EDIT: This bug has been patched with the recent updates. Woot!I'm trying to add 3 major surplus equipment vouchers into our coffers and they don't show up on the drop down menu. I thought I might have reached some sort of cap, so I waited a day and I'm still unable to add them. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
Thank you.
Edit: Passed them to my guildmate and she didn't have the option to deposit them either.
Also, none of my alliance permissions prevent donations of either of these things, to my guild or any others in our alliance. I am the guild leader of my guild and have never blocked any donations (in or out) in alliance permissions. I tried donating the surplus equipment voucher to a guild that needs it and doesn't have incoming donations blocked, and it still doesn't show up in the drop down list.
Looking for reviews (will trade)!
For all the spider-haters out there
Me too. I've never messed with any of the donation settings. Every other voucher works for me except for the surplus equipment. I'm beginning to think they are bugged.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
@instynctive and @vida44 - I guess that rules out a specific source of the vouchers being the culprit.
This means it doesn't matter how you got them, character trying to make the donation doesn't affect it, your account doesn't affect it. They are broken for everyone until patched to be flagged properly.
The ones that already existed from SH starter packs are fine but the new ones are not: AD, labor, surplus equipment. I think that's all of them.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
@terramak Awesome, thank you!