Forgotten Realms(Toril) The world that this game is based in has almost 30 years of development, in Dungeons and Dragons Modules and boxed sets and Novels , its is Huge and Neverwinter is just a small corner of the Savage North. it would be nice to see some of the other areas developed in future mods if The Devs utilize this in campaign development. Taking whole other cities and adding adventues in some of those areas, who wouldnt like to revisit Waterdeep and adventure in Undermountain with this game engine, or explore the Dalelands and the Ruins of Myth Drannor, or journey far east past Thay and Mulhorand to the lands of Kara-tur (for some oriental style adventures) or the deserts of Al-quadim. There are so many areas and great story lines already out there to pick up on and develop(way to many for me to even consider listing)Im just an old D&D nerd that has Dungeon Mastered PnP in the realms fo nearly 30 years and know there is so much more potential this game could utilize.Id like the Devs to consider this , instead of Cramming content into this one corner of the world, give us the true D&D Forgotten Realms experience and give us some of the other great Areas of this very detailed game world,I really enjoy Neverwinter and Thank you for all your hard work. but how sweet it would be to explore some other areas of this vast world. (Forgotten Realms Online)
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
There's so much lore in Toril the options are limitless. Ravenloft is great but we don't see even a fraction of a fraction of the scope of the Forgotten Realms Setting. I could list out a million and one great options to go to on Toril and that really isn't an exaggeration.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
I still remember the first time playing Baldur's Gate and finding that first belt. In the initial version of the game magic items didn't even light up to signify they were magical so I was just so excited I got my first ever belt and threw it right on my character. Poor me suddenly lost a few items below the waist and gained a few items at chest level until I acquired a thousand gold to pay a priest to help me out. Good times.
To me it's sort of like having the entire Star Wars setting to explore and asking to cross over into the Star Trek Setting instead.
You don't look at corporations and go the management is terrible but the engineers are great. One problem follows the other
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Fast forward to today and unless it can be fit into the main map with a round magnifying glass lens I doubt we will see new locations.
I stopped reading after 2 lines.
"ah this game has so much potential"
and every time I heard it, it didn't spell good for said game...
If I had an euro for every time I've read it on a Warhammer Online forum, I'd be a billionaire by now (hyperbole).
Honestly, I think this game reached its summit at module 4 and I don't see it reaching those heights ever again. Not saying the game is bad, or that it's getting worse, but the fact is that the improvements are coming in very small doses and sometimes they're also offset by some bad decision and, so far, the new content has been nothing exceptional (imho mod 8 content is truly bad). You have to realize that the rest of the world does not stand still to watch Neverwinter and the potential will be gone for good when another similar title (with fantasy lore) with similar F2P model, but with better development, is released.
Another thing: this game was originally planned to be a co-op multiplayer for small-sized content.
It's only when PWE came in and bought the title that it was turned to a MMO, but even to this day, we can see that it's having trouble dealing with this: only one 25 man raid and it's a complete mess that's not even worth running anymore, zone instances limited to 40 or so players, most of the content being solo or 5man, zones that still lag like no tomorrow ecc....
The original design is clearly still there (in part) and I can't see, for the life of me, this game expanding to become a truly large mmo with lots of towns/regions/continents ecc, at some point they even had to remove content!
Sadly, funding isn't.
Looking at the last few mods, they keep getting ever smaller, in particular on the world building front. Look at DR, Sharandar, IWD, first WoD .. all had at least one big overland zone and several smaller instances.
It seems something happened after WoD, mods now have considerably less new world in them. Even Elemental Evil to a large extent was recirculated old zones, just one zone in EE was really new.
It is not unusual with these games that the size of the dev team is slashed as game income declines over time.
They got so much time to balance and fix stuff, they wasted all for new c.rap mod/gear.
It is so painfull and embarrassing to see things becoming worse every mod, no clue what these guys got on their mind ignoring player base consequently.
download at 34%...byby my money flows other directions