ive noticed 90% of tr's cw's clerics have all daz encounters even if u use full profound with maximized control resist it does nothing u need to balance this out this is probly the biggest problem in pvp and the biggest issue why people don't stand a chance or have a extremely unfair advantage. the way I see daz it should only stop a attack or give a 3second window to flee or run after the 3 second the target should have imunity to that daz for 10seconds because when u have 5ppl dazeing you obviously that's unfair even if ur teams there a lot of dazes are overtime daz=overpowered needs to be set to the above rule.
but indeed...
Stun + stun = cuts original stun time in half.
1-2 second immunity post stun.
Games have fixed this with this and many other ways. No idea why these devs refuse to fix it.
I really don't understand that either. It's also been a huge problem historically with other MMOs, and it's been solved. It's like the developers aren't playing any modern games within the last 20 years. DAOC started with Stungard and quickly fixed it, SWTOR had issues and made fixes, WoW even had issues (sheeping). They also left in the Black Tiamat head bug that can destroy a whole raid.
I'm baffled by their active desire to self destruct and repeating of past mistakes.
I'm guessing they don't have the manpower or want to spend the time to do anything other than copy and paste?
Well doing nothing and repeating a mistake seems riskier than allocating some coders to that I'd gather.
dunno why so many ppl say gwf are gods on mod 6. 2 of the three top gwfs on mod 6 still say the class underperform:( and it is carried by the enchantments.
i also saw a video of the supposedly best GWF of PC at the moment getting one shot by a tr.
Dude gan... your inherit inability to realize the TR role in pvp is borderline pathetic . Even in Mod 5 if a gwf trips you then bam, you'r one shotted. If a tr is fighting a GF then your doing more damage to yourself then the tank. Good luck fighting a dc without shocking ex. One set of hunter roots means you'r dead. One choke by a cw then your dead. Your mind set is ..."oh a tr one shotted me that class is out of balance" .."here's a clip of me being one shotted"
You need to learn that it's not slayer and a team game, very team orientated. I swear if I gotta hear you whine about how OP a class is after the update I'm gonna just assume your 12 and report you for playing a T rated game lol.
< Goon Squad >
Can anyone make out the damage on this 1 shot? It's over 45,000, since I was at 100% health. 4 piece Profound. Seems legit.
Indeed, it's not a slayer game and team base... Yet, if it is indeed a team orientated then why are TR's able too one-shot people; especially a heavy defense class like a GF/GWF like shown below...
Doesn't really show team work at all, feels like the TR playing halo and your playing CoD(examples). Ability too avoid dmg an CC breaks make them feel like you have too drain that over-shield before you can kill them VS. there ability too One-Shot you with a throwing knife too the foot.
Please show me CW who can perma-daze. Thank you.
When did I say they could perma daze? I said each class has a control ability that can be utilized in pvp.
Each class has a control ability that can be utilized in PvP, but 11k gs TR has an ability to easily perma-daze anyone. Seems legit.
15k CW here. Rogues really aren't as hard to kill as everyone makes them out to be. If you are awake and alert and quick enough, their attacks are actually quite easy to dodge. I have played people from every class that are skilled and every class as the ability to kill any other class. That's a fact. It may be a bit easier for rogues, but it's nothing insane like some of you make it out to be.
I have never dodged an daze or stun from any class that includes CW's. Most of my dammage as a SW is done with DOT's or dammage over time. When a rogue goes invis all my dots fall off and they magically they get to go into full regen.
Your choke and ice knife are instant casts. My spells all take time which makes no sense to me as warlocks don't cast spells like other magic users they are invocations that should only require my focus of attention "http://dndtools.pw/classes/warlock/"
Okay you do dodge daze... you must not notice, while you are using your stamina to glide, you are immune to cc.... I know, I've tried to cc sw during their glide, NEVER works. Also your dots do damage while stealthed, they don't just "drop off". I'm sure many other TRs like myself use potions and waters while stealthed. It's not magic, you can do the same thing if you use waters and potions.
I'm not saying all the stuns TRs get is fair, just saying you can dodge them. Also you can prone and nuke enemies, best defense for you. Try avoiding 1v1 against TR and use your team as a shield or hug your cleric. You can nuke TRs with your spells and the invis won't save them (see above).