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Double RP weekend is due



  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    The only reason I got remotely upset was that the people choose to continuously ram my statements for what I do and when I do it. All I was originally saying was that due to NOT waiting I already have both my weapons to Epic, almost legendary, while everyone seems H*** bent on waiting to get to the same end goal that I am almost at.

    I am almost at legendary, then gotta go mythic of course. All of you waiting are on uncommon and have NO idea if/when Double RP will come. So by the time it comes I will most likely already have mine to mythic, using my method, while you may get to epic or legendary with Double RP. So in other words I will have mine upgraded sooner due to continuously upgrading INSTEAD of waiting. That's just me getting my stuff done a lot sooner than anyone else.

    But since I do something differently, then I get called out telling me its dumb. So that's when I have a right to fire back.
  • eroticdoomeroticdoom Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    Green to Epic is roughly 570.000 RP... to Legendary 4.600.000 RP personally I'd rather wait for x2 RP as that is a lot of RP to grind for mortal players , so if you have to just use your old Epic weaps till then .

    Seen many players with Mythic already it's a matter of personal choice...
    " I reject your reality and substitute it with my own "
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Exactly, and somehow from playing my 1hour a day since the launch, not including weekend since I play for maybe 3 hrs each day, I have acquired enough RP to get my weapons to almost legendary. So I decide to make them legendary now instead of hoping and praying that we get a double RP.
  • pbrand45pbrand45 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    You can get the set bonus without them being legendary, so that's not added. Doubling armpen from 400 to 800 doesn't = double dmg. The dmg stat on the fire orb at blue is 1358, at orange it's 1504, that's not double.


    Mod 6 has been out for 10 days. With 1 hr a day, that's 10 hrs of play. Two artifact gear to orange would be 9.2 million rp. Over 10 hrs, that's 929,040 rp per hr. Please share with us how you farm almost 1 million rp per hr

    Edit extra 4 hrs on weekends. 663,400 rp per hr
  • bratleyraybratleyray Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    Im waiting for 2xrp myself. Although i do use all the junk green weapons and sink them into my weapons to keep storage clear. I turn the green armor in for gold. Using this method i have both to rare in just a couple days only playing about 2 hours each evening after work. To each their own though. I see everyone's points and they are all valid depending on how you play and how deep your pockets are. Although i will say, all my bags are pretty full and i could use the space. I might burn some off if they dont do it soon.

    [The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)

  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    haha it helps when you throw your previous legendary weapons into the new weapons. My god you are clueless. Maybe you should stop commenting because you are looking dumber and dumber smh
  • amafia313amafia313 Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    If we're talking about refining artifact WEAPONS, mythic shouldn't even be in the conversation.
  • soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    i don't know why you guys keep trying to call out patsfire. you don't like how he plays... who cares? it doesn't effect you. read the comment and move on, lol. all he did initially was offer an alternative view.

    personally, i'm doing some refining as a go, but keeping the majority of my RP for double refinement. i may change my mind down the road.

    btw, i wish my parents had a nice big basement under their house. because if they did i would probably move my entire family(wife and 3 daughters) to their basement and split the house payment with them. you guys are so frugal with game economics talking about saving for double RP, but if someone tries to save money in real life then it's implied that they are sub-par to the rest of society lol
    My Toons

    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
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    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
  • pbrand45pbrand45 Member Posts: 99 Arc User

    Bahahahah!!!!! U talk about how we don't need double rp, it will show who the real grinders are. How your doing double dmg when your not. How everyone can easily get rp to get lengrdarys like you have gotten it in the last 10 day, but u used orange weapons you already had to get most of the rp. What a joke!!!!
  • jody095jody095 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    Thread derailed.
  • pbrand45pbrand45 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    Lol yes it was, I'm sorry but it was funny as hell
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I NEVER said I have ONLY used drops to refine. You are so clueless my head is hurting.

    Edit: I hope you remembered to put on your special helmet today, because something is clearly wrong.
  • davidagaldodavidagaldo Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    I have packed my bank slots and bags with two characters. Did progress forward by getting Runic bags for my two fave characters, but they are quickly nearly capacity. I am collecting so much with little effort, so like Pat, I am leveling my main hands to Epic. Completed the main hand for my HR just before I was able to bind my new artifact main hand and what a treat it was refining my previous bow into the new, 221K was the value. Duplicating the process for my DC now lvl 63. Nearing Spinward...

    Specifically, as for the enchants I am hoarding, wow, in am in the 50+ counts with 40% of my collection. Earlier in the week I made three artifacts Epic just to purge and make more room since I began the climb to 70 with the DC (after the Sigils), I seem to be collecting more enchants with the DC.

    Ref: http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/xbox/neverwinter/news/detail/9550733-runic-bag-of-holding-&-20%-off-all-bags!

    Ref: http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Vault_of_the_Nine

    One of my bags last week: https://account.xbox.com/en-us/screenshot/d7dd50b3-9f53-48bb-b265-ee479cfee66f?gamerTag=ApexDemon&scid=8dd60100-6cc0-42f2-bb3e-c47b184a79f5
    Guild: Spectrum
    .. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Wow, someone who is collecting a lot of RP and using them. uh oh you better watch out all the haters will be coming after you soon.
  • amafia313amafia313 Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    What about the rp's you put into the artifact weapons? You know the one's you worked hard to lvl up in Mod5? Why lose out on most of the rp's you get when putting it into the new artifact weapons but putting it into them now? Makes more sense to me to wait till double refinement to get the most of out the old weapons we worked hard on.

    Until then I use the Mulhorand main and off hand. Definitely not missing out on dmg.
  • nnennaannennaa Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    The way I see it, I can either refine as I go or wait for double rp. If I refine as I go, I'll be making steady progress, slowly increasing my stats and putting out more and more damage and what not. If I wait, I'm losing out on that progress, BUT, once double rp comes around (and it will), I'll instantly make a jump to that point where I would have been, and then double that progress.

    If you imagine it as a race you'll have runner A who starts running immediately at a steady pace. Runner B takes his time, resting up, having a good meal, taking steroids.. by the time runner A is halfway to the finish line, runner B starts sprinting and runs straight to the finish, leaving runner A with a whole lot of distance to catch up on.

    I'm more of a sprinter myself ;) I understand why people would refine now, instant gratification and all that, but I personally prefer to get the most out of my rp. Besides, it's not like I really need anything past blue right now anyway, it's not like you'll suddenly be set to run t2s without a problem if all your artifact stuff is epic, which seems to be the main obstacle right now for many.
  • worriedmammal8worriedmammal8 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    I say wait on Double Rp man, we could use Double AD to get some cash to buy some enchants and stuff. Not enough people got their artifacts just the diehard people but, those are probably the same that got a leg up on many others the last mod looting and booting to horde good gear thrn sell it for a arm and leg. So glad tiamat changed all of that with the increase in set drops. Really should be waiting a month for it not a freaking week bro. I don't have the time to level a guy nonstop with the xp increase that <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> takes a while longer now.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    We should have had double RP this weekend not this nonsense event that is no damned use to anyone who has made it to 60 or above,
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    ANYWAY back on the OP(!) I hope they give it another week or so as too many people are still in the upper 60's (including me).

    From a business point of view, Cryptic will want to sell as many bloodrubies etc as possible and people who haven't got their new artifacts yet won't bother buying.

    Imo Cryptic will wait until the bulk of players are through.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • dyi4ndyi4n Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Wow you used your old legendaries at 40% return. I'm speechless.
  • stercesderisedstercesderised Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    dyi4n said:

    Wow you used your old legendaries at 40% return. I'm speechless.

    ^^^ This

    We are due for RP. If you aren't preparing for an "any day / week now" scenario you're a fool imo. My artifact MH / OH is useless to me right now until double RP as the ensorcelled gear is so good. I'm sure I'm not the only one biding my time for a sweet series of upgrades (though considering how inexpensive the ensorcelled gear was when I bought maybe folks are completely unaware of how great that gear is as an inbetween lolin).
  • amafia313amafia313 Member Posts: 270 Arc User

    dyi4n said:

    Wow you used your old legendaries at 40% return. I'm speechless.

    ^^^ This

    We are due for RP. If you aren't preparing for an "any day / week now" scenario you're a fool imo. My artifact MH / OH is useless to me right now until double RP as the ensorcelled gear is so good. I'm sure I'm not the only one biding my time for a sweet series of upgrades (though considering how inexpensive the ensorcelled gear was when I bought maybe folks are completely unaware of how great that gear is as an inbetween lolin).
    Exactly what I was saying

  • jody095jody095 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    Hope no one is buying blood rubies and getting 1RP to 4AD. You're better off buying peridots and getting 1RP to 2AD. If you don't follow that... you'll get twice as much refining points buying peridots over blood rubies for the same price. I don't do either, but just a fyi.
  • xrollxtidexxrollxtidex Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    I spent just enough RP to get my new artifact gear (hands/offhand/neck/belt) to blue and my 4 new artifacts each to level epic (level 60). I will hold the rest of my RP until the next double RP event for max RP. I am under geared now, but it is ok. I'll wait it out for maximum burst.

    I have enough RP, marks, etc already on me to upgrade;
    -my negation to trans negation (rank 12)
    -my artifact main to legendary
    -my artifact neck to legendary
    -my artifact belt to legendary
    -my artifact off hand to ~ level 40
    -my wheel of elements from 60 to 139 (lack these greater marks for mythic)
    -my horn from 60 to 105 (need greater marks to make legendary)
    -my lantern from 60 to 105 (need greater marks to make legendary)
    -my book of the dead from 60 to 95

    That's not even including what I can throw into enchantmets. I've been farming and saving for 6 plus weeks. I have no inventory space. I know some people out there have done better than me, but I've given it a solid effort. I really need a double RP event. Please!

    This is a few days old..
    Roll Tide : Guardian Fighter
  • axemthegreataxemthegreat Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    patsfire said:

    All of you waiting are on uncommon and have NO idea if/when Double RP will come.

    To be fair, Spiderman did say during the twitch feed on patch day that PC was getting their double RP weekend last weekend, and he knew when the double RP was coming for Xbox but his lips were sealed and he wasn't telling. So it IS coming, we just don't know exactly when. Has to be soon though if they've already got it planned out. My guess is they're waiting for more people to get to 70 to take advantage.

  • senseiruckusssenseiruckuss Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    so pats on fire you put in your legendary artifacts into your greens and only got 40 percent of there refinement value 1.6 mill instead of doubling that and only being 900k away from legendary...you are a strange little man.
  • davidagaldodavidagaldo Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    nnennaa said:

    The way I see it, I can either refine as I go or wait for double rp. If I refine as I go, I'll be making steady progress, slowly increasing my stats and putting out more and more damage and what not. If I wait, I'm losing out on that progress, BUT, once double rp comes around (and it will), I'll instantly make a jump to that point where I would have been, and then double that progress.

    If you imagine it as a race you'll have runner A who starts running immediately at a steady pace. Runner B takes his time, resting up, having a good meal, taking steroids.. by the time runner A is halfway to the finish line, runner B starts sprinting and runs straight to the finish, leaving runner A with a whole lot of distance to catch up on.

    I'm more of a sprinter myself ;) I understand why people would refine now, instant gratification and all that, but I personally prefer to get the most out of my rp. Besides, it's not like I really need anything past blue right now anyway, it's not like you'll suddenly be set to run t2s without a problem if all your artifact stuff is epic, which seems to be the main obstacle right now for many.

    Wrong... when double RP hits, both begin their sprint. So who's ahead, A or B?

    I am back to capacity with enchants, well, I am actually holding more because a day ago I added a Runic on two characters, each full of enchants. I never really consumed them all, definitely left the rares untouched. I am runner 'A' who has continued to feed his artifacts while continuing to hoard.

    Instead of beginning my sprint from an uncommon, I will begin my sprint mid way through Epic.
    Guild: Spectrum
    .. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
  • dyi4ndyi4n Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    They always do double rp with a new mod, at least if new artifacts are included, they just waiting for all the silly ppl to buy up, and why not they are a money making business after all. I wouldn't say no to MONEY!!!
  • dyi4ndyi4n Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    When you hit lvl 70, they give you a coupon for half off a pack of blood rubies... Nuff said...
  • nnennaannennaa Member Posts: 11 Arc User

    Wrong... when double RP hits, both begin their sprint. So who's ahead, A or B?

    I am back to capacity with enchants, well, I am actually holding more because a day ago I added a Runic on two characters, each full of enchants. I never really consumed them all, definitely left the rares untouched. I am runner 'A' who has continued to feed his artifacts while continuing to hoard.

    Instead of beginning my sprint from an uncommon, I will begin my sprint mid way through Epic.

    Wrong? You might be back at capacity or even holding more, but that doesn't change the fact that you used a certain amount of rp of which you'll never get its double value. You'll be sprinting, but not as far as you would have otherwise. So yes, B would still get further in the end. So don't tell me I'm wrong ;)

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