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Official Feedback Thread: Hunter Ranger changes



  • krondhorkrondhor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    baggdaudi said:

    steel breeze with 3 charges? That's another move I'll be waiting for in longer battles. It's a nerf the point of a trapper is to constantly switch stances and use encounters, I struggle already as it is with having hindering shot and cordon of arrows after I used up all three charges. My suggestion would be to leave the charges but less cooldown time. Or it looks like I'll be using a different move to proc roots

    Steel breeze is already fixed in the upcoming beta patch, which the 3 charges are removed, go read @amenar post on page 9, God lucky this is settled.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User

    baggdaudi said:

    steel breeze with 3 charges?

    This change was (or will be) reverted, but the first post hasn't been updated to reflect it.

    Page 9 shows the latest changes.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    bvira said:

    1. Marauder's Escape doesn't need to do some laughable damage, it needs to provide CC immunity.

    Buffing skills like Bear Trap, Commanding Shot etc. is good but I could tell that they will remain borderline useless after the changes.
    You guys should focus on reworking the 3 paths because now Trapper >> Combat and Archery in terms of DPS, control and CD reduction. It makes trapper the only viable option for both PvE and PvP.

    2. As pointed by many above, the feat Swiftness of the Fox needs to be toned down massively. It should only proc once regardless of the number of targets hit. It's enabling people to spam encounters with 0 CD, if this isn't considered broken I don't know what is.

    Well, there's broken as in too powerful, and broken as in doesn't work. Without nonexistent cooldowns the trapper build deals pathetic damage and has no survivability. There's that 'playstyle.' If they want to change that, they need to massively increase the damage done by encounters, at-wills and dailies, give us other mechanics for CC escape or immunity, increase our deflect severity to 75% (which they should do anyway), and so on.

    I've previously (in other threads) suggested a 60% increase in damage for encoutners and 200% for at-wills. However, as a previous poster has pointed out, that would still leave us doing less damage than a DC, let alone a GWF. Now, we know GWF is completely broken, but the current list of upcoming changes to it all read like buffs to me. So if they aren't going to nerf GWF's broken damage, or give TR the nerfs to SE, Courage Breaker, hard daily cooldowns and a longer smoke bomb cooldown that it's needed since mod 5, it would probably actually be realistic to suggest a 600% base increase to damage of at-wills. See @ghoulz66's post testing HR vs. GWF damage above. I'd also suggest a buff to all encounters equivalent to Thorned Roots at 5 points (i.e. 200% weapon damage per second - basically 1600% weapon damage for ticks over 8 seconds) and replacing thorned roots with a feat that converts DOT into burst damage - then trapper would be fine in pvp. If that sounds enormous, it should. That's how much the class relies on thorned roots, which is what I'd call broken. That's not even calling for an increase in damage by trapper, just moving the source to base damage so all trees can take advantage of it.

    Let me present the point of view that the play style with no cooldowns is fine as is. In any event, that only works for no-charge powers. In pve, I usually use both hindering shot and cordon of arrows, and they often present a problem while I wait for charges to refill (because our base charge refill times are excessive, far above other classes, just like our base cooldowns). For the two trees that don't have shortened cooldowns, HUGE buffs to damage are needed. So rather than screw up the trapper path by nerfing swiftness, doesn't it make more sense to buff our damage to be in line with other classes and nerf trapper's damage dealing buffs in order to bring it into balance?

    The 0 cooldowns complaint is mainly a red herring. We don't have a useful rotation where all 6 encounters deal huge damage. When I have longstrider's/hinder/cordon slotted, I rarely use cordon (due to charges, long animation and guesswork in aiming) and hindering shot runs out of charges pretty quickly, leaving me with, in fact, 4 useful encounter powers as opposed to other classes' 3 - unless you count CW, which has a 4th in the tab slot. So a trapper with 0 cooldowns is no more broken than a standard CW if you look at it that way.

    So what I'd say is leave the cooldown feats alone, or if not then reduce encounter cooldown times and charge refill times to something sane. And, of course, real buffs to damage, not the tiny 10% buffs they're talking about, especially not accompanied by tinkering with target caps to make the buffs meaningless. Then nerf thorned roots as a damage source since we won't be hitting with wet noodles anymore.
    bvira said:

    5. Permadaze still exists in PvP; again attributable to Swiftness of the Fox.

    Bull. Only against people who don't have the gear for pvp. If this were true then there wouldn't be a single CW or DC who could survive against an HR. They all can if they know what they're doing. This is because our roots don't hold them in one place and our stuns/dazes don't keep them from dealing damage. Our control is too weak, not too strong.
    bvira said:

    5. The damage of HR, regardless of build, is pathetic in PvP. If it isn't for the daze and root, HR is arguably the most underperforming class atm. The proposed changes on useless skills won't help, please buff all powers' base damage for at least 50%.

    Agreed. Cheers.
  • steeltwo#1142 steeltwo Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Nothing constructive to add, but THANK YOU for looking into the class. I've always felt like I under performed in Dungeons being middle of the pack DPS, hit the least and falling the most. The life of the HR Archer :-D

    After reading all these pages. Am glad to see that it isn't just me that polishes the rusty trombone.
  • patcherrkmpatcherrkm Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User

    I had nearly lost hope but I see you are listening, so here are a few humble suggestions.

    1. Boar Charge - Make it more like Bull charge plz. Damage, delay, etc. We need a high damage ability. If at Bis I had an ability that did a fraction of bull charge I would be happier.
    2. The Combat feat tree capstone needs complete rework. We are about encounter powers, not weak at-wills! Make it give permanent 50% buff to all melee abilities. (look trapper's biting snares capstone and try to compete... 30% damage, ap generation, control strength, wow!)
    3. If you want the archery feat tree to be viable, make a feat allowing aimed shot to be fired on the move. Aimed shot also needs a huge damage buff. Everyone moves super fast. Everyone has gap closers. Being range doesn't mean much anymore.
    4. Combat feat tree "Battle Crazed" - needs rework. Again, look at its trapper tree competition to see what appropriate strength should be. Serpents Bite and Throned roots are sick damage! Battle crazed is a good title has potential. Give it something on par with those trapper feats. Look at the damage they add and do something comparable.
    5. Ambush/bear trap - both are useless in both PvP and PvE. The changes you've made do not change that fact. It's a miss. Swing again plz. I have faith! Bear traps must be bigger. im really not sure how to fix this power but its currently not working well and will not be slotted.

    I would love to help out more. I love the HR. I love the game. I just want to see HR be a better competitor and more enjoyable to play.

    Sleek Pepper
    3400 item level
  • lunartic666lunartic666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 53 Arc User
    1.75% deflect severity for hr
    2.100% buff for at-will powers
    3.Feats - trapper:
    -swiftness of the fox: t1 feat, cooldown reduction by 2/4/6/8/10% to avoid perma daze
    -fleet stance: t4 feat, 4/6/8/12/16/20% movement speed
    -biting snares: 50%dmg, 150% cc duration
    4.Feats - combat:
    -lucky blades: t1 feat
    -serpent weave: t3 feat, shifitng increase movement speed by 2/4/6/8/10%, stack up to 2 times
    -blade hurricane: using encounter power grants flurry for 10 seconds
    5.Feats - archery
    -bottomless quiver: t4 feat, your target have 20/40/60/80/100% chance to trigger AoE dmg of 20% dmg it takes
    6.Encounter powers:
    -marauder's rush/escape: cc braker both melee and ranged
    -thorn ward: hit up to 3 targets
    -bear trap: 100% dmg buff, normal targeting (like boar charge etc.), stun for 3 sec each rank add 0.25 sec
    7.Daily powers:
    -forest ghost: increase duration to 7.5 sec
    -distruptive shot: daze +1 sec per rank
    8.At-will powers:
    -aimed strike: bleed now slows the target by 20% for the duration time
    9.Class features:
    -cruel recovery: stack up to 10 times (10% temporary hp)
    -battlehoned: when you deflect an attack you heal for 100hp and +100hp per rank
    -pathfinder's action: fix movement, deflect, and duration time bug
    -forest ghost: fix movement speed bug (it always gave movement speed)
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    amenar said:

    Hey guys, quick update. Here are some more changes you'll see hitting preview... soon. I don't have an exact date.

    • Hunter Ranger: Binding Arrow: The secondary shot from this power should work properly again, instead of not firing if you are too far from the primary target.
    • Hunter Ranger: Binding Arrow: Will properly applied Thorned Roots again, instead of only applying Strong Grasping Roots when you have the Thorned Roots Feat.
    • Hunter Ranger: Blade Storm: Damage dealt by this Power no longer receives double benefit from damage buffs.
    • Hunter Ranger: Commanding Shot: Reverted the changes to the debuff effect and duration, and fixed bugs with its application, leading to the following patch note:
    • Hunter Ranger: Commanding Shot: The debuff should no longer fail to work in certain situations.
    • Hunter Ranger: Feat: Predator: Now increases damage against your Prey by 50%, up from 40%.
    • Hunter Ranger: Forest Meditation: Can once again be cancelled via the Shift power.
    • Hunter Ranger: Hawk Shot: Damage further increased by ~37%.
    • Hunter Ranger: Hawk Shot: This power should now work better when targeting on angled ground. Note that, when trying to hit multiple targets on angled ground, aiming for the target that is further from you will help the power draw a better line.
    • Hunter Ranger: Hawkeye: Damage dealt by this Power no longer receives double benefit from damage buffs.
    • Hunter Ranger: Longstrider Shot: Damage further increased by ~45%.
    • Hunter Ranger: Oak Skin: The tooltip now properly reports the total amount this power heals you for over the duration of the buff.
    • Hunter Ranger: Steel Breeze: No longer has charges, reverted back to standard recharge time. AoE reverted back to 20'.
    • Hunter Ranger: Steel Breeze: Recharge time reduced to 14s, down from 16s.
    Again, these changes are not on preview yet but should hopefully be there with our next build pushed to preview.

    As for some other topics:

    Regarding Hindering Strikes and Thorned Roots – Thorned Roots is a separate power, that deals damage on its own. There is no melee version of Thorned Roots or ranged version of it, just 1 Thorned Roots that doesn’t care if it was applied via melee or ranged powers. It uses the Main Hand damage as the basis for its damage, because it is the higher of the 2. We could switch it to always use the melee version, and then change the coefficients, but the net damage would be the same. I’ve updated the tooltip for Thorned Roots to make it clear that it uses the Main Hand weapons damage.

    Aspect of the Pack, Rank 4 – Looks like a patch note got missed, this was fixed. Updating the patch notes.
    • Hunter Ranger: Aspect of the Pack: Rank 4 now properly increases the range of the power, instead of decreasing it.
    Nature’s Enhancement – What makes you think it isn’t working? When I have it and switch into melee stance, I see the buff Icon appear, my Deflect Severity increases in my character sheet, and our internal debugging shows that my deflect severity has increased. That isn’t to say this isn’t a weak Feat, but it does appear to be functioning.

    Plant Growth/Blade Storm: Technically, Blade Storm procs when you deal melee damage, and Plant Growth is not considered melee damage. You don’t hit anything with your swords, you are casting a spell. However, this is a very unclear distinction, I’ll see what I can do.

    Also, real quick on animation speeds. Unfortunately, this is a difficult issue. Our animations are hand timed, so reducing them requires rebuilding the animation. This takes a lot more time than just simply tweaking a number. We are discussing changes here, but they certainly won’t be in for this review.

    Again, thanks for all the awesome feedback everyone. I really appreciate when we can keep it constructive.

    ok so i have read everything and i mean everything in this forum and i will not comment on any of it, cause i enjoy this game and don't want my opinion on the matter to affect it and ruin or make it better. ill leave that to all of you cause you guys have made some good and bad points in the hunter ranger class balance forum.

    i will say however that the way things are going doesn't look as though it will effect my trapper too much. i am an hr trapper tanky build based more off survival then dps; though i make normally top 5 in paingiver on tiamat and top 5 on edemo and top 2 in epic dungeons. my build is based on tanking even though dps is the only way to generate threat, i wish their was some items that i could use to help my threat generation. my build is pretty mobile so the ring of sieging would work... wish their was an artifact that would affect my threat generation, though their is the belials portal stone, but it doesn't increase my threat generation but the stones own threat.

    now as i said i wont say much on the matter of class balance just want to tell people that my build is not based on dps but tanking, and i use controls, dazes, and dodges to tank mobs and dps only to pull extra threat generation

    and in case people are wondering what kind of build i have ill leave a link below


    been playing this game since closed beta and the hr has always been my main character i play and the only one really.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    this game is an mmorpg; their are so many ways to build and play this game, sure some builds have better dps then others. but this game is about having fun in the end, and that's all the people who make this game want. sure theirs the whole area of them making money, but at the end of the day this game is for having fun and playing the way you want.

    sorry if i am off topic.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User

    this game is an mmorpg; their are so many ways to build and play this game, sure some builds have better dps then others. but this game is about having fun in the end, and that's all the people who make this game want. sure theirs the whole area of them making money, but at the end of the day this game is for having fun and playing the way you want.

    sorry if i am off topic.

    Sorry, no. It's not fun to be hacking at mobs for a minute to put them down because at-wills are so horribly weak.
  • deterrant#6687 deterrant Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    Fix the multiproc of swiftness of the fox, then you will see where we are with our cooldowns on the trapper tree and modify powers/dps accordingly, it now multiprocs with longstrider and gushing wound, oakskin and some aoe dmg powers, steelbreeze and plantgrowth that i know of, not WAI i think, should proc only with encounter activation.

    Fix/modify Aspect of the serpent to build and lose stacks with damaging encounters, like the tooltip says, as far as i know a damaging encounter is an "attack power".

    Remove Predator PVP halving from Archery cap, not needed anymore i think.

    Make Blade hurricane strike 2 times with an melee at-will for +100% damage with both extra strikes

    Make Aimed strike have an initial harder hit, maybe closer to half of the powers current dps. Distribute the rest for the dot dps and make only that initial hit proc with Blade hurricane.

    Make Aimed Strike hit with only its initial hit if its dots are running.

    Remove Aimed Shots/Aimed Strike cast time and adjust the dps accordingly or give this feat to Archery/Combat only?.

    Also some encounters could do without those long cast times, and adjust dps accordingly.

    Yes, the animations would need to be fixed with them, its a helluva job, but i think its needed to make Hunter Ranger a Hunter Ranger.

    Make combat and archery benefit from Aimed Shot and Aimed Strike more than trappers

    HRs are a striker mobility long-range/melee class but we need to be fluidly firing our powers and hopping between those ranges from 0 ft. to around 30 ft fast or stay close (combat) or stay afar (Archery), make having hard dps in only one stance viable for combat and archery. atm only trapper benefits from this melee range hopping due to best powerloadout/feat compilations available for it with roots and broken CD reduction.

    Give archery some slows for the powers in ranged stance to keep enemies afar, split the sky is a good direction, and for combat some extra deflection, maybe, and some stance oriented tweeks in powers, again maybe, havent played them since mod 5 :(.

    As HRs we need to have possibilities to use pure dps encounters/at-wills casted fast, now we are using mostly mixed utility/buff/debuff powers because we have some slow cast encounters or encounters that do not fit our feat tree playstyle, let all HRs be capable of making pure dps toons that do dps in their respective feat trees.

    Theres a bunch of long term archery and combat players and i bet they somewhat feel that our class needs to be a better mobility fastcaster class and to be able to play a HR in that specific tree as melee or as a ranged fighter or both.
    And hopefully they keep sending feedback, im a trapper so im not too concerned with our DPS atm, just some fixes to be had and lets see after that.

    I think trapper has good damage atm, if not taking into account some slow cast powers still unused by us mostly, it only needs fixes in CD reduction power and after that a re-evaluation of the dps its feats push for it.

    General feedback and QoL suggestions for both PVP and PVE:

    Lower our selfheals/survivability and make enemies deal more constant dps, not burst/oneshot damage all the time, a good balance with a healer class/personal survivability has to be created in both PVP and PVE. Atm in PVP dps classes selfheal more than some classes ditch out DPS,
    Yes, healers/tanks need to be hard to kill 1vs1 but in 2-3 vs 1 they should be deadmeat pretty fast already.

    In PVE we get oneshotted/bursted in some dungeons/areas far too easy even with some severe survivability, make it more customer friendly, no steam rolling with a DC/GF combo (broken atm btw, waaaaay too much dps for the party when using certain buffs) or "bang your dead" without one or the other, dont mind i you are going for the trinity in this game but, one-shot mobs are an eye sore, at least for me. You can do it without breaking "compelled trinity".

    You have control in your game as a major aspect for some classes/trees, then make control viable do not put it down. Both in pvp or in pve, this has already went too far and many builds are non-viable as controllers or can control toomuch and with/out dps. Balance this and make it work again for all control aspected classes, please. Yes im looking at you Elven Battle and Permadaze/roots :(

    Dual Specialisation (Dualspec) would have saved you a lot of time with this balance dance, cos then each tree could have been directed for 3 different purposes or gameplay and then have us pick 2 of them for pve/pvp content or purely 2 for pve use for solo/party content.
    Now you had to tweak dps/control/survivability/buffs/debuffs etc. regarding all trees, because every tree has to be viable in every aspect of the game, right?.
    Hopefully in the future you at least seriously give a thought to it in your future developer meetings. I know its been thrown out there now and again, just my thought regarding this balance issue.

    Power/Gear loader is also one thing to give a serious thought, advocate some keys for at least 2 maybe 3 different power loadouts that we can switch in-game when CDs are off and the same amount of keys for different gear loadouts switchable only in off combat/dungeons/PVP.

    Hmm, i think thats all i can come up with, atm, thank you for listening to our feedback.

  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User

    Make Blade hurricane strike 2 times with an melee at-will for +100% damage with both extra strikes

    Why? It's better to just buff the at-wills, then flurry will perform better.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    ghoulz66 said:

    this game is an mmorpg; their are so many ways to build and play this game, sure some builds have better dps then others. but this game is about having fun in the end, and that's all the people who make this game want. sure theirs the whole area of them making money, but at the end of the day this game is for having fun and playing the way you want.

    sorry if i am off topic.

    Sorry, no. It's not fun to be hacking at mobs for a minute to put them down because at-wills are so horribly weak.
    what trapper uses at will? i guess you have to if all your encounters are on cooldown but you should have enough crit strike and recovery to get encounters back
    unless... your not a trapper and speaking as a person who does range or combat tree
    Post edited by genjundead on
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User

    ghoulz66 said:

    this game is an mmorpg; their are so many ways to build and play this game, sure some builds have better dps then others. but this game is about having fun in the end, and that's all the people who make this game want. sure theirs the whole area of them making money, but at the end of the day this game is for having fun and playing the way you want.

    sorry if i am off topic.

    Sorry, no. It's not fun to be hacking at mobs for a minute to put them down because at-wills are so horribly weak.
    what trapper uses at will? i guess you have to if all your encounters are on cooldown but you should have enough crit strike and recovery to get encounters back
    This isn't about trappers. They're in a good spot. It's about archery and combat.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited July 2016

    Fix the multiproc of swiftness of the fox, then you will see where we are with our cooldowns on the trapper tree and modify powers/dps accordingly, it now multiprocs with longstrider and gushing wound, oakskin and some aoe dmg powers, steelbreeze and plantgrowth that i know of, not WAI i think, should proc only with encounter activation.

    Fix/modify Aspect of the serpent to build and lose stacks with damaging encounters, like the tooltip says, as far as i know a damaging encounter is an "attack power".

    Remove Predator PVP halving from Archery cap, not needed anymore i think.

    Make Blade hurricane strike 2 times with an melee at-will for +100% damage with both extra strikes

    Make Aimed strike have an initial harder hit, maybe closer to half of the powers current dps. Distribute the rest for the dot dps and make only that initial hit proc with Blade hurricane.

    Make Aimed Strike hit with only its initial hit if its dots are running.

    Remove Aimed Shots/Aimed Strike cast time and adjust the dps accordingly or give this feat to Archery/Combat only?.

    Also some encounters could do without those long cast times, and adjust dps accordingly.

    Yes, the animations would need to be fixed with them, its a helluva job, but i think its needed to make Hunter Ranger a Hunter Ranger.

    Make combat and archery benefit from Aimed Shot and Aimed Strike more than trappers

    HRs are a striker mobility long-range/melee class but we need to be fluidly firing our powers and hopping between those ranges from 0 ft. to around 30 ft fast or stay close (combat) or stay afar (Archery), make having hard dps in only one stance viable for combat and archery. atm only trapper benefits from this melee range hopping due to best powerloadout/feat compilations available for it with roots and broken CD reduction.

    Give archery some slows for the powers in ranged stance to keep enemies afar, split the sky is a good direction, and for combat some extra deflection, maybe, and some stance oriented tweeks in powers, again maybe, havent played them since mod 5 :(.

    As HRs we need to have possibilities to use pure dps encounters/at-wills casted fast, now we are using mostly mixed utility/buff/debuff powers because we have some slow cast encounters or encounters that do not fit our feat tree playstyle, let all HRs be capable of making pure dps toons that do dps in their respective feat trees.

    Theres a bunch of long term archery and combat players and i bet they somewhat feel that our class needs to be a better mobility fastcaster class and to be able to play a HR in that specific tree as melee or as a ranged fighter or both.
    And hopefully they keep sending feedback, im a trapper so im not too concerned with our DPS atm, just some fixes to be had and lets see after that.

    I think trapper has good damage atm, if not taking into account some slow cast powers still unused by us mostly, it only needs fixes in CD reduction power and after that a re-evaluation of the dps its feats push for it.

    General feedback and QoL suggestions for both PVP and PVE:

    Lower our selfheals/survivability and make enemies deal more constant dps, not burst/oneshot damage all the time, a good balance with a healer class/personal survivability has to be created in both PVP and PVE. Atm in PVP dps classes selfheal more than some classes ditch out DPS,
    Yes, healers/tanks need to be hard to kill 1vs1 but in 2-3 vs 1 they should be deadmeat pretty fast already.

    In PVE we get oneshotted/bursted in some dungeons/areas far too easy even with some severe survivability, make it more customer friendly, no steam rolling with a DC/GF combo (broken atm btw, waaaaay too much dps for the party when using certain buffs) or "bang your dead" without one or the other, dont mind i you are going for the trinity in this game but, one-shot mobs are an eye sore, at least for me. You can do it without breaking "compelled trinity".

    You have control in your game as a major aspect for some classes/trees, then make control viable do not put it down. Both in pvp or in pve, this has already went too far and many builds are non-viable as controllers or can control toomuch and with/out dps. Balance this and make it work again for all control aspected classes, please. Yes im looking at you Elven Battle and Permadaze/roots :(

    Dual Specialisation (Dualspec) would have saved you a lot of time with this balance dance, cos then each tree could have been directed for 3 different purposes or gameplay and then have us pick 2 of them for pve/pvp content or purely 2 for pve use for solo/party content.
    Now you had to tweak dps/control/survivability/buffs/debuffs etc. regarding all trees, because every tree has to be viable in every aspect of the game, right?.
    Hopefully in the future you at least seriously give a thought to it in your future developer meetings. I know its been thrown out there now and again, just my thought regarding this balance issue.

    Power/Gear loader is also one thing to give a serious thought, advocate some keys for at least 2 maybe 3 different power loadouts that we can switch in-game when CDs are off and the same amount of keys for different gear loadouts switchable only in off combat/dungeons/PVP.

    Hmm, i think thats all i can come up with, atm, thank you for listening to our feedback.

    i am speaking as someone who doesn't play the test shards to test out the new stuff coming out
    i agree the animations should be consuming less time they are currently interfering with our mobility.
    i dont know about you but i am never one shotted that often only on fights where a huge spear is being lugged and i didn't dodge it, you should wear gear appropriate for your build and playstyle
    thier is no perma daze as someone in this forum said earlier if your not wearing the right gear for what your playing and using pve gear or not using the normal means of pvp gear you will get stuck in one spot

    not sure who said that but someone did say if your going to pvp without wearing decent pvp gear you will get stunned from everything.

    since i am a pve'er i may not understand pvp i do enter a pvp match every couple of months maybe with my pve gear and though i die in seconds cause i am using my pve tank build, its going to happen since i am not a pvp'er dont really like pvp just do it from time to time for a change of pace. but i don't agree with you that our selfheals/survivability need to be lower cause in my build i use those as a means to stay alive and many other pve'ers like me use self heals not just for us but teammates too.

    if your going to make a glass canon that hits really hard but dies just as fast then that's your build, but some hr classes like having balance in their stats so they deal as much damage as they take, or more survival based stats then dps. their are several hr's i plly with not all use the same build but most are dps focused, while some rare few like myself and some of my friends and random people i have met in que are not dps based.

    if your getting perma-dazed then your crit strike resistance and control resistance is not high enough and also you should increase your tenacity and defense and/or deflect. this is speculating that you don't have these and not saying you need a lot of these even 100-500 points is good.

    i am sorry if i was wrong in any of these i thought i give my opinion on your message since i saw you wanted to lower selfheals/survivability for the hr and that would surely ruin the balance for any hr; they would have to rework their class to just try and work with less heals. but i cant really do that i would have to change most of my stuff if i had less heals or survivability since i am a tanky hr trapper build i use any if possible and still working on getting more
  • alliera7311alliera7311 Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    A clearer tool tip for Careful Attack would be nice too. So many people just don't understand why to use it and what it actually does.
    Guild: TLO GH 20
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    Found a bug on ambush encounter: if a dot is on going lets say throned roots or the same dot from bear trap, then i m unable to stealth using ambush.

    Please fix it and consider to remove the predator penantly in the archery tree. Its getting close to be playable in pvp with greater burst and less sustained dps.
  • commanderdata002commanderdata002 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    amenar said:

    Continued patch notes:

    Shift: Increased the distance of each shift ~30%.
    After mod5 DC and TR dodge improvements and now this is there a clear intention to make CWs the slowest slob of the game...

    Might I suggest to require 30% more stamina to be balanced!

    Post edited by commanderdata002 on
    stock and stone I can master, but there's a Wizard to manage here!
  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    Swap please Swiftness of the Fox with FOresbond\Trapper's Cunning to let HR make mixed builds with other trees. Other classes have this opportunity
    Why TR has 75% deflection severity but HR does not have?
    Delete please halved effect of "Ancient Roots" in PvP. -> vs player in Elven Battle HR does not have any DoTs =( vs player without EB 2-4 Dots with so little damage that is less than healing of this player.
    And fix EB ench! Is overpowered! Let DoTs works!
  • kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    I understand the concern with trapper on removing multi target proc on trapper but i have concern on the abuse of double encounter spamming which give certain power a 100% buff up-time ( sometime over stacking them) due to the multi target proc effect ..

    so how about remove the charge refill from encounter and give them cooldown then only change the multi target proc from swiftness of fox to proc on encounter use?


    we can make recovery to affect the charge refill timer so ppl could start stack recovery again? ( which ppl stop since the introduction of trapper)

    Just some raw idea... but I really hope the developer could come out with a better solution to fix this while maintaining things as it is..
  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    and this

    Readied Stance - is useless -> because hr does not have troubles with AP. I think this feat needs to be reworked!
    Serpent Weave -> 0.5 on 5/5 is to small.
    Keep Eye - has same problem like Readied Stance.
    Natures Enchantment -> to low bonus for 5 points. Increase bonuse or decrease points costs.
    Battlehoned and Cruel Recovery need to be reworked!
    Give piercing damage for Slasher's Mark.
    Bear Trap -> one of the most useless encounter powers in game. No one use it. Needs to be reworked.
    Swap Unflinching Aim with Longshot it will be better.
    Pathfinder's Action - make it duration longer to make this CF more usefull.
    Stag Heart bonus is useless. -> needs to be reworked.
    Lucky Blades -> same like Readied Stance \ Keep Eye better is to make something to encrease Combat damage and make possibility to create mixed builds.

    Make like with TR -> +1 dex = 1% deflection instead 0.5 to improve QoL of hr.

    Pathfinder's Action - is broken! Does not work as expected. Give less deflection.
    Serpent's Bite -> still give less Crit Chanse.
    Seekers Vengeance offhand bonus (DoT) now does not work. Is broken. (on live)

  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    kangkeok said:

    I understand the concern with trapper on removing multi target proc on trapper but i have concern on the abuse of double encounter spamming which give certain power a 100% buff up-time ( sometime over stacking them) due to the multi target proc effect ..

    so how about remove the charge refill from encounter and give them cooldown then only change the multi target proc from swiftness of fox to proc on encounter use?


    we can make recovery to affect the charge refill timer so ppl could start stack recovery again? ( which ppl stop since the introduction of trapper)

    Just some raw idea... but I really hope the developer could come out with a better solution to fix this while maintaining things as it is..

    You told this... as if trapper were so strong...
    In pvp and in pve is one of the weak classes and you want to kill him. Nice idea! :D
  • peri87peri87 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    This is pvp-wise and directed to those who suggest the cooldown reduction nerf (someone also nerf and fix) -especially without proposing a super dps boost or new control mechanics- so that one can slot recovery to keep up with the CDs.

    In the actual pvp meta (I'm talking of BiS pvpers) the thing is, yeah we do not need to stack recovery, we can focus on power arp and still we have no to laughable damage. One could argue, CWs have no damage, too. Well CWs have a 4 seconds repel which sends you on vacation while they are "getting the job done" on the node, a skill far more useful than all of our pvp skills imo.

    Another argument could be, TRs stack recovery as well. But again, they only have to stack recovery and power, because they have SE that is crit granted due to stealth and does not need arp to let you meet with the Almighty while also making a coffee for themselves. Meanwhile they can decide you are a bit of a nuisance and simply slow you to dead while debuff you with one or two or even three (yeah three, tested it) CBs in a row (way the most powerful control skill ever, that can last up to 18 seconds and ignores CR).

    Then again one could say GF and GWF do not have such a feat nor stack recovery and still pvp. To answer this would be easy, GFs do not need to spam skills since they can play behind their fortress and show up when tired of your miserable life to one rotate you, even after the new module will be out, and GWF they are almost more deadly when spamming their at wills lol (now less so thx to broken insignia bonus).

    To those complaining of permadaze, which again is nowhere to be seen in top gs pvp -CR, tenacity, EB...-, (I guess also at lower level if those involved know how to pvp with proper gs and so on) let me add this: GWF everytime hr's rotation is spammed will go unstoppable...end of control, no damage taken; TR after ending his full rot, most of the times with a smoke, has a 3 second gap before casting ITC again (of course you have to try and catch em before they stealth) and ITC breaks controls. Cws play with high CR and elven battle, self heal like they were DCs and again can repel you to the other side of the map so that when you get back at them they are full health again. GFs have passive and daily that reduce or immunize to control, are at least a 5 minute one v one to grind them to death and cannot be faced aggressively because they just need to hit you once and gameover, most of the times due to the fact that you have done so many rootation that even trappers cooldown cannot recharge properly and they kill you or you will have to walk away a and when you get back they are full health again. And please take into account that we control on the spot, which is of no use in a pvp based on node fights where we cannot kill the controlled foe.

    Having said that, if Devs are to deal with swiftness, fine. But just dealing with such a class mechanic 3 weeks before module 10 goes live I reckon could lead to another period of frustration and "parking lot" for most of pvp HRs, and possible pve as well. Such modifications are way too complex to be dealt with in this little time to me. I'd rather them having the changes ongoing in the owlbear server test for another month after module 10 is out than playing something "maybe" worse of what I'm playing now for 3 to 6 more months.

    As regards feedbacks, as many have already pointed out, archery and melee capstone are usless for pvp (melee for pve as well). The halved damage on pvp players is no more needed thanks to insignias and 140 to 200+ k HP; as for the melee capstone, it could be even 2 times 300% more damage and would still be no damage since HR at wills deal less damage than a gobling that sneezes at you.
    Moreover, almost all of their starting feats have no utility or ridicolously low benefits compared with the starting feats of most of other classes.
    As someone already said, would be interesting to see some feats moved to the beggining of the paths to have nice new combinations that could bring hetherogeneity in the HR field.
    Another nice addition would be a push effect similar to those already possesed by DC CW GF, maybe added to skills like boar charge. We have no dps to take advantage of its prone effect (anyway it's animation its almost longer than the prone so even if we had the dps we'd still get nothing out of it) and would add some more help to hold/conquer a node.

    Speaking of bugs, please look into the interactions between split the sky/ thorn ward and stealthed foes (still speaking of pvp) -these bugs have being reported many times, but have always remained out of the various patches. They are AOE skills and should hit anything that comes into their damage range (or hits you for STS). If one is to play archery in a future pvp those skills could be very well performing on a pvp that develops mostly in node fight and such issues cannot be left unfixed.

    Thanks for the attention and for the efforts you are making to try and improve the class giving importance to our feedbacks @amenar
  • kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    edited July 2016

    kangkeok said:

    I understand the concern with trapper on removing multi target proc on trapper but i have concern on the abuse of double encounter spamming which give certain power a 100% buff up-time ( sometime over stacking them) due to the multi target proc effect ..

    so how about remove the charge refill from encounter and give them cooldown then only change the multi target proc from swiftness of fox to proc on encounter use?


    we can make recovery to affect the charge refill timer so ppl could start stack recovery again? ( which ppl stop since the introduction of trapper)

    Just some raw idea... but I really hope the developer could come out with a better solution to fix this while maintaining things as it is..

    You told this... as if trapper were so strong...
    In pvp and in pve is one of the weak classes and you want to kill him. Nice idea! :D
    if u would understand what i m trying to say...
  • krondhorkrondhor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 150 Arc User
    peri87 said:

    This is pvp-wise and directed to those who suggest the cooldown reduction nerf (someone also nerf and fix) -especially without proposing a super dps boost or new control mechanics- so that one can slot recovery to keep up with the CDs.

    In the actual pvp meta (I'm talking of BiS pvpers) the thing is, yeah we do not need to stack recovery, we can focus on power arp and still we have no to laughable damage. One could argue, CWs have no damage, too. Well CWs have a 4 seconds repel which sends you on vacation while they are "getting the job done" on the node, a skill far more useful than all of our pvp skills imo.

    Another argument could be, TRs stack recovery as well. But again, they only have to stack recovery and power, because they have SE that is crit granted due to stealth and does not need arp to let you meet with the Almighty while also making a coffee for themselves. Meanwhile they can decide you are a bit of a nuisance and simply slow you to dead while debuff you with one or two or even three (yeah three, tested it) CBs in a row (way the most powerful control skill ever, that can last up to 18 seconds and ignores CR).

    Then again one could say GF and GWF do not have such a feat nor stack recovery and still pvp. To answer this would be easy, GFs do not need to spam skills since they can play behind their fortress and show up when tired of your miserable life to one rotate you, even after the new module will be out, and GWF they are almost more deadly when spamming their at wills lol (now less so thx to broken insignia bonus).

    To those complaining of permadaze, which again is nowhere to be seen in top gs pvp -CR, tenacity, EB...-, (I guess also at lower level if those involved know how to pvp with proper gs and so on) let me add this: GWF everytime hr's rotation is spammed will go unstoppable...end of control, no damage taken; TR after ending his full rot, most of the times with a smoke, has a 3 second gap before casting ITC again (of course you have to try and catch em before they stealth) and ITC breaks controls. Cws play with high CR and elven battle, self heal like they were DCs and again can repel you to the other side of the map so that when you get back at them they are full health again. GFs have passive and daily that reduce or immunize to control, are at least a 5 minute one v one to grind them to death and cannot be faced aggressively because they just need to hit you once and gameover, most of the times due to the fact that you have done so many rootation that even trappers cooldown cannot recharge properly and they kill you or you will have to walk away a and when you get back they are full health again. And please take into account that we control on the spot, which is of no use in a pvp based on node fights where we cannot kill the controlled foe.

    Having said that, if Devs are to deal with swiftness, fine. But just dealing with such a class mechanic 3 weeks before module 10 goes live I reckon could lead to another period of frustration and "parking lot" for most of pvp HRs, and possible pve as well. Such modifications are way too complex to be dealt with in this little time to me. I'd rather them having the changes ongoing in the owlbear server test for another month after module 10 is out than playing something "maybe" worse of what I'm playing now for 3 to 6 more months.

    As regards feedbacks, as many have already pointed out, archery and melee capstone are usless for pvp (melee for pve as well). The halved damage on pvp players is no more needed thanks to insignias and 140 to 200+ k HP; as for the melee capstone, it could be even 2 times 300% more damage and would still be no damage since HR at wills deal less damage than a gobling that sneezes at you.

    Moreover, almost all of their starting feats have no utility or ridicolously low benefits compared with the starting feats of most of other classes.

    As someone already said, would be interesting to see some feats moved to the beggining of the paths to have nice new combinations that could bring hetherogeneity in the HR field.

    Another nice addition would be a push effect similar to those already possesed by DC CW GF, maybe added to skills like boar charge. We have no dps to take advantage of its prone effect (anyway it's animation its almost longer than the prone so even if we had the dps we'd still get nothing out of it) and would add some more help to hold/conquer a node.

    Speaking of bugs, please look into the interactions between split the sky/ thorn ward and stealthed foes (still speaking of pvp) -these bugs have being reported many times, but have always remained out of the various patches. They are AOE skills and should hit anything that comes into their damage range (or hits you for STS). If one is to play archery in a future pvp those skills could be very well performing on a pvp that develops mostly in node fight and such issues cannot be left unfixed.

    Thanks for the attention and for the efforts you are making to try and improve the class giving importance to our feedbacks @amenar

  • hawkendhawkend Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited July 2016

    Seeker's Vengeance DoT is WAI. I'm using this, however it would be nice if condition to work this class feature had work in other way, i don't like stay behind the target all day.

    Proof in spoiler. Yes, these logs coming from the live server.

  • whitestaruawhitestarua Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    hawkend said:


    Seeker's Vengeance DoT is WAI. I'm using this, however it would be nice if condition to work this class feature had work in other way, i don't like stay behind the target all day.

    Proof in spoiler. Yes, these logs coming from the live server.

    Thx. I need to watch one more time. I will write later.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User

    amenar said:

    Continued patch notes:

    Shift: Increased the distance of each shift ~30%.
    After mod5 DC and TR dodge improvements and now this is there a clear intention to make CWs the slowest slob of the game...

    Might I suggest to require 30% more stamina to be balanced!

    i hope they don't increase stamina drain from improved dodge; also hope they improve the invulnerability window when doing the dodge, not sure if they did or not but so far what i read they didn't mention it.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User

    I'd like to see boar hide/ boar charge get a massive buff personally.
    Boar hide's 2% damage mitigation is barely noticeable, so instead of 5 stack of 2%, I think it should just be 10% total that decays by 2% by every hit. It shouldn't be able to be refreshed until it has fully been used to avoid it being spammed. Idk, that's just what I'm thinking for that. It has so much potential to be a major defensive buff for the HR . . . but as of right now it's really underwhelming for me.

    With boar charge, it has potential to be the HR's next burst power, though the problem with it is that trappers would be able to spam a burst and a prone. . . maybe it could have 3 charges?

    What do you guys think about these powers?
    I'd like to use them but right now they're just really bad.

    as for boar hide-i agree it should change a bit,instead of losing mitigation per hit have it last 10 seconds at 10%. or give it 5 charges of 5% for a total of 25% when at 5 stacks until charges are depleted fro getting hit

    as for boar charge- up the damage, increase the range, decrease the prone and have the prone be affected by control bonus if someone wants the prone to last longer.

    i speak as someone who plays normal neverwinter not the shards for testing the new stuff out coming out in the next mod
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User

    amenar said:

    Continued patch notes:

    Shift: Increased the distance of each shift ~30%.
    After mod5 DC and TR dodge improvements and now this is there a clear intention to make CWs the slowest slob of the game...

    Might I suggest to require 30% more stamina to be balanced!

    i hope they don't increase stamina drain from improved dodge; also hope they improve the invulnerability window when doing the dodge, not sure if they did or not but so far what i read they didn't mention it.
    please at least go and try. its free
  • d4rkh0rs3d4rkh0rs3 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    Hi guys,

    I admit I have not read every post in this thread. Its quite overwhelming. Kudos to amenar.

    That being said, I'd like to add the following basic logic regarding HRs and my experience with the class.

    DPS = (Damage) (Per Second)

    Right now, the Trapper has both the (Damage) and the (Per Second).

    I also see Trapper being more favorable as it can quickly reapply Longstrider's shot for a group buff. Survivability is superior with this tree due to the quick reapplication of CC effects. Solid AoE DoT from Thorned Roots. Lastly, its quite fun to be a ninja spider monkey bouncing around the map.

    The logic surrounding the usefulness of the other two paragon paths, Archery and Combat, is that they need MASSIVE damage boosts.

    The MASSIVE damage boost to Archery should be in the form of ranged attacks. Consider this to be the "sniper" type of gameplay. I don't like the damage increase based on distanc, because it's self defeating. You can miss out on group buffs and mobs tend to quickly close the gap anyhow. Realistically, this path needs Predator to apply once the HR enters combat, just like a Righteous DC's Avatar Ability. Prey should be applied to ALL enemies, not just one. (You're the predator and all the enemies are your prey.) Lastly, depending on existing methods of viable encounter cooldown options, Predator may even need to offer recharge speed increase to bring it into tune with Trapper.

    The MASSIVE damage boost to Melee should be in the form of melee attacks. Melee attacks = close quarters combat = higher risk of taking damage. Blade Hurricane truthfully needs a signifcant revamp that offers comparable damage potential for melee encounters and increased deflect chance. Scything Blades should offer up to 10% increased damage per enemy, max stack 5. This would be a fun alternative to trapper, providing burst melee damage rather than DoT from Thorned Roots.

    Lastly, the at-wills need to have their damage coefficients equalized to similar classes.
This discussion has been closed.