I just want to give my feedback on this. I am playing the lvl 6 with 2 lvl 30 and 2 lvl 35. I have failed something like 8 times and succeed only 2 times. However I play smartly, using the companions for the tests they are good for. I keep easy tests for later if I am kind of stuck with unappropriate companions. I have quite complementary companions for these adventures. And there is written lvl 26-30.
Personally I don't really like totally random games like this. It is not the point, many people may like it. And well I play it, and I even enjoyed it at the beginning, while it was relatively easy, while I was doing lvl 1 to 3. But I think that at least the lvl 6 is to hard. Not funny to spent so much time to try my best, and fail because it is so hard that I am supposed to lose most of the times whatever I can try. Sometimes I don't even reach the second place of the keep... Even with over leveled companions.
I don't mean to down massively the difficulty, but maybe just a few, so it could stay a pleasure and not a corvee.
I'd prefer it if they created a legendary version, based off 10 or 11 dice, but with much better rng amd perhaps including the new adorable gear in the loot tables, and a better chance for the thief. I've put in 100s of runs over the years, and never gotten one.
The chests in each level usually require high Perception rolls, so it is important to have a high Perception companion such as Sprites. I usually run with specialized companions -- so each has 3 or 4 dice for Magic, Perception, Combat, or Thievery -- but some people do well with 4 mixed companions. Rust Monsters are a good example of a non-specialized pet.
Sometimes you will hit a level where most of the fights require a single type, usually Magic. After you use your high-Magic companion you face losing 3 fights in a row. If you only do the minimum number of fights to move through levels and expose chests, you should have a bunch of encounters in earlier levels, so go back to those and use your other companions there, rather than failing on your current level. Eventually you will open up a few encounters that are non-Magic, and you will be able to complete that level.
Similarly, if you reach the end fight and it requires for example high Combat, but you've already used your high-Combat companion, go back and do easy encounters on your other companions until you've cycled through everyone and can use the Combat companion for the boss fight.
But maybe my companions suck, I don't know. I have one specialized in thievery lvl 35, one in defense / perception lvl 30, and two (lvl 30 + lvl 35) who have high magic, but quite high perception to.
Well if my companions suck, this is totally unbalanced then -.-
Maybe I had bad luck to, it can happen for only 10 games. That is why I don't like games so much based on random. Nothing to do to counter bad luck, just undergo it.
I guess they won't work on it if I am the only who has troubles. I may stop this mini game then, as it makes me angry for nothing as I fail most of the times. Losing time.
Angel, black ice prospector, cockatrice would be a good lineup of budget epics. A lot of the cheaper epic companions don't have enough combat dice, in my opinion, though the wildcard dice help make up a lot of shortcomings. For chests, you are safest having your companion with the highest perception also have the lowest combat. Could use a wererat to round out.
While the dice rolls are luck, matching companions to challenges, deciding when to use dice or try for a re-roll, even backtracking in order to get past a specific companion's rest period... there's a lot of strategy.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
battle medic for keys, wardog/wolf for shields, choice of lilend/angelic for spirals/magic, and for the 4th for 'starburst' icon with my Pheora.
what this tier 6 really need to add a random amount of companion upgrade tokens for at least 2 to 5 tokens per visit, one time a day, preventing over-farming for tokens.
this would allow a slow growth for companions to level up tiers.
so far, i have 2 legendary pets and enough epic pets.
i still trying to get that most elusive companion, footloose thief, he hard to get, and only known to be found in one of 2 black dragon's treasure rooms.
edited to add, Fawns are also very good for tier 6 dungeons, they are most balanced with 4 dice icons, i would recommended make them to epic/legendary for better dice rollings.
higher they ranks, more "wild cards" they have for rolls.
I just did a last try. And lost the last boss 2 times with my best companion lvl 35 according to the test, and fail the dungeon. With 6 dices, he was not able to get 3 shields while he has 70 in combat (his second best attribute). I mean one dice could have been enough for 3 shields.
Definitely not my kind of game. I spent 15 min or more, I see all the loots, then "no dude, you have such bad luck, you lose everything". If I would not spent so much time, it would be OK, but here I better farm monsters in the real game, I would get more loots, without any chance to lose them. This game is totally pointless for me.
If need lvl 40 companions, why is there written lvl 26-30 ?
I say bye to this mini game, before to be very angry.
Very hard too fail, but the rewards rng is brutal, used to play a lot, but now, couple of times a week if I've some time to kill that refuses to die in any other way.
I must remember this, should add it to sig