When taken it terms of boon progressions Tyranny of Dragons is by far the most difficult to get the end boons. Firstly the actual cost involved in starting these boons is pricy... 30k for Soul of the Dragon, 40K for Dragon Affinity, and 50K for Dragon mastery. Not to mention either RNG for books or paying a fair amount on the AH for them but my main issue with this boon progression is the amount of Linu's favor necessary for these last 2 boons.
The amount of time necessary to spend in this zone either farming Tiamat or Simply doing quests or, even worse but fastest, running around killing mobs in order to gain dragon hoard coffers is ridiculous. However it's primarily the exchange rate I take issue with: 1500 points = 1 linus favor.
The drop rate on dragon hoard coffers is not that great. If you'd like to buy the coffers off the AH the price is hugely exorbitant often in the 20K per hundred range thus at a 1:15 point exchange rate makes a single end ToD boon in the vicinity of 600K +.
It's exponentially more expensive to buy with genie's gifts at around 8K per 50 Dragon coins which are a 1:1 point exchange thus you would need 30 genies gifts for 1 Linu's favor at roughly 8k per gift that's 240k/linu or 7.2 mil for the Dragon affinity Boon and more fore the last one.
Gawds forbid you use Dragon Empire Treasures, even at a 1:200 point exchange rate they cost 37,500 (with VIP) per purchase. If you want the same boon afforementioned you will spend a whopping 8.4 mil +. This is the equivalent of 20,000 zen at current zax. That's two hundred dollars for a single boon guys, not even an entire campaign unlock... just one boon?
Seriously I think this campaign currency exchange rate needs to be reexamined, especially considering this only includes the price/time of the Linu's favor, it's even more when you factor in other currency and books involved in completing the progression. If you adjust the price of the Dragon Empire Treasures, all other prices will fall in line on the AH resulting in much more affordable boon progression for those of us with limited time to spend on alts while still leaving the grind in place for those who concentrate on one toon and prefer to save the AD. Thanks for your time and consideration.
(Disclaimer: all currency prices mentioned taken at current average market value)
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"
Edit: Adding to discussion, not disagreeing. I do not think that most people would take a positive view of making those final two boons into a multi-year project. It's demotivating.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
30 linus is insane..
Thanks for your reply.
Thanks for your reply.
It took a ton of patience. I'd craft the empire treasures, contribute to the coffer, then spam tiamat on Saturday or Sunday when the coffer was at 100%. I found doing it during the week pretty pointless.
This campaign needs to be adjusted. As it stands, if they put a campaign unlock in the Zen Market, people will buy it because its cheaper in most cases.
No doubt somebody here is going to link a video about how easy it all is, before you do that, I suggest you go into Tiamat first and see with your own eyes what state it is in.
Might not be able to find a tiamat run but if you get to WoD early enough there's always a dragon run.
Still ridiculous. I ground out the first thirty linus that way but another fifty would drive me insane.
I'll pass, thanks.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
You can do it too. You join a channel and you kill Tia 80 times. Each toon.
Everyone else has done it too.
Thanks for your reply.
I find your statement laughable.
I would argue people find this game difficult because people decided they couldnt be bothered and decided to wait until a later time when they could "persuade" Cryptic to ease the requirements to achieve these boons.
You want things for free. Im opposed to giving players what are quite possibly the best two boons in the entire game for free.
That said, I understand that when someone like yourself, who put in hours of playtime to achieve these boons, would feel unhappy that others may get these boons without putting in that amount of time. It's sort of like getting hazed to join a group and being mad that others may avoid getting hazed or paying their dues. The problem is noone should've gotten hazed to begin with, yourself included..
As for your last statement, noone here has suggested we should get these boons for free, just that they should be less time or AD intensive. The idea that the campaign currency should have a better ratio for turning in and that the dragon empire treasures should be cheaper on the market only make the boons more accessible, not free. It is an exaggeration that you are putting forth as a straw man argument and it is pretty plainly apparent. So while you may keep crows away with your debate tactics, you don't lend credit to your overall discussion.
Thanks for your reply.
That is exactly what you are asking. You cant be bothered to grind it out like everyone else did. Including yourself on your main.
Quite frankly I find it preposterous the amount of people who come on here asking to have the game dumbed down and made easier.
When devs listen to people on this forum they make the game worse!
That said, they are far from necessary, so I'm fine w/ never getting them and just moving on to content I'd enjoy more- though I can understand why others take issue w/ the overall costs. It is pretty silly how much quicker and cheaper it is to get even the books from the AH than the store (not so much for Haarl's, but even that's better off bought than grinded out atm). It'd be nice if Cryptic would revisit the costs of some of the material related to older content, which somewhat ties into their AD pricing system in general.
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
They've already shortened DR, IWD and ToD with the demon hunter quest so it really shouldn't come as a surprise that they need to change the last two boons in ToD too. They can't leave the boon grind the same as it is or they've essentially gated off that content for new players. People will move on to new content or go back to grinding dungeons/skirmishes and no one will play Tiamat/Demo/etc. They can't leave new players behind or they'll just quit.
Then again it's more important to you that you're the special cupcake with eight characters that did something than it is to have more people feel they aren't gated out of end game content by a terribly implemented raid.
The issue here isn't difficulty, although apparently you have difficulty understanding that very basic principle. The issue here is time spent doing something that is crazy boring in order to unlock a boon that is now mods behind. Your argument that we should be happy to grind out a very boring zone in order to be just like you is silly m8. The people here are stating it is boring to do so, however if you love farming so much noone will stop you from doing Tiamat all day long, I promise. If you love this zone and content so much, we promise we aren't asking to have it removed. We simply want to achieve the boons and move on from that content.
What it really boils down to, and is painfully evident, is that you went through this process to get these boons and you want everyone else to suffer along with you. We respectfully disagree. The less grind I'm forced to do, the more of the material I enjoy I can play. It's that simple.
Thanks for your reply