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What exactly am I supposed to be aiming for here?

somtaawkharsomtaawkhar Member Posts: 18 Arc User
So I recently reached level 70, started to do a bit of the campaigns, but I really have no idea what the end goal here is.

Where do I get better gear since all the drops I get seem to be HAMSTER?


  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited January 2016

    So I recently reached level 70, started to do a bit of the campaigns, but I really have no idea what the end goal here is.

    Where do I get better gear since all the drops I get seem to be HAMSTER?

    You get better armor by earning seals in dungeons, skirmishes or doing demonic HEs.

    Pretty much everything else you get by using AD and buying it off the AH (because most of it is from lockboxes or really rare drops in dungeons). Also worth leveling alts to 60 to get their class artifact as it unlocks it for all your characters.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    i will admit.. they made the game ultra easy , you can just show up in random hes , even in wod.. get great success with not really an trouble, earn ichor, freezies, and seals ..

    it will of course take you a bit.. but who cares, you also can earn some AD while doing it.

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  • ogariousogarious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    Except...there are no dungeons anymore. Not really. All the good ones were taken out, to be returned on the 5th of...never?

    The endgame for this game is pretty much trying to get your stronghold up if your in a guild. Or grinding Heroic Encounters till the end of time, to get points for the next set of Heroic Encounters that they release.

    Wow, even for me that's kinda bleak.
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    just gear up and get boons until you get bored. like most MMOs.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
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  • klangeddinklangeddin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 882 Arc User
    Dungeons are now mostly trivialized by Paladins (in difficulty) and Underdark content (in progression), not sure they can be considered an endgame or a goal at all in the current state. Their rewards are terrible for the time invested for the likes of Malabog or Tier 2 dungeons. You're better off using that time for Demogorgon, Underdark Skirmishes and Demonic Encounters, you get better rewards in nearly every aspect, campaign progression included (dungeons give none of that).
    Then again some people (like me), find the new content to be designed so terribly that it drains the will to play the game entirely.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,185 Arc User
    edited January 2016

    So I recently reached level 70, started to do a bit of the campaigns, but I really have no idea what the end goal here is.

    Where do I get better gear since all the drops I get seem to be HAMSTER?

    You aiming to total/absolute nothing. So called game story ends at lv 70. From mod 6 to now game is focused around refining arti items.
    So all game is grind, grind, more grind, even more grind and thats never ends.
    Welcome to Grind and Refinement - Neverwinter. Or known by old name Dungeon and dragon neverwinter.
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    edited January 2016

    So I recently reached level 70, started to do a bit of the campaigns, but I really have no idea what the end goal here is.

    Where do I get better gear since all the drops I get seem to be HAMSTER?

    At 70 your goal is to be as good as you can in PvE(or PvP if that is your liking).

    * Make sure you get all the boons from the campaigns

    * Gear:
    - Armor, easiest to get is Drowcraft that you get by grinding the Underdark content for ichors
    - Weapons, easiest to get is the elemental weapons, upgrade to the Underdark weapons later(mass grinding)
    - Belt/neck/one artifact: Artifact items, which you basically buy off AH. Put some effort into deciding which set you want.
    - Rings: either Underdak ones or the Personalised crafted ones. Personalising requires maxed Jewelcrafting skill.
    - Shirt/pants: Crafted, buy off AH
    - Artifacts: Buy off AH, or level some alts to 60 so you can get the class-specific artifacts.
    Then you level all artifacts and artifact items to max, which will take you quite some time.

    * Enchantments: Just remember to fill the enchantment slots and level them. Weapon/armor enchantment -> AH, normal enchantments drops all over the place

    * Reinforcements: Just dont forget about them once you have finalized your gear upgrades. They are a bit expensive so usually come late in the gearing up process.

    * Companions: You can get some low-quality ones cheap for gold in PE shop(stat-boosting ones). Good companions with interesting stats and abilities must be farmed or bough in AH or Zen store. And they need upgrading, which costs mass AD at higher levels.

    * Mount: Buy a fast mount off Zen store. They are account wide so all your alts will benefit. You can later upgrade it to a stat mount, but those are rare drops from lockboxes so do not come cheap.

    When all that stuff is levelled to max you should have a Total Item Level of 4,2k-4,3k.
    Unless you put Real Money into game(buy Zen), getting that high will take you a few years depending on play activity.
    Getting to 2,5k or so you can do in a few months of active play.

    Good luck and have fun!

  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User

    So I recently reached level 70, started to do a bit of the campaigns, but I really have no idea what the end goal here is.

    Where do I get better gear since all the drops I get seem to be HAMSTER?

    Welcome to Neverwinter end-game, which is all about refining - only 160 separate RP out there, gotta catch them all!

    In all seriousness, your best bet is doing Sharandar, Dread Ring and Tyranny of Dragons campaigns every day for the respective boons and after you've done those for the day, jump into Well of Dragons for the Demonic Heroic Encounters. You can get gear for head, chest, arms and feet slots (Drowcraft) as well as shirt and pants, all of which are better gear than what Tier 1 or Tier 2 dungeons provide and more rewarding.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
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  • deathbeezdeathbeez Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 789 Arc User

    So I recently reached level 70, started to do a bit of the campaigns, but I really have no idea what the end goal here is.

    Where do I get better gear since all the drops I get seem to be HAMSTER?

    You aiming to total/absolute nothing. So called game story ends at lv 70. From mod 6 to now game is focused around refining arti items.
    So all game is grind, grind, more grind, even more grind and thats never ends.
    Welcome to Grind and Refinement - Neverwinter. Or known by old name Dungeon and dragon neverwinter.
    This is pretty much the situation. End game is just running in circles for refinement points.

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