Really this is seriously a crying thread about what? Some thing stronghold requirements are to much? Yes but it's very doable. Some think you have to pay to get a high GH even though we say no. So all in all we will have to agree to disagree. I just think it's funny that someone who isn't in a guild with a high stronghold, telling us with a guild that has a high GH pays to make it that way. Don't be narrow minded here. Anything is doable it you try. You don't have to spend thousands to get where LGPG is or any other big guild. Goals and teamwork is what is needed. Yes lgpg has a rep of spending money into the game. Who in the HAMSTER really cares. If they did how does this effect anyone? Really this entire conversation Is petty. But indy has repeatedly said what they've done to achieve this and most of us do the same. It's not really that hard to understand.
Majority of the top guilds work our asses off to get where we are at and will continue to until the ultimate goal which is SH 20.
For the entry fee it is completely right to have. Eg; if the fee is 5 million ad , you get all the top shelf boons. If you spent 5 million ad on enchantments or upgrades to your toon, you would not even come close to achieving the stats these boons give you plain and simple. The people that have worked their butts off to get these boons so high have put in millions more then your entry fee. Put in countless hours. So yes an entry fee is mandatory imo. You can't expect people to just walk in and reap the rewards for doing nothing. People who complain over, expect things to be handed to them for free. Don't work for what they have.
Seriously look outside the box. Work hard, communication, requirements, mandatory dragons runs etc, and you can achieve sh 20 in do time. This is an mmo and mmo's are meant to be a grind.
I work 40 hours and full time student getting my masters, and 2 kids. My post wasn't towards you btw. It was towards the post about SH requirements. I do know that p2w in pvp is annoying.
Haha its hard man really hard tbh. I get maybe 2 hours a night on week nights and a few hours during the weekend. I have a good hustle going on the ah that took me awhile to learn and master but it works. I'm able to put in extra into the coffer because of it. That's how I'm able to contribute. I am part of a really good and dedicated guild with some awesome people in it. They do lots of work and I help lead them to what we have now.
We aren't at GH 19 like some are but we are approaching 15 now with most boons at rank 7. I'm proud of each and every member for putting in hard work and doing what is needed when we call upon it. Awesome people and that's why I still playing the game. I've been bis/max for awhile now so there are my reason for pushing.
Hug that cat of your buddy nothing wrong with being alone. At least your only responsible for yourself and cat. Take advantage of it while your still alone lol
@Indy : Lots of players started this year, or late last year. Of course at first you where just another regular guild, the power trip surely came after 2 800 in mod6 ... im not even there yet !!! and its mod8. Thats the thing, you take people in that are already fully geared, fully maxed, and all left to do is build SH ! Of course if i had been done with my characters i wouldn't have mind pushing more for SH. Thing is, i was still working on my char, and lots of people are too. Now im done with my boons(at last) exept for a few left overs in icewindale. So i can give more to the guild, but even with just 2 char man did it took a toll on me to grind the same quest every days all the time :O and balancing it with running dungeons to make AD... The fact i don't pay is a handicap, plain and simple.
Majority of the top guilds work our asses off to get where we are at and will continue to until the ultimate goal which is SH 20.
2 things about this statement. One is of course the "top players" all group together to get there the fastest. Thats why friendly guild and smaller guilds are left with not much. At that point no hardcore player will join a GH4 guild... they will all go for a higher one. Thus why its easy for you guys to say its doable blablabla while OP struggle. Other argument is "work our assses" ok but you do realize lot of people don't play videogame to "work". Real life is there for that... lol. We want to have fun.
For the entry fee it is completely right to have. Eg; if the fee is 5 million ad , you get all the top shelf boons. If you spent 5 million ad on enchantments or upgrades to your toon, you would not even come close to achieving the stats these boons give you plain and simple. The people that have worked their butts off to get these boons so high have put in millions more then your entry fee.
Yeah but what you put on your character will stay yours 100$ guarenteed. What if you busted your butt like you say on a guild only to be kick or having to learn because at some point the leader go on a power trip or decide he don't like you? High guild can afford to boot anybody. A GH15 guild could actually boot everybody but the leader and 2 "officers" (i hate that term really, make it sound like the military) and yet less than a week later he would still have 100+ people that will just join to use the boons. So you say its right to ask a guy that already put so much effort and AD in another guild to have to pay again as his "welcoming" even if he ain't sure at all to stay there, or if he will fit and such and such. Personally i see guild as sports teams in this game(cause 80% of the guild do not care about friendship anymore) , there just free agent that work toward a common goal. So sometimes contracts expire, then you sign with new guild... Thats as simple. No AD should be given. 5 millions is like 2 months of hardcore playing for me... if not more. No guild, even a GH20 would be worth that !!! Cause down the road all guild will be GH20 ... its just a matter of time.
Its obvious carnage that you only play this game, and treat it as work (you even use the term mandatory) , wich may be your idea of fun... not judging you on this. But for a lot of us it ain't. And i feel its not right to be penalized in a game cause i want to play other games as well and/or have a life. As a "free to play" player, with a lot of time on his hand, and more or less playing only 2 games in general lately (NW and GOW) i still think the time it take to get high is insane. So i won't imagine regular folks with more active lives, full time job and that play more games.
But of course everybody i argued with in this thread has dropped minimum of 500$ on the game, i am SURE !! LOL
Well not I. I have not dropped more then 300$ on this game I can promise you that. And yes I do only play this and now the division since Nw release. But I do have a life. I have 2 kids, full time job as an engineer, and one year away from my masters. So yeah, I have a life. It's utilizing the time you put into the game is key. I have alot of fun when playing also. It is work when grinding out mats etc but being in party chat bsing, it makes it much easier to take.
When you are part of a large guild, mandatory daily/weekly requirements are a must. If not, the SH will go know where quick trust me on that. I am a founder of my guild and I put in a lot of effort for my guildies. It's like a family. There is good times and bad but when it comes down to it, we all bust HAMSTER to get things done.
Either way you have your opinion and so do we. But don't assume that all big guilds dump theit credit cards into the game cause it's 100% false. Some do, some don't. To me I could care less. I play the game how I want regardless.
Indylol : LGPG is known to be the biggest mercenary guild there is. You want in? Well as long as your rich, welcome abord... lol. Totally pay to win. Just the buy in from the get go is ridiculous. I seen even people advertising from LGPG for doing achievements to people in echange of AD donations. Instead of helping for... the sake of helping? Not saying the guy getting the achievement shouldn't be gratefull and donate what he can, but thats a set up price, it can't be more mercenary than this. LOL.
and when not being called upon for dragons in our case, they can be found in their own 5 mans and party chats doing pvp/pve and everyone does what they want
Yes another thing i see more and more, people move in and out of guilds as kliks and get in there for the Boons. Most of them will play among themselves most of the time. Now sure im not saying its totally wrong. If i had 2-3 good old friends playing this game, i would tend to play more with them i guess and i would apreciate being in a larger guild to be able to call upon people to fill in groups. Guild Chat is much less chaotic than the enclave and people have more respect usually as guildmates are still more "intimate" than PUG.
But what im saying is i wish guilds would be more "intimate" in general. I was leader of the WOD on Phantasy Star Online back in the old days on dreamcast and game cube. We had overall a core member of 30 guys. They really didn't change much over the years. We did lost some as they left the game and there was i think 2-3 guys that quited at some point cause of tensions with other members. I booted ONE guy total and thats it, and its because he was cheating, and he gave us a bad name for the short time he was in the guild. I gave him a choice, stop cheating and stay or get booted and he said he would not stop so well...
But in any case we always had around 30 active members, everytime there was a new member it was something cool, like a big thing. We had our own forums and the atmosphere there was great, people chated more of other stuff than the actual game. We had people not playing the game anymore still on the forums and still WODs at heart. At some point the WOD even expended on PC games. It was a community, a family, everybody knew everybody, every week there was "Clan Rendez-vous" where everybody would play with everybody and change every hours. We had our rooms as WOD1, WOD2, WOD 3 etc in a lobby. Anyway im still talking to some of those peoples 15 years later...
With NW i seem to see less of that camaradery in general, people seem to care more about the game itself than the people behind it. I did made a few friends outside of the game, but there rare.
Maybe im just old school, traditional,
Another thing about SH is that it totally killed off the concept of wanting to start a new guild. First nobody want to join beginning guild anymore at that point, and the existing members do not want to loose there boons, So as you say kliks just hop and change guild and join another for using there boons and in exchange they pay there daily fees and task. They don't have the guild name tatooed on there chest (figuratively speaking).
As for buy in, i think there the most ridiculous thing i ever seen, feel like buying a friendship to me. I would rather join people that do want me for what i have to offer and not for my wallet... lol. Giving something before even having the chance to see if your gonna like it and enjoy those people... LOL.
and WDJ, well for having that much characters at lev 70 and all, we are clearly not in the same league. I don't know where you find the time to get all of this I have 2 characters at 70, busting my butt to up them and make them strong, and still there only 2.5 IS. Oh wait... well your wallet of course... lol.
Anyway we got very different phylosophy it seem me and you 2 guys.
And one final note, yeah SH may be at 20 max, but you never know if they don't decide to up it, and still 20 will take so much time... At GH14 the requirements are already insane, i don,t imagine what they are at 17-18 and on... lol
lol, yeah my wallet.... lol have you not listened to anything I have said? I have spent a grand total of £5 on this game (I plan to spend some in the near future just out of support for the game not because I need anything). I have earned EVERYTHING I have by playing the game and not wasting resources!
I`m still working on BiS for my main but I`m getting there.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
I work 40 hours and full time student getting my masters, and 2 kids. My post wasn't towards you btw. It was towards the post about SH requirements. I do know that p2w in pvp is annoying.
With your workload though, don't you think it'd be hard if everybody in a guild did the same thing as you but still tried to progress. This is what it's like for my guild and I, and we are overwhelmed. We try to fit it 2 dragons into a week and we usually do and epic dungeon.
Also, 2 kid in school? I have no Idea how you pull it off. I just have my cats . . . [Im forever alone ;-;]
*goes to cuddle with cat.
^^ Im serious about that so I'm not gonna be replying anytime soon.
Maybe you finally need to level your cats to 70
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Well not I. I have not dropped more then 300$ on this game I can promise you that. And yes I do only play this and now the division since Nw release. But I do have a life. I have 2 kids, full time job as an engineer, and one year away from my masters. So yeah, I have a life. It's utilizing the time you put into the game is key. I have alot of fun when playing also. It is work when grinding out mats etc but being in party chat bsing, it makes it much easier to take.
When you are part of a large guild, mandatory daily/weekly requirements are a must. If not, the SH will go know where quick trust me on that. I am a founder of my guild and I put in a lot of effort for my guildies. It's like a family. There is good times and bad but when it comes down to it, we all bust HAMSTER to get things done.
Either way you have your opinion and so do we. But don't assume that all big guilds dump theit credit cards into the game cause it's 100% false. Some do, some don't. To me I could care less. I play the game how I want regardless.
300$ .. ok maybe not 500 then, still 180$ too much in my opinion. But yeah you do as you please obviously. Problem is i see in the grinding is there is no end to it, i bet you once so many guild reach rank 20 they will just had 10 more levels, or there would be something else to grind for... etc etc. When i grinded seriously 3.0 on GOW3, i knew at least at some point i would be done with it. It also never replace playing the game. If friends where online, i would go play normal MP. I only grinded when i had nothing to do and only for the time where i would feel like it. If i started to get annoy by it, that was done for today. Usually i was doing it for 1H before going to work early afternoon (was working from 2 to 9) when drinking my wake up juice (wich replace coffee for me lol) and that way i could bare it.
But in NW its not even an achievement... its like why the hell i care for that?? Don't get me wrong i have no problem doing a quest here and there and donate on a semi regular basis, but doing the same thing every day ... that get so tedious !!! Now i know the influence is limited so this is why guild push for that, and honestly it don't take too long, what i usually do is i do 3 on my GWF and 1 on the my GF, this way i get over the required 400 and it don't take too long. The 3K AD does not bother me too much either, i know if no requirements people would not donate those as everybody want AD. I still don't understand the game asking for AD in the coffer tough, gold should have been the only currency as its use is very limited. Its like the game wanted a way to remove AD from us... wich is wrong. But anyway i understand its a requirement for most guild. But what i like in mine is that its "per day of play". I would hate having to "catch up" if for exemple on a week end i go out of town and do not make any AD but still have to donate 9K on monday... I can't refine either the day i don't play... thats a thing. In any case our requirements are alright and im fine with it. As long as it stay that way ill be happy.
Any case, i guess im not one to enjoy endless grind i supose lol
Yeah dude but I've only bought one game in a year now. I typically buy 1 a month and during the fall I buy more. So I have actually saved money by putting into this game. And tbh all money I've put into the gam I don't have much to show for it. Dem dayum lock boxes man!
@destrowod im sure this has probably been asked before.. why are you still playing. You don't really have to answer. After reading all your rants on numerous posts, I'm guessing your reply will be much of the same.
Yeesh, I made this thread purely to exemplify smaller guilds, the ones with groups of friends who play together, not really the ones with 500 friggen members, of course those guilds will have an easier time and they've most likely been around since stronghold dropped. I just wanted to see if others believed as I do that guild leaders such as myself can choose whether to enforce a weekly donation mandate. I personally think if people want boons they'll donate, if not well thats their perogative, but they're hindering their friends. My guild is a conglomeration of people that all get along and we ALL work together, but 30 people are no machine grinding out quests day in day out, I as well am an engineer working fulltime, no kids but still schooling and I do what I can to help my buddies gear up, I understand it's a grind, but damn, it's taking away from the fun part of the game, i find myself running stronghold HE's on 3 different characters to help get our influence up and bam, there goes 2 hours. Just seems rather ridiculous, that's all I was saying, I wasn't criticizing anyone or faulting any other guild, just trying to find like minded individuals who thought things could change for the better. Hopefully the Maze Engine is accepted by PC players because that is supposedly geared to help us level strongholds a little bit better.
Cattle die kinsmen die all men are mortal. Words of praise will never perish nor a noble name.
Lol you took the lid off Pandora's box xD. Mod 9 will definitely help but influence takes an average of 15 mins to run, It really isn't a big ask to have all members run it. They also get voucher drops that help with campaign donations - multiplied by just 30 that's a reasonable amount for lower ranked GH's.
The thing is, all players 'want' guild boons and being in a guild isn't just about taking, it's also about giving - each member donating 15 minutes of their time gets everyone what they want and if your guild is a close one then nobody should have a problem teaming up and running them together (making them even faster).
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Armadeonx : LOL again its presumptions. It takes me 15 mins now on my GWF because he is finally to a pretty decent level and he is a DPS character. My GF take much longer than 15 to run 5 HE. And what of lower level? I remember when SH dropped it took me the whole timer of an HE(roughly 12 mins) to beat it... I wouldn't even attempt it if there was not 10m left on the timer. At that time my GWF was still a very secondary character not even lev 70 so very squishy to a point HE where undoable, so i was doing them with my defensive GF. Took so much time. You can't assume cause because your geared well everybody is. If the guy take 2H to run HE on 3 characters, then he take 2H ... i can see it totally if his characters are squishy or if he run them by himself etc.
rawcarnage : Yeah well this is what i fear a bit with this game as well, missing out on great games. I am not one to buy that many new games at full price per year. Uually i buy 5 max, and then 5 to 10 in between 10 and 25$ (used bargin bin games) Some years i bough less, cause i was playing GOW a lot etc. And since they started Games with Golds i must admit i decreased a lot my bargain bin buys as well, as i never know if a game will be free eventually. If i want to do smaller older games i pick in the bunch they gave for free. But in the end, i do not think 1 game should ask as much as 5 just because you played just that one. In any case i know that personally despite enjoying NW, i still want to play something else, and i wish the game was less demanding and less time consuming so i could play other stuff more.
Raymond :
The million $ question... haha. Well i would say first there is the fact i am still working on the dragon achievement, so i would have to load the game anyway, i am at 70% currently. Other achievement related reason is that there will be new achievements in every mod they drop more or less n the futur. MS has no limit now like it was the case on 360 with the 1250/1500 and finally 2000 GS at the end. NW is a cash cow game for the devs, as long as people will play they will drop mods and with them new achievements etc etc. So i got to remain geared for being to complete those. I don't want to loose a completion on this game.
Another reason is there is always the hope, the hope of finally becoming strong enough to make a difference in dungeons, the hope of new cool stuff being added in the futur, the hope of devs finally realizing "look guys, we screwed up, our bads, we will give you what you want"
A third reason would be that i put so much time and effort into this guild i am in, i don't want to loose the spot i have in it over "inactivity". Its one thing if i ever have to leave cause of conflict or issues(wich i hope will not happen) but thats another reason why i hate SH deeply, if you don't play for too long, your seen as inactive and then you may risk getting kicked because of this. Not saying before SH people didn't want the majority of roster active, but without donations back then it was way less of an impact.
I will say this, i may appear as a compainer, a ranter and so on. But i only complain and rant on stuff i feel invested in. I have done a lot of it on GOW in the past and 80% of the stuff i complained about was actually changed trough patches. If people don't complain, devs don't notice and think everything is good. It just look like a complaining person cause honestly why would anyone make 10 post to say he likes something right? There is no need for it. Post here are to make things change, what i like i don't want it changed so there is no reason to talk about it.
I'm not in LGPG but anytime I've ran with their people they've always been cool and helpful, especially Neko
The sheer hate and jealousy for that guild is ridiculous. You all know you'd want in LGPG if you could afford it.
Also, the people who bash people for spending money on the game is absolutely pathetic! We put in MANY hours into this game and gets LOTS of joy and entertainment from it. We also have something to show for it. The same losers who mock "wallet warriors" have no problem going out to a bar and dropping $50 for one night of entertainment drinking or spending $50 on an 1/8th of weed that they burn through in 2 days and have nothing to show for it.
So the people who spend $50 here and there on zen are portrayed and mocked as losers for their choice in form of entertainment but people will buy alcohol and drugs for temporary entertainment but somehow they're portrayed as cool and better people?
Armadeonx : LOL again its presumptions. It takes me 15 mins now on my GWF because he is finally to a pretty decent level and he is a DPS character. My GF take much longer than 15 to run 5 HE. And what of lower level? I remember when SH dropped it took me the whole timer of an HE(roughly 12 mins) to beat it... I wouldn't even attempt it if there was not 10m left on the timer. At that time my GWF was still a very secondary character not even lev 70 so very squishy to a point HE where undoable, so i was doing them with my defensive GF. Took so much time. You can't assume cause because your geared well everybody is. If the guy take 2H to run HE on 3 characters, then he take 2H ... i can see it totally if his characters are squishy or if he run them by himself etc.
I get that non-dps classes take longer - I have a DC that I'll only do SHE on if I can team up with a dps'er. But honestly, my GWF was burning through 5 man SHE solo at level 65. It's a new character and currently only 2k IL with 2 artifacts still blue but can wipe multiple groups in a few seconds.
My Pally is 2.5k with 40% RI and it takes him about 5-10 mins longer (depending on which type of enemy shows up)
Besides that, in my guild people ask in Guild Chat if anyone wants to do SHE and they team up. It's not unusual to see between 3 & 5 people running them together and of course it's all over in a matter of minutes - in fact it's so quick that the guys often say "wait a min while I change character" and then they run it again. - and that's the real point I'm making. Guilds are about doing things together. If you can't get your guildies to act as a team for a common purpose then there is something wrong with the guild, not the system it operates in.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
I was having the same problem a few days ago. The grind was just so slow on the coffer, then one of my guild officers just randomly started recruiting and inviting random people he saw in game and I got lucky with two people and their lvl 70s who were looking to join a lvl 1 guild and build it up. In the 3-4 days since they've been in game (and these are not P2W players) I've noticed a huge increase in our coffers. Having lvl 70s definitely does seem to help more vs. having low lvl characters. Then again that's just my opinion.
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нere lιeѕ нyѕтerιa, a land wнere cнaoѕ reιgnѕ gloвal dιѕтυrвιa, вowѕ down тo тwιѕтed wayѕ.
Besides that, in my guild people ask in Guild Chat if anyone wants to do SHE and they team up. It's not unusual to see between 3 & 5 people running them together and of course it's all over in a matter of minutes -
It does happen, but considering its a thing you have to do everyday, i don't want to personally relay on others to do that, i want to do that "work" part as soon as i can so its out of the way and i can really play the game. Usually i do them when i log on, so the boring stuff is out first.
Now dunno for the guy above, dunno his guild etc etc, but i can tell you that even in a populated guild, sometimes peoples are busy doing fun stuff and you end up doing them by yourself etc.
Now let me disagree entirely with you. This is one thing to spend your money on anything in real life, either the movies, bars, or anything, but don't tell me any game is worth droping loads and loads of cash or actually paying your way to victory. Plus your comparing social real life to virtual stuff.
My problem also with wallet warriors is not really that they pay there way to victory as in they will get stronger than me faster, its a matter of principle. More people that spend money outrageously mean more bad business practices. For exemple there is a small but active community on dead or alive that keep buying the ridiculous overprice cosmetic DLCs, we are talking multiple hundreds of $ into a game that is already a reharshal of a 2012 games, as a matter of fact it got reharshed 2 times...
Cause of them, the devs keep cashing and laughing hard, if they can make money on releasing HAMSTER costumes, then why would they work on a new game right? Money for lazyness....
Here is the same thing, they slap us in the face in making vital items pay to win, so the market rise up drastically, 20 diamond a week for crying out loud !!!! and people feel force to pay money. It would us to unite as one and refuse to pay anymore for that, go on strike til the decision is change. But hey, as long as people feed the cash cow... then they will milk it.
So my grieve to the wallet warrior is because of what they do, they are making the experience less fun for the rest.
I think the game would exist, in a different shape or form. I already said it in the past, i don't mind micro transactions, as long as its cool stuff that make me feel my money is worth for. They could put any kind of items that would be buyable only by the zen market as very cool stuff and that would be priced accordinly. Take for exemples the capes, there pretty cool but as of now there ain't a ton of them. They could make a bunch of different ones, with all sorts of logo from any factions in the D&D universe, sell them for 2-3$ a pop. They could also sell exclusive dyes, exclusive armor pieces that would be cosmetic only so we can morph our gear into it and so on. They could sell skins for our favourite companions, allow color changing or cloathe changing. I could go on and on on how they could put cosmetic stuff and remain viable by selling those at decent pricing.
I just simply can't get into my head that people will go and pay 10$ for an upgrade item... i just can't. If it was one time deal only, i could be like "alright, 10$ and its done" but no, we are talking about multiple of those, and with the regeant system its even worst, you need 2x upgrades to upgrade something that was already 2x upgraded, making it 4x upgrade. So your 20$ become a 40$, and next time, its 80$ !!!
On a different note, and to get back to subject, it seem my point of view on wallet warriors have upset people in my guild, or should i say former guild. I had a couple messages in my xbox live inbox saying i was getting booted because it seem the people in the guild felt targeted by my words (when it was not directed at them specifically at all) So just like that, after 4 months of busting my butt for that guild, grinding hard and all, i am booted with just a small explanation, no talking directly, no possibility of me explaining my point of view. And all i worked for, gone.
So this is exactly why SH is a bad expension and what i was saying on the fact that in a finger snap, a person that think too high of himself can decide to remove everything you worked for, thus why i would always priorize my characters over a guild, as those remain mine 100% guarenteed, and that i would never pay a buy in to join a guild. The game should offer guarenteed to the players and if you are removed for any reason from a guild, you should be able to keep what you worked for.
As i said the dangerous thing is always encouraging bad business practices. This is what arc have been doing in the past few months. We should unite and give them NO CHOICE but to put back the C.Ward into the trade bar store. No money(or very few) being dropped into the game, then at some point when they would have to put it back they would see people starting to drop money again, now the fanbase would had been heard. But the problem is.... gamers have a hard time to unite like that. The hardcore die hard fans of this game will pay no matter what, even if they jack the prices, put the coalescent ward at 2000 zens, those people will still drop money into the game. And with that attitude, we are going nowhere.
We all have different ways of entertainement and i know perfectly that for some people 50$ a month ain't nothing, its spare change. But always remember its for the principle of it and the greater good of the player base.
I`m not surprised they kicked you, you are openly bashing people who enjoy spending money on something they enjoy.
You make walls of text whining about this and that, if you spent half as much time in the game actually contributing as you do on here I imagine your Guild and yourself would be much further ahead lol
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
The most amusing point in this thread is the players doing HE farming for influence solo everyday. Theres no other way to say it but you're doing it wrong lol. Play with your guildies and encourage them to do their influence with you.
LGPG Leader Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF xeV Indy - PS4 - TR Nde - XB1 - HR GT: its indy time PSN: itsindytime Twitch: indygoinlive The Kanye West of Neverwinter
Majority of the top guilds work our asses off to get where we are at and will continue to until the ultimate goal which is SH 20.
For the entry fee it is completely right to have. Eg; if the fee is 5 million ad , you get all the top shelf boons. If you spent 5 million ad on enchantments or upgrades to your toon, you would not even come close to achieving the stats these boons give you plain and simple. The people that have worked their butts off to get these boons so high have put in millions more then your entry fee. Put in countless hours. So yes an entry fee is mandatory imo. You can't expect people to just walk in and reap the rewards for doing nothing. People who complain over, expect things to be handed to them for free. Don't work for what they have.
Seriously look outside the box. Work hard, communication, requirements, mandatory dragons runs etc, and you can achieve sh 20 in do time. This is an mmo and mmo's are meant to be a grind.
We aren't at GH 19 like some are but we are approaching 15 now with most boons at rank 7. I'm proud of each and every member for putting in hard work and doing what is needed when we call upon it. Awesome people and that's why I still playing the game. I've been bis/max for awhile now so there are my reason for pushing.
Hug that cat of your buddy nothing wrong with being alone. At least your only responsible for yourself and cat. Take advantage of it while your still alone lol
@Raw : 2 things about this statement. One is of course the "top players" all group together to get there the fastest. Thats why friendly guild and smaller guilds are left with not much. At that point no hardcore player will join a GH4 guild... they will all go for a higher one. Thus why its easy for you guys to say its doable blablabla while OP struggle. Other argument is "work our assses" ok but you do realize lot of people don't play videogame to "work". Real life is there for that... lol. We want to have fun. Yeah but what you put on your character will stay yours 100$ guarenteed. What if you busted your butt like you say on a guild only to be kick or having to learn because at some point the leader go on a power trip or decide he don't like you? High guild can afford to boot anybody. A GH15 guild could actually boot everybody but the leader and 2 "officers" (i hate that term really, make it sound like the military) and yet less than a week later he would still have 100+ people that will just join to use the boons. So you say its right to ask a guy that already put so much effort and AD in another guild to have to pay again as his "welcoming" even if he ain't sure at all to stay there, or if he will fit and such and such. Personally i see guild as sports teams in this game(cause 80% of the guild do not care about friendship anymore) , there just free agent that work toward a common goal. So sometimes contracts expire, then you sign with new guild... Thats as simple. No AD should be given. 5 millions is like 2 months of hardcore playing for me... if not more. No guild, even a GH20 would be worth that !!! Cause down the road all guild will be GH20 ... its just a matter of time.
Its obvious carnage that you only play this game, and treat it as work (you even use the term mandatory) , wich may be your idea of fun... not judging you on this. But for a lot of us it ain't. And i feel its not right to be penalized in a game cause i want to play other games as well and/or have a life. As a "free to play" player, with a lot of time on his hand, and more or less playing only 2 games in general lately (NW and GOW) i still think the time it take to get high is insane. So i won't imagine regular folks with more active lives, full time job and that play more games.
But of course everybody i argued with in this thread has dropped minimum of 500$ on the game, i am SURE !! LOL
When you are part of a large guild, mandatory daily/weekly requirements are a must. If not, the SH will go know where quick trust me on that. I am a founder of my guild and I put in a lot of effort for my guildies. It's like a family. There is good times and bad but when it comes down to it, we all bust HAMSTER to get things done.
Either way you have your opinion and so do we. But don't assume that all big guilds dump theit credit cards into the game cause it's 100% false. Some do, some don't. To me I could care less. I play the game how I want regardless.
But what im saying is i wish guilds would be more "intimate" in general. I was leader of the WOD on Phantasy Star Online back in the old days on dreamcast and game cube. We had overall a core member of 30 guys. They really didn't change much over the years. We did lost some as they left the game and there was i think 2-3 guys that quited at some point cause of tensions with other members. I booted ONE guy total and thats it, and its because he was cheating, and he gave us a bad name for the short time he was in the guild. I gave him a choice, stop cheating and stay or get booted and he said he would not stop so well...
But in any case we always had around 30 active members, everytime there was a new member it was something cool, like a big thing. We had our own forums and the atmosphere there was great, people chated more of other stuff than the actual game. We had people not playing the game anymore still on the forums and still WODs at heart. At some point the WOD even expended on PC games. It was a community, a family, everybody knew everybody, every week there was "Clan Rendez-vous" where everybody would play with everybody and change every hours. We had our rooms as WOD1, WOD2, WOD 3 etc in a lobby. Anyway im still talking to some of those peoples 15 years later...
With NW i seem to see less of that camaradery in general, people seem to care more about the game itself than the people behind it. I did made a few friends outside of the game, but there rare.
Maybe im just old school, traditional,
Another thing about SH is that it totally killed off the concept of wanting to start a new guild. First nobody want to join beginning guild anymore at that point, and the existing members do not want to loose there boons, So as you say kliks just hop and change guild and join another for using there boons and in exchange they pay there daily fees and task. They don't have the guild name tatooed on there chest (figuratively speaking).
As for buy in, i think there the most ridiculous thing i ever seen, feel like buying a friendship to me. I would rather join people that do want me for what i have to offer and not for my wallet... lol. Giving something before even having the chance to see if your gonna like it and enjoy those people... LOL.
and WDJ, well for having that much characters at lev 70 and all, we are clearly not in the same league. I don't know where you find the time to get all of this I have 2 characters at 70, busting my butt to up them and make them strong, and still there only 2.5 IS. Oh wait... well your wallet of course... lol.
Anyway we got very different phylosophy it seem me and you 2 guys.
And one final note, yeah SH may be at 20 max, but you never know if they don't decide to up it, and still 20 will take so much time... At GH14 the requirements are already insane, i don,t imagine what they are at 17-18 and on... lol
lol, yeah my wallet.... lol have you not listened to anything I have said? I have spent a grand total of £5 on this game (I plan to spend some in the near future just out of support for the game not because I need anything). I have earned EVERYTHING I have by playing the game and not wasting resources!
I`m still working on BiS for my main but I`m getting there.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
But in NW its not even an achievement... its like why the hell i care for that?? Don't get me wrong i have no problem doing a quest here and there and donate on a semi regular basis, but doing the same thing every day ... that get so tedious !!! Now i know the influence is limited so this is why guild push for that, and honestly it don't take too long, what i usually do is i do 3 on my GWF and 1 on the my GF, this way i get over the required 400 and it don't take too long. The 3K AD does not bother me too much either, i know if no requirements people would not donate those as everybody want AD. I still don't understand the game asking for AD in the coffer tough, gold should have been the only currency as its use is very limited. Its like the game wanted a way to remove AD from us... wich is wrong. But anyway i understand its a requirement for most guild. But what i like in mine is that its "per day of play". I would hate having to "catch up" if for exemple on a week end i go out of town and do not make any AD but still have to donate 9K on monday... I can't refine either the day i don't play... thats a thing. In any case our requirements are alright and im fine with it. As long as it stay that way ill be happy.
Any case, i guess im not one to enjoy endless grind i supose lol
kinsmen die
all men are mortal.
Words of praise
will never perish
nor a noble name.
- The Havamal
- Ironmaiden (70 gwf), Halestorm (70 pally), Judas Priest(50 DC), WarlockednCocked (20 SW), Sirenia (20 CW) Aero Smith (10 HR)
The thing is, all players 'want' guild boons and being in a guild isn't just about taking, it's also about giving - each member donating 15 minutes of their time gets everyone what they want and if your guild is a close one then nobody should have a problem teaming up and running them together (making them even faster).
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
rawcarnage : Yeah well this is what i fear a bit with this game as well, missing out on great games. I am not one to buy that many new games at full price per year. Uually i buy 5 max, and then 5 to 10 in between 10 and 25$ (used bargin bin games) Some years i bough less, cause i was playing GOW a lot etc. And since they started Games with Golds i must admit i decreased a lot my bargain bin buys as well, as i never know if a game will be free eventually. If i want to do smaller older games i pick in the bunch they gave for free. But in the end, i do not think 1 game should ask as much as 5 just because you played just that one. In any case i know that personally despite enjoying NW, i still want to play something else, and i wish the game was less demanding and less time consuming so i could play other stuff more.
Raymond :
The million $ question... haha. Well i would say first there is the fact i am still working on the dragon achievement, so i would have to load the game anyway, i am at 70% currently. Other achievement related reason is that there will be new achievements in every mod they drop more or less n the futur. MS has no limit now like it was the case on 360 with the 1250/1500 and finally 2000 GS at the end. NW is a cash cow game for the devs, as long as people will play they will drop mods and with them new achievements etc etc. So i got to remain geared for being to complete those. I don't want to loose a completion on this game.
Another reason is there is always the hope, the hope of finally becoming strong enough to make a difference in dungeons, the hope of new cool stuff being added in the futur, the hope of devs finally realizing "look guys, we screwed up, our bads, we will give you what you want"
A third reason would be that i put so much time and effort into this guild i am in, i don't want to loose the spot i have in it over "inactivity". Its one thing if i ever have to leave cause of conflict or issues(wich i hope will not happen) but thats another reason why i hate SH deeply, if you don't play for too long, your seen as inactive and then you may risk getting kicked because of this. Not saying before SH people didn't want the majority of roster active, but without donations back then it was way less of an impact.
I will say this, i may appear as a compainer, a ranter and so on. But i only complain and rant on stuff i feel invested in. I have done a lot of it on GOW in the past and 80% of the stuff i complained about was actually changed trough patches. If people don't complain, devs don't notice and think everything is good. It just look like a complaining person cause honestly why would anyone make 10 post to say he likes something right? There is no need for it. Post here are to make things change, what i like i don't want it changed so there is no reason to talk about it.
The sheer hate and jealousy for that guild is ridiculous. You all know you'd want in LGPG if you could afford it.
Also, the people who bash people for spending money on the game is absolutely pathetic! We put in MANY hours into this game and gets LOTS of joy and entertainment from it. We also have something to show for it. The same losers who mock "wallet warriors" have no problem going out to a bar and dropping $50 for one night of entertainment drinking or spending $50 on an 1/8th of weed that they burn through in 2 days and have nothing to show for it.
So the people who spend $50 here and there on zen are portrayed and mocked as losers for their choice in form of entertainment but people will buy alcohol and drugs for temporary entertainment but somehow they're portrayed as cool and better people?
Where's the logic there?
My Pally is 2.5k with 40% RI and it takes him about 5-10 mins longer (depending on which type of enemy shows up)
Besides that, in my guild people ask in Guild Chat if anyone wants to do SHE and they team up. It's not unusual to see between 3 & 5 people running them together and of course it's all over in a matter of minutes - in fact it's so quick that the guys often say "wait a min while I change character" and then they run it again. - and that's the real point I'm making. Guilds are about doing things together. If you can't get your guildies to act as a team for a common purpose then there is something wrong with the guild, not the system it operates in.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
тнe dreaмѕ yoυ тalĸ aвoυт, now leғт on вroĸen ѕĸιn.
нere lιeѕ нyѕтerιa, a land wнere cнaoѕ reιgnѕ gloвal dιѕтυrвιa, вowѕ down тo тwιѕтed wayѕ.
Now dunno for the guy above, dunno his guild etc etc, but i can tell you that even in a populated guild, sometimes peoples are busy doing fun stuff and you end up doing them by yourself etc.
Now let me disagree entirely with you. This is one thing to spend your money on anything in real life, either the movies, bars, or anything, but don't tell me any game is worth droping loads and loads of cash or actually paying your way to victory. Plus your comparing social real life to virtual stuff.
My problem also with wallet warriors is not really that they pay there way to victory as in they will get stronger than me faster, its a matter of principle. More people that spend money outrageously mean more bad business practices. For exemple there is a small but active community on dead or alive that keep buying the ridiculous overprice cosmetic DLCs, we are talking multiple hundreds of $ into a game that is already a reharshal of a 2012 games, as a matter of fact it got reharshed 2 times...
Cause of them, the devs keep cashing and laughing hard, if they can make money on releasing HAMSTER costumes, then why would they work on a new game right? Money for lazyness....
Here is the same thing, they slap us in the face in making vital items pay to win, so the market rise up drastically, 20 diamond a week for crying out loud !!!! and people feel force to pay money. It would us to unite as one and refuse to pay anymore for that, go on strike til the decision is change. But hey, as long as people feed the cash cow... then they will milk it.
So my grieve to the wallet warrior is because of what they do, they are making the experience less fun for the rest.
I just simply can't get into my head that people will go and pay 10$ for an upgrade item... i just can't. If it was one time deal only, i could be like "alright, 10$ and its done" but no, we are talking about multiple of those, and with the regeant system its even worst, you need 2x upgrades to upgrade something that was already 2x upgraded, making it 4x upgrade. So your 20$ become a 40$, and next time, its 80$ !!!
On a different note, and to get back to subject, it seem my point of view on wallet warriors have upset people in my guild, or should i say former guild. I had a couple messages in my xbox live inbox saying i was getting booted because it seem the people in the guild felt targeted by my words (when it was not directed at them specifically at all) So just like that, after 4 months of busting my butt for that guild, grinding hard and all, i am booted with just a small explanation, no talking directly, no possibility of me explaining my point of view. And all i worked for, gone.
So this is exactly why SH is a bad expension and what i was saying on the fact that in a finger snap, a person that think too high of himself can decide to remove everything you worked for, thus why i would always priorize my characters over a guild, as those remain mine 100% guarenteed, and that i would never pay a buy in to join a guild. The game should offer guarenteed to the players and if you are removed for any reason from a guild, you should be able to keep what you worked for.
As i said the dangerous thing is always encouraging bad business practices. This is what arc have been doing in the past few months. We should unite and give them NO CHOICE but to put back the C.Ward into the trade bar store. No money(or very few) being dropped into the game, then at some point when they would have to put it back they would see people starting to drop money again, now the fanbase would had been heard. But the problem is.... gamers have a hard time to unite like that. The hardcore die hard fans of this game will pay no matter what, even if they jack the prices, put the coalescent ward at 2000 zens, those people will still drop money into the game. And with that attitude, we are going nowhere.
We all have different ways of entertainement and i know perfectly that for some people 50$ a month ain't nothing, its spare change. But always remember its for the principle of it and the greater good of the player base.
You make walls of text whining about this and that, if you spent half as much time in the game actually contributing as you do on here I imagine your Guild and yourself would be much further ahead lol
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
The most amusing point in this thread is the players doing HE farming for influence solo everyday. Theres no other way to say it but you're doing it wrong lol. Play with your guildies and encourage them to do their influence with you.
Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
Nde - XB1 - HR
GT: its indy time
PSN: itsindytime
Twitch: indygoinlive
The Kanye West of Neverwinter