Following on from a thread I read in another game here: I decided to try something similar with the neverwinter elemental evil patchnotes to see what came up, I trust you will find this amusing
this number associated baths. Seeing no harm in this, trade along the High Road grant objectives & waypoints and not updated to Protectors Enclave area when your characters should receive a forced relaxing, IWD, & WoD) & Queues have items however, area where your equipment will be increases them outside of PvP healing into the life steal severity the player has.
Patch Notes
Classes and artifacts.
All character will stay on the same way that stat enchants and Runestones may now be refined up to rank 120.
Combat Health Regenerations.
il we are still be used to focus attention on the map after sheet in player has.
Item Level 60.
PvP healing no harm in the shore
In the defeat of the map and the market is under Udo Stonekin took up to rank 12!
Most level cap increase move your characters should receive a forced receive a new level cap increases the map after you log off, it tells cast againstantly.
Heroic Encounters grant Success of finalizing exactly what will steal severity the process of healing at levels above your character will stay. Currently Protectors were of many stat potions, please move your character will resumed. Rangers of Dragons, please in devel Cap increased the way that Gearscore has been update when you are increased.
The Campaign Zones in the should receive credit will go into this number assive power that success Rewards on all reach levels above you have been updated to 70!
Known Issues
User Inter Guards on the Failure Condition
Some quest inters grant objectivate feats for each classes now have issues getting disconnected when attempting into this more this number activates and powers of Lliira who called it will stat potion in the only area with modest surrounds of pirates and profession resources to accommodate for the new Drowned Shore
In the wake of many systems the effectiveness did not become has been increase of Lliira who called it the changed Log Off menu flow, so it never shows a countdown timer. Instead, if you have is the Quest Tracker objective credit while, Lord Neverwinter sheet in place of Gearscore did. We have only area with new passive a forced result in an area where you will steal an area with that in a small contingent stones and feats forced with "Average Item Level cap and it will be a sum of then reimport your character sheet in powers to prevent those beacons from falling the hands of Lliira who called it that stat enhancing potion. Changed Log Off me
Here was the original:
Shard is up! If you have issues getting disconnected when attempting to login to the Well of Dragons, please move your character on the Live shard to Protectors Enclave, then reimport your character.
New Features
Level Cap increased to 70!
With the release of Module 6: Elemental Evil we are increasing the level cap and the many systems that are associated with that including:
New class features and feats for each class!
Enchantments and Runestones may now be refined up to rank 12!
Artifacts may be refined up to rank 120.
Companions can now earn Legendary quality and gain up to rank 40 with new passive powers to unlock! Companions can all also gain 5 new ranks regardless of their current quality.
Professions can now all reach level 25 (currently still in development)
New items, potions, refinement stones and profession resources to accommodate for the new level cap!
The Drowned Shore
In the wake of the defeat of the Blackdagger Bandits, trade along the High Road gradually resumed. Rangers of the Emerald Enclave took it upon themselves to guide merchants and travelers through the stretch of coastal forest that surrounds the Blackdagger Ruins, while keeping watch to assure the fortress did not become home to some other baneful force.
A contingent of dwarf miners under Udo Stonekin took up working the abandoned mines in the area with modest success.
Meanwhile, Lord Neverember assigned a small contingent of Neverwinter Guards to garrison the lighthouses at Raven Cliff Beach with orders to prevent those beacons from falling into the hands of pirates and wreckers as happened once before.
The Guards were somewhat surprised to find an ornate tower built on the shore. They learned this tower was built by followers of Lliira who called it the Fountain of Delights. Visitors were offered relaxing, scented baths. Seeing no harm in this, the guards went about their business.
Patch Notes
Classes and Balance
All characters should receive a forced respec to accommodate feat tree and power changes.
Classes now have a new feats for each path as well as two new class features (some are still a work in progress or not ye implemented)
Enemies more than 2 levels above you will result in a sharp increase in difficulty. (Down from 5 Levels).
Regeneration: No longer provides in Combat Health Regeneration. Now increases the effectiveness of healing spells cast against you and provides out of Combat health regeneration.
Life Steal: No longer activates on all attacks. Life Steal now increases the chance to activate life steal, which will steal an amount equal to the life steal severity the player has.
Items and Economy
All Overload slot enchantments can now stack up to 99 if no time has been used.
Companions: Companions now have an Expert and Master passive power that unlocks in additional ranks.
Mulhorand, Dragonbone, Xvim and the Bahamut Fang equipment stops levelscaling at level 60.
Potions: We have changed the way that stat enhancing potions work. Now you may have only one normal stat enhancing potion in effect at one time. The magnitude of many stat potions has also been increased.
PvP healing potions now give an error message when you attempt to use them outside of PvP
User Interface
Average Item Level displayed on your character sheet in place of Gearscore will be used to gate character’s from entering some Dungeons and Zones in the same way that Gearscore did. We are still in the process of finalizing exactly what will go into this number and it will be a sum of the item levels of your equipment, enchantments and artifacts.
Gearscore has been replaced with "Average Item Level".
Removed 'Exit Now' button from Change Character countdown menu option. Changed Log Off menu flow, so it never shows a countdown timer. Instead, if you are in an area where your character will stay on the map after you log off, it tells you how long your character will stay. Currently Protector's Enclave is the only area where you can logoff instantly.
Known Issues
Most level 60 Epic Equipment has been updated to have its correct item level. Some of these items however, are still at Item Level 60.
Combat: Artifact equipment will be increased in power to start at Item Level 90 before this module goes live.
The Campaign Zones (Sharandar, Dread Ring, IWD, & WoD) & Queues have been turned off to focus attention on the new Drowned Shore content & level cap increase.
Some quest interacts may not appropriately grant objective credit while in a party.
Some of the Quest Tracker objectives & waypoints and not update while in a party.
Heroic Encounters grant Success Rewards on the Failure Condition
Protectors Enclave area in front of the market is undergoing renovations.
In the wake of their business.!
Artifacts may now be refinement stonekin took up to rank 120.
Companions can now be refinement stones and feats for the many systems that success.
Meanwhile, Lord Neverember assigned a small contingent of pirates and profession resources to assure the fortress of the Emerald Enclave, then reimport your character on the defeat of the defeatures
Level cap!
A contingent of dwarf miners under Udo Stonekin took it upon the Blackdagger Ruins, refinement stones and travelers of Lliira who called it the area with modest success.
A contingent of the Blackdagger Bandits, trade along the level 25 (currently still in devel Cap including:
New Features
Level 25 (current quality and wreckers as happened once before.
The Guards to accommodate for the Live shard to Protectors were of Module 6: Elemental Evil we are assigned a small contingent of their business.force.
The Drowned Shore
In the level cap and the many systems that surrounds the Blackdagger Bandits, trade along to login to the hands of pirates and Runestones may now be refined up to login to the defeat of the Emerald Enclave, then reimport your character on the defeat of the defeatures
Level cap and wreckers as happened once beforest that surrounds that are associated with the release of Module 6: Elemental Evil we area with orders to unlock! Companions can now all reach levelopment)
New items, potions, refined up to rank 120.
Companions can all also garrison the lights. Visitors were offered relaxing, scented baths. Seeing no harm in development)
New items, potions can now be refinement stonekin took it upon the hands of pirates and feats for the stretch to accommodate for the new level Cap including:
New class features
Level Cap increased to the High Road gradually resumed. Rangers of pirates and wreckers as happened once beacons from falling into the Emerald Enclave issues getting disconnected baths. Seeing no harm in this tower built by followers of Lliira who called it the Fountain up to rank 12!
Artifacts may now be refined up to rank 120.
Companions can all also garrison the lights. Visitors were some other baneful force.
A contingent of dwarf mines in their current quality.
Professions can now be refined a small contingent of dwarf miners under Udo Stonekin to the wake of the Blackdagger Bandits, trade along the level cap and gain 5 new ranks regardless of their current quality and gain 5 new passive sharps!
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!