Hey everyone,
That's right. I'm setting up a call to arms for Neverwinter Xbox streamers! Why, you ask? We want to promote you and give back to the community that supports our game by supporting them. I won't go into too much detail in this post, but rest assured, you won't be streaming empty-handed. If you're not comfortable posting on this thread, feel free to PM me. I'd like to know the following:
Twitch name:
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter?
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter?
Thanks! Looking forward to seeing who's out there!

Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter
Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
Twitch name: Zelink
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter?: Essentially every day.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? I don't have a pinpoint answer to that, but I would say something along the lines of progressing with my group of friends.
Twitch name: To3x
Link to Twitch Channel: Twitch.tv/To3x
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Usually whenever i'm online, Always when I PVP.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? PVP, Dungeons, The combat system, The epic Boss fights... pretty much everything! I overall just love the game!
Twitch name: Ablett_26
Link to Twitch Channel: twitch.tv/Ablett_26
How often do you stream Neverwinter? 1/2 times a week
What's your favourite thing about Neverwinter? I like the constant updates and fresh feel you get; you reach a max stage and then BAM! More content! There is always something to look forward to, such as the recent Rise of Tiamat and the upcoming Elemental Evil DLC! Even the little weekend boosts you get like double XP, double refinement and also the current summer festival!
Twitch name: TheAssistMan
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? few times a week but gonna do more i mostly am a Youtuber
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? lots of stuff but mostly riding around on my flaming horse like ghost rider.
i make videos like these :
Twitch name: Jase4yaz
Link to Twitch Channel: twitch.tv/jase4yaz
How often do you stream Neverwinter?: When I can, but I have been hesitant to stream due to a lack of viewers. I dont have a means to get my content out there so no one really knows I am streaming. As I'm progressing with my character and with PvP and overall performance with the game I have been more tempted to stream. I have also joined a high level guild "Killing Kings" with a lot of 20+k GS players.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter?: Neverwinter is so much fun and easily addicting. There is always stuff to do, especially towards the end of the week when new events/mounts/companions are released. I really do love this game!
Gamertag is Sir Strafe
Twitch name is Sirstrafe
I often stream neverwinter mainly late at night on the east coast, sometimes early mornings. I enjoy playing neverwinter more than any other game.I would like to start streaming more often I just graduated college so I have a lot more free time.
My favorite thing about neverwinter would be playing with friends, running people through dungeouns to help them out. I like the PvP, the leveling, upgrading enchantments, everything about the game really.
Thanks I look forward to hearing back from you. Enjoy your day.
Twitch name: FacePounding101
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Pretty much everyday after work 4-6 hrs 2- 10 pm cst
I have around 30+ viewers daily
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? PvP!!!MMO on xbox whats not to like!
I run a deticated PVP stream and play with and against some of the best PVP players in game. I also do giveaways and the opportunity to have my followers run with me as well.
Twitch name: b0redgamer
Link to channel:
How often do I stream? Not enough, but I will start doing it more often to help out.
What is my favorite thing about Neverwinter? Way too many things come to mind. I would have to say the D&D theme with action packed combat.
GT: b0red gamer
Twitch - Cyborgbaron333
I stream about 6-12 hours a day. 10am EST - 10-1pm/am, i use to stream more avg 60-100 Views now 40-50 views
My favorite thing about neverwinter would be Pvp and playing with 5 friends or randoms.
I Appreciate you reading this and if there is an incentive i will take streaming neverwinter [Xb1] To a new level.
Twitch name: XxEnvoyxX
Link to Twitch Channel: Twitch.tv/XxEnvoyxX
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Had bad internet for awhile, but plan on hopping back on to stream Neverwinter everyday for at least 8 hours a day.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Playing with friends while PvP'n and PvE.
Twitch name: Scruffy_23
Link to Twitch Channel: twitch.tv/scruffy_23
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Not often enough, I like to stream on weekends and during the week when I can. I'd stream much more often and help other players out.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? End-game content, Tiamat for now, mod6 coming out soon, strongholds on the PC look awesome cant wait for that.
In game name: Scruffy (control wizard) becoming pretty well known in the Well of Dragons for my help with killing Tiamat and would love to help more people out during streams! Check out Well of Dragons [zone] chat
and say hi!
Gamertag- Jestersphoenix9
Twitch-www.twitch.tv/jestersphoenix9 An most my streams over last couple months have been neverwinter based. An my fav thing about Neverwinter is its a well rounded game that always has somthing new going on keeping community involved
Twitch name: owent123
Link to twitch: twitch.tv/owent123
How often do I stream neverwinter: 3/5 hours everyday I try to at least
My favourite thing about neverwinter: helping out people like giving them tips on how to gear up tips with there campaign help with there class the best race to be ect. And neverwinter never gets boring for me always tuns of stuff to do
Twitch ID: XBLAfans
Link to Twitch: twitch.TV/XBLAfans
How often do you stream Neverwinter: We are a community/team channel with three people who stream Neverwinter pretty frequently. We have been streaming the game at least once a week; but with three Neverwinter streamers, we will be increasing our Neverwinter stream frequency!
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter: I love that there are frequently weekend or weekly events that keep the game fresh and are always giving me new things to do! I also love how much content this game has for a free-to-play game - many large areas, quests, raids, dungeons, cool mounts, unique fashion items, etc.
Twitch name:AznLy
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Whenever I can, I try to stream as much as I can, but it slows my gameplay down a bit.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Seeing the community's builds and trying to help other players improve their gameplay.
Twitch name: GrizzlySupreme
Link to Twitch Channel: www.twitch.tv/grizzlysupreme
How often do you stream Neverwinter? ~3 times a week
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? A variety of guild related things (dungeons, tiamat, whatever is floating our boat)
Twitch name: Fateofone88
Link to Twitch: www.twitch.tv/fateofone88
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Not enough but I play daily. I am actually looking into making it my main stream game. Currently with my Main GWF an other alts.
Whats your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Story quests, end game content, playability! The Age of the Great Weapon Fighter is upon you all. Will you be ready to face my Bahamut's wrath?
Gamertag: yamayamayaamaa
Twitch name: yama_yama_yama
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? I haven't started streaming yet because my internet can't handle it. But I'm moving soon and I will be streaming this a lot. I also want to stream me vs strumslinger in BlazBlue, haha!
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Tiamat. Completed the raid over 70 times (who knows how many times I failed) and unlocked my final boon today. Something I absolutely wish I was streaming daily due to the sheer amount of questions I get asked but I am looking forward to streaming future Neverwinter content.
Thank you and keep up the good work strumslinger!
Twitch name:Tsumani
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Every single day over 8-12 hours on off days
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Freedom to do whatever you want...
Twitch name: ImJustmaGiiK
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Basically everyday unless I have something going on...which is never.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? That their is always something to do and all the great people there is to play with on a daily basis and always have a great time.
Twitch name: AngelArising1
Link to Twitch Channel:http://www.twitch.tv/angelarising1
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Between once to three times a week
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Its my go to chill out game , If i want to just play and chill with friends i go to Neverwinter .
Twitch: Tzenow
channel: www.twitch.tv/tzenow
I don't stream often (now), however, I play Neverwinter every day. I put in long hours.. I currently have no job and would very much like some extra income, so I am and will be devoted. I can be funny, I won't be offensive. I have always loved mmorpg's and Neverwinter is my current favorite.
Currently I'm a Scourge Warlock with a 14k gs, I fully intend on reaching the very top (:
Slowly but surely, I will!
Twitch Name:TheDoubleDidge
Link to Twitch: twitch.tv/thedoubledidge
How Often do I Stream: I have been streaming for about 2 weeks now and I stream every night from 11pm pacific time to about 5am pacific time. I've got over 120 followers in that 2 week time span.
Whats my favorite thing about Neverwinter: I like the grind of everything and when you actually get a worthwhile drop it feels liek you have accomplished something. Still working on the horn though!
Twitch name:Elitecloud04
Link to Twitch Channel: www.twich.tv/elitecloud04
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Few hours Sunday Thru Tuesday - 30+ hours rest of the week
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Social aspect of the game, that roll on the drop that's worth something oh good times. Interaction with twitch viewers, helping people (sherpa) anwering questions and bringing people into my little guild thru my interactions with them in twitch is awesome.
Twitch name:GamingWithSpike
Link to Twitch Channel:www.twitch.tv/Gamingwithspike
How often do you stream Neverwinter?Daily
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? I love everything in the game so far! I mostly do PvE content, but I will break off and do pvp every now and then. I just started this channel and would love to be a dedicated Neverwinter streamer.
Twitch Name: Renownedz3r0
How often do I stream: I try to stream everyday, but I feel like I mostly stream at night/early evening when most people are playing the game I feel in my opinion.
What I like most about Neverwinter: The thing I like most about neverwinter is pretty much the entire game as a whole biut I like the fact that I feel like perfect world and cryptic appreciate it's fans by providing us with free stuff, new events almost every week and they actually talk with the community and I love that all the content is free even while the game is free-to-play. I also love how the zen market is always being updated with new content every week when you guys perform your weekly maintenance.
In game name Zyoz
Link to twitch www.twitch.tv/realsikhaze
I Try to stream just about everyday. I like to give tips and tricks to players as well as insight into how to make money and how to play the game.
Constantly playing pvp on my 17k Cw, doing dungeons, Tiamat and tons of pvp. I plan to stream everyday so come and check me out
Character Name: RonRoe
Link to Twitch Channel: www.twitch.tv/ronroe2
How often do you stream Neverwinter? I stream everyday. And neverwinter is my most streamed game to date
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? The fact that an MMO of it's kind finally made it to console. And I personally think no matter wha the haters say, youv done a great job given the platform and general circumstances.
Twitch Handle: RLcajun
Twitch link: www.twitch.tv/Rlcajun
How often do I stream Neverwinter? I stream Monday through Friday 930 (CST) till i get tired. I also do bonus streams during the weekdays.
What's my favorite thing about Neverwinter? The community and their ability to help new players out whenever a problem arises. Also, the ability to play in the same party as people all over the world.