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time to tune down insane damage of some bosses



  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User

    i 'll just step up and say what i think about all these written ,and indirectly implied:

    1. In the "old" days CN was not very easy at all."experienced" parties did not exceed due to "class synergy" and "buff stacking" but because 90% of the cases were glitching and bugging the dungeon on purpose.CN really became accessable to most after mid mod2 early mod3.even then 3 CWs were the norm and were just using a broken combo of powers.Singularity in succesion particularly.
    So the argument "hey we did it in the past,do it now" it is kinda moot to me.

    2. The same mood in the forums existed mid mod4 early mod5."Content is too easy"."We want a challenge" "We experienced players want a challenge".Well challenge came at mod6 release and 95% of the people saying these things regret dearly.
    They were silent afterwards and just trying hard to figure out a way to glitch traven.be it step on the back ,extreme left of the scene or standin atop of the nets and barrels.Be carefull what you wish for.

    3.Some people now that say "orcus is too easy " "anyone can do this" are:
    3,9k IL with greater/perfect bondings or they are in big guilds that give 16k + plus stats for free.They do runs with similar people and think the whole world is like this.Well it is not.NW needs new players ,and any new player will not stay for long if it has not have the motivation and hope to succeed.saying "you can do it" "just gear up" while you have rank11/12s to a 2k Il toon,is not the way to go.

    4.Most complaints about current content being too easy was exactly by forfeiting tactics and positioning due to Bubble mode.
    Some people are going to have a harsh awakening next week.And change views.

    5.Damage was done by the power creep introduced by the devs.But this is unavoidable caue NW needds to sell new items in order to live.
    Most damage due was done by the bondings overstacking and the general widespread use of it by the majority of players in the last six months or so.


    In conclusion and in general:
    I do think that bosses need a slight nerf to their melee hits.

    Also the melee attacks of orcus are classified by the game engine as AoEs now,they need to be patched.So companions to die instantly.

    Bondings should not stack above the number of bondings you have equipped.Devs need to look at certain fast attack companions and how their attacks behave in conjuction with bondings.

    SH boons need a slight nerf.2k stats would be fine ,but 8k ones?This was wrong from the beggining.

    devs should not pay too much attention to how vocal and noumerous some opinions are,but if they are well documented and presented with facts.
    Some classes in particular that complain for 3 years every time wanting buffs and threatening to quit if not doing so,should be more docile and honest.

    ah changing his attacks from aoe classification into normal would make mater for tank chars even worse since they have some basic aoe resists from attributes
  • jaysun1977jaysun1977 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 177 Arc User
    warpet said:

    think dc and op nerfs will make some dungeon impossible if not bis last boss in cn can 1 shot trough shield gf his aoe do 700k/1.2m ,ecc boss is insane as well I don't want whole dungeons nerf but all I ask is fix on some skills at some bosses since I cant see how will players be able to finish them after this changes

    Already tried CN post-nerf. Succeeded first try. Some people may find it a lot more difficult: the one that think red areas make you hit harder and the ones that learned their positioning skills from cathedral gargoyles come to mind.
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