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Double RP weekend is due

jody095jody095 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
How bout this weekened coming. Seems like a capital idea!
Post edited by jody095 on


  • pbrand45pbrand45 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    Looks like a sale on bags instead lol
  • rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    I can only hope,

    Sad thing if its next week, NW is saying buy these bags to hold all your enchants another week.
  • masterwolf56masterwolf56 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    Funny they give us a bag on sales with all the new stuff cluttering my bags lol.
  • thurstonhowellthurstonhowell Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    It was mentioned in yesterday's twitch stream that we would be getting what PC just had, so double RP.
    Bourbon - OP/GWF/SW/CW [The Legendary Outlaws]
  • blindmonkeyzblindmonkeyz Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    its too early for double RP. not enough people at 70 to even warrant a double RP. It would be a waste, cause if they did that then everyone would complain cause they dont have all their characters to 70 to refine their artifact weapons. This is a pretty large community.
    XB One
    LGPG Alliance
    Reagents of Death - Leader
    CW - Phoenix lvl 70 4034 (Main)
    GF - Spectre lvl 70 4012 (Main)
    GWF - Ice lvl 70 4010 (Main)
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    OP - Box lvl 70 3002 (Retired)

    Look Good Play Good
    GWF - Ice lvl 70 3875 (Main)
    GF - Spectre lvl 70 2669 (Alt)

  • masterwolf56masterwolf56 Member Posts: 204 Arc User

    It was mentioned in yesterday's twitch stream that we would be getting what PC just had, so double RP.

    Nice. Hopefully it happens. There's enough people at 70 to warrant a double RP. We haven't had one in a while.
  • jody095jody095 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    That will be awesome. So ready to upgrade stuff!!!
    I used double xp boosters, but I'll have three at 70 by tomorrow.
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    I'll mention this to @strumslinger and see what he says. Maybe if everyone asks nicely, he might say yes.
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  • jody095jody095 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    Please. Pretty please. Pretty please, with enchantments and runestones on top. o:)
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    I am just evil thinking they should NEVER do Double RP. That way it won't be so easy for everyone to rank their stuff up. That way there would be a clear distinction between those who grind for a lot of stuff and those who just wait for Double RP to buy Blood Rubies or something. muahaha. I don't need Double RP to upgrade my stuff, I get enough stones by running quests that I have already upgraded both of my lvl 70 artifact weapons to Epic, close to legendary on main hand. So all you waiting for a Double RP, that may not come for a while, are missing out on getting better gear right now!
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Oh I know, I was just trying to be evil....elementally evil muhaha. Surprised those people you LIVE for Double RP didn't get upset.

    I can understand trying to save stones for Double RP, but like I said, I have both lvl 70 artifact weapons Epic almost legendary WITHOUT Double RP. So why wait to get Double RP when you could already have your stuff ALMOST fully upgraded. Doesn't make sense to me.
  • pbrand45pbrand45 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Time is money. If your time has no value and can "grind" 10 hrs a day in your parents basement more power to you. A lot of us our time has value, jobs, families and prefer double xp cuz it saves us time.
  • amafia313amafia313 Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    ^^^^^ lmao
  • dyi4ndyi4n Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Legendary isn't full anymore, there's mythic now... Shame you blew your rp ay...
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User

    its too early for double RP. not enough people at 70 to even warrant a double RP. It would be a waste, cause if they did that then everyone would complain cause they dont have all their characters to 70 to refine their artifact weapons. This is a pretty large community.

    lv 68 HR. i have my lv70 Artifact Main Hand, and i have been refining it somewhat. so it wouldn't be a waste.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    lol, I literally only have time to play MAYBE an hour a day. That's WHY I refine as I go. If you want to have your $hit weapons until a double RP comes around than so be it. I will have my weapons doing DOUBLE the damage of yours the entire time. Enjoy it, nubs!

    Edit: I love how when someone has an opinion different from yours, you automatically assume they have no life and live in their parents basement. That is such a bad cliche, and I don't know anyone who lives in their parents basement OR plays games all day. If you do these things or know people like that, then I feel sorry for you!
  • brotherroguebrotherrogue Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Weapons arent the only thing needing upgrading
  • jody095jody095 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I can bring all my equipment to epic right now if I wanted to do so, but that's just... well... to put it nicely - not smart.... Why not turn 3-4 million RP into 6-8m. That is so huge. How many hours is that saving you? 30? 50? 60? 100? If you don't want to use it, by all means exercise that right. Looks like the last one had on xbox was July 24th. Almost three months.

    Now, the only thing thing I want to hear from here on out is, "2xRP THIS WEEKEND PLEASE". <3
    Post edited by jody095 on
  • dyi4ndyi4n Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Enjoy your double damage for a week lol, I'll have quadruple that in a week. If you don't play much then all the more reason to stock up, not like there's much damage dealing going to waste. The point is we all knew dbl rp would drop not long after mod 6, I'm sorry if you missed that memo.
  • xrollxtidexxrollxtidex Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    Pretty please with a cherry on top, give us double RP this weekend.
    Roll Tide : Guardian Fighter
  • jody095jody095 Member Posts: 90 Arc User

    Pretty please with a cherry on top, give us double RP this weekend.

    Well done, sir. (assuming because of roll tide, it's a sir, if not please forgive)
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    @dyi4n Quote" The point is we all knew dbl rp would drop not long after mod 6, I'm sorry if you missed that memo."

    Really? So you KNOW Double refinement is coming in a week? How would you know that?


    You are hoping and praying that it comes right now, but there is NO INDICATION that it is coming soon AT ALL, and there was NO SUCH MEMO. So I will enjoy my current DOUBLE damage then once I upgraded to Legendary then Mythic (while you are STILL WAITING for Double RP) I will be destroying everything with more power and damage then YOU have ever had.

  • jody095jody095 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    jody095 said:

    Now, the only thing thing I want to hear from here on out is, "2xRP THIS WEEKEND PLEASE". <3 </p>

    Get this memo.

  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    @jody095 Referencing me? If so, I can read, but I choose to ignore that comment and to respond to a clueless person. Thanks though!
  • pbrand45pbrand45 Member Posts: 99 Arc User

    Lol, first you brag that your a grinder and don't need double xp. Then when I think it couldnt get any lamer, when u realize no one cares, u post it again in caps to try to get recongition. Then u do a 180 and say your only on 1hr a day, making your previous brag null cuz that's not grinding.

    Raising 2 artifact gear from blue to almost lengdary doesn't "double the stats" , and even if it did, that wouldn't o double your damage . Funniest post I have read in a while
  • jody095jody095 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    patsfire said:

    You are hoping and praying that it comes right now, but there is NO INDICATION that it is coming soon AT ALL, and there was NO SUCH MEMO.

    Really? You think it's never coming?? That's how we should all operate huh, like it's never coming. K.
    patsfire said:

    So I will enjoy my current DOUBLE damage then once I upgraded to Legendary then Mythic (while you are STILL WAITING for Double RP) I will be destroying everything with more power and damage then YOU have ever had.

    Really? You think because you have an epic artifact weapon and others have a rare, that you're doing double the damage of them and more than they will ever do? Is that what you think?? K.

    I am too lazy to quote where you told me in another thread that even though the odds of me killing mobs with 10% DHE for an hour straight were in the millions/billions/more, that I was just unlucky because you are getting drops like no tomorrow. Pretty smart...

    We will all sleep better knowing that you think you are destroying everything with DOUBLE damage. Thanks for all the profound comments. Very classy. You're a real asset to the community. When I say HAMSTER, I am referring to you.
    patsfire said:

    I am just evil thinking they should NEVER do Double RP. That way it won't be so easy for everyone to rank their stuff up. That way there would be a clear distinction between those who grind for a lot of stuff and those who just wait for Double RP to buy Blood Rubies or something. muahaha.

    You have the distinction you want now. As a HAMSTER.

  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    My GRIND is 1 hour a day. So go away with your uselessness. And I never said DOUBLE THE STATS. My god, can anyone read these days ffs
  • pbrand45pbrand45 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    Uselessness is someone giving others advise to waste their rp now , so they can increase their power/arp/crit by 200-300 , cuz that will "DOUBLE" their damage. Hilarious
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Well at just Legendary rank a Dagger of Elemental Fire has 738-902 Damage, 2,489 Power, 472 Crit, 472 Arpen. Then with having both in the set adding another 394 crit, 394 arpen.

    Therefore, from its original uncommon rank to just the legendary rank would be" cuz that will "DOUBLE" their damage. Hilarious"

    So maybe you need to go back and learn your times tables, and some addition....you seem a bit clueless.

    Edit: I never ONCE said you NEED to use your stones now. So you are just making even more stuff up. So once again I say, how is it that no one can read these days ffs.
  • mrshabokmrshabok Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    patsfire, you are an angry person...

    They'll have 2xrp eventually, there's no way they don't. Who knows when, but it doesn't matter. The utility of using RP now versus 2xrp isn't even comparable. Unless you're close to an upgrade, it's objectively a waste of rp to use now.

    That's my opinion though. Hopefully I won't be severely lambasted for having one.
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