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Let's talk about objective-stealers

Or "scum", as they're otherwise known. You know the type - running around, never leaving their mounts, waiting at the edge of combat so they can run in at the last minute to steal whatever objective you're trying to get done. This is especially bad when they do it to a Guardian Fighter or Oathbound Paladin, who has likely been spending a lot of time clearing out the mobs only for some runt (that's rhyming slang) to come in and steal the objective.

So, what can we do about them? I would ask what the devs can do about it, but something tells me they're not interested. The only real options are:

1. Get on with it and put up with the constant annoyance
2. Send them a private message reflecting your displeasure, but that would only lead to a ban I'm sure
3. Submit a Gameplay Harassment ticket, but I'm sure that's meant for something else

What do you do?


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    thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    name an objective this applies to that you don't get the reward if someone else joins in? I can't think of one.
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    cactusjacktercactusjackter Member Posts: 287 Arc User

    name an objective this applies to that you don't get the reward if someone else joins in? I can't think of one.

    You've either been very lucky or you spend no time in the end-game daily areas.
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    cactusjacktercactusjackter Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    That's a general discussion thread, this is a specific one.
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    vdeekvvdeekv Member Posts: 77 Arc User

    name an objective this applies to that you don't get the reward if someone else joins in? I can't think of one.

    Yeah, lots of people (I guess the OP as well) don't realise that most 'interactable' mission objectives count for all in proximity, not just the player that hits A first...

    IIRC some of the kill missions do require the player to get the kill shot, Undead Giant in Icewind pass is one I think.
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    cactusjacktercactusjackter Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    vdeekv said:

    name an objective this applies to that you don't get the reward if someone else joins in? I can't think of one.

    Yeah, lots of people (I guess the OP as well) don't realise that most 'interactable' mission objectives count for all in proximity, not just the player that hits A first...

    IIRC some of the kill missions do require the player to get the kill shot, Undead Giant in Icewind pass is one I think.
    I realise exactly what does and exactly what doesn't.

    About half the missions allow multiple people to interact with an objective (for example, the meat on the trees in Dwarven Valley)
    About a quarter of the missions allow credit to people near the object when it's interacted with (such as taming the hounds in Sharandar)
    The remaining quarter only award credit to the person who actually interacts with the object (such as the vital sap trees in Sharandar, the elven prisoners in Sharandar, the dwarven prisoners in Dwarven Valley, killing barbarians in Icewind Dale etc)
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    proudbowdyproudbowdy Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Send them a group invite when u see them hovering about

    Problem sorted
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    acridbird74acridbird74 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Closing the mines in Dwarven Valley is terrible for this. I can clear out the dwarves no problem, but then some jackwad rides up and closes the mine just when I finish off the last dwarf. Anyone who does this to me pays for it. I'll steal their kills over the next 15 minutes or so. I'll also pull multiple trash mobs into them. I can troll better.
    Aelwyn | SS Renegade CW | Lv 70 | ilvl 3029

    Eos Sindhalyn | Annointed haste DC | Lv 70 | ilvl 2500

    Lily Firegrass | buffbot Iron Vanguard GF | Lv 70 | ilvl 2685

    Guild: The Misfit Toys - We are recruiting active players
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    msbegotngirlmsbegotngirl Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I have never gotten credit for a hound that someone has clicked on after I've cleared out the mobs.

    This also sucks for DCs that aren't dps specced.
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    cactusjacktercactusjackter Member Posts: 287 Arc User

    Send them a group invite when u see them hovering about

    Problem sorted

    They don't accept.
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    cactusjacktercactusjackter Member Posts: 287 Arc User

    I have never gotten credit for a hound that someone has clicked on after I've cleared out the mobs.

    This also sucks for DCs that aren't dps specced.

    See now that's strange because I've definitely received credit for the hounds when someone tried to steal them - it could be because I was close enough and had nearly killed all of the adds before they turned up and went straight for the credit themselves.
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    drumweezerdrumweezer Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    I have this happen often to me in Icewind Dale, Sharandar, and Dread Ring. If I'm doing daily quests (and have the ability), I will move to the instance with the least amount of players. Sometimes there is only one player in an instance.
    Rhetorica-2.7 GWF
    Derrida-2.5 HR
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    littlevale#6076 littlevale Member Posts: 119 Arc User

    Closing the mines in Dwarven Valley is terrible for this. I can clear out the dwarves no problem, but then some jackwad rides up and closes the mine just when I finish off the last dwarf. Anyone who does this to me pays for it. I'll steal their kills over the next 15 minutes or so. I'll also pull multiple trash mobs into them. I can troll better.

    YEAH, IT IS!! Sorry for shouting...I've been a victim twice, but a good buddy GF gets his mine stolen all the time. We usually swear up and down in party, but he'd had enough this last go around. Followed said scum pot-licker around the entire map until he/she was finally forced to fight on their own. GF kindly returned the favor, and got a well deserved chuckle when pot-licker tried to rush over in midcombat to prevent the pay back.

    The hounds in Sharandar do share when you are close enough!
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    sharpassassin1sharpassassin1 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    This is an absolute maddening aspect of the game that needs to be fixed....it's those kind of gamers that make me hate online gaming.
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    acridbird74acridbird74 Member Posts: 80 Arc User

    Send them a group invite when u see them hovering about

    Problem sorted

    I get group invites from people who tried to steal my mine after I cleared out all the dwarves. I will never accept that group invite, ever.
    Aelwyn | SS Renegade CW | Lv 70 | ilvl 3029

    Eos Sindhalyn | Annointed haste DC | Lv 70 | ilvl 2500

    Lily Firegrass | buffbot Iron Vanguard GF | Lv 70 | ilvl 2685

    Guild: The Misfit Toys - We are recruiting active players
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    kriptical1kriptical1 Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    Its called a train...and while not a nice thing to do, it does have its place. Funny, sometimes I miss eq
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    stpensivestpensive Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I tend to actually stand directly on the objective (when possible) and fight. That way, they have to engage as well. Not an option for the squishies I suppose but....
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    cactusjacktercactusjackter Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    stpensive said:

    I tend to actually stand directly on the objective (when possible) and fight. That way, they have to engage as well. Not an option for the squishies I suppose but....

    Rogues don't have to - they can just stealth and walk straight through without getting aggro.
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    deathbringer#1709 deathbringer Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    There are many times where I still get noticed while being invis on my TR. I think there is a bug honestly. But in general, most of the times a TR will not get noticed by ads, that is correct.
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    yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    If I'm trying to complete objectives in a quest and someone is fighting with a mob near one of them then of course I'm going to swoop in and take it. I usually don't even need to go stealth because the other person is pulling aggro, but I usually jump in afterward to help them out killing everything, if I'm in a hurry I'll kill one or so and drop a smoke bomb to daze everything before I leave to complete my quest.
    Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
    Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
    <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
    I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
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    deathbringer#1709 deathbringer Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    Why wouldn't you help the person who was at that objective first? You see they are trying to do the objective and get whatever, why would you seriously steal what they were clearly working to get?
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    yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User

    stpensive said:

    I tend to actually stand directly on the objective (when possible) and fight. That way, they have to engage as well. Not an option for the squishies I suppose but....

    Rogues don't have to - they can just stealth and walk straight through without getting aggro.
    The only problem with stealthing through a mob is that you're still noticed, they just don't know where you are exactly hence the question mark above their heads. The problem then is that you cannot pick anything up when they're confused because they still know you're there, lighting a torch, taking a piece of expired meat off of a tree, etc. The only way it works is if someone else in near bye that will catch their attention pulling them away.

    Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
    Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
    <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
    I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
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    yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User

    Why wouldn't you help the person who was at that objective first? You see they are trying to do the objective and get whatever, why would you seriously steal what they were clearly working to get?

    It's not stealing anything, it's an open free world game. I could just completely take it and leave without helping if I wanted to but I DO help so save it for someone else. Besides, if you take a piece of expired meat off of a tree then yes it is gone from the tree "for you" but it's still visible for the next person to grab and half of the time the game still gives you the objective if you're near it even though you weren't the one of actually took/freed it. Pay attention to your numbers, the game give it to you.

    Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
    Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
    <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
    I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
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    zukn75zukn75 Member Posts: 364 Arc User
    So what we're saying here is "Some people are scum" ? Yeah, There are scumbags out there, and there are good people out there, it's up to each individual to make those calls. Unfortunately online gaming has had some harsh vigilante justice handed out, because people are people.
    You will not stop asshats playing by implementing restrictions. All you can do is call the authorities when they do break ToS, and don't expect a speedy response on that, or put it the past and strive to be the better person yourself.
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    deathbringer#1709 deathbringer Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    I think you are generalizing all of the objectives into ones you can be "in range" of. 2 in particular in Sharandar, that have been brought up, are the sap tree and the rescue guards ones. These you can ONLY be the one that hits "A" on the tree/guard pea pod thing, in order to get credit. Are you saying that you have also run up and stolen these from people you see fighting the ads there? @yourenext2die
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    acridbird74acridbird74 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    Why wouldn't you help the person who was at that objective first? You see they are trying to do the objective and get whatever, why would you seriously steal what they were clearly working to get?

    It's not stealing anything, it's an open free world game. I could just completely take it and leave without helping if I wanted to but I DO help so save it for someone else. Besides, if you take a piece of expired meat off of a tree then yes it is gone from the tree "for you" but it's still visible for the next person to grab and half of the time the game still gives you the objective if you're near it even though you weren't the one of actually took/freed it. Pay attention to your numbers, the game give it to you.

    Wait a sec... it's totally stealing the objective when I wipe out the entire mob in a matter of seconds without any help and then someone comes in and takes it because you stealthed in the very moment I cleared it out. I do look at the numbers. If some HAMSTER closes the mine that I just cleared, it doesn't give it to me. If you do that to me, I will steal your kills for at least the next 15 minutes until i decide to pull multiple mobs on you then disappear. Trolling the objective thieves is the best and only recourse one has when this happens.
    Aelwyn | SS Renegade CW | Lv 70 | ilvl 3029

    Eos Sindhalyn | Annointed haste DC | Lv 70 | ilvl 2500

    Lily Firegrass | buffbot Iron Vanguard GF | Lv 70 | ilvl 2685

    Guild: The Misfit Toys - We are recruiting active players
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    yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    Why wouldn't you help the person who was at that objective first? You see they are trying to do the objective and get whatever, why would you seriously steal what they were clearly working to get?

    It's not stealing anything, it's an open free world game. I could just completely take it and leave without helping if I wanted to but I DO help so save it for someone else. Besides, if you take a piece of expired meat off of a tree then yes it is gone from the tree "for you" but it's still visible for the next person to grab and half of the time the game still gives you the objective if you're near it even though you weren't the one of actually took/freed it. Pay attention to your numbers, the game give it to you.

    Wait a sec... it's totally stealing the objective when I wipe out the entire mob in a matter of seconds without any help and then someone comes in and take it because you stealthed in the very moment I cleared it out. I do look at the numbers. If some HAMSTER closes the mine that I just cleared, it doesn't give it to me. If you do that to me, I will steal your kills for at least the next 15 minutes until i decide to pull multiple mobs on you then disappear. Trolling the objective thieves is the best and only recourse one has when this happens.
    Outside of a mine, I've always noticed the next guy close to the objective being able to take the objective after myself and vice versa. I'm sorry you are still traumatized over someone closing a mine on you, I've had it happen to me more than once. But good luck trying to troll me of all people, I'll be out of your sight and long gone from view within seconds and if you did locate my position and attacked a mob near me then all I have to do is drop one smoke bomb and the whole group I assisted will be counted as kills or throw a quick knife at one out of range so you would actually be helping me rather than hurting me.
    Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
    Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
    <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
    I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
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    soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    i wouldn't call it "stealing". but it's the same concept as being in a parking lot, waiting for someone to back out of a parking spot and someone just arriving on the other side swoops in and takes it. yah, it's not stealing because nobody "owns" it. but stop pretending that you don't know that it's a HAMSTER move. also stop pretending that you are helping people with mini trash mobs, lol.

    i will say i did this once by accident. the person followed me to the next one and probably thought they were getting me back but i let them have it. i figured we were even at that point, and they followed me again but i got it first anyway. i was not mad because it's exactly what i do now when someone does it to me. the only time this does not work is if the objective they stole from you was the last one they needed.

    devs should not be creating missions like this at all.
    My Toons

    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
    Haven - Righteous Cleric
    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
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    deathbringer#1709 deathbringer Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    But see, if it has happened to you, why would you purposefully do it to someone else. Seems like you are still traumatized about someone jacking your OBJ, now you feel you need to take it out on others.
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    sharpassassin1sharpassassin1 Member Posts: 70 Arc User

    Outside of a mine, I've always noticed the next guy close to the objective being able to take the objective after myself and vice versa. I'm sorry you are still traumatized over someone closing a mine on you, I've had it happen to me more than once. But good luck trying to troll me of all people, I'll be out of your sight and long gone from view within seconds and if you did locate my position and attacked a mob near me then all I have to do is drop one smoke bomb and the whole group I assisted will be counted as kills or throw a quick knife at one out of range so you would actually be helping me rather than hurting me.

    There are at least a dozen quests in the mod 6 content that this applies to (specifically Dwarven Valley as this is the most difficult area to solo)...the fact that you shrug it off as an open world game says more about you and your lack of character than those irritated about it. Neverwinter isn't a cut throat world, it's designed around a team concept and I frankly get no joy out of HAMSTER someone over.
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