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Needed, improvements to DC class.



  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    The class needs some tweaking, it really does, I always hear the clerics are fine garbage every time we have asked for it.

    First and foremost, can we please get divine glow to work on enchants again.. its our #1 used skill and not proccing enchant effects is bad, really bad.

    thats not even a tweak, thats a bug, thats been here since mod 6 release in preview when we asked for it to be fixed WAY back then.

    That alone would make me happy for right now.

  • thestiathestia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    The divine glow bug has been around since mod 5 at the very least. I only know that because I remember thinking on the DC rework that the unlimited target cap of DG added to divinity spam should have made my DC far more capable at spreading GPF debuff. Lo and behold, when I tried to test if I could maintain 3 stacks, I noticed none were ever applied. This may have even been around before mod 5.

    There are many things that need to be fixed about the DC class that are clearly working on a sub-par level or are just plain broken. Temporary HP from the class feature, Gift of Haste OH bonus, our heroic feats.... just to name a few.

    That being said, these are things I've learned to work around, just like DCs have done for ages. Even without all of this things working, DCs *are* in a good place. Having the aforementioned problems fixed? My brain starts melting a little at the insanity. SO many things would be possible; some great build would be born I'm sure. I know I'd like to try a few tweaks to my own build if the 3 I mentioned would be fixed.

    With the most recent patch fixing mobs stacking armor penetration and the reduction of mob's hit point pool, I've been running *gasp* high prophet again and seeing no problem with DPS on my healing DC. 7 mods in and it's STILL the best armor out there for pve content.
  • zemnodzemnod Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Allright first of all, I entered the class forum to maybe find a good virtuous build (not sure if that would be better), but then this caught my attention. My main character on which I've spent lots of time and a little bit money is a cleric. I like to play her but also I find it a little bit annoying that I feel she is weaker then almost all of my other characters even tho she's the only lvl 70 one... I mean, I am pretty well geared, I have a good faithful build, I heal very well but not enough for myself.. Soloing in dread ring and sharandar for example is really hard ! Let's say we don't give the cleric a little bit extra damage just enough to quickly do her dailies instead of having to spam zone chat for someone to help her (sometimes guildies are busy), I can't heal myself enough ! When soloing in these zones I slot Daunting light, BoH and Ashield.
    Common problems:
    - I place the ashield and I get kicked out by mobs out of my shield before I get up and stand in my shield again the shield fades and I have to place another in order to do some damage because I didn't even get the chance to attack.
    - The daunting light animation is so slow and AoE circle is so small (!) sometimes mobs just walk away from the AoE and I have wasted 3 stacks of divine power?
    - Bastion of Health does not heal me as much as it heals other people.
    - Sometimes when I slot BtS i don't really see the effect unless I'm in a party?

    So yeah, I almost always die in 10 seconds in these areas or just start to run away and hope I don't run into more mobs. If I am a build that has the most heals and survivability I should atleast be able to heal myself correctly and "tank" myself when soloing in these areas which are cakewalk for other classes (except SW ok we know the class is broken).

    I'm not saying the DC is horrible, I like playing with other people (really like playing with CW) but sometimes I just want to solo quickly you know? and that's not possible because of these problems and more..
    Petrichor DC - Ailora GWF - Zemnod TR - Petrisalt HR - Vailana CW - Seline OP
    <Saints of Hope>
  • thestiathestia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I thought I might be giving a biased opinion, because my DC is level 70, well geared, and has all her boons. So after reading your post, I went on my level 64 cleric to Sharandar.

    I'm not going to say it was a cakewalk, it shouldn't be- I'm not level 70, have basically no gear and no capstone. BUT I did it, and it didn't seem all that difficult. Having the capstone and no lag would have made this significantly easier.

    I would highly suggest divine glow as a substitute for astral shield, to your own admission, you're not getting much use out of it. Divine glow offers a debuff that heals you, debuffs their damage and their defense. Use your empowerment on your break the spirit, and blast the melee mobs that are surrounding you with a regular daunting light. Daunting light could also be exchanged with chains of blazing light to add some control to your encounters.

    While I would like to agree that DCs could use some buffs, I simply can't. At BiS levels they are just too damn good. More base damage, even a little, would make the quality of life for anyone facing a DC horrible, even if it would relieve some of the tedium of solo pve. I know you want to solo quickly, but if you're heals, the best you can hope for is that it takes longer, but you aren't in any danger of death. Your only other option (and with the new fixes to dungeons, it could be even more viable now) is to be a righteous DC that has access to feats that increase your (and your party's) DPS and therefore your QOL in solo content.

    I may not know everything there is to know about DCs, but I've been playing quite a while and if you would like any suggestions, I would be happy to offer what I've learned over the years. Mostly I've found that playing any class involves a lot of trial and error before you find a rotation that works well for you.

    In any case, I *do* hope they fix the issues with our class, but I also accept where the class is right now as working, and working well.
  • zemnodzemnod Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Also, I would like to add that my DC has zero armpen because I slotted all offense slots with either radiants and azures because i need the power and crit since power contributes to bonus healing (which is, i think, really needed in dungeons nowadays)
    Petrichor DC - Ailora GWF - Zemnod TR - Petrisalt HR - Vailana CW - Seline OP
    <Saints of Hope>
  • rapo973rapo973 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 831 Arc User
    I would suggest to go righteous while you're levelling and respec after 70.
    After 60, I also sugget to have a lvl 60 wisdom artifact belt or imperial belt (but I don't know if they are still available on AH), so you can increase your stats a bit.
    Despite some bugs, with a pro set the cleric performs very well in my opinion, but levelling the cleric was very difficult.
    Hold on

    Oltreverso guild leader
    Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
  • illhoraillhora Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    Dc's class doesnt need to be improved at all..
    Players need to adapt their DC to the content of the game to enjoy fully the class.
    Means if you want the best of your DC you need to adapt and change several time your path.

    PVE content:

    Levelling: DO Righteous- (kill before to be killed)
    IL between 1,7-2,8: AC Virtuous/faithfull (Role : Support: buff/heal)
    End Game : DO Righteous w/High Crit build (Role : Leader: Buff/high DPS/heal)

    However as long as you are enjoying your gameplay, do whatever you want :)
    But before complaining do know the mecanics of your class!!!
  • rapo973rapo973 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    illhora said:

    Dc's class doesnt need to be improved at all..
    Players need to adapt their DC to the content of the game to enjoy fully the class.
    Means if you want the best of your DC you need to adapt and change several time your path.

    PVE content:

    Levelling: DO Righteous- (kill before to be killed)
    IL between 1,7-2,8: AC Virtuous/faithfull (Role : Support: buff/heal)
    End Game : DO Righteous w/High Crit build (Role : Leader: Buff/high DPS/heal)

    However as long as you are enjoying your gameplay, do whatever you want :)
    But before complaining do know the mecanics of your class!!!

    Fully agreed.
    About the End Game, I would say: "do what you like".
    At 3.3K I still enjoy my support role: I go recovery and not crits taking benefit of my +91% AP gain and some other buffs. Just a matter of choices...

    Oltreverso guild leader
    Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
  • illhoraillhora Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    rapo973 said:

    About the End Game, I would say: "do what you like".

    hmmm excactly this oppsite, it is important to "spesialize" your DC.
    As you probably have done. Otherwise you will broke all the DC 's mecanic.

    At end game, choices are very easy but not cheaper:

    Righteous w/crit build (Best DC build over 3,4,k my opinion, cause you can manage high buff-debuff/high Dps and healing, require lostmauth set, ArP cap,more than 90% crit and appropriate feats,powers,boons... And you will have your beast for PVE :)

    Really high buff/Debuff build, to support the team by buffing/debuffing all time.
  • rapo973rapo973 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    illhora said:

    hmmm excactly this oppsite, it is important to "spesialize" your DC.
    As you probably have done. Otherwise you will broke all the DC 's mecanic.

    At end game, choices are very easy but not cheaper:

    Righteous w/crit build (Best DC build over 3,4,k my opinion, cause you can manage high buff-debuff/high Dps and healing, require lostmauth set, ArP cap,more than 90% crit and appropriate feats,powers,boons... And you will have your beast for PVE :)

    Really high buff/Debuff build, to support the team by buffing/debuffing all time.
    I agree. My DC is highly specialized on 3 main abilities : fast dailies, heals and overpowering the team. I'm more on the defensive/healing features of the cleric, but I'm able to spam my power around.
    The beauty of the cleric is its flexibility: you can do many things. This is why I believe that this class doesn't need a major rework, maybe some minor improvements.
    Many players - and new/low experienced players in particular - don't know what they have in their hand: it takes time, effort and experience before the cleric is understood. The cleric is a long term project, you see the results at the end.
    On the other hand, few teams know all the things that a cleric can do: many of them simply believe that a cleric should heal and nothing more. This makes the life of the cleric quite tricky.
    I don't know if the "best-ever-cleric build" exists: for sure the cleric is the best class you can adapt and specialize to your personal playing style. In my case I love playing as a pure support class.

    Oltreverso guild leader
    Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
  • free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    The Devoted Cleric class as it is now is miles away from a true D&D Cleric. It's just a plain healer/priest like in any MMOs. It's so weak it's not even funny. Just too many things wrong with this class that it really has to go all the way back to the drawing room. A total and complete overhaul is warranted. Tiny little tweaks here and there do absolutely nothing. Divinity spams just obscure the underlying flaws that Cleric do not scale well as difficulty increases.

    Either remove the class or redesign it.
  • popezen01popezen01 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    thestia said:

    I thought I might be giving a biased opinion, because my DC is level 70, well geared, and has all her boons. So after reading your post, I went on my level 64 cleric to Sharandar.

    In any case, I *do* hope they fix the issues with our class, but I also accept where the class is right now as working, and working well.

    Can you really still use High Prophet in Mod 6+?? Don't you get one shotted? All the new armor (im XBOX) has a bunch of HP (80k+). You can really survive running High Prophet?
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Yes, you can use it, depends on group and depends on your role..

    Ive had to basically tank and or dispersal damage in some dds and it would require a hit point set up, if you are in a really great group and you basically are doing nothing but random heals, then hp is still handy.

    in addition, they are still useful for dragons in strong hold as well, since the only time your going to die is on blue anyways.. but your going to die no matter what Armour and doesnt matter, you ride right back.

  • rapo973rapo973 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    free2pay said:

    The Devoted Cleric class as it is now is miles away from a true D&D Cleric.

    IMHO, I can live with it
    free2pay said:

    It's just a plain healer/priest like in any MMOs. It's so weak it's not even funny.

    My DC is not weak, do the job as expected and it's highly appreciated by the team I play with. Low IL dps guildmates want my cleric because it overbuffs their power: 2.2K toon dps-ing like a 2.8K+.
    A guildmate have a lvl 60 alt DC full Righetous with the HP gear set: we run the Stronhold HE and he was able to crit more than 170K damages: he had a lot of fun melting the HEs.
    I do understand that some players may not like the DC as it is - I've nothing to say about it: it's a matter of personal preferences - ,but many others love it and I'm one of them.
    free2pay said:

    Divinity spams just obscure the underlying flaws that Cleric do not scale well as difficulty increases.

    Are there other classes that scale well as difficulty increase? The DC is able to scale the team very well both in PvP and PvE.
    For example, I can:
    1) overpower them up to +5K power. Yesterday a TR combining my buffs with its own skills went from 14K power to 24K: it was like having a 3K+ player with me. A CW, guilmate of mine, uses to say that he can see relevant increasing damages only when I play with him. With an OP healer, I simply switch to full buff mode: the combined effect is great and the team scale up drammatically. Indeed, this effect is relevant only when the DC have 20K+ power
    2) provide protection. AC DC virtuous protection talents + AA casted and fully charged in +/- 1 rotation. I supported teams clearing T2 dgns with AA only and no GF/OP (before the fix of the ArmPen).
    3) increase the AP of the team. WIth HW/BoH/DG you see the CW ice knives raining. Togheter with an appropriate GF build, the AP are recharged immediately without any cleric bug. Again the team scale up drammatically.
    4) heal the team
    5) A mix of all above

    1) and 2) really depend on enchantments, build, companion, artifacts and so on, but 3) and 4) are given for free from the beginning if you choose the right path. That's why I do believe that a cleric is a long term project: all this game is a long term project, it's not for casual players. It's like an iron man competition, a marathon if you do it legit: it's not a 100 mt hurdles run where you have to learn how to jump few obstacles quickly.
    If you don't like the iron man competition, this is not the game for you: that's the real point for me.

    Healing is just one between many features and it's not even the most important one in my build.
    With such a kind of flexibilty, I join pug team and I've no problem to support 2K players whatever the team is and finish Loustmouth. I did it two days ago and it was a good choice: Lostmouth's horn dropped.
    I don't have dps at all, but many times I can transform low IL dps players in decent killers.

    No other classes can do it all togheter: in this post I've reported a wide number of cases where the DC makes the difference and scale up the party. I saw many DCs scared by the OP healer: the OP healer heals better than a cleric, but it will never do all the other things all togheter.

    Post edited by rapo973 on

    Oltreverso guild leader
    Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
  • thestiathestia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 296 Arc User
    If you have a proper group with a tank and CC, you should have no problems surviving- you'll rarely have aggro, so wearing HP in t2s is viable. Just wear a soulforged for the stray arrow or mis-timed dodge and you should be fine. Lucky that you're on XBOX... you shouldn't have to suffer through mobs stacking their armor penetration like we did... hopefully.
  • dfncedfnce Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 509 Arc User
    popezen01 said:

    Can you really still use High Prophet in Mod 6+?? Don't you get one shotted? All the new armor (im XBOX) has a bunch of HP (80k+). You can really survive running High Prophet?

    None of T2 in mod6 needs high prophet. But if your tank is Paladin, he might be capable to absorb to 100% damage almost all time with Divine Protector. It is safest and justified case when this set can be used. You can be any Righteous (team or solo oriented) with 3 feats from Virtuous, where your most important feat is Gift Of Haste. If you are AC cleric, then fill no-DP daily timing gaps with AA daily, which grants short 80% damage absorption. So you have to adjust rest of gear to stack health too. For me, limited use in expense of flexibility to play with different parties.
    "When no appropriate rule applies, make one up."
    — (The unwritten rule)

  • bkt5789bkt5789 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    I think a righteous cleric should be just as competitive in the dps realm as other dps character and really enjoy the diversity in builds.

    I was faido, Faiac, virac, and virdo but have yet to try rido. I definitely prefer do to ac. And I liked the clutch healing of faith cause I never had a great guild to run with all the time so the struggle was real in pug life... Kinda pissed off that mod 5 I should've been rido the entire time and I would have been wealthier cause the dpsers never really shared or care that their healer was being left behind.

    Mod 6 rido build here we go!
  • lupisulupisu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 86 Arc User
    illhora said:

    Dc's class doesnt need to be improved at all..
    Players need to adapt their DC to the content of the game to enjoy fully the class.
    Means if you want the best of your DC you need to adapt and change several time your path.

    PVE content:

    Levelling: DO Righteous- (kill before to be killed)
    IL between 1,7-2,8: AC Virtuous/faithfull (Role : Support: buff/heal)
    End Game : DO Righteous w/High Crit build (Role : Leader: Buff/high DPS/heal)

    However as long as you are enjoying your gameplay, do whatever you want :)
    But before complaining do know the mecanics of your class!!!

    This underlines very well exactly what the problem for the DC class is, while at the same time ignoring it. A DC currently has no trouble with being a valuable member in a group. However what this requires is a switch away from personal damage for a considerable swatch of gearing after hitting the level cap. This becomes an issue as the most efficient ways of farming are via solo content. Being useful to groups is worth next to nothing in regards to gearing.

    Not to mention having to struggle through campaigns taking over twice as much time for daily tasks than most classes (tanks being in the same hole). It's not the issue that things are hard, it's that they are slow. And handicapping progression through class choice is not balanced no matter how many come tell me to play a dps class instead.

    Ultimately this comes down to a problem with content. It is, however, easier to tweak classes than to redesign content.
    So yes some buffing for soloing would be justified.

    Oh one more thing since it was touched upon, tho Divine Glow doesn't proc enchants, it does benefit from vorpal. Something to think about for righteous builds at least
  • illhoraillhora Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    if ppl are struggling with DPS, by being a Buff/debuff/heal,they should take 10 pts in the Righteous feat (astral fury-righteaous suffering = 20% more dmg)
    No need to be a "heal-bot" to support the group.
    However if the ArP is too low, it will be painfull anyway to kill.
    My opinion is that ArP is the forgotten stat for the complaining DC's...
  • rapo973rapo973 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    illhora said:

    if ppl are struggling with DPS, by being a Buff/debuff/heal,they should take 10 pts in the Righteous feat (astral fury-righteaous suffering = 20% more dmg)
    No need to be a "heal-bot" to support the group.
    However if the ArP is too low, it will be painfull anyway to kill.
    My opinion is that ArP is the forgotten stat for the complaining DC's...

    That's why I've two gear sets, one of them with a bunch of ArPen to speed up solo contents, HEs in particular. It's not the final solution, but it helps.
    Finally I believe that when you choose a cleric to play, you should know that this is not the best in class for solo contents - excluding the rigtheous. On the other hand, the cleric is highly requested to run dungeons and there are few clerics around (it's easy to find a good dps, it's not always so easy to find a cleric - check the LFG chat at the enclave). Every day I get many PMs asking me to run dungeons...so I can farm them all. Many LI clerics can run easly the dungeons and get their gear set quickly :D Every class has its own drawbacks like the CWs crying for their low defense in PvP (search the forum): I focus mainly on the sunny side of the cleric because it has a lot of good features.

    Oltreverso guild leader
    Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
  • illhoraillhora Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    thestia said:


    you have 380 in ArP...you can do what ever you want, you will only kill flies (not even sure)...sorry for you.

    Please go learn how to do dommage in this game.

    Ppl are unbelievable, you should ask help on the mecanic of your class before complaining.

  • clericalistclericalist Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    illhora said:

    thestia said:


    you have 380 in ArP...you can do what ever you want, you will only kill flies (not even sure)...sorry for you.

    Please go learn how to do dommage in this game.

    Ppl are unbelievable, you should ask help on the mecanic of your class before complaining.

    Did you read their post, they are still leveling their 64 level cleric. Besides that, did you read the opening post ? I have 5000 arpen and the 10% extra arpen feat, so I have nearly 60% damage reduction stat, likewise I have 19k power and 40% crit and the Avatar capstone, I have a purple cultist and purple elemental archons for extra damage, yet I when it comes to dungeons I will often struggle to beat a paladin in paingiver regardless what their stats are. And I am not talking about dungeons where I mostly doing healing, I am talking about dungeons where I spamming daunting lights. I don't want to and expect to win paingiver, but I do expect more balance, not being the perpetual weakling.
    Post edited by clericalist on
  • thestiathestia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 296 Arc User
    Illhora, I have no troubles killing anything at all in pve when I wear High Prophet. The set itself is the armor penetration. Perhaps you should have read the post I made instead of quoting the picture with no context. I'm sure it would clarify my stance on the class, which is that I'm 95% satisfied.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    A. HP shouldnt be used as a argument for or against needed changes to class, new DCs cannot even get it, sure its fun to swap it on and off depending on the situation, but its a old time mechanic, only available to players previous to mod 6.

    B. As I see more and more power creeping back into the game, and with ANY run with a solid OP even in t2s, your functioning mechanic of actually healing people is dwindling, by middle of mod 8, we will probably all need to switch to righteous to be of any use again.. and that line is NOT as good as previous to mod 6, you cannot argue that.

    C.. some of you are fools, you are taking things into account I never really meant for it to be discussed. My dc can pull entire major hes without dying .. and kill ok. THAT was never the point. THE point is my CW and GWF can do the same with 500 or so k less i level give or take and no mythics and legendary pet like my DC has (with 17k power , 40% crit, 60 arp) and STILL get through DAILIES 50-60% quicker(or even more!). EVEN IF I SWAP to hp, THAT really doesnt speed it up that much.

    D. IN ADDITION, when your with a OP + diving protector and if its a solid OP, ashield is useless.. 100% of the time, + the fact that ashield is so situational due to removal of heals now that its fairly common for most DCs never to use it , unless you are in specific t2 boss fights. this is supposed to be one of our super skills and right now its pretty flat. It actually irks me when I see dcs plop it out for t1s.. what are you doing!

    E. Go run with any solid group, pull out your 2.2k whatever dps class and join a group of around that i level.. ANY t1 can be done with no tanks and NO heals already. Some etos runs are doing it now as well. Im not looking at just today, Im expecting things to shift soon as the boons for SH become more availabe to many, even mid 2k players can fill in thier missing stat with a massive boost and get more dps by 10% or more. Since they changed the ARP bug (which I think was needed) the game is playable by any average group for almost all content.

    F. My last point, reiterated again, DCS SHOULD be able to DO as MUCH damage as a OP TANK,HEALER, GF WHILE doing their job in a DD run. This is a no go for me, If a 3k op tank is doing 3 million during a run, MY DC should be able to do that while functioning as a healer.. not 1.5 million. Something isnt quite right when a healing DC is by far , the lowest on the totem pole, while THEY only really offer de-buffing, buffing mechanics in most runs now. (with maybe a situational heal to save someone)

    There are many under performing, useless, or near useless skills now, since the game has changed so much, they need to go back on the board.

    G. SW buffing will come, we all know it, THAT has nothing to do with some DC powers needing a upgrade. TWO separate issues totally. Stop dragging that into this thread. When they do get buffed or control fixed on them.. watch out, they will be total monsters in pvp.

    H. I started THE entire discussion to fix some issues with the DC, I WOULD LIKE to point out that I ALREADY said they were "ok" PRESENTLY, but I see the need for some upgrades soon, as the game continues to shift.
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