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Kicking your healer because they can't keep up with the healing.

codher0codher0 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
Let's get this out of the way, DC's are king. They play the role of keeping the group alive and stong.
I have been kicked at the boss in ELOL to many times. It's eather because of a loot drop, not healing the group enough, I died, or there has even been a time where I did not even gave a chance at the boss and I get kicked.
You are not invincible! I have been in so many groups where some members just stand there and take the attacks from the enemies, they come running to me, and they expect me to heal them like its no big deal. Especially during the boss fight! Like really? You have got to make an effort to dodge their attacks. I'm eather going to fully buff you or heal you and put a little buff on you that no one notices. I am set up for DPS because that is the only efficient way of farming for refine stones. I'm a healer it's not like a kill a bunch of stuff in dungeons! It's not easy fighting lostmouth as a dps when you have groups with no tank and scores of 13 and 14k.
Clerics and tanks are the mom and dad of the group while the dps are the children. You know how kids can be o_o. They arw spoiled and act like there all that because they flew through lostmouth with a 22k. But now that we're all on the same level they think they can run up to everything and take all the damage. That's the TANKS job!
I was very upset with my last run because one of the guys sent me a PM describing how bad I am. I'm at 17k with 2 legendary's so I know what I'm doing.


  • azcrackazcrack Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    They probably kick u once they see u are a dps cleric. Alot of ppl dont like those. But i feel ya man. My main in a dc and i cant stand when ppl dont make an effort to dodge. Especially gwf, they seem the worst.
  • shunnthegreatshunnthegreat Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I'm not a DC but I run or should I say ran SW healer. I feel you every bit of the way, when we don't have a DC I will step up and keep the group alive. However when I tell the group to try and keep close to me they ignore and wanna take on the whole dungeon single handedly. Honestly I feel as if the DC and Tanks are the classes that ACTUALLY know their role... As I said earlier, I WAS healer to later find my self respecing to full DPS because of immature and ignorant DPS obsessed players. Lol well I hope things get better for you... Keep them alive
  • grandpaxxxgrandpaxxx Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I say you run with guild or people you know. I play my GF as a dps and it's the only one character I have played since day one even on PC... I know exactly what GF's are capable of and which build will work... I still fiddle with stats and tweak him ever so slightly. Sometime change build for a theory build but always come back to my build. I have run ES and ELOL. In 10-15 min flat depending on guild group. Without a healer and just potions and even in full profound pvp gear with a gs of 18.2k... I average about 3-5 mil dmg based on the group and length of run. I am not a meat shield. I know what mod 6 bring from pc so I know playing that way tanks will learn how fast they will die come mod 6. Even with 120k hp and insane defense and deflect they will still be 1 shot. I also know in PVP a meat shield is useless if your saying your buffing your group. Since day one. From any mmo everyone knows unless your a healer and even if your a healer the best defense is a strong crowd control offense. In the end though this is just a game and I say play the the way you want. So stop running PuGs.... I haven't run a PUG for 2 months now PUG free and enjoying the game alot more. No more failed runs!
  • soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    Every guild run I have been in so far has been great every time. It's kind of crazy actually because it doesn't seem to matter if we have mediocre to good gs and 1 member we are carrying trying to get them t2 gear. We could all be teamed up for the first time and the runs are smooth.

    That said.. if I log on and there is 20 minutes left for delves then I'm gonna get a PUG and try and catch what I can.

    So yes run with a guild when you can... however that doesn't solve the problem of this gaming community.

    Btw I ran shores with a DC same GS roughly as me last night and they did the most healing of course but also beat me in DPS. That was impressive.

    Scullarcher is right though, everyone gets kicked.
    My Toons

    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
    Haven - Righteous Cleric
    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
  • birdboy100birdboy100 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I'm a DC man myself, my absolute favorite aspect of being a Healer and doing DPS on the side (gotta build that divine power some how if it recharged on its own I'd be a super healer no problem) is when you go to heal the group or some one and they move at the exact second you cast and you heal NO ONE! I end up healing nothing more times because people move out of my healing AoE or range and get mad and command me to heal them. I'm like stand still for one second ok? geez. People who have never been a cleric must think all we do is push a button and instantly heal everyone in NW at the same time, it ain't that easy folks.

    The thing I preach the most about being a DC is that #1 I'm not obligated to heal you or anyone instantly I didn't get on NW today to crawl up your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and babysit you through the whole dungeon, I have no problem healing groups or individuals when the moment is right, if you are under 50% I'll do what I can for you, but I'm willing to bet you have 99 health potions equipped so don't think because I'm here in the party I'm going to monitor your health like I'm getting paid for this.

    I have no problem switching my powers for the benefit of the group I'll lay off the DPS for buffs/debuffs and heal over time effects, but don't get mad at me because I'm not a mobile respawn point, honestly some people feel like it's my fault they aggro an entire mob get wrecked and and die.
  • codher0codher0 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    I am talking about being a healer and solo quing for ELOL. I will run any dungeon with my guild with noooo problems. Lately I have felt like all eyes have been on me (the healer) seems like after the tiamat release. people will judge you. You have to run ELOL soo many times to get something good. People get bored and with that... people will start to judge other people's performance. This is pathetic. They can judge all they want but keep it to yourself! if you tell someone to use a certain power on their class and your class is diffrent from theirs... you need to mind your own business! They could be trying new things and testing what works in different situations. As much work as I have put into my character and knowledge I have gained from the endless grinding, the last thing I want is someone to message me saying how bad I am and telling me what powes to use . Just complete BS. I don't mind healing you, But buffing you and debuffing the enemy is a whole lot better for everyone and I can not fully do that if I have to heal you OR if you stand there and take all the attacks. GS does not matter. The only time it matters is when it is required.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    As a GWF I don't look for anyone to heal me individually, a good GWF shouldn't need it if they have the right mix of powers and buffs running, the most important thing DCs can do imho is drop the yellow ring around the boss so tanks and GWF can focus on bringing him down (which is what they should be doing) if they aren't running soulforged and prepared with Potions, stones of healing if they spend money and scrolls of life, again if they spend zen then they should not be in the midst of the carnage.

    In my little guild other players are told don't heal me don't try to revive as I have it covered.

    Perhaps you need to find better GWF's ?)
    And I take the point about how my strategy may have to change come mod 6 :smile:

    I am currently 19K btw.
  • snoborder101snoborder101 Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    People who don't like dps clerics just don't know enough about the game. Most of my guildies don't maximize personal dps with splitting sets or skipping group buff feats. We're all about group synergy, and while no one class seems to shine in pain giver, we blow through elol like no groups you've seen.

    Our optimal group is a gwf(t1), dps cleric, sw(accursed diabolist), cw(high viz), and one other. Our dps cleric generally beats me and our other cw's in dps in elol. I wouldn't replace our dps cleric for anyone.
    Ankou - CW
    Xerxes - GWF
    Eazy - DC
    Tyrian - TR
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    It's the same as all those people in Tiamat spamming about Astral Seal without understanding where that came from. They hear someone say something and believe it.

    I'll sneak a use of A.S. if encounters are recharging and a players needs a buff, fortunately most people don't recognise it when used :wink:

    In PvP I play DC and CW, on my CW I rarely have a DC in my group but on my DC (14.5k) I sometimes get abuse if I go semi-dps but I change skills as the situation demands, not as players demand.

    In dungeons I start with all-heals but will equip a dps if appropriate as I just assume players have bad builds/stupid tactics.

    If people run ahead of the team & leave groups of enemies for everyone else to sort I say in zone chat that they "play as a group or I start a vote kick on them" that normally sorts them out :smiley:

    You can't cure teenage ignorance - only time has a chance at that.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    LOL, my #1 alt is a DC. Straight healing DC, only damage comes from building divinity, I know how to play my class perfectly and I sit at about 17k gs with insane power/crit/recovery.

    Got a nice story: So I queue for ELOL, I was the last of my guild still up so I queued solo, and I get into a group and ask them how many times they have failed. They said they FAILED 4 times, and have kicked 6 people to get a healer. Lucky me right? I not only get to help these people beat the dungeon, but I also don't have to go through the entire dungeon haha. Not so lucky me actually....I healed them all like the boss I am, no one ever went below probably 80% health. At the end they all say things along the line of thanks healz we really needed you.

    BUT THEN, the one drop from the dragon was the Draconic Scepter, but for which class? That's right the DC scepter dropped. Now I don't want or need the scepter, but they didn't want to take that chance. So after I carried them through the fight that they lost 4 times, they kick me so they can have 10k ad lol. I didn't even select NEED OR GREED, I chose PASS.

    Now in most situations I would be the first to say, I did not run the entire dungeon so why should I get a chance at the drop. BUT, in this case at least, if I am the reason why you did not fail for the 5th time, I think I should get a shot at the loot, or at least let me open my chest lol.

    Just proof that people in this game will throw anyone under the bus for a measly 10k ad lol. I don't know what I was thinking trying to run a PUG with the people that play this game smh. That is my story.

    P.S. When I am running with my guild, so a total of 3 of us most of the time, I like to equip my Draconic Templar armor. It is hilarious to see how quick I see "Vote Kick Failed", I ask why, and the random says....not Wearing High Prophet. LOL
    I am like, I know how good high prophet is, but me and my guild don't need me to wear that in order for us to destroy ELOL in 10mins. Now, I have just been joining PUG games to see how quickly I get kicked for NOT wearing High Prophet lol
  • soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    Patsfire, I think I see your DC from time to time but who knows since names aren't unique.

    My DC is only lvl 54 right now, but some of the guides I have read say draconic templar is just fine as an upfrade for DC.

    Also is anyone else sick of people that are scared to run eLoL without a healer? It's pathetic to see 4 people with 17k+ GS standing at the gates of the first boss, kicking, kicking, kicking, until they get a DC.
    My Toons

    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
    Haven - Righteous Cleric
    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    See the thing that most kickers in ELOL don't realize about the armor is that, in my own opinion, High Prophet is better for buff/debuff, where as Draconic Templar is better for straight healing. BUT noobs are told constantly that a DC should ONLY wear High Prophet or that DC is a noob with no skill. That comes from the same people who feel the need to stand exactly wear the red drops every time lol....but blame the healer.
  • fluffy6977fluffy6977 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    Best DC I have ever had the pleasure of working with was a 10k in castle never. Seriously never saw my HP bar drop below 3/4s as a GF spamming KV. Unfortunately he disconnected and we got a new guy, 16k GS and he barely managed to keep my health around 1/4 because he was trying to kill the dragon too much. It all depends on the player, and unfortunately healers arent an easy class to play and quite honestly there are a fair amount of bad ones running around.

    Having said that, I can tank without a healer in most dungeons. Hell, I kept a dumb as rocks red on the ground means I should stand here right? group of deeps players alive while tanking both scorpions on eLoL without a cleric. The thanks I got was a boot right as the second scorpion went down with a quick "sorry, we need dps for the dragon" message. Long story short, people suck, sorry you got kicked. Keep pugging, we might run into each other!
  • drumweezerdrumweezer Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    As a GWF, I absolutely appreciate any DC! In fact, when running with a group that has a DC, I try to look out for him or her because I believe DCs play a vital role in the group. All classes have their strengths and their weaknesses and being aware of one's weaknesses is just as important as being aware of one's strengths. Sure, certain groups can roll without a DC in certain places and spaces but groups can also roll without any class if they are truly willing to do that, but not having different classes with different assets and skills can make some dungeons extremely unbearable. Keep your chin up! Even non-DC players are rooting for you!
    Rhetorica-2.7 GWF
    Derrida-2.5 HR
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    drumweezer wrote: »
    As a GWF, I absolutely appreciate any DC! In fact, when running with a group that has a DC, I try to look out for him or her because I believe DCs play a vital role in the group. All classes have their strengths and their weaknesses and being aware of one's weaknesses is just as important as being aware of one's strengths. Sure, certain groups can roll without a DC in certain places and spaces but groups can also roll without any class if they are truly willing to do that, but not having different classes with different assets and skills can make some dungeons extremely unbearable. Keep your chin up! Even non-DC players are rooting for you!

  • rubilotusrubilotus Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    As a DC, it is sometimes hard to keep up with the DPS characters because they're always moving, but Gift of Faith will handle that accordingly.
    I have been in multiple dungeons and gotten yelled at because I cannot prevent them from getting one shotted. -_-
    Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about that besides put down a fully empowered astral shield and wish for the best. Lol.

    Now, as a 15k GWF, I do not, under any circumstances, jump on the boss' d*** when they've got a red circle down. I run and try to live to attack again.
    Personally, I stand in the red circles of minor enemies that I KNOW I can handle by going unstoppable. As for the other dummies who do it thinking they won't die, are putting too much faith in their DC. There's only so much they can do and I respect that since I have a non-dps cleric. It's harder than most people think to keep everyone's life up and manage to survive all the aggro we pull 24/7.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    So just as a general inquiry, what powers do the other DC's in here use for ELOL? I have used a multitude of different combinations, but I have recently started using this power set and it seems to work really well: Astral Shield, Divine Glow, Bastion of Health. Then of course Unhallowed Ground.
  • deightonxdeightonx Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    Heck the worse is getting kicked out of a dungeon when the dungeon boss is killed and then your kicked, which is total bs and then get upset...oh and during dungeon delves.
  • davidagaldodavidagaldo Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    I run a DC and during a PvP match yesterday, a wonderful informative person was posting how much we were noobs and was educating us on what to do to win, flooding the chat. Now, its awesome if you want to run to the other end and take that node at the start but you better have what it takes. I am focused on immediate earnings from capturing the nodes closest to my base. I will not over-extend myself, there is strength in numbers.

    I run more DPS than most so I can take care of myself, but I do monitor health and when near me I will defend you till I can attempt to heal you. I like to defend the center, so if you run back for help, I intend to defend you and place DoT on those chasing. If I go down, I get to watch the health of my attackers melt away. Had many peeps die when approaching to deliver the 'kick'.

    So this one PvP game ends and guess who is on the podium with zero deaths and who finished at the bottom with multiple deaths. So I hope the informative player who went solo learned something. Either play as a team or it's "yolo!"
    Guild: Spectrum
    .. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    This thread warms me heart. Like many of you (including the OP), I am a Righteous spec DC. I've been running eLoL a good bit as of late in a (so far rather vain) attempt to get the Horn of Blasting for myself before the new mods drop. I've had some really really good runs where the PUG blows through all of eLoL in 7 or so munutes, and I've had those gruelers where every engagement seems to be a struggle and I get kicked at Lostmauth. Sometimes it's frustrating, sometimes I'm able to blow it off and tell myself that I'm probably better off not trying to carry that particular group because you can only do so much as one cog in a machine, if the other cogs are broken and not working right, there's little you can do aside from move on and find another machine to be a part of. I DO sometimes try to offer helpful advice such as "please don't stand behind Lostmauth, his tail one shots you apparently and I can't heal you when you're dead" and "your scrolls and potions from well of dragons work on this guy". But this is Xbox where egos are so big it's a wonder there aren't more people having the roof of their house removed to make room for their big heads.

    I digress. Helpful advice, don't be afraid to throw on a tanker set of armor if you're dying first during the boss. Use divine Astral Shield for "healing", temp health is king vs actual healing ESPECIALLY as a Righteous spec. Lastly, remember it's just a game and not worth the stress of getting into it with some "know it all" TR (it IS always the TRs isn't it?).
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • drexcidrexci Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    patsfire wrote: »
    So just as a general inquiry, what powers do the other DC's in here use for ELOL? I have used a multitude of different combinations, but I have recently started using this power set and it seems to work really well: Astral Shield, Divine Glow, Bastion of Health. Then of course Unhallowed Ground.

    forged, divine glow, break the spirit.

    At the start i'll use sunburst for the summoners but switch it for break the spirit straight after.

    Forge to slow and damage boost, divine glow to heal, damage resist and boost and break the spirit for damage boost on heads. only really use divine armor as a daily
  • rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Idk about DCs are kings lol, i avoid running ELoL with them unless they DPS Mitigation. I tank mitigate 45% dmg buffs, and teamates reduce incoming dmg to allies by 85%. Plus keep agro and such. So me plus 4 dps, any gs i dont mind. But when i que with 3-4 players and i know we guaranteed a healer. So i just seal with dps loss and dont kick unless we gettinv like no heals AND they dying alot. Only kicked 1 in all my runs

    Tl:Dr im tank so if healer cant pick up the 15% dmg being dealt to party, something is wrong with them
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    Tl:Dr im tank so if healer cant pick up the 15% dmg being dealt to party, something is wrong with them

    The issue is that most runs don't have a tank (at least not for me). If there is a tank there, cool, all will be easy breezy. But the majority of the time i queue for eLoL I end up with 4 squishy as hell DPSers

    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    drexci wrote: »
    patsfire wrote: »
    So just as a general inquiry, what powers do the other DC's in here use for ELOL? I have used a multitude of different combinations, but I have recently started using this power set and it seems to work really well: Astral Shield, Divine Glow, Bastion of Health. Then of course Unhallowed Ground.

    forged, divine glow, break the spirit.

    At the start i'll use sunburst for the summoners but switch it for break the spirit straight after.

    Forge to slow and damage boost, divine glow to heal, damage resist and boost and break the spirit for damage boost on heads. only really use divine armor as a daily

    So you are more of a buff/debuff DC then? I am straight heals, but when I am asked to buff/debuff that is a similar power loadout I use.
  • drexcidrexci Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    [/quote]So you are more of a buff/debuff DC then? I am straight heals, but when I am asked to buff/debuff that is a similar power loadout I use.[/quote]

    I'm spec'd faithful and normally run shield,beacon and divine glow but for tiamat I'll change my powers to buff/debuff

  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Im Virtuous, so I have horrible DPS. I am nothing but healz. But Tiamat I use sunburst, glow, and chains
  • b0redgamerb0redgamer Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    As I main a Soulbinder/Fury SW in the current mod, I can heal myself with high life steal and damage output. I will tell the DC in the group (if there is one). To not worry about me so they can focus elsewhere.
    Signature under construction, stay tuned.
    GT: b0red gamer
  • codher0codher0 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    Here's a great story! I qued for ELOL and it puts me in a game where the group is at the final boss. They were all standing around the campfire looking at me as I join.
    1 second later the one guy said "let's try this again and if you can't keep us alive we will find another". Then I left. I had never been more mad and frustrated at a game before. You can not just do that to your healer!!!
  • stercesderisedstercesderised Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    Wow...playing a dc as a main since day 1, so this is a cool post lol

    Honestly though, you get the good with the bad as a healer. Case in point, I was in an LoL group yesterday where a CW and TR kept standing in red and getting one shotted by the giants, the first boss lizard, and the lizard after that. I was booted for "not healing,". Now, I have been healing through all content (all without a GF except for Draco in CN, which I just haven't even bothered with in over 2 months...might be doable now without a GF), and am very well geared.

    The fact of the matter is, they still hadn't learned the simple rule: RED IS BAD. But, I got blamed and booted. Lolin

    That being said, there are some terrible DCs out there. I know they are learning, so I understand....the learning curve for players is brutal in this game already without the unreasonable expectations lumped on top of healers.

    I've made my peace with it though.

    the fact of the matter is, YOU CAN'T HEAL STUPIDITY
  • stercesderisedstercesderised Member Posts: 334 Arc User

    i have done castle never will 3 players. no healer. it was 16k tank, 16k cw 15k cw also done it 3 man with no tank. 16k cw, 16k hr, 14k healer.

    Awesome....strengthening my point with the "no cleric" line....
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