Probably one of the things that pains me the most in Neverwinter is not that Cryptic/PWE are trying to make money on the game, I support the game and dont mind giving money but its the WAY they go about doing it that really needs to be addressed.
What I am talking about is the "Pay for Power" Macrotransactions versus properly structured MICRO-transactions.
Look at ALL the other incredibly successful FTP games. Heck just ONE example (although its not fully FTP) is Counter Strike. You have players paying HUNDREDs towards "knife skins" meaning it just changes the pixels on their knife look.
Now in Neverwinter how do they try and monetize the game? With power.... Not "appearance". Appearance is the BEST way to not only give incentive to PLAY but also to PAY!
Currently we have things like artifacts/artifact equipment that are massive costs. (POWER)
We have new mounts coming out now with STAT bonuses which basically FORCE everyone to buy them (POWER)
We have huge AD sinks with the Stronghold still (literally millions of AD for upgrades) and no real way to farm AD...
I could go on.
So how SHOULD Cryptic look to monetize this game in the future? Simple. Cosmetics.
-Forget the "pay for power" mentality. The community KNOWS you are forcing us to buy stuff because it is stuff we have no choice but NOT to buy and it really rubs people the wrong way.
Instead look at these things:
1) Changing transmutes from AD into a Zen Store item. Increase the cost. People will ALWAYS pay for transmutes. I am working RIGHT NOW on getting 1000 tarmalune bars JUST for a transmute... People pay hundreds of dollars just for a TRANSMUTE in other games.... Hey, I like that its cheap here... but I would RATHER you charge more for that type of thing and stop forcing us to buy things like mounts or new artifacts with each module.
2) Mount Upgrade Kits. Again, another PAINFULLY obvious zen item thing. Allow players to PAY to upgrade old mounts with stat bonuses rather than being forced to get the new FOTM mount you release. I dont care if you make it a 5k zen item. People will buy it because the new mounts look silly and I would LOVE to use my NCL PVP mount but it has ZERO stats....
3) Enchant Transmutes: Again another fun area to monetize and probably not that hard either. Create a "free xmute" item for zen purchase that would CHANGE the look of your weapon or armor enchant. Want a Feytouched but want it to LOOK like a Holy Avenger? Done! Pay 2000 zen and have the transmute.
4) MOUNT transmutes: Again... another option for the new +stat thing on mounts. If I could take my Strider and make it LOOK like another mount I have. DONE! Ill even PAY for it!
5) Dye Packs: If you added things like WHITE dye, Gold, Orange, Yellow, purple, etc... seems PAINFULLY obvious to me...
6) Race Transmutes! Not the most RP friendly HOWEVER A LOT (and I mean A LOT) of people would LOVE to pay a HEFTY fee for this! I know I would! I love the Halfling racial bonuses, but hate the look. I would pay HEFTY for a race xmute to look like another race. Or heck, even just a POTION that has limited duration (24 hours?) that allows you to LOOK like another race (possible zen item?).
I mean some of these things just seem VERY painfully obvious...
OH, want another free bonus "tip". You dont need POWERFUL gear in dungeons to make people run them... Create a "Legendary Weapon Transmute" for each class (sellable) that has a VERY rare drop from the last boss. Doesnt have to have ANY "power" associated with it but I GUARANTEE people will farm dungeons till their eyes bleed to get that 1% drop item to make their weapon look freaking awesome!
Stuff like this is really the BEST way to monetize this game, not adding more artifacts or artifact equipment or mounts etc that force people to buy because its a new item that is more powerful than before. People will spend TONS on transmutes.... You dont need to FORCE them.
Cosmetics are a HUGE way for Cryptic to cash in.
Let me share. Again, it's a bit rough, but I'm going to fire away.
Here's what I'd propose for the new Character Customization Screen.
You'll note a ton of different options that can all be monetized by Cryptic.
But first, some mechanics.
Here's how it works. In order to make detailed character updates, one has to travel to the little used Tower of Alteration in PE. When you click on the NPC, the screen above is brought up, with tons of new ways to customize your appearance.
Not shown would be the character's custom closet, where all these items would be saved. So that's another major change. When you purchase or earn a transmute, it's a usable item that adds that appearance or effect to your inventory. These items could be sold for AD, gold, Zen or drops from dungeon bosses, or rewards for achievements.
You would also be given one character "costume slot" for free, with the option to purchase more slots that can be swapped to at will without having to revisit the Tower of Alteration. See how the money is already starting to roll in?
But let's talk some specifics.
First, you have access to transmutes for all your armor slots. These can be fashion items, or they can be transmuted gear. In the new system, if the item you want to use for transmutation isn't a fashion item, then you can use a new item called "Stone of Transmutation". A Stone of Transmutation destroys a particular item, but ADDS it to your character closet.
Transmutation Stones could drop in dungeons, or random boxes, or you could sell them in the Zen store...maybe 50 Zen each, or 200 for 5.
Second, you have Character Effects. Again, these are very special slots that change the effects around your character. Glowing eyes, special stances, auras or other body effects...all those are contained here.
For example, Cryptic could sell the "Glowing Eyes" effect in the Zen store. 250 Zen for your choice of glowing eye colors, blue, red, green, black, purple, gold, etc...
Upper Body could be a ton of things. Fey Wisps (which look like those little sparkles that fall around you) in a variety of colors. Or Arcane Symbols that wrap around your body. Or Sparkles. Or Rainbows. Or whatever. Check out the NPC in the Tower of Alteration to see what I'm talking about. Also, if you notice Syndryth in the Temple of the Spider has an aura where tiny spiders appear to be crawling all over her body...things like that. They already exist in game for NPCs, let players customize with them. These effects could be 500-1000 Zen each depending on how impressive they are.
Or how about WINGS! Holy cow if there's one thing I know about MMO players is that they LOVE their wings on toons. Angel Wings, Devil Wings, Bat Wings, Steampunk Wings...whatever! Wings for everyone! I can see people easily cashing in 1000-2000 for the right pair of wings.
Lower Body would be stuff that affects how you stand or walk. Again the NPC in the Tower of Alteration is levitating. How cool would it be to buy that effect for your character so when they move out of combat, they appear to levitate. Or leave firery footprints when the walk. Or have a holy symbol that rotates underneath them. Or mighty footsteps that leave deep cracks wherever they step? These are pretty amazing effects...say 500 for leaving certain footprints effects to 3000 Zen for levitation (to keep it relatively rare)
And last you have Enchantment effects. We know people love some of the enchants, but hate the effect. Let them change it here.
If you love the way Negation looks, but want to use a Soulforged for PvE play, you can buy the Negation effect. Or the Barkshield, or Soulforge or whatever. Functional, the enchant you have is whatever's actually in your armor, but this gives you the flexibility to chose how you look.
Do the same thing for weapon enhancements. Love the Terror look, and think it fits your character, but mechanically prefer the Vorpal. Why not be able to change it.
I don't think 500 per weapon or armor enchant effect is unreasonable.
So when you think about all the items that could be sold, many of which are already in game, and used by players to alter their appearance, the opportunity for revenue is limitless.
And included in that is making some of these desired effects BoE drops from dungeon bosses. You might not need anything from Temple of the Spider, but a rare BoE "Spider Aura" effect could be worth millions on the AH...and it has nothing to do with power. So why NOT add those to loot tables.
The only caveat I would have on this system is that it does not carry over when you're flagged for PvP, so people can't use this system to negate the advantage of gear recognition in PvP matches.
But otherwise, let players go nuts with their customization.
And to keep things fair and really encourage people to collect stuff, I'd make any Zen bought effect account wide unlocks. To keep some of the dropped effects more rare and valuable, I'd make those effects character specific.
I have an Elf Cleric I really want to do up to the nines.
Glowing Gold Eyes - 250 Zen
Angel Wings - 2000 Zen
Levitation - 3000 Zen
Negation Enchant Skin - 500 Zen
Holy Avenger Enchant Skin - 500 Zen
Plus whatever costs for transmuting and/or buying new armor.
Let's say Cryptic really embraces this an puts out a "Holy Avenger" appearance armor pack for 1500 Zen.
Add in 500 more for miscellaneous dyes.
Now I've just spent 8250 Zen to make my character look awesome. And it had nothing to do with gaining power, was totally optional and in no way (apart from looking A-MAZE-ING!) gives me an advantage over someone who didn't spend any money.
make cryptic money and a lot of people would really like.
Sell Transmute item sets in the Zen Market.
Like for example: someone goes around searching for specific
Gear items to have a unique Fashion look. and it will cost a lot
of Diamonds. And it would be great if Identical gear items was
sold in the Zen Market as Transmute items.
There is one Gear/Fashion set i would really love for my Paladin
is the Howling Hatred.
I think this was suggested quite a few times before but never
taken seriously. So i will suggest it again.
"Great men are almost always bad men."
“If God is all-powerful He cannot be good, if God is good He cannot be all-powerful!”
wings without flying would be ffn stupid and i doubt flying should be added to this game, there is nothing more to say cheap generic korean trash than wings(at least in games where flying isnt an important part)
Played a few games that had that fashion item. Quite annoying.
"Great men are almost always bad men."
“If God is all-powerful He cannot be good, if God is good He cannot be all-powerful!”
Also, things that require animation? Those require, well, lots of animation.
finally, I question how much we really want to encourage special snowflaking. This is D&D, and since when has Dungeons and Dragons ever been a hodgepodge of half-dragon half-fie-HA HA HA HA HA, I can't even finish saying that with a straight face.
Why should someone know what abilities I have, just because my gear looks a certain way?
In a world with Transmute Magic, you can change how anything appears.
AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
Stables: Allows you to have extra Mounts, that you can freely change between depending on whim. One extra Stall per 200 Zen.
For instance: My Paladin could ride the Parade Horse in Protectors Enclave, A Stormraider Clydesdale Overland, and the Winter Sled in Snow. Another Advantage of this, is many players would buy more and more Stable Slots, and more and more Mounts. You could even implement a small Gold Drain to pay for their monthly upkeep.
Wardrobes: Allows you to store several sets of Fashion Clothing, that you can change with extra icons, just like you do between Armor and Fashion Clothing. One Extra Fashion Set per 200 Zen.
For instance: My Paladin can wear Noble Finery when traveling around Protectors Enclave, and Garb of the Wild Noble in Icewind Dale.
Extra Fashion Items: Allows you to add a Cloak, Jewelry, Boot, and Glove slots to the existing Fashion Clothing selections. Each for 100 Zen. This allows the addition of the creation of items for these slots, which of course, could be sold in the Zen Market, and some collected through adventuring. It should allow the same Cloak to be worn in both Combat and Fashion modes.
AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
changes to the transmute system
changes to the appearance system
changes to the tarmalune trade bars
i would save your 1000 bars ;D
i like ironzergs pic.. but i would go even further. ill try a mockup later.
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
A good recent example is the SH pvp system. Was initially guild que only, now its basically FFA...
So if they are working on some changes, its the BEST time to get move feedback since its the time that they are actually looking at how to improve it.
Im just sick of the "pay for power" items like "new mounts with 16k HP now!" - I can see this one coming...
Let us use ANY mount we want and then PAY to re-inforce it with a stat... Thats one way to go... Or another is NOT release items that give you added "power" that you pay for. Instead just make them ALL appearance based.
I would guarantee an increase in sales if their money grabs were targetted at cosmetics and not power. When its a power play, it results in people leaving and getting mad they invested in obsolete things.
When its cosmetics, people are just happy you have a new thing for them and gladly pay.
Ones negative, ones positive. I guarantee PWE/Cryptic will make more on Cosmetics if they really put time into a good system.
INSTEAD of releasing more powerful items that people MUST buy because old stuff is obsolete... INSTEAD spend time on more cosmetic items not more "powerful" items.
As I mentioned in my post another cool thing this allows you to do is create special rate transmute items that drop from PVE dungeons on a low drop %.
So you can have a typical "gear farm" like we always do, but THEN people will continue to run these things for the chance on the cosmetic item.
Ironzerg's post is exactly what needs to happen. I would only make ONE small tweak to it. The "Transmute Stone" doesnt destroy any items.
So say I want to unlock the "vorpal" look for my weapon. I buy a "Transmute Stone" and then click on it, and click on the vorpal enchant (similar to how you reinforce items). The STONE gets destroyed, NOT the Vorpal. Now the Vorpal shows up in my dropdowns for options under the fashion tab.
I love the idea to expand that as well to include armor and all the sorts. Basically a fully customization tab for every part of the character + effects! Id also love to see a "Race Transmute" as mentioned before. This could be a hefty zen item of 2k+ and I GUARANTEE people will buy this stuff! I know I would!
I would fully monetize all the effects, either via the Zen Store, Wondrous Bazaar, or as rare dungeon drops.
WOW, That's Amazing great work, would love to see that inGame!
YE Agree with fashion it is a great way to support the game,
simply because everyone would like to be always "Unique" to others.
I want mention for both side are The fashion very important,
would like to see more unique stuff for transmuting Gear/Weapons, (special skins)
- Not only fanshing itself also Transmuting -
Also we could add,
All the Older Armor Sets/ Unique Gears from the Game to the store as transmuting stuff (no stats), for something like 100zen per piece.
If all mounts were the same speed, (cosmetic) we could have green/blue/purple/orange 'saddles' that would set the speed. They could even have enchantment slots.
But overall its the wardrobe. We need an outfit picker, and a catalog of owned/unowned outfits and easy "buy" buttons.
Let us try everything on. Let us buy what we like. Let us have a couple different looks.
Maybe I'll make that mockup image now.
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
Personally I could give a rats behind if another player is more powerful than me. Because I won't PvP the way they have it set up. PvP stats should be purely based on character build and not gear. IMHO, YMMV. In a PvP section of the game, if I had my druthers, gear would only allow you to look different. The gear stats would be nullified for the match. It would be purely clicker and strategic skill-based.
What they should IDEALLY do is this:
1) Stop the artifact equipment altogether and go 1 of 2 routes:
- Back to gear dropped from dungeons. This could be a re-make of CN with the "ancient" rings,neck,belt that all could be BIS and replace the current stuff. Similarly the "Ancient" weapon set could make another appearance and be BIS and replace the current artifact gear (or atleast be on par with it).
- Instead of making artifact gear require RP to level up, remove RP on this gear and allow it to level off EXP. Destiny did this with its itemization and it worked WONDERs! It got people logging in and playing the game each and every day for the daily quests and exp rewards. Also would get people to buy EXP boosters just to level their equipment faster.
2) Make it so that in PVP you can only get the stat bonuses and can only USE ONE artifact! The secondary artifacts stats would only apply during PVE (just like companion stat bonuses). This makes the playing ground much more "level" and fair. It also forces people who want to use set items to have to use THAT artifact in their primary - which cases a big tradeoff between effects vs stats vs set bonuses.
3) Now with all the gear FARMED/Earned you will have a much more enjoyable experience SPENDING on things that you CHOOSE to spend on. Instead of feeling like "I HAVE to buy an axebeak mount because it is 10x better than the other ones" you can CHOOSE to support the game and buy things like Keys, or cosmetic items, or packs, or EXP boosters. The game USED to be much more like this back when it raked in a TON of money.... Look at the differences between then and now...
OLD MOdule 0 days:
Best armor: both PVE and PVP armor was farmed from T2 dungeons
Best Weapons: Farmed from the LAST boss in the HARDEST dungeon.
Best Neck/Rings/Belt: Farmed in the HARDEST dungeon
NOW Module 7 days:
Best armor: PVP is farmed in PVP and PVE armor is farmed in SH/Dungeons - this is actually the only part that is GOOD currently.
Best Weapons: You need to pay for RP to level them. NO dungeon runs required.
Best Neck - PAY to level.
Best Belt - PAY To level
RIngs - Must be level 25 JC to make them for yourself - again zero dungeon runs required.
Artifacts - Many of them drop from chests/dungeons but you must PAY to level them.
Mounts - now have stats that you must buy with keys or AH - again NO dungeon farming.
So.... See how LITTLE you can get from doing the thin thing this game was BUILT upon? Getting a group of friends and going into a DUNGEON....
This is the issue with the economy and why they are leaving dollars on the table. They are trying to FORCE players to spend money which leaves a VERY sour taste in players mouths. It is a system that only really works short term and the only reason it has worked thus far is the game was FOUNDED initially on the old system - farm for gear rather than pay for gear. Which is what got players INTO the game, but the other one is that there currently is no real "good" game like this on the market - YET. But there will be eventually and when a game comes out that offers a good balance of farming for gear and decent graphics and clean gameplay.... this game is going to RIP.... I hate to say it and I hope I am wrong.
4) Finally the FINAL big issue is the lag... its BRUTAL anywhere you go now! I used to get <100 ping sitting in PE and in PVP I used to get 80 ping. Now its averaging 120-150 just runing around PE and in PVP its over 200 Ping....
WHy? Its ALL the stupid interactions that are going on now. In the past there were only a select few "Dot" and "Hot" type effects. Now everyone has so many things that hit other players, hits that react off those things, animations that react off those hits etc. You stick just ONE SW or ONE Paladin in a match and their stuff procs a million times a second and creates just MASSIVE amounts of lag.... The first time this was noticable was with a GF and Knights Valor which had to be fixed cause it would lag the HAMSTER out of instances making stuff unplayable. Paladins and SWs do the SAME thing but its gone without ay adjustments.
SH PVP I average 300+ Ping. Its a JOKE! Its also why noone ever wants to play it.... Why are Que times 2+hours long? Because of the lag.... if there was no lag (which BTW companion bonuses only make WORSE) people would play more!