increases cd time from what it is previously to this is bad. Bugged or not we struggle to keep up especially pulling mob to mob hitting nothing but thin air because everythings melting around us from other classes.
Hunter Ranger: Aspect of the Serpent: Stacks will only be consumed by powers that actually deal damage. This means powers such as Stag Heart, Hawk Eye, or FOXES CUNNING will build stacks, but not consume them. *This is a problem because we need them to be able to consume in order for the opposite side to stack properly other wise we have to waist time using meh at wills or wait for a ability that has charges to come off cool down.
Hunter Ranger: Feats: Swiftness of the Fox: No longer triggers multiple times when hitting multiple targets. *This on top on Forest Bond for the same reason will be the death on the Trapper.
Plant Growth: Now properly has a target cap of 5. *Last I checked it says ALL enemies and has a 20 feet range AoE...major dmg Nerf.
• Aimed Shot: Charging this power is no longer interrupted by taking damage.
• Aimed Strike: Reapplying the DoT will no longer start the tick timer over. This will prevent clipping the DoT, ensuring the same overall DPS, instead of allowing DPS to be reduced by accidentally clipping the DoT.
• Ambush: Now has less of a reduction when applying bonus damage to an AoE power. It now deals half of the normal bonus, instead of a third.
• Ambush: Targets damaged by your Ambush now take additional damage from your Encounter powers for 5 seconds.
• Ambush: The Ambush effect is no longer cancelled by movement.
• Ambush: The bonus damage caused by this power has had its base damage increased by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% damage increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Ambush: The bonus damage caused by this power no longer groups into the same damage floater as the power that triggers it.
• Aspect of the Pack: Rank 4 now properly increases the range of the power, instead of decreasing it.
• Bear Trap: Activation time reduced to 0.67s, down from 0.75s.
• Bear Trap: Now causes the target to bleed for 5 seconds. The total damage of this bleed is equivalent to the initial damage. The Feat, Advanced Stalking, now increases the damage of this bleed.
• Bear Trap: Now slows the target for 5 seconds, in addition to the momentary stun. The Feat, Advanced Stalking, no longer provides a slow effect to this power.
• Bear Trap: Range reduced to 30', down from 80'.
• Binding Arrow: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Binding Arrow: Activation time reduced to 0.7s, down from 1s.
• Binding Arrow: Damage dealt to secondary targets now receive full damage bonuses from the caster. This includes critical hit damage, however, the secondary hit will not be considered a separate critical hit.
• Binding Arrow: Damage increased ~10%.
• Binding Arrow: Recharge time reduced to 18s, down from 22s.
• Clear the Ground: Activate time of the third strike reduced from 0.6s to 0.5s. Increased damage of second and third strikes of this combo. These changes have increased the overall DPS of the combo by ~35%.
• Clear The Ground: This powers activation is no longer cancelled by all other power activations.
• Cold Steel Hurricane: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Cold Steel Hurricane: Overall damage further increased by ~33%.
• Cold Steel Hurricane: Now properly reports that it has a 60' range. Previously, the UI reported 40'.
• Cold Steel Hurricane: This power will now dissipate if it hits 10 total targets along its path.
• Cold Steel Hurricane: Total activation time reduced to 1.5s, down from 2s. This allows you to move much more quickly after the power has fired.
• Commanding Shot: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 9% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Commanding Shot: In addition to the base damage increase, damage further increased ~50%.
• Commanding Shot: Recharge time reduced to 16s, down from 18s.
• Commanding Shot: Reworked the debuff this power applies, and reduced its duration. Reduced the damage debuff component to 10%, down from 15%. Changed the defense component from lowering their defenses by 15% to increasing the damage they take by 10%. This changes where in the formula the damage increase takes place, and this power can cause the target to take increased damage even if you have enough Armor Penetration to completely ignore their Damage Resistance.
• Commanding Shot: The rank up effect now only grants the debuff +1s, down from +2s.
• Constricting Arrow: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Electric Shot: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Electric Shot: Reduced the activation time of each shot by 0.3s. This has increased the overall DPS of the combo by ~33%.
• Feat: Advanced Stalking: No longer causes Bear Trap to slow the target. Instead, it increases the damage of the bleed that Bear Trap now applies.
• Feat: Forestbond: When used in conjunction with Thorned Roots, the recharge reduction granted would be doubled. This has been fixed, and Forestbond will now always grant a 5% reduction, regardless of whether you are using Strong Grasping Roots or Thorned Roots.
• Feat: Thorned Roots: After upgrading to Thorned Roots, there would be a slight delay before they would apply compared to Strong Grasping Roots. This has been remedied, and Thorned Roots now applies just as quickly as Strong Grasping Roots.
• Feat: Thorned Roots: When striking a target that is immune to control, Thorned Roots stated that it would deal a bonus 250% Weapon Damage up front. However, it was actually dealing 2 ticks of damage, one at 175% of Weapon Damage, and one at 50% of Weapon Damage per rank of Thorned Roots, for a maximum total of 425% Weapon Damage at Rank 5. This has been changed to now do 1 tick of damage for 200% + 50% per rank, for a maximum of 450% at Rank 5. The tooltip has been updated with these numbers, and has been clarified to state that this is in addition to the DoT.
• Feat: Thorned Roots: When used in conjunction with the Class Feature Crushing Roots, Thorned Roots would apply the Daze twice. In most cases, this would manifest as just causing the Daze to last about 0.1s longer. This has been fixed.
• Feat: Unflinching Aim: In addition to its current functionality of increasing your Ranged Damage, this Feat now causes your hits from Aimed Shot to reduce the recharge time of your currently recharging Ranged Powers.
• Forest Ghost: Can now strike the same target once per second, instead of only once per activation.
• Forest Meditation: Base recharge time reduced to 40s, down from 45s. This means at Rank 4, the Recharge time is 30s, down from 35s.
• Forest Meditation: This power can now be deactivated by pressing the button again. Has a slight delay at activation to prevent accidentally deactivating it via button mashing.
• Fox Shift: The speed debuffs and buffs caused by this power no longer have a slight variance to their duration.
• Gushing Wound: Fixed an issue where, if the target was able to quickly move away or get out of line of sight immediately after taking the initial hit, the bleed would not apply. The bleed should now be applied if the target takes the intital hit.
• Gushing Wound: Initial hit damage increased ~200%. Bleed damage increased ~10%.
• Gushing Wound: Now requires a target to activate, which should prevent activating it near a target, but not actually hitting anyone.
• Gushing Wound: Ranged decreased to 15', down from 16'
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
• Hawk Eye: Now causes the name of the power to show up in combat floaters when it is granted, so that allies may react accordingly.
• Hawk Eye: Recharge time reduced to 18s, down from 20s. This means at Rank 4, the Recharge time is now 15s.
• Hawk Shot: Activation time reduced to 1.7s, down from 2s.
• Hawk Shot: Changed the way this power clamps damage based on range. Previously, in order to deal maximum damage, you actually had to be at 80' (or further, with Aspect of the Falcon), and the damage kept getting smaller until you were almost touching the target. Now, the minimum damage is dealt to anyone within 20', and the maximum damage is dealt to anyone 60' away or further. The minimum damage has been increased greatly.
• Hawk Shot: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Hawk Shot: Recharge time reduced to 15s, down from 20s.
• Hawk Shot: This power is now an AoE power, and deals damage to up to 5 targets in a small cylinder along the whole range.
• Hindering Shot: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Hindering Strike: Now allows other powers to queue like normal after activation.
• Hunter's Teamwork: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Longstrider's Shot: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Marauder's Escape: Now fires off 3 quick shots straight ahead as you are jumping back.
• Marauder's Escape: Ranking up this power no longer increases the AP it generates. Instead, it increases the damage this power deals. Base AP generation of the power has been increased by 50%.
• Marauder's Escape: Recharge time reduced to 15s, down from 16s.
• Marauder's Rush: Can no longer activate some powers while still lunging to the target. Activation time reduced from 0.85s to 0.7s.
• Marauder's Rush: Range reduced to 63', down from 83'.
• Marauder's Rush: Recharge time reduced to 14s, down from 16s.
• Oak Skin: This power was only healing teammates for 40% of the intended value. This has been fixed, and the power now heals teammates for the stated 50% effectiveness of the self-heal.
• Oak Skin: Activation time reduced to 0.6s, down from 0.75s.
• Oak Skin: Added clarification to the tooltip that states that even the base cast is half as effective on teammates, not just the additional rank ups.
• Oak Skin: Damage resistance increased to 15%, up from 10%. Amount is still halved on secondary teammates, meaning they now receive 7.5% DR, up from 5%.
• Oak Skin: Healing increased ~40%.
• Plant Growth: Now properly has a target cap of 5.
• Rain of Arrows: Decreased Recharge time to 16, down from 17.
• Rain of Arrows: Increased radius to 10 feet, up from 6 feet.
• Rain of Arrows: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Rain of Swords: Damage increased ~25%.
• Rain of Swords: No longer causes a hit react on every tick of Bleed damage. Now uses standard Bleed FX isntead.
• Rain of Swords: Now properly has a target cap of 5.
• Rain of Swords: Recharge time reduced to 14s, down from 15s.
• Rapid Shot: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Rapid Strike: Fixed an error in the AP formula, so this combo now generates ~75% more AP.
• Seismic Shot: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Shift: Increased the distance of each shift ~30%.
• Split Shot: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Split Strike: Activating this power no longer causes the camera FOV to change.
• Split Strike: Increased activate time from 0.6s to 0.75s. Also increased damage by ~50%. These changes have resulted in an increase in DPS of ~12%. AP gain has been increased ~10%.
• Split the Sky: In addition to the existing damage-triggered effect, this power will now randomly target enemies in the area, causing them to suffer the same damage and snare as if they had attacked.
• Split the Sky: Increased the base damage of this power by ~250%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% damage increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Stag Heart: No longer locks the caster in place while activating.
• Steel Breeze: Damage increased ~75%, but radius reduced to 15', down from 20'.
• Thorn Strike: Damage increased ~50%. However, damage is now reduced when hitting more than 1 target. Damage when hitting 5 targets is still considerably more than it used to be.
• Thorn Strike: Increased target cap to 5, up from 3.
• Thorn Strike: No longer causes a cast bar to show up for a short time when activating the power.
• Thorn Strike: Range increased to 15', up from 12'.
• Thorn Strike: Tooltip now reports the base damage it deals, instead of the damage it would deal when the target is at minimum health.
• Thorn Strike: Total activation time reduced to 0.8s, down from 1s.
• Thorn Ward: Increased the base damage of this power by ~67%. This means players with low-quality gear will see as much as a 10% DPS increase, while players with high-quality gear will see a much smaller increase.
• Thorn Ward: Increased the base duration of this power to 10s, up from 4s. However, each rank now grants 2s, down from 4s. The net result is that Rank 4 still lasts the same amount of time (16s), but lower ranks last longer. Note that the description in the powers window previously stated that each rank increased the duration by 6 seconds, but this was incorrect - it was really only increasing by 4 seconds.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Im not saying that some changes AT THIS POINT are not so called "nerfs" to somebody, Swiftness was a FIX not a NERF. Untill we can properly test it and we do, we cannot just go and demand to it to be changed back or any other changes until they have been properly tested out and the class tweaked accordingly.
Our class will have sufficient DPS in mod 10, i am putting my trust in amenar, who by the way has done a helluva job with the classes, he has listened to us this far, why in the blazes would he stop, as long as we are giving feedback that resulted in testing the changes out.
Steel Breeze will be changed back to normal on the upcoming patch, no charges.
Im overwhelmed by the hysteria people are having cos we have to be fixed on some parts and tested out and balanced after that, its like people believe that they are going to leave a full class unplayable for mod 10.
I dont get it.
Character: Vendetta
But I`m hoping they do something to allow us to be able to combo and chain attacks together still. That is what the Trapper is all about... not waiting and doing nothing whilst cool downs are active.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe