- Receive a Strongbox of Gems
- Note that the tooltip says "this box contains 5 Major Gem Voucher"
- Open the strongbox with a strongbox key
Observed Result:
You receive 5 major Astral Diamond vouchers
Expected Result:
You receive 5 major gem vouchers, as the tooltip states
- Open a Strongbox of Influence
- Note that tooltip says "this box contains 5 Major Influence Vouchers"
- Open the strongbox with a strongbox key
Observed Result:
You receive 5 Major Astral Diamond Vouchers
Expected Result:
You receive 5 Major Influence vouchers, as the tooltip states
With the AD cost reductions and the leadership AD crate task, we are not lacking in AD for the SH coffer -- so it is doubly disappointing for the strongboxes to all incorrectly give AD vouchers.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia