That's why I do not choose the AP gain weapon. As a GF I'm generating HAMSTER loads of AP whenever I raise my shield. This game does not need more OP items/features.
Preview should have all the weapons available for free. Asking folks to play like it was on live to get the new stuff is stupid, I would never do it lol. There's already an absurd amount of grind required.
Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based? 2). Yes. I am panzer! 3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen. 4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
This reminds me of the Leadership changes. First they alienated their loyal players, followed by a wall of silence and month later some changes, after many ppl stopped playing.
Most likely they will either ignore the issue in total or make some changes in one or two month, pad their backs, 'see, we listended to you' and wonder, why no one wants to get the stronghold weapon after grinding and refining another one.
Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
andorrabellMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 437Arc User
edited December 2015
The lack of any conversation on this issue is vexing. I assume twisted ichor will be fixed tomorrow (seriously, how did this bug go live). Any changes need to be communicated before people farm for twisted weapons....
And still silence on the Devs part. Don't see how the Explorer Charts will solve anything, they cost a fortune in Guild Marks and the droprate is hilarious. SH weapons seem to be a dead idea.
I did get the twisted set for my CW (lady luck smiled on me). I would estimate 2-3 weeks until someone on their side can confirm, that their 'epic' tools are broken, 2-3 weeks until it is fixed and half a year, to realize, that no one gives a rats HAMSTER for their SH set anymore, bc everyone and his mom got one of the other sets by then and no one is willing to do this idiotic grind, spent millions of AD and dish out even more RP for the SH set, just to realize, that there are no 5 ppl on the server who did it, so the set bonus will never be effective.
Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Ya Ive given up on them.. got my burning for my DC, will start on twisty for cw soonish..
Sadly even if they change it, or make it easier.. I doubt they will un-link it to the professions, which is really , terrible sad in the end.
No one is simply going to throw in a few million in resources, spend hours and hours grinding out influence, run dozens and dozens of dragonflight.. to then go through any Thing else.
They were already heavily time gated (in terms of stronghold progression) , resource gated (guild marks and fangs)
They are not that superior to other weapon choices, so hence, there was no reason to ADD another layer of grind to them.
I simply know why they did this.. so they could net some sort of another paywall to them. Adding paywalls to paywalls, is sort of a twisted joke..
This really needs to be changed Devs, gated behind high-ish lvl SH is so bad.
- Major Peachy Bottom * Gutbuster's Brigade -
"Last request - microtransactions for alllll old skins for zen/weapon appearance changes, 500 zen to make ur wep glow the color/enchant you want it... You will make more off that one item than any other zen item ever made." freshour
"beckylunatic" Gateway AH should have column headers to sort by buyout, bid, end time, quantity, etc. These disappeared iirc with the module launch. It's obnoxious.
The sh weapons don't worth it, due to the inner nature of the mechanism to grab them, too long, expansive, no better stat base dammage considering elemental weapons and finally of course not enough people to own those weapons to have a max bonus for the user. Total waste of time.
To be honest, at this point in the game they are not worth it. Unless they just go ahead, put em in the guild shop and make them cost guild marks only. And even then, most player probably wont be able to get them do to needing the SH being ranked so high.And on top of that, we've already seen new weapon sets that make the need to grind for these items even less worth it. And im guessing that by the time mod 9 or 10 comes out they will be worthless.
The old players know this already, just look back on the game. At first it was all about getting CN stuff, then it was all about black Ice stuff, then ToD stuff then mod 6 broke the game and made almost everything before that worthless so we needed Elemental stuff, then SH was released and everyone wanted the SH stuff and now we have mod 8 and its new stuff which are easier and cheaper to get and in some cases better then the SH stuff.
The circle of stupidity continues to roll along in this game and we're all dumb enough to follow it. LOL
andorrabellMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 437Arc User
Too late now. Twisted weapons it is. Unless there is a 1:1 RP trade for SH weapons with very minimal additional costs these weapons are DOA.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Ive given up on them..
Even if they lower or fix some of the professions, Im not paying 1 million AD to get one of these, on top of everything else. For a weapon that wont be even close to whats needed for that cost.
Missed opportunity by doing something so stupid and once again, devaluing stronghold grind.
I do hope the xbox side takes note of this and doesnt pay them money for bells.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Too late now. Twisted weapons it is. Unless there is a 1:1 RP trade for SH weapons with very minimal additional costs these weapons are DOA.
Pretty embarrassing if you ask me. They create endgame weapons that are gated behind an ocean and several star systems, then a couple months later creates BETTER weapons when people never gotten the SH ones yet...
Too late now. Twisted weapons it is. Unless there is a 1:1 RP trade for SH weapons with very minimal additional costs these weapons are DOA.
Pretty embarrassing if you ask me. They create endgame weapons that are gated behind an ocean and several star systems, then a couple months later creates BETTER weapons when people never gotten the SH ones yet...
SH would still be BIS in premades with 5 ppl using them, for most classes, but it will be a challenge now, to find 5 ppl on the server with this set, let alone getting a group of ppl using them.
They added an additional gate via masterwork, then they screwed up the masterwork assets, resulting in a 20% succsess rate for a task, that uses expensive materials and has to be done succsessful 12 times (jewelcrafting). That is ~60 times using/ losing a masterwork material for ~80k AD (last time I checked, could be lower now)= 4.8 millions AD.
Then they ignore the problem for weeks, so ppl move on and ignore their masterwork profession in total. Good job on wasted potential and programming time.
I sunk about 3mil into getting the masterwork weaponsmithing up about half way (I think..who knows). While I enjoy working with the professions and crafting things, this is just plain stupid. I now have the Twisted Weapons (got both the main and off hand as drops) in my GWF and they will not be coming out for any reason. When I can go into battle with an ioun stone as a companion and see 38k+ power and crit 100%... I am good with that.
well, have they fixed the grind- yet??? or even commented- or anything.... again so do I understand- that- if you get it open before new mod it works fine, but after- there is a huge grind with these sands ect...?? or is it always there- nobody knew until you opened the door...?? please explain, and Devs and MODs we need an explanaition... if you think that building your SH model on guilds with 150 wallet lords then your only 7 times too much, but if you would realize most guilds that even have 40 players- only have maybe 10 regulars- so NONE of this can even happen in a lees than GOLIATH guild- or pocket warriors... so what ARE we supposed to be doing about this.... -hello... McFly....
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
Just change the masterwork tools to 40% and is done. Anyway devs, we need to have 4 purple tools to get the masterwork tool.....
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
No, they completely missed the mark on this, its not worth the bother. It still one of the stupidest things Ive seen them do and they have had some big Gaffes.
The problem, as stated about 1 million times in this thread, is that the weapons themselves are only useful if they are taking en masse.. because they gated them they way they did, its a useful endevour.
What I REALLY hate about all of this, is they didnt respond, NOT once to any of our concerns on this.
Who cares how expensive they are.. they shouldve been AVAILABLE to every guild member who worked so hard and got the guild to r12 via just MARKS and FANGS.
THESE are not so great that they desevere to be just a 1% weapon.. they are not even CLOSE to BiS until you get a full party.. otherwise twisted is better.
I will however, ASK for this thread to be closed, its necro frankly and shouldve have breen bought back.
A new thread can be brought up if you want to discuss this, its still STUPID as it was when they made this terrible decision, but who cares ENTIRE server has moved on.
And this pretty much sums up why I completely wrote off the stronghold mod as a complete waste of time. For small guilds like mine the task of upgrading the guild hall is completely impossible, if your trying to also grind up your gear.
This game does not need more OP items/features.
Preview should have all the weapons available for free. Asking folks to play like it was on live to get the new stuff is stupid, I would never do it lol. There's already an absurd amount of grind required.
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
Most likely they will either ignore the issue in total or make some changes in one or two month, pad their backs, 'see, we listended to you' and wonder, why no one wants to get the stronghold weapon after grinding and refining another one.
Problem solved.
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
Sadly even if they change it, or make it easier.. I doubt they will un-link it to the professions, which is really , terrible sad in the end.
No one is simply going to throw in a few million in resources, spend hours and hours grinding out influence, run dozens and dozens of dragonflight.. to then go through any Thing else.
They were already heavily time gated (in terms of stronghold progression) , resource gated (guild marks and fangs)
They are not that superior to other weapon choices, so hence, there was no reason to ADD another layer of grind to them.
I simply know why they did this.. so they could net some sort of another paywall to them. Adding paywalls to paywalls, is sort of a twisted joke..
"Last request - microtransactions for alllll old skins for zen/weapon appearance changes, 500 zen to make ur wep glow the color/enchant you want it... You will make more off that one item than any other zen item ever made." freshour
"beckylunatic" Gateway AH should have column headers to sort by buyout, bid, end time, quantity, etc. These disappeared iirc with the module launch. It's obnoxious.
Total waste of time.
The old players know this already, just look back on the game. At first it was all about getting CN stuff, then it was all about black Ice stuff, then ToD stuff then mod 6 broke the game and made almost everything before that worthless so we needed Elemental stuff, then SH was released and everyone wanted the SH stuff and now we have mod 8 and its new stuff which are easier and cheaper to get and in some cases better then the SH stuff.
The circle of stupidity continues to roll along in this game and we're all dumb enough to follow it. LOL
Even if they lower or fix some of the professions, Im not paying 1 million AD to get one of these, on top of everything else. For a weapon that wont be even close to whats needed for that cost.
Missed opportunity by doing something so stupid and once again, devaluing stronghold grind.
I do hope the xbox side takes note of this and doesnt pay them money for bells.
They added an additional gate via masterwork, then they screwed up the masterwork assets, resulting in a 20% succsess rate for a task, that uses expensive materials and has to be done succsessful 12 times (jewelcrafting). That is ~60 times using/ losing a masterwork material for ~80k AD (last time I checked, could be lower now)= 4.8 millions AD.
Then they ignore the problem for weeks, so ppl move on and ignore their masterwork profession in total. Good job on wasted potential and programming time.
or even commented- or anything.... again
so do I understand- that- if you get it open before new mod it works fine, but after- there is a huge grind with these sands ect...?? or is it always there- nobody knew until you opened the door...??
please explain, and Devs and MODs we need an explanaition...
if you think that building your SH model on guilds with 150 wallet lords then your only 7 times too much, but if you would realize most guilds that even have 40 players- only have maybe 10 regulars- so NONE of this can even happen in a lees than GOLIATH guild- or pocket warriors... so what ARE we supposed to be doing about this....
-hello... McFly....
Anyway devs, we need to have 4 purple tools to get the masterwork tool.....
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
The problem, as stated about 1 million times in this thread, is that the weapons themselves are only useful if they are taking en masse.. because they gated them they way they did, its a useful endevour.
What I REALLY hate about all of this, is they didnt respond, NOT once to any of our concerns on this.
Who cares how expensive they are.. they shouldve been AVAILABLE to every guild member who worked so hard and got the guild to r12 via just MARKS and FANGS.
THESE are not so great that they desevere to be just a 1% weapon.. they are not even CLOSE to BiS until you get a full party.. otherwise twisted is better.
I will however, ASK for this thread to be closed, its necro frankly and shouldve have breen bought back.
A new thread can be brought up if you want to discuss this, its still STUPID as it was when they made this terrible decision, but who cares ENTIRE server has moved on.