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Remove AD from PvP



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    reddygo1reddygo1 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    The AD reward should be only if you win.
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    ellisar#6100 ellisar Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    No, the answer is not remove the incentive that many people play for. The answer is brackets along with a more accurate way of assessing a characters power, which would also make character level no longer matter. Boons, especially guild boons and drains/wards, insignia and bonuses, extra power points all need to be given point values when calculating a characters item level or gear score, equipment, boons, access to powers and feats menu etc locked on queue to prevent abuse.
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    fastrean3fastrean3 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    No no no, should change it to earn ad by win
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    schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I think it´s a waste of time to discuss rewards for PVP without having a working PVP in this game.
    There is no progress in NWO-PVP since I joined in mod 4.
    The playerbase left mods ago, only few stay and play.
    The gear elitism is HAMSTER since noone wants to face those pug-slaughter.
    There are no rules, no honour and no code of conduct in this PVP.
    Most player only stick with their advantage and broken build/gear 24/7, never gear down never think about their acting, like 14 year old kids 24/7.
    So PVP in the sum in this game is not worth anything at this state.
    SO take aways rewards/AD? I don´t mind atm. I am waiting for improvements since PVE is nothing than AD-farming and boring af... auction house/trading is more entertaining in this game than playing atm and the activity in guild is going down every day.
    If nothing comes up, byby NWO
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    jetsmillionjetsmillion Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 17 Arc User
    Yeah, pvp has died ages ago, the only reason non-pvp endgame guild do it is for conquest shards and AD. Take those away and pvp dies completely. I'm a 3k SW, and I use to like to do occasionally random groups for pvp, but there are just too many endgame prebuilt teams to survive against.

    The rewards don't matter if the match ups aren't even a challenge. I've hated both the times I've ended up on the teams that slaughter the other team and the times that I get slaughtered by them. What cryptic really needs to do is fix the match up system so 99% of the matches aren't one sided slaughters all the time in the lv 70 matches.
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    xgrandz02xgrandz02 Member Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    reddygo1 said:

    The AD reward should be only if you win.

    I disagree, this would mean that premades are the only one, who is rewarded.
    <::::::[]==0 GwF 0==[]::::::> ● Still waiting for the promised Improvement ●
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User

    Yeah, pvp has died ages ago, the only reason non-pvp endgame guild do it is for conquest shards and AD. Take those away and pvp dies completely. I'm a 3k SW, and I use to like to do occasionally random groups for pvp, but there are just too many endgame prebuilt teams to survive against.

    The rewards don't matter if the match ups aren't even a challenge. I've hated both the times I've ended up on the teams that slaughter the other team and the times that I get slaughtered by them. What cryptic really needs to do is fix the match up system so 99% of the matches aren't one sided slaughters all the time in the lv 70 matches.

    Most guilds are just capping empty BiD for this lol. So there pretty much is no reason to PvP.
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    kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    make the ads reward based on time not spent in the camp : D o
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    kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    exactly my implied point : D
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